Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 117: Strength is the cost of scraping the ground

After confirming the gambling funds on both sides, we retreated to the two ends of the summit of Tianzhu Mountain, and the apprentices of the writers also crowded to the side of the summit to watch our "discussion". Although the battle on the battlefield before was also watched, the number was very good, because at that time most apprentice apprentices thought that our previous strength was nothing to look at, but now the facts have shown Because our fighting power is comparable, this kind of battle is the most promising. In fact, not only the disciples of disciples, but also a lot of players, I guess they are the players who were mistakenly identified by the preachers to ask for the task of disciples, but now they are fighting because of their fight with me. They were delayed here, so they could not reach the task for the time being, so they had to go to the rooftop to see when the people in the bottom line could finish playing, but when they saw me, they were all stunned.

"Hello, am I right? It looks like Ziri." A player pulls people around Ran Road.

"It's true that the person next to Ziri also said in surprise:" Looks like he is going to play against Yiwendao! I heard that Ziri was so powerful and so powerful. I didn't expect that the cows would be able to fight with the gods. Is this too exaggerated? .

"Maybe he's just pretending to be there. If it's not possible, he'll be laid down by Feng." This is a guy who is extremely unconvinced.

A player who knew a little bit about it immediately retorted: "Do n’t eat grapes and say grape sour, although I do n’t know the strength of Ziri, but since they are the number one player in the battle list, they must be among the dragons and phoenixes. Don't forget that you are also on the runway when you degrade the first place, and you have been thrown far away by the first place. "

"Huh, Zi Zi is your father? You help him so?"

"Are you looking for death ?.

"Hey, don't fight!"

My battle with Yiwendao people had not yet begun to watch the battle on the side of the field. Although I looked funny, I didn't want to be distracted. After all, the former Wendaoman was an authentic god. Not everyone can. He just shuffled the garbage, and accidentally, he was really kicked off by one move, but it was a shame. This time I was in Shukeng. I didn't plan to lose everything in my hand.

"Zi Ri Daoyou carefully saw that there are so many people beside the venue who are also polite. After all, Qiqiqi and manners are still very important. How can we say that we are all subordinates in Heaven?

"Please ask me to reach forward with one hand and make an invitation gesture. A literate person is no longer polite. When he dusted his feet, he immediately raised a cloud of smoke and quickly gathered into a cloud and flew up.

"Fuck, the gods are convenient. This cloud technique is better than the teleportation array." After watching the lively players found that Wenwen Tao flew up, he immediately shouted in excitement.

Snapped. As one of my ring finger night shadows appeared by my side, when I turned on his back with a beautiful turn, the night shadows stood up and ran towards the Wenwen Taoist. A writer said that he saw the night shadow walking through the sky and hesitated. Before that, he had seen a horse that could build a cloud, but Tianma was not black. Yeying's size and figure are obviously not in line with Tianma. However, although he was curious about the flying ability of Night Shadow, a writer was not too distracted. As soon as his palm was flipped, a fine golden needle appeared in his palm. "Going with a whisper of a writer, Jin Zhen suddenly shot away from the palm of the writer.


"A huge white shield shielded by the shield appeared in front of me, but the expected blocking effect did not appear. The gold needle penetrated the light shield and continued to move forward as if there was no block. A small hole was punched in the Holy Shield in hand, and the speed of the gold needle passing through the shield opened a hole in Jingjing's chest without breaking. After piercing through two layers of armor and Jingjing's body, she still stood firmly towards me. Fly over.

I was also shocked to see the power of the golden needle. After pulling the reins to make the night shadow come a little side, the eternity in the hand was cut off. When the green needle broke, the eternal sword had an extra blade. The gap was opened, and then it returned to its original state in less than a second. A writer said that it was kind of tempting to see a gold needle piercing a shield, but Li Hai stared like a bronze bell after seeing that I put the gold needle in a sword. He did n’t care if he did n’t hit it. The key is that the baby ’s golden needle is destroyed. This is the biggest blow to his miser, but after all, we are talking by name. Although he is angry, he ca n’t be angry. Blue and purple for a while but not easy to attack. After glaring at me with a resentment, a writer said suddenly he took out a triangle flag from his body and waved forward in the air. Follow me and see five rays of light flying over the flag. Before I can react, the five rays of light suddenly turned into five dragons in the air and rushed towards me, and I quickly retracted Jingjing and directed the night shadow dodge.

