Starting from Zero

Vol 4 Chapter 79: Dueling Soul Mage

The first collision between Lucky and the Fairy Dragon chose the most common hand-to-hand combat of the Dragon family. The Fairy Dragon originally did not like to use hand-to-hand combat, but this time it may be that it can see that Lucky is relatively small, so it directly hit Lucky. together.

Fortunately, the black dragon of the sacred system, he is not lacking in fierce and brutal and melee skills. After the two dragons collided, they fortunately opened their mouths and bit the fairy dragon's neck. The battle between dragons and dragons usually depends on teeth. The scales of dragons are extremely hard. Their claws can't hurt the same kind. As for magic, it is rarely used. The magic resistance of dragons is very high. Most of the dragon's magic can't hurt the same kind except for the dragon with high magical attack power, so the battle between the dragon races is determined by the teeth. Fortunately, biting the fairy dragon's neck now has the upper hand. Unfortunately, the fairy dragon's head is much larger than lucky. One twisted it and pulled the neck out of lucky teeth.

Fortunately, the lucky luck bit the root of the opponent's wings. The fairy dragon desperately grabbed the lucky back with its claws because of the pain, but the hard dragon scales were completely afraid of the dragon's claws. The caught Mars on the lucky back splashed and emitted A harsh sound when scraping glass with metal.

仙 Several claws go down. The fairy dragon realizes that this time the claws are useless, and the tail swept away the lucky while also letting herself escape successfully. Lucky seems to have long recognized that the fairy dragon's advantage lies in long-range magical attacks, so he just realized that he should not pull away. No matter how the fairy dragon broke free, luck will chase after it and give it no breathing chance at all. In fact, Lucky did bring a great advantage to her. Fairy Dragon knew that although she had a high level, she had no advantage at all in front of the most cruel black dragon. She was always looking for opportunities to distance herself, but luck was not to give it opportunity. With the doubling effect of the dragon crown, luck can open a hole in the fairy dragon with each mouthful.

Suddenly the fairy dragon struck her tail with a sudden blow and flipped fortune a few times in the air to stabilize her figure, but the fairy dragon had already used this short time to distance her. A voice like an angel's song suddenly sounded around us, and the phantom immediately reminded: "Be careful, it's Dragon-language magic!"

"Is it amazing?"

"I don't know, but almost every magic of the Dragon language is shocking!"

Xu Zheng said that the magic was suddenly completed, the surrounding songs suddenly disappeared, a white magic vortex suddenly appeared in front of the fairy dragon, and luckily rushed up with a whirlwind to hope to interrupt the magic. Unfortunately, the vortex suddenly flashed after being lucky to reach a distance of more than ten meters in front of the magic vortex, and a drop-shaped magic missile flew out from the center of the magic vortex. Fortunately, the magic missile just flew away with a flutter of wings. I thought it was okay, but the magic missile turned around and flew towards me after being lucky.

It is indeed a dragon, and its intelligence level is really not comparable to that of ordinary creatures. Fairy Dragon hasn't regarded luck as its opponent from the beginning, it has been aiming at me. As long as it kills me in its thinking, luck is meaningless! I scrambled to dodge to the side, unfortunately, the magic dragon of the fairy dragon would turn, no matter how I dodged that thing, I could always chase after me. Almost when I thought I couldn't flash, the tank suddenly appeared in front of me, and a magic missile banged directly on the tank. Where the hard carcass of the tank was hit by a magic missile, an oval blue blob was immediately burned, but I can clearly see from the property bar that the tank didn't care about this level of attack at all. This kind of magic pet characterized by thick skin and long blood is nothing at all.

The puppet tank just blocked the magic missile for me. The flying ants rushed back at lightning speed, and the tank was knocked out by the flying ants. Although the tank had a great impact, he just ran over the flying ants after the first collision and ran over to block the magic missile for me. Now, the ants that were killed and came back hit him from the back. !! Seeing the tank being hit and flying, my arms moved, and my blade claws were all in place when I heard Doraemon. After the flying ant hit the flying tank, I was still in a halo and didn't slow down. I flew up to its back. It landed at the connection between its wings and the body, and I smashed my feet with my fists, and the long blade claw immediately penetrated the transparent wings of the flying ants (the wings of the flying ants resemble dragonflies, but they stretch backwards). Feeling the painful flying ant on his back, he immediately turned over and wanted to shake me off. I released my right arm and flung it out along the left wing of the flying ant, but my blade claw successfully pulled open a nearly two on its wing. M's gap. Flying ants with damaged wings immediately became difficult to control flight.

