Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 104: Living treasure

Of course I know. This is a catastrophe! The space inside the mirror. Xiaofang female show.

"Mirror of catastrophe? You mean catastrophe of catastrophe? I seem to have heard that one too real person said."

"It is a mirror of catastrophe, not a mirror of catastrophe. They are two completely different mirrors." The Dragon Girl explained: "The mirror of catastrophe is a two-meter-high floor-to-ceiling mirror. It has its own frame, so you do n’t need to hold it. Can stand on the ground. The catastrophe mirror is just a connector of the catastrophe mirror, which is equivalent to the relationship between the subject and the avatar. Although we were sucked in by the catastrophe mirror, the space where we are now is the space of the catastrophe mirror. The Holocaust Mirror acts as a channel. "

"Well, no matter where we are now. In the mirror, I want to know how we should go out;"

"This is simple. The little dragon girl said with a smile:" Like the last time we ran to save you after the host was caught by Nobunaga's ghost hand, just go through the space of Mother Earth. "

"Yeah, why did you forget this."

After taking back the magic pet to summon the gate of the earth into it, I ran to the palace of the mother of earth. There is a teleportation point to the mother earth temple on the other side of Switzerland. From that mother temple, go to Yunxiao City first, and then Pass the cross-country teleportation array to the contract city, and finally fly back to the main battlefield of Da Leiyin Temple. Although this circle is a bit large, I finally let me run back.

After drilling into the space channel again, I flew to the place where Madonna of Jinshi confronted Taiyi Reality. I saw two guys still in the confrontation all the time. Obviously, my help didn't let Taiyisheng defeated Madonna of Jinshi. The only change It ’s that the Lady of the Stone is now full of dying men, resisting death, and Tai Yizheng is calmly knocking on the Eastern Emperor's Bell there. It seems that even if I do n’t help his victory, it ’s only the seal of time. It ’s a problem, but the more time I have to help, otherwise this relationship will be discounted.

It was a surprise to see the two sides at war again, the difference was that Taiyi was a surprise, and the opposite Lady of Stone was surprised.

"Haha, they met two more."

"President Ziri is so smart that he can't even hold you in the mirror of the catastrophe."

"That is of course. I am not afraid of the magic weapon of captivity." After that, I pointed to Madonna of the Stone and said, "Hey, that old lady, please listen to me. There are a lot of adults who threw me into the void just now. I won't care about you. If you have any baby to take the shot, I can also consider letting you in the heavenly court save you, what do you think of my proposal? "

"I am." Although the Lady of the Stone was obviously at the end of her crossbow, her pride was not diminished. "How can my Goddess of Our Lady of Stones whisper to you?"

Taiyi Zhenren also said, "Chairman Ziri, don't waste your energy. The Virgin Mary was originally cultivated from a large piece of Qibao glass gold. The so-called stubborn stone is the most stubborn and difficult to tame. She is such a stink stone. I don't listen to others. "

According to Bao Liuli Gold? You said she was a **** of seven treasures of glazed gold? "My jaw almost fell off; I have heard of stones that have been cultivated into monsters, but I have never heard of those who have been cultivated into gods, and they are actually cultivated from seven treasures of glazed gold. You must know that these treasures are not ordinary things, then The gadget also has a nickname called the broken magic gold, which means that this thing is specially broken. Whether it is the monsters practiced by the monsters or the immortals practiced by the fairies, or the European spells, or the Buddha ’s power Anyway, as long as it is a spell-like ability, this thing can be broken. When you forge a weapon, you can put a one-millionth of the weight of Qibao Glaze in it to make the weapon have a strong spell-breaking effect. Do n’t think of any protective cover. With the weapon holding Qibao Glass Gold, you can even use this weapon to directly attack the attack magic shot by others. Anyway, when the spell touches it, it will all fail. If you can use Qibao Glass Gold to mix some hard metal Hit a set of armor and weapons, then the person wearing this set will definitely become the mage killer. Anyone who uses this kind of spells will have to walk around to see this kind of person.

Because of the above reasons, this seven treasure glass gold is simply a treasure in the outside market. Any one-star seven treasure glass gold can attract two medium-sized guilds to fight. As long as the nails are as large as a large guild like ours, Do not hesitate to fight. Imagine the value of such precious grades? But now, just in front of me, there is such a large piece of lively Qibao glaze gold. What is this concept?

"That," I couldn't help asking: "By asking, how big is her body?"

Taiyi lived for a while, then answered with a strange expression: "It's probably bigger than winter melon. I'm not sure how old it is. I only heard it from people, and I haven't seen it before, let's talk about Qibao Liulijin She will absorb the essence of the sun and the moon and continue to grow. Now she has become a **** body and grows faster. The size of that body may only be known by herself. "

My face almost laughed into a flower when I heard it here. "That" Too big a god, discuss things; give her a newspaper when I finish

"Yes, I wouldn't have beaten her without your help anyway." Too pragmatic, I directly acknowledged my credit and agreed, and I was excited and didn't know what to say? At the beginning, she was as big as a winter melon ~ ~ how many years have it been over the past three or four winter melons? In terms of her current size, do n’t talk about our guild players. It ’s probably enough to add a puppet and even a battleship to the yang of our guild. Even the city walls are covered with a layer of Qibao glass gold alloy. If this can be achieved, With a beautiful wish, in the future we don't have to be afraid of any mage anymore, except for physical attacks we don't have to worry about anything.

Stimulated by the huge benefit fee, I almost rushed up with a flash of charm in my eyes. Our Lady of the Stones saw me rushing and scared away to hide behind her. Although she now looks old, she made a The expression of the panicked little girl, but I will not feel disgusting, after all, it is Datu Qibao Liulijin, even if she looks like a flower, I will fight my life?

Due to my sudden approach to the scared Madonna of Fortune, I forgot to control the Holocaust Mirror. As a result, the sound of the Eastern Emperor Bell instantly broke the beam of light of the Holocaust Mirror and shook the Holocaust Mirror into powder. The original shape appeared on the ground, and even the blood she squirted was transformed into gold beans flying around in mid-air. I hurriedly took off my cloak and summoned Xiaochun to help me pick up those gold beans. Anyway, the Donghuang bell is no longer ringing, and now the magic pets can come out and move. However, when Xiaochun and I caught all the golden beans and fell to the ground, they were dumbfounded.

"Hey, what's going on?"

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