Originally, according to the speed of Ye Ying and the distance between us and the five dragons at that time, we absolutely couldn't get away, and the writers and the people who watched the following thought the same, but they did not know Ye Ying. Capability is not as simple as physical movement. In the expressions of everyone's stunned, Yeying and I seemed like a cloud of dissipating smoke that gradually faded and disappeared into the air during the running process. The faint smile of a writer stiffened directly on his face. Five dragons fluttered in the air and looked around in chaos, but no matter where I looked, I didn't find where I was.

"What are you looking for?" A writer said, looking around, the cold hair behind the immortal immortal suddenly appeared behind him, all of them stood up, but this guy really deserves to be a gangster-like gangster. There are a lot of things to know, just before my mortal blow is about to come to the body, this guy suddenly flashes a light cyan mask like an egg shell to protect him. The eternal sword slammed into the eggshell and issued a ping-pong bang that sent a writer shocked forward, the cloud under his feet was directly scattered, showing the power of this sword.

After turning around a few big heels in the air, Wenwendao finally gathered a group of white clouds to stabilize his body, but to his surprise, the people on the ground made Yeying stand up and made one. To read the latest Dong Jie, wash the book and add a notch to the sand) "Say Qi Umbrella ..." The fierce action, but he did not escape far and then disappeared into the air with his back again, and The next second suddenly came out from less than two meters in front of the Yiwen Taoist. The eternal sword that was raised horizontally was picked from the bottom up, and the eggshell on a wendao person was split into two with a bang. At the same time, a hanging jade on the wendao person's chest was also broken into half with the mask. However, although the guardian hanging jade was broken, it still saved the life of a writer, otherwise the sword might not be able to cut anything.

When it was discovered that the guardian jade that was in front of his chest was broken by my two swords, the literary man finally broke out completely. Looking at me who had rushed past him, he turned and swept away with a duster, but unfortunately I was already with him After passing through the wrong body, and once again penetrated into the void, a literary ambition to get a stroke without hitting anything directly hit the air.

"Is Wenyi ’s friend responding well? I suddenly appeared on the ground and said contentedly. Immediately after I said such a sentence, a violent attack from a Wendao person was attracted. The sky glow suddenly turned into a steel-like stick and fell from the sky. Pulling the reins, the night shadow jumped out to the side immediately. In the sound of a series of crickets, the position where I was standing was inserted into a bush of thorns by the steel fronts condensed by the rays, but I was not harmed. " Are you angry? It was an accident that you accidentally shattered your precious jade just now. I didn't know that the thing was not hit so hard. Sorry sorry

"Huh!" A Wen Taoist can no longer maintain a modest appearance. For him, such a miser, I have been broken by so many babies in a row, and if he can keep his peace of mind, then he will not be a miser. After a cold hum, a writer said that the flag in his hand suddenly waved at me again, and it fluttered. The five dragons suddenly rushed at me again, but this time was significantly faster than the last time.

"Intercept them

Several black holes suddenly appeared near me. A large group of magic pets appeared beside me. The first thing to do was sickle. As soon as he appeared, he spit out a huge white girl silk ball. The ball suddenly exploded in the air and twisted one of the dragons. The dragon Lixuan struggled violently, but the sickle bit the other end of the spider silk, and eight sharp sickle-shaped knives Penetrating deep into the ground pulled out eight huge ditch meals stiffly dragging the dragon's movement. The tank quickly climbed to the sickle and trampled its two forelimbs on the back of the sickle. On the one hand, it helped the sickle to hold the body, and on the other hand, he also obtained a stepping stone to lift his head. The launcher on his back popped up instantly, the crystal tube flashed three times quickly, and three spherical light bullets were like magic bullets. Soaring into the sky, he accurately hit the Shenlong, which was fixed by Meisi, and accompanied by a wailing, the dragon was wailing and planted from the sky, while the other four dragons were scattered because they avoided light bombs.

