Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 2: Accidental attacker

As soon as I heard that Shimonoseki was attacked, my first reaction was that Matsumoto Masako was not doing well. I didn't think she caused the Japanese to attack. I just thought that Matsumoto did not restrain the Japanese under his control, so that he attacked the cities we controlled in advance. After all, according to the plan, the Japanese should be busy selling cities instead of countering us. Even Matsumoto Masaha would not be able to make such a big strategic mistake, so after receiving the news of the attack, The first reaction was that impulsive Japanese players violated Matsumoto's order.

"These Japanese people are really anxious. We didn't take any action. They came up with our ideas first," said a guild elite player who didn't know. For confidentiality, Matsumoto's identity is only known to me and Rose and a few others. For the sake of confidentiality, only a few people, such as me and Rose, knew about Matsumoto's identity. Even veterans such as Cauldron Rice and Bing Bing who initially followed me to establish a guild did not tell that the elite players would naturally have no way to know.

"Not Japanese? What are you saying aren't Japanese?" Many people heard the explanation from the army gods, but they didn't respond for a while.

"It was not the Japanese who attacked us," said the **** of war again.

"Ah? Didn't the Japanese attack us? Who is that?"

"It's a few Korean guilds, but we haven't figured out which one belongs to them for the time being, but it is certain that all of us were attacked by Koreans."

"Korean?" Shura Ziyi asked in surprise. "Have they had water in their heads? They even came to hit us?"

"This is not clear. Anyway, Shimonoseki has been attacked now. The returned information shows that the fighting is fierce. However, Shimonoseki is a key city after all, it is very defensive and the city walls are still in our hands for now."

Su Mei, who was listening next to each other, went to the middle of the conference room and shouted, "Expand the map." The crystal ball in the center of the conference room suddenly lighted up, and a huge map of Japan was projected in the air. "Looking for the target: the Japanese city Shimonoseki." As Sumei's voice came out again, the map immediately moved to an area in Japan and enlarged the place, and we soon saw the official name on it. "It seems that this group of Koreans is not only flooded with their heads, but also a lot!" Su Mei couldn't help but said after seeing the location of the city on the map.

"What are they planning to do? Are they united with the Japanese?" Hongyue asked while looking at the map.

Rose waved most of the people in the meeting room out of the meeting room, until the door was closed. Only the core of our group of leaders remained, and said, "If there is a Japanese person involved, Masamoto Matsumoto should inform us in advance. .The war operation is not a child's house. It is impossible to say that the action is action. The preparation process can be concealed. We also cannot hide the Japanese from Masamoto Matsumoto. "

"That is to say that this is an independent action by Koreans?" Hongyue asked again.

"It should be said that it was the private action of some Korean guilds. At least the Celestial Alliance did not know about it." Rose said to the air, "God of War, where did the attacker come from?"

"It is unclear for the moment, the other party arrived in Japan by sea from the sea. The troops first landed on the coast near Shimonoseki and attacked Guancheng with the fleet. However, I have informed Park Yin and she is helping us to find out Which guild is attacking | hit us. "

I said aloud {nonsense! Who said nothing? forgive me. It ’s too white-eyed here}: "It does n’t matter who is attacking us. It ’s important to know that it ’s not the Japanese. The guilds of the Koreans are so powerful, they are now divided into four, no matter which one The forces, I also want to forget about any storms. Now what we really need to care about is to clear all the Koreans here as soon as possible. I do n’t want to affect our future strategy because they are affected.

In fact, even if the Koreans captured several Japanese cities, it was not a big deal, but the key problem was that it was Shimonoseki that was attacked. We didn't care about it before checking the map, but after seeing the map, we realized the significance here, because the Shimonoseki city is at the junction of Kyushu Island and Honshu Island. It can be said that as long as it controls Shimonoseki and Kitakyushu, which is across the sea, it is tantamount to choking off the main transportation channel between the two big islands, and its strategic significance is much higher than its own value.

"Which guild is going to shut down under control now?" Rose asked.

"Great East Federation."

"Dadong Federation? Taiwan's guild?" We were all stunned. Rose also asked with a little surprise: "Why would such an important city be handed over to the SAR Guild?"

"This is not a task directly assigned by our guild. Originally, this city should be the city in charge of the Northern Alliance, but later the Great East Federation wanted a city with more oil and water, so it gave some benefits to buy this from the Northern Alliance. Jurisdiction of the city. Both parties notified us of the guild after the transaction, but I don't think it is very important information, so I didn't tell you. "

If it weren't for the Koreans to attack the city, things like this would really be less important. After all, the assigned cities will always have various problems after the occupation. Some guilds will want to change cities or buy more cities. This kind of deed tax for private transactions between guilds is very frequent. We can neither manage nor be entitled to manage it, so we usually just ask the other party to notify us.

"Story of the Army, do you have information about the Dadong Federation?" Su Mei asked.

"Yes. Need to show it?"

"Well. Let's see it."

The picture above my head suddenly changed, and all the information about the Dadong Federation instantly filled the image in front of us. Most of the dense materials are irrelevant things. What we have left behind after hiding this part of the content makes us feel relieved.

After reading the information, Ying said to us: "It seems that the strength of the Dadong Federation is pretty good. As long as there is nothing unexpected, there should be no problem in keeping the Shimonoseki. Do you think we need to send someone for reinforcements?"

"Reinforcement is definitely needed, but not too much." Su Mei said: "I suggest you run Ziri, please."

"Why do people want me to go this way?" I was curious how Su Mei thought of asking me to help Shoucheng. Appearing on my battlefield with my combat power is almost like a flock of sheep fighting, and suddenly a tyrannosaurus descends from the air. It is not an order of magnitude!