"Ana!" I summoned a mermaid princess, Ana, and the situation is tighter than expected. Her part-time nurse can help a lot. Azona didn't know we were in the air, she screamed and fell into the clouds as soon as she appeared, but soon she flew up. Azona's advanced floating technique was very powerful. Use some simple auxiliary magic such as healing magic while maintaining the floating.

"Why are we in the sky?" Ariana floated next to me and asked me, I pushed her out, and the angry flying ants immediately passed between the two of us.

"You go to the side to support us with auxiliary magic, now I'm not free, go back and let the phantom explain to you slowly."

Asana flew away from the tank and rushed back. His two scythes swept towards the flying ants. Although the flying ants had a large hole in their wings, they attacked, and they bite on the tank's leg joints. This is where the armor on the tank is weakest. This mouth didn't help the tank, but a long needle suddenly stuck out of the ant's mouth and stabbed into the joint of the tank. The tank was desperately struggling because of the pain, and put a sickle into the ant's belly. . I could hear a sound of leather tearing so far. The flying ant's belly was torn open by a huge hole in the tank. The green slime sprayed all over the sky at once, but the tank was also crumbling because of that needle. Ariana immediately started using the blessing of water on the tank. This is a magic that can eliminate all negative effects. Although the effect is not very good, it should completely eliminate the bad symptoms after using it a few times.

After the tank had just killed the flying ants, a magic missile on the other side hit the tank's body again. It turned out to be a fairy dragon. Fortunately, it was blown out of its side and there was no chance to attach it. The fairy dragon's magic missiles are almost launched one after another. I finally saw what a magic genius is. The speed of using such magic missiles is really scary! The magic missiles are flying around in a way that can't be close to the fairy dragon. Although the missiles that have passed their heads continue to fly to the open air, most of the magic missiles are directed and turned back to luck. An attack was launched behind.

Seeing lucky being overwhelmed by breath, Xiaofeng rushed towards the fairy dragon with a black flame, but the fire phoenix entangled Xiaofeng, and a red flame successfully blocked Xiaofeng's way. In a blink of an eye, the fire phoenix rushed to the mountain and smashed into a ball with Xiaofeng. It was impossible to tell who was who! The two phoenixes attacked each other with their mouths and claws. Pieces of feathers floated everywhere. Unfortunately, we are not on the ground now. If we are on the ground, we can definitely see the spectacular scene below. Those feathers will light up immediately after they land. Large areas look as if it is raining in the sky.


Ana gathered up and said, "The one on your head is a fire drill, right?"

"Yes, but I don't know what to call now!"

"Fire drill can help Xiaofeng, would you like to try?"

"How do I try?"

"Will you fire magic?"

会 "Yes, but it's all low-level! I haven't bought a skill book in town for a long time!"

"Read it to me! If you can't do it, let it be!" Said Ariana helplessly.

I started to put my hand on the fire drill and chanted the fire spell according to Arna's instructions. "The great king of flames, I call upon you with the guidance of a fire drill! Come on, Evrit!"

As soon as my spell was finished, a huge magical array of six-pointed stars suddenly appeared in front of me. The magical array flashed an orange-red light and then burst into flames. A huge humanoid object with me two tall appeared in front of me. This guy looks like a European knight in armor, but its armor is completely fiery red, and it continues to flame outwards in the eyes and mouth of the armor. I can't believe it. I never learned this skill, but I actually summoned it successfully! But the human form of Everett only flickered for two seconds, and after a few flashes, Everett suddenly disappeared.

Ana looked at the magic circle that was still spinning on its own: "It's really early for you to summon Everett if you are less than 500! You can go by yourself!"

I was just that Everit, who had appeared for two seconds, had already used up three quarters of my magical value. This thing was burning magical power, and it must never be used again! Look at the irresistible Xiaofeng who hits Fire Phoenix over there and the luck that can only be dodged back and forth by Fairy Dragon here. I really do n’t know which side to help! The tank is basically hopeless! He's still receiving treatment there, I'm afraid it will be a long time before he enters the battle!

Just when I was in the half-inside category, a flashing Tai Chi chart flew past me. Everyone saw the glowing Tai Chi logo, but no one had time to react. The speed reached straight and landed on the fairy dragon. When Taijitu touched the fairy dragon, it emitted a dazzling golden light and disappeared into the air. Fairy Dragon was originally focusing on dealing with luck. Taiji Tu suddenly hit it and caught him by surprise, but Tai Chi didn't seem to have any attack power, and the Fairy Dragon was not changed. But soon we realized what Tai Chi was for.