Lucky, Plague, and Xiaosan kicked **** the ground at the same time, and their bodies emptied to meet three of them. The last dragon was entangled by a black python about the same size as him, and two snake-shaped creatures were entangled. As he planted it from the sky, he blasted a large ditch on the ground with a bang, and immediately bounced back and twisted and rolled all the way to the edge of the cliff, but no one could control the situation in the battle. So they didn't notice that they were rolling towards the crowd. Of course, they may not care if they know it. The two huge creatures, 100 meters long and about the thickness of a locomotive, rolled and swept across, and players around were screaming and evading. The fast-responding people saw the opportunity that the two giants had taken up and ran towards them, and passed under them before they landed again. Some of the slow-responding people had good luck from Heiyan and Shenlong. His body was let down, and the unlucky one was either crushed or rolled down by two beasts and fell down the mountain.

While Hei Yan and one of the dragons rolled off the cliff, the other three dragons were also mingled with the three dragons. It is said that the dragon is Warcraft. Fighting power should not be as good as Shenlong, but luck and plague are not dragons without owners. With my master's attributes multiplied, their fighting power is far from comparable to that of ordinary dragons. Besides, the three dragons are not real dragons, but the spirit dragons spawned by the mana of that flag. They are not real dragons, otherwise Fortunately, their fighting power must be lost, but now they are very easy to play. The blood of the three dragons was crushed by the three dragons and they were unable to resist. As for the dragon that was shot down the most. He has now been cut into several sections by tanks, sickles and red thorns, and has long since died.

The three dragons that were suppressed soon died under the claws of the lucky ones, but a miserable dragon groan suddenly came from the edge of the field, and a dragon covered with blood flew from the edge of the cliff, just When he completely flew up, the people below couldn't help but take a breath, because there was a black giant snake hanging behind the dragon, and the dragon's tail and almost half of its body were all in the mouth of the snake. Here, the snake is still swallowing forward. At this speed, the whole dragon will be swallowed by him for a little while.

"I trust, how could a snake eat a dragon?" A player shouted in surprise.

"What kind of snake is that? Isn't it awesome?" Another player shouted.

To be honest, the scene before me was startled. Although it has long been known that melanitis is very powerful. But I never thought he could eat dragons, and still swallow them alive. The dragon who was desperately flying upward obviously wanted to get rid of it, but Hei Yan didn't care about him at all. Even if the dragon turned around and rolled Hei Yan, he swallowed up in one's own way, just at the moment they appeared. He swallowed another seven or eight meters and went in.

"Sin animal, Shenlong you dare to swallow it ?. A literary man who sobered up from the shocking scene in front of his eyes growled angrily, then suddenly took out a small knife and threw it at Hei Yan.

"Stop it!" I yelled at the flying knife. On the ground, the tank, sickle, and the crystal that had been idled at the same time launched their own long-range attacks to the sky. Unfortunately, the flying knife was too fast and all of them failed to hit. The flying knife eventually hit Heiyan's body straight and only walked out. To my surprise, the flying knife failed to cause any harm.

When the blade hit the black crystal-like scales of Heiyan, it immediately slid to the side and followed the black

"The book is in a fine notch, and the condition is different." It ’s a different kind of body, "said that reading is good to go to the outer fire ... Only the road of the body wiped out Mars and finally flew away from the tail of Hei Yan," and he couldn't cut it in.

