Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 108: Bullying

Looking at the wooden "city wall" that is only two meters high. I really don't know what to say. Why don't people know the heights and heights one by one? For this kind of defense, I didn't even think about sneaking in secretly, and appeared directly outside the village riding the night shadow. Alarm bells soon sounded on the high observation tower, and a large group of personnel ran up the "city wall" to fight against my shock.

"Boss, that Ziri has really been found. What should we do now ?. A long-time warrior advised another zealous soldier around him:" I heard that Ziri is very powerful, and we will be the most powerful. I can barely block the first block, I'm afraid this city can't keep it? "

"Guts, what are you afraid of? Even if he is not as powerful as a head and two hands, what more can he grow? We have a lot of people, everyone rushes up and piles him up."

"Hahahaha." A female player on the other side burst into a loud laugh and the warrior angered and turned to look at her.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Smile you silly."

"you"! When the soldier heard that the woman said he was going to be furious immediately, he was hugged by the soldier who had persuaded him before.

"Boss, you have a cold nose!"

The woman looked at the soldier disdainfully, and then said with a sarcastic tone: "Zi Ri doesn't just have a head and two hands. He also has two legs and a pair of wings. In addition, you seem to forget him What kind of profession is it? Don't look at him as a fighter and treat him as a warrior. Tell me, Zi Ri is an extremely rare full-scale player in the game. Although his personal fighting ability is very strong, his spells are all No worse than his fighting strength, but his strongest attack method is still his summoned creatures, so you should not think that Ziri can be dragged by sea tactics. "

"Why do you adore him so much and still encourage Lao Tzu to grab his stuff?" The soldier growled angrily.

"To correct, I just said that it was profitable, but it was you who made the decision in the end. I just gave you a suggestion. Besides, which idiot said to stay and defend? I seem to suggest a transfer Coming

Lan, I do n’t have the same general knowledge as you. ”After snorting for a while, I stopped struggling and shouted to the people around me:“ Everyone cheers me up. Zi Ri is not terrible. As long as everyone works together, he can always defeat him. If the momentum is suppressed first, then it is really a failure. If you are really scared, then we leave when we are on a mission to siege a monster. "

"Yes, just be a big help." If you go together, you can't believe him. "

Although the chairman had a small eye for attention, he did a good job of inspiring morale, and soon the low morale in the guild returned. At least everyone is not shaking now, but looking at me with an excited expression, as if I was really a big match, "After killing, you can explode the equipment!"

"Boss, Ziri has entered the trap."

"Okay, start the agency right away."

"Yes, the agency

With the sound of a wooden machine turning, the ground under my feet suddenly trembled, and the whole land collapsed with a bang. This is where I stood. The entire area is a huge flap, with a large pit a few meters deep below, and the bottom of the pit is full of spears that point upwards. If most people fall, they will be injured, even if they are not dead, they must be released. Some blood, but none of this worked for me.

With the opening of the flap. Opposite the "city wall. The people on the chin fell down together, because although the land under my feet turned into a large hole, the night shadow and I stopped at the place where they stood before, just as if nothing had happened, only the feet were floating.

It took a long time before the chairman responded and scolded: "I'm on, what kind of horse is that? Can it float in the air?"

"The woman before the idiot hummed two words from her nose, and then added before the president turned it over:" Zi Ri's mount is one of his magic pets, named Night Shadow, a nightmare, with a void. Although the ability of Mercedes-Benz is not high, it can completely ignore the influence of bad terrain such as mud, snow and water. And that nightmare is not only a mount, according to our information, that nightmare can at least pick a player of about 800 to 900 levels, and can escape with an absolute advantage when the situation is unfavorable, so your most Do n’t look at it like a horse, it ’s basically a horse-shaped helper

The light soldier who persuaded the chairman this year could not help sighing after listening to this: "One purple day is so troublesome, and this time many more help" horse, we must be finished! "

Snapped. After a clear applause, the little soldier was fanned out. The chairman yelled angrily: "Coward. Hurry up and get out of the way. We don't want to blame them." After the scolding, the chairman immediately shouted to the people around him: "What are you doing? Bow and arrow Shoot me! "

As if they had reacted, the archers on the "city walls" shot a variety of arrows. Because the player's skills are different, some arrows are shot directly, and some are shot, but after all, the target is me alone. So many arrows fly over and it seems to be full of momentum.


"A huge silver shield of light from the Shield's defense suddenly appeared before us. The dense rain of arrows hitting the shield of light was like a raindrop hitting a glass window.