The magical vortex in the hand of the fairy fairy suddenly burst into countless starlights and disappeared into the air. The good magic missiles that had been flying suddenly stopped, and all the magic was suddenly invalidated. The magic on the fairy dragon's opponent suddenly disappeared. It was very surprised. It desperately wanted to re-gather the magic but still nothing happened. I think lucky was also overwhelmed by this sudden change, and quickly shouted at luck. "Fortunately, that's the Five Elements Sealed Magic Array. It can't use magic anymore. Quickly, kill it before it recovers!"

Fortunately, when I heard what I said, I rushed up without hesitation, and the fairy dragon was unprepared and was thrown by luck. The battle was gradually controlled by luck, and the failure of the fairy dragon was only a matter of time. The fairy dragon who has lost magic is a garbage dragon. The most garbage bone dragon in the dragon family can now easily handle it!

Although Xiao Xiaonu took the time to use the Five Elements Sealing Magic Array to lock the fairy dragon's magical power to save her luck, she herself paid a bitter price for it. The unknown monster bit the little dragon girl's tail in one bite. It swallowed the little dragon girl like a snake. This monster is about the same size as the Dragon Girl, but its head is very large, so its mouth is also very large, and it is not impossible for it to swallow the Dragon Girl. The little dragon girl desperately rolls up and down trying to free herself from the monster's mouth, but the monster's crooked teeth are bitten and it is not loose!

When the dragon girl saw that the monster was going to be swallowed by the monster, suddenly a large group of silver bees flew over, as if shouting a slogan, the silver bees lined up in a neat three-machine formation to the monster, and each passing silver bee put itself The silver pin behind the tail was deeply inserted into the monster's body. I can also clearly see that the place where the monster was ordered has completely turned into dark green. The poison of the silver bee is really powerful!

The biting monster opened its mouth with a big, painful howl. The dragon girl took advantage of this rare opportunity to yank her tail away to clear the monster's attack range. After the silver bees fired the silver needles, their tails lighted up, and a white light began to extend downward from their tails. After the light spot, the brand-new tail spine actually grew again. The participating silver bees flew back to the brigade immediately, and the Thunderbirds were besieged by a large number of silver bees. A Thunderbird suddenly fired a dazzling white thunderball with one mouth, but the Silver Bee did not fear to let the thunderball hit itself. The silver bee that was hit directly flickered, and several arcs immediately connected from it to several silver bees next to it. The arc spread like a wave throughout the swarm, but the silver bee did not respond at all! The body of the silver bee is almost all constructed of pure mercury, and there is also magic silver on the body surface. This body has good electrical conductivity, and the current passes through the body of the silver bee without harming the silver bee itself.

Watching the huge bee colony, a thunderbird suddenly rushed up to peck the silver bee. A silver bee that had not escaped was bitten into three pieces by one bite. The thunderbird had a section in its mouth and the other end was suspended In the air. Thunderbird's head tilted and swallowed a third of the silver bee in its mouth. The remaining two broken silver bee residues were automated into two mercury droplets, and the two droplets merged into a larger droplet and flew into the fire drill on my head.

The thunderbird who ate a silver bee got cheap and immediately threw down the next silver bee, but it hadn't flew halfway and suddenly stiffened. The whole thunderbird kept flying like a sculpture in a bottle Fall down. Anyway, the silver bee is also a step-by-step fire poisoning bee. Its housekeeping ability is giant poison. Besides, mercury itself is poisonous. This silly bird actually eats the silver bee. Isn't it equivalent to swallowing a poison? !! The other Thunderbirds were all dumbfounded, and they never dared to eat silver bees. However, Thunderbirds continue to use the most bite method to destroy only the silver bees. These silver bees are destroyed by each one. Any torn silver bees will become mercury droplets and fly back to the fire drill. .

Although Thunderbirds can destroy the Silver Bee very quickly, the group attack of the Silver Bee is even more terrible. A Thunderbird who was biting the Silver Bee was suddenly inserted with more than 300 silver needles and fell like a hedgehog. Ikeda Toshio began to use Super Healing to heal his magic pets. He used the skills that normal animal trainers should use. The true animal trainer should learn a lot of healing and auxiliary magic. When relying on a large number of magic pets and demon servants to fight, the animal trainer will provide assistance in the back. The Soul-Stealing Master is also an evolutionary profession of the Tamer, so the combat methods used are similar, but the Soul-Stealing Master has a high-attack magic of his own. When necessary, he can use the magic pet to drag the enemy and prepare himself for a large magic solution. opponent. No cure magic like this to me, I am afraid there are not many soul-stealing mages who rush with the pet!

