Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 128: Countermeasure

Ergui watched everyone conclude! "The key to defending the city is in the use of Qianmojingji Qiwulianzhou. As long as we have a weapon that uses the magic crystal steam principle, the power imbalance caused by the magic crystal steam weapon will return to the previous situation again. "

"But how can we have a magic crystal steam weapon in the guild?" Da Guofan turned to look at Tie Ma: "We are in charge of the technical department of the guild. How much research has been done on this magic crystal steam weapon? Listen It's not the day or two that the chairman gave you samples. "

Woma explained with a frown: "We have been getting samples for a long time, and there are a lot of equipment, but the most critical stabilizer synthesis formula is missing. You all know that the magic crystal steam bombs made by the Japanese are very unstable. It will explode if you don't pay attention. In fact, it is already very good. In our magic crystal steam experiment, the steam started to react violently at the same time as it was just generated. There was no way to use it, so there was nothing we could do. ! "

"Have you made a mistake? What we can do in Little Japan, we ca n’t put in so much money in the guild and we ca n’t make it?"

"Hello, are you sarcastic about our technical department?" Woma asked angrily at the cauldron.

"What about it? It's all about it."

With a loud noise, I slapped a palm print on the marble table in front of me. "Big pot rice on time, you shut up for me. What are the three rules of our guild?"

"I,"! "Cauldron rice wants to explain.

I glared at the cauldron rice and slammed the table again.

"What are the three rules of conduct for our guild ?.

"Yes," think of everything, don't panic when things go wrong

"anything else?"

"Have more guns in your spare time, don't worry about it in wartime

"carry on."

"Never engage in internal fighting, the muzzle is only external

"What are you doing?"

"I,"! "

"Remember this time, and next time I will let you clean the stool of the guild guardian and scold the cauldron. Then I said," The research progress of the magic crystal steam weapon is slow mainly because the research funding is concentrated on the Protoss. The development of mobile angels has slowed down the research speed of magic crystal steam weapons. This is not Woma's fault. It was decided after discussing with Eagle and Red Moon. but. From now on, the research on magic crystal steam weapons must be immediately put on the main agenda. Besides, I suddenly paused here. "Rose, how much disposable money do we have?"

"About 2.3 billion crystal coins, plus or minus 10 million."

I nodded my head and said, "In that case, immediately dial 1 billion crystal coins to the institute

"What? Billion ?. Rose was startled." Are you crazy? "

"No, I'm not crazy." I looked at everyone and said, "The ghost-hand Nobunaga has been suppressed by us for so long, and now we finally have a weapon in our hands that can counter us. Naturally, it is impossible to stop, and we are caused by it. The loss will be immeasurable. On the surface, we are investing a lot of money to research the magic crystal steam weapon, but the magic crystal steam weapon is not only aimed at the Japanese. In the future, we can send any conflict with any guild or individual. Is useful. Therefore, it is necessary to study it in advance.

Rose nodded and said, "It's reasonable to say that, but I think it can be slightly modified."

"How to modify it?"

"It's very simple." Rose said with a smile. "Sooner or later, the magic crystal steam weapon will appear in the sight of guilds in various countries, but the Japanese ca n’t fight, but we will naturally join others to hit us. Although it is not the world ’s largest guild, it is the world ’s first guild. Therefore, guilds such as the Paladin of the Gunners would rather cooperate with the Japanese than with us because we threaten them. Much larger than the Japanese. But that was after the large-scale emergence of magic crystal steam weapons, after all these guilds without magic crystal steam weapons at that time became vulnerable groups. As long as the Japanese were willing to sell the relevant Technology and they will unite with the Japanese to deal with us

"Then you mean we'll find them in advance?" I asked inconclusively.

Rose nodded and said, "Yes. As long as we have some technology now, coupled with our own research and development capabilities, I believe it can attract many people. Now we have the most favorable conditions." Rose Speaking here, she deliberately paused, and she continued until our interests were raised: "That is, compared to the Japanese who have used magic crystal steam weapons on a large scale in war, they have not yet mastered it. We of the Magic Crystal Steam Weapons are the same as those guilds we plan to unite. They are vulnerable groups without the Magic Crystal Steam Weapons. Although the technology owned by the Japanese now makes them stronger, they also give themselves to Isolated. "

Hongyue nodded and said, "No wonder those Russians gave the Japanese themselves after they used the magic crystal steam weapon. According to Rose's explanation, those Russians must know the problems, so

I said with a smile: "Yes. Polar bears are really well developed, but their minds are not simple at all, but fortunately we are not dumb gooses. So we will immediately look for partners, and then we will study the magic crystal together. Steam weapon. By the way, Woma. You are from the technical department. Do you know how to divide the cooperation method better?

