Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 111: 0 years secret

I was about to conquer the strange bird. Who knew that her eyes suddenly opened and scared me to jump back, but then I reacted. "Hurry up, help me hold her down!" Maybe for some reason, the strange bird's transforming ability seems to be unable to perform, causing her to struggle there in human form and trying to get up. I pounced on with the King, II, Jingjing, and Lingling, and the four magic pets were responsible for her limbs. I rode on his waist and pressed her head firmly to the ground. Although she was struggling hard, I could clearly feel that her physical strength was losing. The seal for many years has brought her to the point where the oil is exhausted. The explosive burning just now completely exhausted the last bit of "light oil". As long as she persists for a while, she will die.

I thought she was going to be subdued soon after going on like this, but who knew that the woman suddenly burst into a huge power and almost lifted us all from her. "Let me go!"

"Have you be honest!" I smashed a knife into her back neck, and the woman who lost her last strength was completely silent.

"Huh, this guy is so powerful that he can hardly hold it!" The King sighed.

"Although her body has become smaller, she is a large creature after all, and naturally she will not be too small in strength." Xiaolong explained.

"Xiaochun, come and see her condition." Seeing that woman lost her life, I quickly called Xiaochun. It would be a shame if such an important creature died.

Xiaochun quickly ran over and tried the woman's pulse, then opened her eyelids and looked at her, finally pressed her hand on her chest for a slight induction, and called Ling to her. After she communicated with Ling for a while, Ling began to input magic into the woman's body, and after a while Ling stood up and said, "I temporarily protected her last trace of soul fire, but this was only temporary, If she can't recover with a large spell right away, I promise she won't last half an hour. "

"You make way a little bit. I will complete the capture. After becoming a pet, you can clear most of the damage. Just fill up the missing power and you can return to normal."

Considering that this guy's level is too high, it will be more troublesome to re-train to 10,000 levels after becoming a magic pet egg, so I plan to try to turn it into a magic pet first by using the overall conversion method. After all, this can retain her level. Although most of her levels will be suppressed because of my strength, at least it is better than practicing from scratch.

The conversion process is much simpler than expected. I do n’t know if it is because her and her soul are extremely weak. Her resistance to the conversion of the magic pet is not nearly the same. I only used it twice to get the call process. However, because she was finally defined as a humanoid pet, I did not hang her under the large size, but instead hung it on the small size of Yinyue.

The maximum number of magic pets that Ziri can have is 19. Although humanoid pets can carry two auxiliary pets, even humanoid auxiliary pets cannot recruit auxiliary pets, so if you hang humanoid pets on Another human pet is a waste of two magic pets. Considering that Ziri's large direct magic pet is full, I had to hang this woman under the name of Yinyue, anyway, I am now a double number, and the magic pet is everywhere.

After being summoned, all her life characteristics returned to normal. Although she was still extremely weak, she had at least recovered her consciousness.

"You don't have to be afraid. You are now my magic pet, and we will be our own in the future. No one can bully you from now on." I explained in a kind and gentle tone. At the same time a fruit of life was passed. This fruit of life is a very rare thing. In addition to increasing the vitality limit of the user, it can also add a lot of health. Of course, you can also use it as general food to fill your belly, but only if you are rich. Because the magic pet contract will force a part of the favor between the owner and the magic pet, so she did not run away in fear as before, but took the fruit carefully. Then in our surprised eyes, as if the hungry wolf, the fruit was reimbursed for three or two.

Xiaochun said more sympathetically, "People have been hungry for tens of thousands of years. Isn't it normal to eat hard?"

As soon as I thought about it, I hurried out a few more fruits. The reason for giving her the fruit of life is that her health value is still in the blood skin state, which basically hangs at the touch. In addition to filling the stomach, this fruit of life can also invigorate blood. This is more important than anything. But considering she has n’t eaten for years, I do n’t dare let her eat too much at once. Otherwise, I will probably become the first player in the game to kill my magic pet.

