Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 113: Goofy fairy

Don't you mean that adult? "What else did Tianbing hold on to Weeping Bamboo and asked.

Of course, who else besides him. "The heavenly soldier who said he thought of a way back asked.

Ear is "

It seems to be encountering some problems. Today, the soldiers started arguing about whether to find this person for help. The other heaven soldiers also joined the argument 6 nbsp; nbsp; I was dizzy and turned. In the end, I really couldn't help but shouted nbsp; nbsp; I should be quiet. "The voice stopped suddenly. A large group of heavenly soldiers looked at me in surprise. Isn't it time for a fight? You don't want to die "I was so scolded that the celestial soldiers reacted to this, and they all knew that they couldn't make trouble at this time, otherwise everyone would be upset, but they still didn't compete. I simply pointed at the heavenly soldier who first said he thought of a way. nbsp; nbsp; You are you. You say your way first. "

Today, the soldier first glanced at his opponent who opposed it, and then said nbsp; nbsp; a Sanxian lived on Tianzhu Mountain because he was not on the gods list nbsp; nbsp; so there is no sky position, but the magic power is not in the heavenly **** under. This person has a kind of soul-hunting incense in his hand, and it can produce a purple smoke. As long as the incense holder fully thinks that the family of smoke will naturally drift toward the person's place. Nbsp; nbsp; no matter where it is A realm or hidden anywhere can be found as long as the soul of this person has not dissipated. "

I nodded nbsp; nbsp; and then pointed to the heavenly soldier who later spoke first. nbsp; nbsp; His method sounds good, why do you want to stop it. "

Master Ziri, you have no idea that the Sanxian named Yiwendaoren nbsp; nbsp; means that even if it is a penny, he will not let go, it can be said that he is a master of scratching the ground. If you ask him for help, you can definitely find it. This episode uses nbsp; nbsp; "

I rely on this fairy. What does he want so much money for? "

In fact, a literary man is not asking for money to say that he cares for others for a penny. That is just a saying. In fact, as long as he feels good, whether it is money, treasures or even a promise, it can be traded. "

That being said, this guy is really quite unique, but except he seems you can't think of anyone who can help us anyway, now there is nothing to do. I'll go and find out if the price is right, it may not be impossible to trade . "

Then you must be careful nbsp; nbsp; "

Do not worry. Tell you how to find him. "

Holding the map drawn by the heavenly soldiers, I first teleported to a small city near Tianzhu Mountain. When I got out of the city, I put on flying birds and flew into the mountain. The sky soldiers have always been high, so the west and aerial maps look more intuitive. So I quickly found a small cave house between the mountains and mountains. From a distance, it looks like a Tianzhu mountain. Although the location is the same, the height is much higher than the Tianzhu Mountain in reality, it seems that it really reached the sky. The cylindrical peaks extend upwards at almost a vertical angle, and even a grass cannot be seen. The entire peak is a cliff except for flying creatures. I don't think even monkeys can climb up.

On the cliff-filled peak, there is a very prominent place nbsp; nbsp; that is a natural stone platform nbsp; nbsp; protruding from the cliff wall, but this stone platform is not natural. There is a circle of stone railings on the edge of the stone platform, and the platform is not only smoothed by nbsp; nbsp; but also paved with floor tiles. In the center of the platform stood a huge incense burner with a height of over one meter. Although there was no fire in the incense burner, it flashed red and yellow for a while. Behind the incense burner, that is, inside the platform, is a flat stone wall, and in the center of the stone wall is a lacquered copper nail animal ring door more than one meter high. There is a gossip mirror nbsp; nbsp; hanging on the door. It's almost time to nail a sign with a fairy inside the door.

Is anyone here. "After the takeoff bird fluttered on the platform, I started shouting all the way.

I haven't waited until I reached the gate. The door squeaked open first, and a young boy who looked only twelve years old walked out of it. I was just about to open my mouth to speak. Didn't expect that Dao Dong said nbsp; nbsp; my master said it first. Every day after 10 am, you start the task. What do you run over this early in the morning? "When the boy said that, I knew he was wrong, and he was going to explain who knew him, but he asked the question first." Nbsp; oh, I know you want to bribe my teacher to take a good job. " Tell you that the tasks are marked by price. You want to reward the rich and easy-to-do tasks and get the starting price. Don't expect my teacher to open the back door for you alone.

