Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 93: 1 person

what. The city core is ahead. Rushing away, we will have a path of life, the Buddha Gate pointed at the Tongtian Tower in front and shouted.

"Don't you want to go anywhere." I took a row of protoss with mobile angels and smashed directly in front of the team to completely block the road to the Tongtian Tower.

"Leave him alone, rush over." A Buddhist monk suddenly rushed over and intended to knock me away. I jumped up and kicked out in the air when he was about to fall on that guy's head. That guy Immediately raising my hand to cover my head, my foot slammed on his arm, followed by turning back and jumping in the air, and steadily fell behind him, but it was with his eyes that followed me When turning to the back, I suddenly heard the harsh metal friction sound coming from the front. "Oops." That King Kong only whispered, and the body just turned back was cut in half by a sword against the protoss without any reaction.

"Let's go together, that guy can't be regarded as an ordinary mortal." After playing with me for so long, the members of the Buddhist monk finally got rid of it. It is impossible to defeat me with contempt for mortals, because now I have become a protoss nemesis. For ordinary players, my fighting power does not seem to change, but for protoss I am already very scary.

The three gangsters rushing forward rushed over and seemed to be planning to hug me, but my skill would not be slow enough to be hugged. With a sharp drop of his head, his body fluttered forward and turned over on the ground. Forever, eternally raised his head and slid down from a flamboyant King Kong's body, while the guy was smashed in half from the middle and slammed into a pool of flesh as soon as it flew over me On the ground.

After sliding over that guy, I turned around and leaped on the ground and jumped up, throwing eternity to the sky with a flick of his hands and a bang like a blade. A man from the Buddhist gate rushed to the ground and waved a gold stick in his hand and smashed it. I crossed my hands above my head, and when I held the gold stick, I burst into the sky for thirty-six double-headed swords spinning high and flying back. After a few beeps, the guy instantly became a bunch of broken pieces. The meat was scattered all over the place.

"I want you to pay for your life." On the other side, a Buddhist figure on the other side rushed up with a red knife and red eyes. It was probably him who had just been divided, and the relationship was good, otherwise it would not be so exciting. However, only in human-made stories, there will be the kind of bulls who kill the Quartet after the anger value bursts. The reality is that after the anger rises, it will be easier to be killed because of losing the rules. Of course, I'm talking about fighting between people who will fight. If both sides do not understand the fighting skills, the anger can really deter the opponent. After all, the people who do not fight rely on fierce force. No one can be more fierce than crazy people, so the rage is better. But none of them here are ordinary people. The mobile angels for the Protoss are blank souls that have input a lot of fighting skills and tactics to cooperate with them. Because there are not as many messy mind disturbances as ordinary people, it is easier to focus when fighting, and the combat power is a little stronger than the average master. . As for the players I brought with me, they were picked out by the masters of the guild. As for these people of Buddhism, since they can rush in, they are definitely not ordinary goods. Between so many masters, it is obviously unwise to suddenly become angry. The knife that the guy slashed at was not very powerful except for its strength.

"Go to death." I suddenly turned around and flashed away the guy's blade, and at the same time slammed his elbow on the guy's neck with the force of a maneuver, and a long back stab straight through his cervical spine from the front throat. The suit was worn out, and at the same time the blade of light flashed, the guy shuddered a little and then there was no sound.

Two people were placed in a blink of an eye, and the people who rushed behind to stop collaborating stopped all in a moment. Originally, the two who were killed by me should be the main attackers. According to their plan, these two people entangled me first, and then other people swarmed up to wait for the opportunity to kill me. Unfortunately, the people who cooperated were not yet the main attackers. Hang your hand first.

"A bunch of waste. Get rid of the Protoss and you are nothing." I suddenly turned around and shook a dart into the right eye of a guy who was about to sneak in, and then stormed towards a person next to him. The companion's being killed and my surprise attack left the guy a little overwhelmed, and I rushed to him before he could even respond. With a violent jump, the impact angle of the right leg bent on the front knee armor directly hit the guy's face door, knocking the guy over to the ground. After landing, he didn't wait for other people nearby to rescue him. He hooked his neck with his feet and forced it around. The guy's head was twisted into a very strange posture, and his body softened instantly. After killing this guy, I hooked my fingers. The guy who had previously attacked me with a flying knife and suddenly hit my eyeball suddenly let go of his hands covering his eyes and slammed his own neck. Until this time, the nearby person noticed that the guy didn't know when there was a thread on the neck of the guy, and the other end of the thread was on my wrist armor. "Unbearable." My finger moved slightly, a golden light flashed on the dragon's tendon, the guy's struggle stopped immediately, and a head fell with ten broken fingers. I looked down at the corpse on the ground ~ ~ The wrist trembled, and Long Jin Suo flew back to collect it, bringing up a string of blood beads from the beautiful women ’s winter coat m Form a beautiful curve in the air, just like the other shore flower, cruel and beautiful. Women's winter coat m. (It is said that the other shore flower is a plant in the underworld, growing on both sides of Huangquan Road.)

"Ah, I fight with you." Another brave guy rushed up, but just before two steps, he was cut off by four cutting wheels from the sky and his limbs were cut into human sticks. The body without hands and feet fell heavily The ground rushed down to my feet with blood lubrication.

"It's up to you? What do you fight with me?" I said, holding it by the neck and lifting it. With no limbs, this guy became a lot lighter and was easily mentioned in the air. "Do you really want to be a hero? I don't want you to be happy." I said and threw him to the side of the body pile. "I will let you live to the end."

"Zi Ri, you are so proud!" A roar accompanied by a huge golden light group flew in directly from outside the city, and then banged in front of me and shattered all the nearby ground into a sister net. . After the light group fell to the ground, it gradually faded, and a **** with a gold helmet and armor all over would come out of it.

"You are ,,?" (To be continued)

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