Yiwen Tao was also startled by the sight in front of him. That flying knife is not an ordinary small flying knife. That was a dragon-slaying dagger, specifically for dragon-slaying. Think about the defensive power of Shenlong. Can it be a common commodity to kill dragons with Dan? However, it is this kind of flying knife that specifically kills the dragon. However, if someone sees the properties of melanitis, this result is not strange at all. This guy is a metamorphosis of class 5,000 after all, and it is different from other omnipotent creatures of class 5,000. He knows deformation, even his intelligence is low, and his magic is just a few instinct-like spit spells. But with so many shortcomings, the creature can be mixed up to the level of 5,000. It can be imagined that his other aspects must have huge advantages, otherwise the severe melanitis of the partial department will not be ranked under 5,000 in any case. Brush on this level. In fact, the strength of Heiyan completely meets or exceeds most of the creatures of level 5,000. Of course, his flaws are real, but his advantages are also outstanding enough, that is, this guy's super abnormal defense and horrible brutality. Power, these two items alone are enough to keep his 5,000th status, not to mention the small flying knife. When he was working with King Baoshu, they also blocked all attacks. This invincible foul can basically resist most attacks, so unless you have a super strong attack power to break through at a fixed point, it is not easy to hurt him.

The writer did not hurt Hei Yan, and the Taoist also stumbled. Heyen did not care about the knife because he had a low IQ. Still tirelessly swallowed up the dragon body. By the time everyone responded, he had swallowed up behind the dragon's front claws, and the dragon would be in his stomach for a quarter of the length.

I do n’t know if the dragons are all made by special principles. One writer seems to be afraid of the dragon being killed. Just missing four dragons just now made him firm. He must keep the last dragon's decisive dragon dagger, and he beckoned regardless of this guy. It was thrown back, and then a verdant green leaf was thrown from his body and thrown out. Although I do n’t know what the leaf is capable of, I can be sure that the thing is definitely much better than the Dragon Sword, otherwise a writer would never dare to throw it out after the Dragon Sword fails, but the interception failed before, this time my demon The pet is completely prepared. Just as the leaves flew out, a purple beam of light suddenly hit the leaves from the ground.

The violent explosion produced a glare, and the people on the ground had to temporarily block their eyes with their hands. Now they can only hear the thunderous sound in the sky. The horrifying heat generated by the horrible explosion is hundreds of meters. People who can still be roasted at high altitudes have pain in their skin. It is conceivable how high the temperature of the center of the explosion can be. However, when everyone thought that the leaf was bombarded, the heat wave around it suddenly rolled back like a vacuum cleaner and was sucked in by the leaf instantly, and that leaf also expanded rapidly. The length of the finger was more than an inch. The width became more than one meter long and nearly two feet wide.

"That thing can absorb attack energy, use negative energy or physical attack."

"Understanding Ling suddenly appeared next to me with one hand and pointed at the green leaf:" The black energy cloud that started the negative energy cloud in the name of the source of darkness suddenly rolled over and wrapped that leaf, the leaf in the sky It began to darken quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye in the dark clouds and gradually withered. A frightened man quickly reached out and recruited the leaves.


Seeing the leaves being called back, I once again played the role of the fire command center, pointing at a writer in the sky. "Get me down."

"The answer to the service is not on the ground, but on the back of a writer. He scared him to dodge quickly, but the king's speed was not slow at all. The black soul sword in his hand was cut out. A writer's robe was cut off in half, but before he recovered from the king's oppression, a horrible wind swept behind him, forcing him to ignore one of the images, and the lazy donkey rolled over. Lingling The holy sword brushed his head with a slight difference and swept away, and by the way he also flew a strand of his hair.

A whisperer in the sky stunned two moves and slammed an exclamation on the ground. That horrible combo is not something that ordinary people can flash past. Although Yiwen Taoist is not very good at hand-to-hand combat, he is an immortal after all, and it is not easy to force him into this.

The writer who had just escaped from the disaster did not dare to throw two runes in succession, and the two runes were posted to Lingling and the king separately as if they were alive, but the rune to Lingling was not yet Nearly was smashed by Ling Ling with a sword blow, and the king simply blasted the rune, moisturized by the suffocation between heaven and earth, and soaked in the sea of ​​silence for so long, the king's strength was early It is not to the extent that ordinary instruments can be damaged.