Hang, the jingle of clamoring, but there is no root can shoot the Mi Dun. Bei Shiduan sat on the back of Yeying and watched the sky full of arrow rain for more than three minutes before stopping. Except for the part blocked by the light shield, a circle around the ground had been inserted. It's the same as the grass, except that it's not the grass but the arrow shaft that stands densely on the ground.

"The power is so bad Jingjing put away her shield and glanced at the city wall. After leaving the archer left such a comment.

Although Jingjing and I felt that the other party was not good, the people on the "city wall" themselves felt great pressure. Although their arrows are not very powerful, none of them have shot at all. This is a big gap from their previous estimates. They all knew I was strong. So it is also expected that I will not be shot to death by a round of arrow rain, but according to their ideas, I also shot one or two arrows, and after trying to block them, now I have not even moved. In this way, all the arrows are blocked, and the gap between them and their previous estimates is too great.

"He, he, the girl next to him is today?" The president asked in surprise.

The woman next to him did not sneer at him this time, but directly answered: "It was Jingjing, Zi Ri's defensive magic pet. It was originally the Angel of the Shield, one of the seven **** angels of the Asian Temple of Light. The shield of defense, as long as the magic is sufficient, it can theoretically block any attack

"I rely on, there is such a cow's magic pet?" Said Jiang, who would be private.

Hearing the chairman's surprised tone, the woman said in a more surprised tone: "I really want to know what you have been doing before? Even if you don't know Ziri, at least you need to know something about it? If you are a The newcomer who just entered the game will not say anything, but you have already trained to such a high level, and you know nothing about Zi Ri's news. I really admire your ears and listen to things outside the window. The spirit of the level! Seeing that you can be so stupid as to be so weird, I will give you a blindness ahead of time. Purple Sun ’s angel pet is more than this, he has two more

"What? The Seven Gods Angels accepted Ren alone?"

"No. He only accepted two

The chairman asked in amazement, "Don't you say he has two more today?"

The woman said impatiently: "Yes, he does have two more today, but only one of them is a **** angel. Her name is Lingling, and she is also one of the seven **** angels. But she is the holy sword angel. She has the strongest Shengma, if she can fully recover her strength, she can cut your village in half in one stroke. "

The chairman finally began to say a little scared: "God, fortunately he only has two **** angels, otherwise we wouldn't be able to handle it!"

"No. It's because he only has two divine angels to trouble. If it's three to nothing, it's just three stronger thugs. But now it's different, because his third angel is from the Asian Temple of Light. The former goddess of light. She is proficient in all light spells, and one person can top the priest group. Unless you can kill Ziri by one stroke, you should not expect to kill Ziri until her magic is exhausted. "

"The sun's, so can Ziri be killed from time to time?"

"So I told you to transfer early?"

"No." It seemed to be thinking of something, the will of the chairman who had begun to shake suddenly became firm. "Even if he is strong, I won't transfer it. Here is the source of our guild. If the setbacks are right at the beginning. We have no chance to show up again!"

"To be honest, I really admire you for being so stupid, but all of this has nothing to do with me. Anyway, I came here to get the goods, and by the way, observe the situation of Ziri's fighting closely, and when you can't stand it, I will Will flash people first

"Hmm. I didn't expect you to do anything for us." The chairman glanced angrily at the woman. Then he said to the people around him: "Anyway, this is our village. Everyone saves money to save the construction costs, and builds such a village with materials everywhere. When the monsters attacked the village, how much did we like? Everyone should be struggling to understand. How can we let these efforts be lost because of one enemy? "

"No, we fight with him."

After being stirred up again bloody, many players finally exploded. It's just that this kind of explosion is better than not, because I don't know who led it, and suddenly someone opened the "city gate" and ran out with a roar. Then more people followed the others and rushed out of the village. In the end, they turned into the entire guild and killed them collectively. Although they can't get out, it hasn't affected me much. But seeing this now, I still couldn't help shaking my head.

"Kill!" The fastest player has rushed in front of me, and that guy jumped yelling after being three or four meters away from me, the big knife in his hand was splitting towards me, but in the end his knife Still couldn't reach the target, because Jingjing had taken the initiative to stand in front of him, and the big knife was immediately torn apart by the Shield.

Jingjing's Divine Shield and Lingling's Divine Sword are both equipped at the same level. I thought Lingling could use my holy sword to break my dragon tooth sword, Jingjing's shield naturally had similar power. Although the shield itself is not as destructive as the sword, the sword is inferior to my dragon tooth sword after all, and the initial shock is taken for granted.

After shattering the guy's knife, Jingjing was very clean and smooth. She took the shield and patted the guy's head. The sizzling red Bai Yinxinchuan splashed everywhere, but Jingjing herself had protection. The hood protects the top four.