I don't know if I'm really hungry. Now the food is so wonderful to her, that after I fed her a few fruits of life, she showed her loyalty instantly. From 3, the first time she encountered light to east and west, she could increase her loyalty. Of the magic pets, the magic pets recruited before are very difficult to serve one by one. It's so powerful, but it's usually expensive. Except for those who can make money like me, if most people like me have no other pets to fight with, they will be ruined by the pets.

"You have just resumed eating, you ca n’t eat too much. Let your stomach move first, and eat it in a few hours." Seeing her pitiful look at me after she had eaten the fruit of life in her hand. I had to explain it, and then passed a bunch of bottles before she came and expressed her dissatisfaction. "These things supplement the magic potion. Although it is not used as food, you can restore some strength first. You can drink them all first." I started to ask again while she was drinking magic potion there. "Well, do you have a name?" Because it was summoned directly into a magic pet. So it is different from the direct signature of the magic pet egg. If the pet has a name, it is better to keep it, otherwise it may affect loyalty.

"Red face?"


Thinking my sister was quite clear, she repeated again: "My name is Hong Yan."

In fact, I didn't catch her name just now. It was scared by her voice. Before she had subdued her, her voice was as unpleasant as a gong. I didn't expect to speak again and it became as crisp and sweet as Glen Lark.

"You your voice?" Seeing her blinking those big eyes staring at me that didn't seem to understand me, I quickly added: "Your voice wasn't very difficult. Is it very dry? Why suddenly Has it become so pleasant? "

There was a smile on my face when I heard my praise. "This is my voice. Before, I hadn't drank water for thousands of years, so my throat couldn't make a sound!"

Dizzy, forget this stubble! People have been sealed underground for thousands of years without drinking water. No matter how pleasant the original voice is, it will definitely become a grumpy voice, but the fruit of life just now has obviously nourished her throat, so now the voice has returned to the state before her seal. Looking at Hong Yan's smile, I suddenly realized a problem. Hongyan's body and skeletal structure on her face are actually very standard. It should be said that people should not be too ugly to have such regular bones. It's just that how Hongyan looks and beautiful Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket m does not touch the edge. However, as long as you pay attention to observation, her shortcomings are only dry skin, yellow head shedding, and dryness of the whole body. It seems that all of this fits a typical symptom-malnutrition. To put it simply, Hong Yan might have been very beautiful, at least not ugly. She is completely hungry now.

"So what, don't you drink those things first, eat this first." I took back the bottle in Hong Yan's hand, and then reached out and handed her a golden elixir.

Hongyan was so skeptical, and with the fragrance of Jin Dan, she couldn't help but snatched it and swallowed it in the stomach. Seeing how she cooperated with me, she shouted to Xiaochun quickly: "Hurry. To her Use rejuvenation, Ling, to help her rejuvenate her life. Adina, wrap her up with the fountain of life. "


A green beam of light suddenly fell from the sky and hit Hong Yan, followed by a white mist-like air mass floating out of Ling's hand, and after turning around for a few times, she followed her eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. With her body, followed by drops of pale blue water drops from the nearby ground, and then gathered in the air into a huge water ball with a diameter of more than two meters and enveloped the entire face. With the combined effect of the three spells and the assistance of the high-level elixir, Hongyan quickly changed the appearance in the water polo to the degree visible to our naked eyes. Her body bulged slowly like a flat tire. Because the full muscle tissue completely opened the epidermis, those folds were immediately flattened, and the gray dead skin on the red-looking epidermis began to fall off quickly and was rolled down by the fountain of life. Egg-like soft skin appeared under the dead skin that fell off. At the same time when the dead skin fell off, those withered heads on the red-faced head also fell off. A large number of dark and shiny Xiu Xun emerged from the top of the head until it fell to the heel. Stopped growing. The muscle tissue on her face also quickly regenerates the original skeleton-like face completely. The teeth that are particularly prominent because there are no muscles are covered by small, rosy lips. The dry cheeks are supported and it looks like Round and shiny, the sunken eye sockets gradually protrude outwards and fill up, and the eyes are not as scary as before because of the squeezed muscles.

