Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 123: Sharp

Thousands of nails do not refer to others. It is Masamoto Matsumoto. At that time, Hualifang Gongbaliwei helped him up again, now is the time for him to play a role. Although the magic crystal steam bombs are all in the hands of Nobunaga's hands, but Matsumoto is also Japanese, and now he is considered an authentic Japanese power. As long as he "beats" our city, then the ghosts Nobunaga has no excuses to attack these cities again, and for us to hand over the cities to Matsumoto Masawa is equivalent to left-handed and right-handed change of hands.

"Haha, don't say we have forgotten, we still have such a nail in Japan!" Eagle said with a laugh: "So how do we switch?"

"We talked together afterwards, and soon came up with a rough plan, and then gave this imaginative plan to the **** of war, and he made the final improvement. Although he is not very good at innovation, trapping is definitely his strength.

After an hour, Japan

"Hold on, hold on to me," with an explosion, the entire wall of the city collapsed, and all the players fighting below were buried in the rubble.

"No, I can't hold it!" A player said as he stepped back.

"We managed to get the right to use this city. How could we easily throw it to the Japanese?" The player next to him looked angrily at the Japanese who rushed forward and yelled: "It's a big deal to drop one or two levels, absolutely not We lost our Chinese face in front of Little Japan, everyone rushed with me! "

Along with this president ’s declaration, a large group of player guards rushed forward to the Japanese player team, but unfortunately they had seen a can-sized bottle flew from the opponent ’s camp before contacting the Japanese. When I came over, I heard a boom, and a huge gap appeared in the charging crowd, and the ground was full of broken limbs.

"Abominable, isn't our city going to fall like this?"

"That may not be so." A "a sudden voice surprised the president, and his expression immediately changed from panic to excitement." President Ziri? "

"The person with you will deal with the wounded first, and we will leave it to us." I said that the blade on my arms suddenly slipped out automatically, and rushed forward as I squatted.

Seeing someone rushing over, the Japanese opposite immediately threw a magic crystal steam grenade again. "I'm not a miscellaneous soldier." I bounced off the ground with a smirk, and kicked the grenade directly back into the Japanese camp with a spin in the air, listening only to a loud noise. The Japanese player's formation was relatively far away and the person who had not hung up had just risen from the ground and saw a sudden whirlwind passing by, and then returned to the Temple of Resurrection somehow.

"What's going on in front?" The commander in the rear suddenly fell down and sent a large number of people to ask for it, but just after the man shouted, he suddenly saw a dark shadow suddenly fell in front of himself.

"Don't block the way." Immediately after I landed, I turned around and slid past the guy, and the guy stayed in place as if he was standing still. He didn't fall down until I rushed into the crowd behind. Blood spurted from the throat. After rushing into the rear camp, I did not waste time with the miscellaneous soldiers on the Throne of the Seal of God, but went backwards all the way. Soon behind the team I found a car guarded by several senior players. "Oh, I won."

Seeing me rushing towards me, several players nearby left the car and rushed towards me, but to their surprise, I did n’t mean to reduce it at all, as if I did n’t see them, but they did n’t notice It was a white lightning that had taken the lead to the car.

As soon as the dart landed on the car, he immediately picked up a magic crystal steam grenade, then grabbed the ring with his claws and gently dragged it, and then threw the mine into the grenade on the car and turned it into one. The streamer disappeared into the distance.

boom. A big bang. The power of an entire car's magic crystal steam grenade to explode at the same time is absolutely shocking. All the buildings within a 200-meter radius are blown away instantly. As for the players, there is no residue left. A fire broke out immediately after the explosion, and because the place was too close to the city gate, the flames blocked the city entrance. Later Japanese players rushed up to try to extinguish the fire. After all, they want to rush into the city as soon as possible. Occupy the city, there is no time for the Seal of the Seal of God to wait for the fire to go out on its own.

Japanese players rushing to the flames were about to extinguish the fire, and suddenly one of them appeared. The shadow of a human figure was accompanied by the sound of a bang of the armor, and the shadow gradually came out of the flames. Only then did they show that the shadows themselves were on fire, but the color of the flame turned out to be purple and black. Yes, and there are many red arcs in the flames jumping.

"Dear friends from Japan." I held out a hand and shook it. "Are you ready to go to hell?"

"Ah! It's Ziri!"

"Run away! It's Ziri!"

"It's that demon, and that demon is here again,"

The Japanese player's camp was chaotic in an instant, and even the people behind him could not stop the chaos of the player. What's worse is that even about one-fifth of the old troops even started to turn around and run away. This would never have happened before! Although there are drunk escape settings in Zero, they can now go offensive. And morale is also quite high. At this time, there is still a big escape. How can this not let those players panic? In fact, what they do n’t know is that because they are attacking, with the coercion generated by my current level and attributes, if they are not in the offensive position, at least half of them will directly turn and run away, and the remaining one will enter A state known as out of control. In this state, the soldiers ’combat power is only about half of the usual, which is equivalent to turning a group of ordinary fish into a group of half dead.


"Don't be afraid, he was alone, he stopped me and a commander pointed me to call the rest of the players together, but only half of what he said was nailed to him by a long sword that suddenly flew from nowhere. On the ground.

As soon as I reached out to the guy's body, the sword retreated immediately, and then flew back to me. After holding eternity, I threw it into the air, and my brother smashed into the crowd in front of me, and the blood-colored flowers opened in the past. Is it still very useful to use the private player's central breakthrough strategy? "Rose stood on the spider" said to the people around him with a team of Japanese players rushing out of the city.