"This guy is really weak and sighs.

"I know. You can rest first, I can do it myself

"All right." Jingjing nodded and returned to the training space. And I directly changed eternity into a long hook sickle and drove the enemy opposite Yeyingzhou to meet.

"Looking at the trick, the player who thundered after Jingjing disappeared rushed forward. The first soldier also used special skills, and a lightning bolt hit the night shadow directly. This guy knows some warfare, and Knowing how to shoot people to shoot horses first, unfortunately, Ye Ying is not a horse, and he is not using a bow. Although Dianguang hit Ye Ying, he just made Ye Ying shake a little, and followed us to rush to him. Probably I want to report the revenge of the thunder. Ye Ying immediately stopped suddenly, raised the front kicker and stood up. The front kick was kicked against the guy's face, and he banged the guy's head with a bang. Already.

Although Cai's guy died very miserably, the people behind him didn't reduce it, but rushed up even more crazy. Ye Ying ran again under my urging. I grabbed the reins in one hand and held the hook sickle gun in one hand and swept the vertical chop. None of the people who came up could enter within two meters of my side. I flew out.

"Ah," a player yelled at me in front of a roar. After my hook sickle pierced into his body, he immediately cut and hugged my gun body, and then pinched it tightly while still Shouted, "Everyone is up. I have his weapon."

"Kill!" The people around him were even more excited when he shouted, one after another screamed and rushed up.

I was embarrassed to see them playing so happy that it disappointed them. I jumped from the back of Yeying directly by loosening the eternal gun handle, and Yeying was also taken back by me to scrape the space. After landing, I enjoyed both. The blade claws came out of the sheath, followed a turn and flashed away a soldier who rushed over with a gun, and made a three-foot-long gap in his stomach at the moment of passing by. However, the soldier had just flashed, and the others killed him. I lifted it down with one hand. The blade claws directly split the person in front of it, followed by the wrist to flip upwards and upwards, and tore the throat of the person behind. The left leg supported the ground, and the right leg kicked off from the ground with a swivel side kick and flung out a person who flew up, knocking a person down the road. As soon as my right leg hit the ground, I immediately took off. The knee of the right leg is in front, and a long spike from the knee pad is passed directly through a player's forehead, and then he flies half of his skull. After completing the impact, I stretched my right leg on the body of the guy who had not completely fallen down, and kicked it out like a big bird. Only then flew into the air and suddenly heard a sound behind. Turning around in the air, he stretched out his hands and put on the shoulder of the guy who also jumped up. Then in his horrified gaze, he held his shoulder and turned over from his head with the help of a front flip, but after I turned over, he was scared to see that there was a thin line on his neck. But he didn't panic for long. Because after I flew over, it passed through his neck and retracted, and his head was separated from his body.

After playing a difficult aerial flight, I directly landed in a beautiful half-kneeling position. At the same time, I completed a cross cut at the moment of landing to turn the person blocking the road into a piece of ground meat.

"Why is this?"

The president above the city wall watched me flip around like a swimming fish in a crowd of people and brought a **** rain, and he was scared to know what to say. The female player around him probably felt that he had not fully realized the reality, and continued to stimulate him: "Zi Ri obviously didn't take you seriously?"

"What do you mean ?. The timid-looking young soldier beside the chairman said angrily.

Women completely ignore their anger ~ ~ still said in a ridiculous tone: "Have you seen it yet? Until now Ziri has not used any skills at all, he is just using his own fighting Skills are constantly dodging and fighting in your people. He is not fighting at all. He is playing and using your people to practice his own fighting skills. "

"How is it possible?" The young warrior argued unconvinced: "Even if he didn't use his skills, it was because our people didn't give him a chance to perform. Everyone was suppressing Ziri with his life and not giving him the opportunity to use powerful skills

"Ha ha ha ha little brother you are really innocent enough". The woman said disdainfully, "Do you think Ziri needs you to give him a chance? At least twenty kinds of instant burst spells are attached to his suit, as long as he stimulates any of them, he can use it in him. A large area of ​​safety has been cleared around me. Oh yes, you may not have noticed it, but I watched it carefully. The people who hit you so far have not even hit it once.

"What?" The chairman exclaimed with the little soldier around him. The so-called sea-of-people tactics is actually using everyone's sword and I slowly consume masters or large health values. After all, no matter how high the defense is, the system's default basic blood deduction is inevitable, so as long as you slowly grind it sooner or later Can consume powerful enemies. However, if there are no hits at all, that is another matter entirely.

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