"Looking at where you are going to crush the rune, Lingling directly passed through the exploding fireball, and the holy sword slashed in the head, and the compelling man had to pull out the sword that was always carried on his back. In my opinion Yiwendaoren's sword is basically a decoration. Although most gods use swords, Yiwendaoren is not the same as ordinary gods. This guy has too many magic weapons, so he rarely needs to do it himself in battle. Relative to his sword, too It is rarely used, but after all, the sword is one of the fairy housekeeping skills. Just like the undead mage will definitely call the skeleton soldiers, the fairy is definitely a master of the sword, but it ’s a pity that the sword is not good for the sword. no good.

Dang accompanied the scream of a writer. A blood spring and a half-cut sword flew out together, and a writer was shot down from the cloud to the ground. Lingling chased straight down from the sky without any hesitation. A writer said he couldn't bear the wound on his arm and rolled away aside. Lingling's holy sword slammed into the ground, following a straight line in front of the sword tip. Suddenly there was a big ditch one meter wide and thirty meters long.

After completing this attack, Lingling still kept on, and after standing up from the ground, she shoved Shengli sideways. Then he suddenly lowered his wrist from the bottom to the top and chopped, and a sword gas swept across the ground. The ground along the way turned to both sides as if plowed.

"The Taoist was forced to roll over to one side and escaped the attack dangerously. Jie Sidao's sword qi was not a killing trick. Lingling used this trick just to attract the other party's attention. At that time Lingling had already rushed in front of him, and in a panic, the writer had to take out a jade flute as a weapon to resist it. Lingling waved the holy sword as if she was chopping on the sword target continuously. And it seems that her movements are still getting faster and faster. When Lingling was still a member of the Bright Temple, I already tasted the taste of a literary Taoist. Lingling's attack did not defend at all, she used a kind of The fast rhythm pushes you into her rhythm, and once the battle rhythm is controlled by her, you will not be far away from death. Because the holy sword seems to have the energy-gathering effect, her speed will be faster than a sword, Her strength will be greater than one sword until you can't stop it and you can't stop it from flying at last. Of course, this result will also be accompanied by your weapon reimbursement and severe injuries. Now one The Taoist has been obviously dragged into Lingling's attack rhythm. Ling Ling's hand is almost unclear at the scene. The people around can only see a large flash of light shining rapidly between her and a writer. Although everyone is Know that it is a sword shadow; but the average person has no idea at all which are the real swords and which are the afterimages.

"So scary" a player sighed in surprise.

"It's an exaggerated attack. Who can I chop with such a speed?" Another warrior player sighed with envy.

"Go dreaming." Another warrior beside the soldier said: "Although the angel is powerful, the key problem is still on the sword. You know not, the sword is a holy sword, with serial attacks, and each strike can accumulate damage. Speed, the later the faster, without that sword, even if you reach that level, you ca n’t cut off this crazy attack.

Although the lively players were discussing Lingling's attack methods, I was surprised at the flute in the hands of Wenwen Taoist. Although I don't know what it is. But one thing is certain, that thing is definitely not a general commodity, and it is definitely not a general commodity that can block the holy sword's continuous crazy blow without damage. To know that Ling Ling's holy sword was broken, even my holy dragon's tooth was broken. This flute itself was not used as a weapon. If it could resist such an attack, it can only explain his The actual power is absolutely terrifying. Taking advantage of the lingering pressure of a literate Taoist Lingling, he beckoned me to Ling, and Ling immediately came over. I whispered something in her ear, Ling immediately nodded and sent the message to other magic pets.