"In terms of the technology of the magic crystal steam weapon, there are currently two better ways of cooperation. One is direct investment. The Institute of our guild is a system building. As long as the money is smashed. The research progress will be greatly improved, so You can allow those guilds to pay directly, and we can take them after we have the technology. Another method is to subcontract the technology. The magic crystal steam weapon involves a lot of things. The first is the safe liquefaction technology of magic crystal. We need to play Absolutely safe and cheap liquefaction technology, it is impossible to produce without safety, and mass production is not cheap. Both of them must be done to produce magic crystal steam weapons. Of course, in addition to magic crystal liquefaction, there are liquid magic crystal purification technology, Liquid magic crystal vaporization technology, then the safe storage and transportation technology of magic crystal steam, the detonation technology of magic crystal desalination, the stabilization technology of magic crystal steam, the concentrated energy blasting or large-area detonation technology of magic crystal, etc. Wait for a series of technologies. Of course, there is one thing that the Japanese have not mastered yet, which is the practical launch technology of magic crystal steam weapons. These things Can be studied separately

Immediately after listening, Rose said: "That's the way, Ziri, you can contact some large guilds that can cooperate, and those who have research capabilities can use their research capability subcontracting technology to research them. Money, anyway, ca n’t take technology in vain. Of course, there must be an agreement in the end, to ensure that the guilds that master the technology will not leak the technology, and the guilds with less investment will pay for each time they use the magic crystal steam weapons. A relatively large guild. This is a patent fee. Otherwise, we would lose too much.

I thought about it and said, "In this case, the billion investment will be a little too much. After that, we will cut it again depending on the situation. You first leave me 800 million to prevent it.

"That's okay, but do you want to find which guilds to cooperate with?"

"Iron Crusaders can't run away. They must have their share besides ourselves. Big head.

I think it ’s necessary to pull in the holy gun league of Gunslinger. After all, he is the second most powerful player, even though we are both. 'S personal relationship is not very good, but it is not a deadly enemy. Strong men like him can pull and pull. Also, the Temple of Poseidon should be pulled in. One of the large guilds in the country, the Bloody Alliance, the Northern Alliance, and the Anti-Japanese Federation, cannot be pulled down. You can also recommend which guilds are available.

Rose said: "I think I must bring the Rainbow Alliance. As for the other guilds, I don't think it is necessary to pull in. By the way. Those Indian guilds can consider it.

"Why take them?" Hongyue asked in amazement.

"Because the Indian guild is not very aggressive, and even if there are magic crystal steam weapons, it can't turn up, but one thing is very important. That is, they can bring us a lot of funds. Research on the Indian guild Weak power. So they can only participate in the cooperation plan by means of capital investment, so that our economic pressure can be much less.

"That's a good idea."

After confirming the cooperation plan, Li Xuan started to negotiate separately ~ ~ All the domestic guilds were handed over to Hongyue, and she was the vice president anyway. Feng Yin Piao Miao is her brother again, her identity is absolutely enough. In the end, the German side was responsible for the Eagle. Although he did not go abroad, he was holding the title of Vice President after all. In addition, the Iron Crusaders and our guild had a relatively strong relationship, so it did n’t take much skill to negotiate. Go enough. At the end of India, Su Mei is responsible for the real red and gold coins. After all, the Indians are not too serious, and we don't care if we talk about success. What's more, it is possible to sell people with Su Mei's eloquence, and we are not worried. Finally, the most troublesome nature is the American side. Poseidon is okay to say. After all, although this guy Terry is not stupid, after all, he is more open-minded and speaks straight, which should be easy to handle. The key is the Rainbow Alliance and the Paladin. Although Yusina is also a female Chinese hero, but she is a woman after all, her **** is destined to be much stronger than men in bargaining, so her side is relatively troublesome. The problem of the Paladin is different from that of the Rainbow Alliance. The gun **** is not as troublesome as Yusina. The key is that the Holy Grail Alliance is too strong. I worry that the gun **** will open his mouth and want to occupy the big head. This is the most troublesome. Yusina will bargain again. After all, the strength is really there. She won't have too many cards to beat us. On the contrary, the most important thing for Gunslinger is the card, which is what we are most worried about.

Concerned about the negotiations, I set foot on the United States with Rose. Of course, the most troublesome place can only be done by our husband and wife. Rose's lips and my fists make this invincible combination.

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