At first I was watching the change of Hongyan. I was still being silly, but soon I got the problem, because it was blocked for thousands of years and was hit by Xiao Chun and Ling just now. So now Hongyan will die all over, and she will be nothing like a corpse before, but this time, all parts of her body are expanding rapidly, and the various curves are showing up. I immediately realized that it was not good. Shouted: "All the males turn me back."

"Ah! I forgot my clothes!" The female magic pets next to me shouted and looked around in exclamation to find clothes. In the end, Ye Yue helped a lot. The clothes of the magic pets are unchanged forever. It ’s nice to have a cave house with you overnight. How many more clothes can be changed, but unfortunately they are all tops. After all, Yeyue has no legs, and the bottoms are useless to her. Fortunately, there is order in these clothes. A long dress like a dress, just for a moment.

"Ling, take her to the mother of the earth and ask if the mother of the earth has extra clothes to get her a set." I opened the door to the earth and said to them.

"Got it."

Ling and Xiaochun brought Hongyan into the gate of the earth before we turned around. For the time being, I do n’t have to worry about Hongyan. I started to think about my things. The guild stole my stuff, but now their village has been blown up. Where should I go?

Having fun and discussing with a lot of magic pets for a long time, we didn't think of any good way. In the end, we could only decide to find someone to help. Of course, this thing is not a legitimate property, so we can't mislead others. We were planning to ask for help, and suddenly the door of the earth opened from the inside. "Wow ..." The male pets around them collectively took a sigh of relief, naturally the reason was the red face just finished dressing up. Although it was long expected that Hongyan was actually very beautiful, none of us had expected that she would be so beautiful as to bring disaster to the country and the people. My female pets were originally very beautiful one by one, but the beauty of the red face still made us shine. Hongyan does not have the noble temperament beauty of Ling and Xiaochun and Victoria, nor the beauty of Yeyue, nor the pure beauty of princess, Jingjing, Lingling. To be precise, Hongyan's charm is closer to the Chinese-style implicit beauty of Xiaolong Girl. As long as you see her, she will think of green bamboo water pavilion, and it feels particularly cultural.

I don't know if women are born to dress up. Ling and Xiaochun's outfit made for Hongyan looked so good to her appearance. A string of sapphire headdresses put her waterfall-like black head on her head, which not only solved the problem of long heads, but also made the person look noble. There is no decoration on the face and neck, only A jade bracelet hung on the wrist. With a turquoise long skirt, it gives a feeling of fluttering. fairy. This is exactly the model of the fairy. Compared to him, all the fairies in the heavenly courts failed.

"Are you really red?"

Hong Yan nodded, and then said, "Thank you master for your reward."

"Ah?" I was wondering, and Ling quickly gathered up and whispered to my ear, and said, "That suit was created by the mother of the earth, it is of little value, but his bracelet and the decoration on his head are the same. To the magic weapon, the mother of the earth said it was given to her in your face. "

"Do you know the attributes?" I whispered.

Ling shook his head. "I don't know, that thing is covered with attributes and can't be seen at all, but it's definitely not a general commodity in terms of strength fluctuations."

"Fuck, this time I owe an adult please!" Originally, it was nothing to owe. The key is that the mother of the earth is a higher god. His humanity is not good enough. The strength of the above gods is generally nothing she can't figure out by herself, and once she really needs me to do something, it is definitely not an ordinary thing. In any case, I'm glad that Mother Earth can give a great gift.

"By the way, what is your race?"

"Race?" Hong Yan didn't seem to understand the word.

"Is your tribe generally called by others?"

"No, I know the meaning of race, but I don't have race!" Hong Yan explained: "I was one of the first waves of beings when the world first opened. It is unique, and I am me."

"The world is beginning? It ’s not the same level as the ancestor of the Phoenix?" Xiaolong couldn't help but exclaimed: "No wonder it can have 10,000 levels. The starting level of creatures born in that era is above 5,000!"

Although I didn't know the race, I didn't ask him again. This is not very important anyway, but there is still a problem that must be figured out. "Well ... did you have a nickname Broom Star before?"

Hong Yan shook her head. "No, I'm not a broom star, at least no one has heard anyone say that. But they all say I'm a scumbag!" Hongyan couldn't help crying.