The original Linghuan Lingling suddenly got my instructions and the attack speed suddenly slowed down. The Wenwen Taoist was still wondering why the opponent ’s attack stopped, but then he discovered that Ling Ling raised his head and holyly gathered the nearby holy sword. The thing has now become a huge light stick. Everyone knows this. If a sword was absolutely broken and broke, a writer quickly put the flute to his mouth and tried to blow, but before he could blow, he suddenly found himself covered by a shadow. He raised his head in doubt but saw eight blade-like claws smashing at him, which would definitely become honeycomb if it was pierced. A man said in a hurry, he rolled out to the side and climbed up, intending to distance himself first, but Lingling suddenly turned to point at him and smashed the beam-like sword down. The whole mountain shook with a bang. A literary man ran out of the smoke and found out that all his clothes were full of caves. Well-dressed robes were burned like holes in beggars, but that's how he was grateful he survived. However, before he could react, he suddenly noticed that a woman appeared in front of her, and she instinctively stepped back, but the crystal protector on the woman's eyes suddenly popped up to reveal a pair of beautiful stars like eyes, that Eyes are simply works of art, dazzling as if they can be fascinating. However, although the beauty is beautiful, a literary man has cold hands and feet, which is not an illusion. It was really cold, because his hands and feet had turned into stones. The writer said immediately that it was the ghost of the woman in front of him, but when he used divine power to resist the petrification and gradually restore the petrified part, a large tail suddenly swept behind the woman, and a ping-pong sounded firmly. On the belly of a writer, he flew him out, and at the same time he suddenly saw me appearing above him in mid-air. And smashed at him in a strange pose. In fact, I slammed it down in an elbow position. The reason why he felt strange was because from his perspective, I looked like I was lying down. Of course, this did not affect my attack. Strength. My elbow failed to hit his stomach, because he was blocked by his hand, but the strength was not light, so Xian hit the ground directly and bounced again, and I was after the landing Quickly adjusted his posture, lifted his legs, smashed his heels and hit his belly again. The impact just made the writer a bit dizzy. In the second attack, he failed to flash away, and he took a firm kick on his stomach. At the same time, his rebounded body was smashed down and hit the ground a second time. The impact was so strong that he let loose his hand. The flute flew straight out. Before the Wenwen Taoist realized that the flute had been released, a white shadow flashed over the flute caught in the air and then disappeared on the edge of the cliff. If someone followed the speed of that white light, they would immediately notice that a cute little fox was snoring and purging across the flute, but in fact no one kept up with his speed, so No one saw this scene, and people with good eyesight saw only a white light flashing past.

After many consecutive strokes, Wenwen Tao finally realized that he was completely fooled. Not to mention him alone in my strength, even if two or three other gods with the same strength are drawn, they are not opponents. I alone have the strength to suppress three immortals. If the number of immortals at his level is less than five, he may not even run away, let alone victory.

Combining my actions before, now a writer has completely wanted to understand my purpose, and I am here to lie to his baby today. From the beginning to the end I paid the price of a small piece of sky crystal. But he lied to him from four babies, and

Trained him a few treasures. A man who wanted to understand the cause and effect of the article said that he was going to break up Yezhan. It was a pity that he was angry and angry, but in his heart he knew very well that his strength and position in the heavenly courts could not support him to play rogue. Although Yiwen Tao used to go to other people's pits, but those people were either less powerful than he was afraid to show up, or he was embarrassed and shameless than anyone else. He was as strong and shameless as me The first time I met him, so his thick black technique was completely invalid for me.

"Don't fight, I confess!" The writer who wanted to understand did not make unnecessary resistance anymore. It's tragic enough for me to pit so many things. If you continue to fight this way, you may not be able to reimburse how many things, so it is better to stop.

"Ah? You really admit defeat in Yiwendao? I looked at Yiwendao in surprise and said," I still expect you to guide me! Why did you give up so quickly? "

"No need, no need to write a word, the person quickly shook his hand and said:" The strength of Ziri Daoyou is far above me, and I have no good guidance. "

"Oh, what is Wenwen doing so modestly? Besides, what do you do if you concede those babies?" I was shaking with those babies. "Otherwise, we'll make another match, and you take something out and make a bet. This time will definitely let you win everything back."