Before Su Mei had time to explain, Rose said first: "I agree with Su Mei. Husband is yours."

"I'm fine without going, but why?"

"To deter those arrogant guys," Su-mei replied, "Although specific Koreans who are attacking Shimonoseki are still under investigation, I guess the group of Koreans who want independence is the most likely. These people are The group did not know the paranoid fanatics. If they did not use their overwhelming force to destroy all their self-confidence, they would not be sure what they could do in the future! "

Rose followed, "Sumey makes a lot of sense. Compared to smart enemies, I'm more worried about enemies like them who have no brains, because their values ​​are beyond your comprehension, so they can often do you. Something unexpected came. Since this time, they simply hit them without confidence to find a job, so as to avoid future troubles. "

"Since you are fighting this mind, I'll take a trip!" I said, and I was going to leave directly using the teleport ring.

Rose saw me touch the transmission ring and shouted, "Remember to bring two mobile angels to fight the battleship!"

When I heard Rose's words, it was too late to answer, but I heard it anyway. I am still in Essinger. The first teleportation destination is a transnational teleportation array, but because of Rose, I ran around the technical department again. In fact, I usually like to bring two demon dolls on my body, but later I replaced the dolls as mobile angels, but I have n’t changed them. This time I just cleared the inventory.

The technical department heard that I wanted it, and immediately got a large row of tall, thin and thin models of mobile angels from the laboratory, and my jaw almost fell off.

"Are you going to open an exhibition? I just need two!"

"No," the technician explained as soon as I heard the two. "These are the latest models. They were intended to be brought to you for testing. Since you are here, take them along for testing."

I nodded and pointed at the row of mobile angels: "The test is nothing, but you have to give me an instruction manual? At least there must be performance parameters? Do you have obvious features in this big row! I know which one is What are you doing? "

"That thing won't work." The researcher slaps his hands at the mobile angels in a proud look, and then says, "The Frost Rose Alliance experimental mobile angel test is started."

With his words, the eyes of the row of mobile angels in front of me suddenly flashed at the same time, and then all mobile angels moved. The activated mobile angel didn't do too much exaggeration, except that all the joints in the whole body moved a bit, and then did the same movements as the preparation exercise before the heavy physical exercise. After completing these tasks, the closest mobile angel to me stretched out his hands in front of himself and looked up and down, and then suddenly asked in a very sweet voice: "Is this really me? I never thought I could Resurrection! "

Hearing the sound that is completely different from normal people, I was surprised and pointed at the mobile angel and looked at the researcher for his explanation, and the researcher said it as a matter of course: "Chairman, you know what is used in mobile angels. They are all genuine souls, but although the intelligence of the whiteboard soul is still okay, there are still some problems in the response and some advanced judgments. The simple point is that it is easy to trap. So we have rented dozens of seniors from the Dark Temple. The undead mage helped us solve the problem together, and finally came up with this brand-new artificial soul. Although their bodies are still mechanical, they are actually no different from living people in terms of soul. In addition to intelligence, these artificial souls also He has the knowledge and memory of his lifetime, and has his own personality. "

"Characteristic mobile angels? You really want to come out!" I looked at those mobile angels again, and they would all recover from the adaptation process, and then began to ask each other about the situation and said hello. "Who were these souls before?" I couldn't help asking as a group of mobile angels greeted each other there.

"Characteristic mobile angel? You really want it!" I looked at that again.

These mobile angels, they will all recover from the adaptation process, and then start to each other

Asked about the situation and said hello. "Who were these souls before?"

Helping the mobile angels greet each other there, I can't help asking.

"They are all people who have served our guild before. There are citizens in the city, but also the city.

The members of the defense team were killed anyway. "

Because this researcher is also, so he just said these are our people, actually

In the words of players, these should be said to be bsp sacrificed during the battle of our guild; this is really a response to the previous sentence. Life is a Frost Rose Alliance, death is Frost Rose Alliance

Ghost. Although these guys have died once, they are still serving us, and they can be regarded as loyal.

Heartbroken. In the next time, the throne of the Seal of God I learned about these mobile days from that researcher

Although it has a human character, it is actually subject to the internal physical core. This core

The mind brings a benefit to us and the mobile angel. Good for us is because the core

Existence makes the soul in the mobile angel absolutely unable to rebel, because there is also a department in the core

It is divided into memory, and this part is solidified, there is no way to modify, so as long as now

Without mutiny, mutiny will not be possible in the future. For Mobile Angels themselves, this core

It is also a good thing, the key is that this thing can help the mobile angel to resist the soul attack.

Old-fashioned puppets are not afraid of soul attacks, because they are camouflage creatures and have no spirit in themselves

Soul, so not afraid. But mobile angels do n’t work, they have a full soul inside,

So it is also responsive to soul attacks. But because this core is cured, so

Even if the mobile angel is attacked, it will only damage the soul energy. The soul itself will not be affected.

To the injured ~ ~ As long as the attack stops, the soul body can immediately return to normal, so the mobile angel

In fact, it can resist soul attack.

After understanding the general situation of these mobile angels, I took this large group of mobile angels together

Set off for Shimonoseki City. As for the specific performance of these mobile angels, this can be done on the road.

Ask themselves, after all these mobile angels have basically

No different from humans.

A few minutes later, after several teleportation transfers, I finally brought out a large group of mobile angels.

Now outside Shimonoseki. I thought I could go straight to the city. I did n’t expect Koreans to do it.

Very cautious, even the transmission jammer was brought. But it ’s better to have an anti-outside city.

I'm here to scare people. The effect behind them may be better.

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