"Ah?" I hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "Don't be sad first, tell me first, who are you sealed by?"

"It's the snake, the green duck and the sun."

"What?" I have never heard of the first two of these three names. I am familiar with the sun, but how could someone hang high in the sky and seal a bird?

Hongyan was about to explain, but the little dragon girl pulled me first, and then whispered, "Master, we are in trouble now!"


"Do you think those three names are strange?"

I nodded. "Never heard of the first two except the sun."

"You haven't heard it, because the green duck is dead. The other two you have seen, but you don't know it."

"I have seen?"

"Well." The little dragon girl nodded surely, "The Hong snake is actually the leader of Hong Jun."

"What?" The shocking secret almost scared me over. "You said that Hongshe is the leader of Hongjun?" "What?" This shocking secret almost scared me over. "You said Hongshe is the leader of Hongjun?"

"Yes, in fact, the name in Tianting is not a secret, but no one dares to bark. After all, Hongjun Taoist is the real master of Tianting, just like the emperor on the ground cannot call his name."

"Hong Snake is Hong Jun. Who are the other two?"

"The Green Duck is the Duck Duck Taoist." The words of the little dragon girl made me dizzy again.

"You said that the Green Duck is the Duck Duck Taoist? The Chinese Duck Taoist who had done a fight with Hong Jun before the founding of the Chinese Protoss? Although the guy was eventually killed by Hong Jun, he was the only one in the Three Realms who almost killed Hong Jun. Existence! "

"Who can have such a strange name besides him?" Xiaolongnu followed and added: "Actually, the sun is the most powerful compared to the previous two, but he accidentally turned himself when he understood the truth of the law. I was lost, and as a result, his body was transformed into the sun in the sky, and his last little self-consciousness was transformed into the first individual of the Jinwu tribe with a small amount of his mana, now you see and are shot down by the heir Those are the descendants of Jinwu's ancestors, which are the grandchildren of the sun. "

When I heard this, I couldn't help but look at the sun above my head. Fortunately, that guy has lost his self, or else he will destroy the world with the power of the sun, just like playing.

"Wait." I suddenly turned my head and looked at Hong Yan and asked, "The three of them are so cows. Why do you want to seal you up?"

"This ..." Hongyan suddenly started to feel a little frightened when I asked.

"Did you say that!"

"This ... that ..." It was as if a decision had been made. Hong Yan suddenly gritted her teeth and said, "At first, the three of them liked me very much, but I didn't look at them, so I asked them to paint the picture better than anyone else. And then the most powerful one can chase me. "

"I rely on, gossip, big gossip." Fortunately, directly reduced to * human shape moved a stone as a stool to sit there and started listening to gossip.

We glared at him together, then quickly urged Hong Yan to continue ~ ~ Hong Yan said with a reminiscence expression: "Although I originally wanted them to stop for a while, the Seal of the Throne came, but I did not expect them to Knowing what was wrong with the tendons, I sealed it with all my strength, and then said that when they have the best strength, they can come and rescue me. "

"What happened afterwards? Wasn't the leader Hongjun the last one to survive? Why didn't you just let you out?"

"Huh, that dumb guy!" Hongyan couldn't help but shouted, "I wouldn't have done it if it weren't for him! The three of them decided that after the fight, the sun would run to the power of enlightenment, and as a result Before he started the duel here, he lost his self first. After that, Hongshe and Green Duck agreed to compete and compete. As a result, the two of them were about the same strength as the current two sides in the fight. The last two of them had a big fight with each other. The green duck was destroyed on the spot. Hong snake was beaten seriously injured and unconscious for more than 100 years before he woke up. Later he came to me and said that he would stay with me, but I do n’t Like him, lie to him that I like green ducks, that he killed green ducks, I hate him, and told him to die. I thought he would let me go and never bother me again, who knows this fool It turned out to be embarrassed and angry not only to strengthen the seal again, but never to see it again. "

"Well, that's wrong! So you were sealed before the court of heaven was established. Before that, I said that you caught the court of heaven so much of your response? You shouldn't know the organization of the court of heaven, right?"

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