Everyone said something in their hearts a moment. My heart said, "Are you still here? When I am with you again, I will be a mallet. If you continue to gamble like this, you must let me be evacuated!" Of course, if you think so in your heart, you ca n’t say that, a Wendao person just keeps shaking his head Said: "No comparison, no comparison, Ziri Daoyou really deserves its reputation, it is really great. I did not guide you in the battle just now, but I benefited a lot. These things will be my tuition fees." In fact, a literary man is a pun. He did pay the tuition, but he did not learn the fighting skills, but the skills of the tongue and the ground.

Of course, I also heard the meaning of a man. After all, I was embarrassed to scrape it too hard under a system. When people responded, I could only accept it when I saw it. Of course, the most important thing cannot be forgotten.

"Ah, Yiwen Daoyou is really kind! It is said that Yiwen Daoyou is mean, and I think it is nonsense. How can anyone in the world be as generous as Yiwen Daoyou?"

Although he knew that he had been miserable, Wenwendao now had to knock down his teeth and swallow blood in order to avoid greater losses. "That's what it is, where am I stingy, I'm very generous." A writer said that in line with my words, just hurry to send me the plague **** away as soon as possible.

After he acknowledged his generosity, I hurriedly said, "Yes, last time I heard someone say that a Taoist friend has a fragrance that can chase the soul. I wonder if you can give me some insight?"

Although the chasing the soul is a treasure, it is a one-time thing after all, and a literate person will make it himself, so when I ask for that thing, I dare not knock on my money again, and quickly took one and stuffed it Hand. "This is a hundred. Although Ziri Daoyou took it for research

"Did I just say that I am a gentleman who is very generous! Hahahaha today you and I had a great talk, but I still have something to do today. Don't bother. This is the end!"

"No delivery.

"Looking at me as I put away the magic pet and mounted the mount and gradually went away, the writer said that he was relieved. This time he was scared by me, but he frowned again when he turned around." Oh! Where's my soul flute? "As if something suddenly rang, a writer said suddenly turned and yelled in the direction I was going:" Zi Ri, you robber.

Although a word of people shouted very hard. But at the speed of night shadows we have long gone beyond the range of audible sound. I quickly ran to the nearest city by riding Yeying. As soon as Yeying landed at the gate of the city, I saw a white light shoot out from the nearby trees and fell directly on Yeying's head. I reached out and touched the dart's head, and then took the jade flute he was holding. Yudi started cold, and felt as if holding a block of ice. But I came from the dark, and I knew very well that it was not really low temperature, but a result of a high concentration of negative energy. It is said that the things used by the immortal should be positive energy weapons except the ghostly artifacts of the Yan Wang Dian, but this flute turned out to be a negative energy weapon. Expanding on the attributes of the flute, I took a brief look at it. The flute's name is Locked Soul Flute. The level didn't surprise me. It is indeed an artifact and an advanced artifact. Listed under the name are some attributes of the flute. The classification of this flute is a weapon. Although this thing is obviously not intended for soldiers, its basic attack power is even higher than most soldiers' weapons. No wonder it can block Lingling's holy sword without damage. Of course, the main role of this thing is to assist in casting, and it turns out to be a professional enhancement of the sound system. Of course, even if it does n’t have a characteristic attribute, it ’s definitely not good, because one of the attributes is “Soul Control”.

Soul control is not a general exorcism. It does not control a dead soul, but a living soul. In other words, he can actually be used to manipulate any living person with a soul. Of course, this perverted property requires the support of corresponding power. It's not that anyone who can get it can control others. If you have a weak overall strength, you can't control others, but as long as you have a certain foundation, it is very easy to control others.

After thinking about it, only Bingbing is the most suitable. Our guild uses two flutes, and the other is a player's trumpet. Such a good thing is naturally for Bingbing.

Take the flute back to Isinger and hand it over to a guard to help me hand it over to Bingbing, and then I ran to the small village that was blasted last time, and lit a rubble from the pit of Wenwendao on the ruin After chasing the soul, I began to desperately think about the chairman of the guild I saw last time. The seemingly ordinary chasing incense in my hand immediately burst a purple smoke, and the mass The smoke turned up in one direction without being affected by the airflow.

"Haha, see where you are going this time

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