Seeing that I have to explain that Dao Tong once again tried to preemptively talk, but now I suddenly turned into a black gas and disappeared in place. Quietly

"Shhh, I used my other hand to make a silent movement near my mouth. Nbsp; nbsp; Listen to me, please." Seeing Dadao Dong nodded with wide, frightened eyes, I continued to say nbsp; nbsp; I'm Ziri. Did n’t you understand that King Yan Luo, the eleventh temple in heaven, was here to take the task? "I saw the little guy nod again and I let go of him and knocked on his head, nbsp; nbsp;

After being knocked by me, Dao Tong quickly covered his head with both hands and ran into the gate, but after waiting for a long time the gods didn't come out, but a group of Taoists rushed out of the gate and looked like none of them. The little boy I knocked on before followed the priest and rushed out to the door. Then pointed at me and shouted nbsp; nbsp; that he hit me. "

"Hey," I just explained nbsp; nbsp; the priest next to me moved first. Nbsp; nbsp; didn't let me talk. I just started. I was going to explain it, but when I tried, I did n’t take the initiative. In the case of a fight, I almost wiped my face and already pushed me to the edge of the platform. I would have to jump off the cliff again. Although this time I came to ask for help, it is not a habit to be popular. In a rage, I yanked out my eternal sword and waved it. The flickering blood on the sword flew before the group of priests panicked. Unfortunately, people would let the incense burner in the center of the platform. But wouldn't let the beautiful big incense burner that just slammed Zhong Ming suddenly fell in two directions and fell down on both sides.

You, you, nbsp; nbsp; you dare to break the Master ’s incense burner. ”One of the many Taoist siege that besieged me, who obviously looked like a leader, yelled angrily at me. Nbsp; nbsp; Bujinjin.” With that The shout of the guy, the priests suddenly turned around me and quickly forced me to the position where the incense burner was before, and they formed a surrounding circle outside. After the formation was completed, the guy who yelled first suddenly moved the other priests. Soon a golden connection line nbsp; nbsp; was established between them and it seemed to be stuck in the center like a large net. nbsp; nbsp; haha. See how you run. "

Who told you I'm going to run. "I suddenly inserted the eternal sword to the ground. Nbsp; nbsp; thunder shone." A thunder fell from the sky in the center of the eternal sword's hilt and was introduced into the ground by the blade body, followed by a circle of blue electric shock aura along the ground. At the same time, my group of priests screamed at the same time, falling backwards and falling, and who wanted to come again. "Looking at the Taoist priest lying around, I asked Daping.

You, you, you, the little boy who points to me

It is said that the king is so good to see the little ghosts that it is difficult to get rid of them. I did not expect that this live king is really blocked by the little ghosts. "I said, walking to the little boy, holding one's back with one hand, lifting him up, and walking into the cave.

After passing through a short passage at the entrance of Dongfu, we entered a hall, but before we even walked two steps, we heard the little Dong shouting. nbsp; nbsp; Master save me nbsp; nbsp; This wicked man will kill Master and us "

Tongzi must not talk nonsense. This is the president of the Frost Rose Alliance, the chief liaison officer of the foreign relations in the court of heaven. He is the same as me. "

what. As soon as the little Dongzi heard Master ’s words, he immediately hesitated. Although he had the meaning of the wicked to sue before, nbsp; nbsp; but that was based on the premise that I was a liar. Now I know that I am really the eleventh king of Yan Luo The tongue is stunned after all, after all, Yan Wang is a member of the court of heaven. He is just a little boy collected by the master and Yama Wang is naturally incomparable ~ ~ I put Xiao Dao Dong on the ground and smiled in front of the article The Taoist arched his hand. Nbsp; nbsp; Just now I had this misunderstanding. It was helpless to hurt Dao Dong if he took a shot. "

This is my polite nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; under normal circumstances, no one will find trouble, but I obviously misestimate the shame of a writer. When this guy heard me say that, the thief smiled and said, nbsp; nbsp; not to blame. Anyway, it's just that he was injured and didn't give up his life to cultivate for a while. You and I both belong to the court of heaven, how do you want you? But after all, my apprentices were hurt by you after all, you have to take care of it. But you do n’t have to worry about me being good at medical treatment. So I can do it myself. It ’s just the medicine for this treatment. It ’s not easy to buy grapefruit. If you need to spend this money, you can give me one or five million crystal coins. You don't have to worry about receiving medicine. "

I have seen shameless. I have never seen such a shameless nbsp; nbsp; actually asked me for money so directly nbsp; nbsp; I always used to scrape the ground with others, but someone even scratched my head and scratched the ground Technical work is not just shameless.

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