Su Mei rode on the back of a Pegasus to watch the situation outside the city, and then responded: "Brother Ziri is special. His strength is too much for ordinary players. Even without using any strategy, he will be absolutely fatal. Existence, so the key to the central breakthrough fighter depends on whether other people can also achieve the intended effect. "

While Su Mei and Rose were talking about our situation, a similar thing happened in another city in Japan, except that the combatants were replaced by the top players in the guild.

"Fucky miscellaneous fish, why are there so many! Since you are not so afraid of death, let's go to death together." Krissina points her staff forward: "Dark magic life captures." Accompanied by the start of a spell A huge circular area suddenly appeared in the area in front of Kris Christina. This area was as dark as a black hole. However, when the Japanese looked at the black ground under their feet in horror, suddenly this circular area A white line was added, and the white line began to separate to the sides. A huge blood-red eye appeared in the center of the black area. When that eye was fully opened, the ground shook suddenly, and then it seemed as if it had been rehearsed in advance. All the people in the black area had arrived for an instant. There was no trace of anger in the gray eyes, just straight. Looking forward. "It looks like the new spell is working well!" Kriszna said to herself, then suddenly snapped her fingers. "Get up, my slaves, to devour all the creatures that are standing in front of you. Start the large undead conversion array."

With a buzz, a huge green magic circle suddenly appeared under the dead people, followed by a slamming of their hands and feet, and then threw their chests forward like muscle spasms. The arms yanked back, as if someone was tearing their arms back. However, this condition lasted only a few seconds, and the spasm symptoms of those people soon disappeared. Follow those people to start one, and then one after another staggered up from the ground.

"Damn it, undead! She turned our people into zombies!" A Japanese player outside shouted.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a zombie." A Japanese in charge comforted everyone.

"Oh? Is that really the case?" Chris decorated Na's face with a playful smile. "So how about that? Start a strong desire ring."

"Oh, all the zombies suddenly held their heads at the same time and started yelling at the sky, and after yelling a few times they dropped their hands again, but at this time the zombies' original gray eyes without a trace of anger did not know when It has become a blood red. The greedy light flashed in those eyes, as if hungry for tens of thousands of years. When they looked at a nearby living companion, the look was simply looking at a plate of food, and the look was even more than hunger The wolves were horrified when they saw the blood.

Chris Kanna smiled and pointed at the remaining Japanese players. "What are you waiting for? Do you want me to slice you and add some spices?"

Although Kris's voice is very beautiful, she is now horrible as the voice of the devil. All the violent zombies suddenly moved together, not swaying forward like ordinary zombies, but madly rushing forward on all fours like running monkeys. Those Japanese players were horrified before they even reacted. The zombies rushed to the ground, and before they started to fight back, Li Xuan was seven or eight zombies rushing up and opening their mouths to bite. Hundreds of people were split up instantly. Seeing the companions in front of them being swallowed and torn apart, the Japanese in the back were almost scared. At this time, many people even forgot that they were playing games. They were already confused by the sight in front of them. Now, many people are sitting on the ground, saying do n’t come over and crawling backwards, while others are using hands and feet while crawling backwards and crying to mom. It is estimated that many people will have mental illness after today Right!

Different from Kris's role, Naruto's fighting style is much more direct. But it didn't look as scary as Chris Naina. But in fact, the killing degree of the real red is definitely not slower than that of Chris. After completely liberating the power of the Zhenwu suit, Zhenhong turned into a human-shaped tyrannosaurus. Each punch of her will plow a large trench that is 78 meters wide and half kilometers long. Anyone who dares to approach her She would be shot into the ground or thrown out of the atmosphere, and the Japanese who fought with her felt that they were fighting with a magical Jin Cai.

In fact, the high-profile attacks of our masters in various cities are not without reason, we are just testifying for Masamoto Matsumoto. The ghost-handed Nobunaga is holding the magic crystal steam bomb in his hand and dare not move our city easily. It would be a little too fake if Masamoto Matsumoto easily got our city, and if a lot of people and materials are lost for the sake of acting, We are reluctant. So, we finally came up with such an idea. Because the ghost-handed Nobunaga did not attack the city of our guild, all the guild masters came out to help other guilds defend ~ ~ so that our own city would be "empty" and Matsumoto Masako It just happened to seize this, "opportunity" captured our city in one fell swoop. Although there will still be a little doubt about this, but in the past, at least most people will believe it. As for those who don't believe it, even if we compile it well, they will definitely get in trouble, so don't worry about them at all.

Actually count this time. The military force used in the game is not just us, senior players, because with the strength of our guild, even if we seniors are not there, it should not be occupied instantly. So to convince the Japanese people of this plan. We also transferred out other guild forces. The low-level units cooperate with the Shenwu wind chimes to deal with the large Japanese troops. The high-mobility units look for Japanese players' squads and supply lines in the wild. As for the long-range weapons of this guild, they naturally found the other party's headquarters. In short, let everyone in Japan know that there are no soldiers in our city, so it would be more reasonable to be easily beaten down. At most, someone would scold Matsumoto for his shit.

Huan, who was killing on my side, suddenly received a message from Rose.

"what's up?"

"We seem to overplay!"

"Huh?" I responded for a moment. "Did it?"

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