I saw that Ikeda began to add blood to the devil pet. Of course, I couldn't be idle. I found a blade from the waist, and my boomer boomed. With both hands throwing out two boomerangs at the same time with two completely different flight trajectories, one from the left and one from the right towards the man named Ikeda. The fool didn't notice my dart at all. But in general, he wouldn't think that I would fly him with a dart, which animal trainer would use a dart like me! Ikeda's inertial thinking made him think that we are fighting against the magic pet without directly confronting him, so he didn't realize that I would throw out a dart, or two boomerangs!

The two boomerangs spun towards Ikeda Rideo at high speed. "Ah!" A scream screamed and interrupted Ikeda Rideo's magic. Two boots holes appeared on his shoulders at the same time. I never expected the effect of this attack It would be so good, two boomerangs cut off his two arms, and one of them still flew out holding his wand!

My arms stretched out, and two boomerangs flickering back into my hands. Although the boomerang is not easy to control, it will find a lot of benefits if you are skilled. First of all, it is difficult to defend without going straight, and then it is never stained with blood. Every time I cut a monster or an enemy, my sword is always stained with a lot of mucus or blood, but even if the boomerang with high speed is stained with these things, it is thrown out during the flight back, and the blood of Japan is disgusting. It's up!

Ikeda, who had his arms broken, can no longer use auxiliary magic. I took the opportunity to attack the unknown monster. This thing seems to be the fiercest of all the opponent's magic pets. I flew towards the monster from behind the monster, and just rushed to the front. The monster suddenly turned around, and I rushed into its mouth with a brake. I was already experienced when I was bitten by a poisonous dragon last time. The dragon gun first supported the monster's mouth. The Dragon King Sword came out of the sheath and took the Flying Dragon Sword to start cutting in the monster's mouth. The monster has no tongue, which left me with a lot of things, and I used the Dragon King sword to easily pierce a hole in its head. Quickly picked up the dragon gun and drilled out. As soon as I came out, I saw a Thunderbird rushing over. This was a Thunderbird that had just killed the siege, and it was also the only one of the eight Thunderbirds left. Behind it, he chased a group of silver bees toward me. Thunderbird may be planning to fly towards the monster and then suddenly turn to let the bee dragon behind to hit the monster's body. But I just came out, and Thunderbird did not shake off the silver bee but bumped into my arms and threw me out. Pulling out the dagger on the side of the leg in front of the thunderbird was a sharp knife and ended it. The silver bee that lost the target was directed by me to deal with the unknown monster ~ ~ At present there are about 500 silver bees remaining, less than half of which are lost. Some of these silver bees are from the beginning Go to restrain Ikeda, and now Ikeda's hands are gone and nothing can be done, so these silver bees are also called back. The remaining Silver Bees survived the battle with the Thunderbirds. With the help of the silver bee, I can help the little dragon girl to kill this monster.

I rushed up again with the silver bee, and I deliberately seduced the monster to open my mouth to bite me, and this guy rushed up. I turned around and ran, and the monster opened up and chased after him. Thirty silver bees rushed into the monster's mouth bravely immediately. These silver bees were ordered to kill me. The venomous silver bee is very suitable as a poison. One third of the silver bees can get a Thunderbird. Now with 30 silver bees, it should be possible to get this monster!

Sure enough, the monster that just swallowed the silver bee only chased me for a while and then it began to tremble, but it did not fall. It seems that this guy is much better than the Thunderbird, and 30 silver bees seem to have insufficient dose. !! There was a sudden strong wind next to me, and the tank rushed to the monster with a sledgehammer on the back of its forelegs. The monster was immediately blown out, and the dragon girl rushed up and wrapped the monster's mouth with her body. The tank followed closely and hugged the monster's tail and started to choke. This guy planned to eat and evolve, but how did he start eating this time?

I was watching the tank and the little dragon girl work together to deal with that monster, and suddenly a strange feeling came from behind. Looking back nervously, Ikeda Tateo was behind me. I don't know how he got here, but he was already stuck to my back. Xiaopan seems to have said he can't contact him directly, but now ...! I've seen his evil smile, and a cold chill spread from his bones ...

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