Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 38: Secret weapon

I almost listened to the answer with my ears up there. I didn't expect that the Frozen Banshe suddenly waved her hand and said very arrogantly: "You don't care what I know, I always tell you, I have a way to know him The approximate distance to me. Now the distance between Ziri and me is the lowest level, that is, within ten meters, you can just find me. "

"Ten meters?" Everyone heard the words for a moment, then began to look around, after all, the distance of ten meters is really not a distance. After observing for a moment, everyone's eyes suddenly looked up to their heads in unison, and then they heard someone suddenly shout, "That guy is on the roof!" It was like a commanding gun on the runway. The shout immediately made the people around him slammed on the roof.

Actually, no one really saw me on the roof just now. After all, I was just under the desk. It was strange that they saw me on the roof. The reason why these people agree that I am on the roof is entirely because they have searched the ground, and the only distance from the Frozen Banshee is within ten meters, and only those who have not been searched are left. Already. However, this time they are destined to be miscalculated. Some people who rushed to the roof climbed to the fixed frame, some climbed to the ceiling frame, and some drilled into the duct of the vent. As a result, people did not find it. When I stepped down the lamp stand and the pipes a lot, there was a rattling noise in the whole venue. "Are there any?" One asked. The questioned person shook his head, and then asked, "How about you?"

The person who asked the question also shook his head and followed to ask other people. As a result, everyone shook their heads there, obviously nobody saw me.

The people who found nothing came back to the ground and looked around again, but no matter how many times their eyes swept through the table I hid, they would automatically ignore this biggest target, and then in those corners Searching repeatedly. However, the patience of the crowd was quickly exhausted, and the crowd who found nothing began to suspect that the Frozen Banshee was playing with them. Although in theory the Frozen Banshee will not do such an idiot, the current situation is that they can't find me, and if the information of the Frozen Banshee is correct, they should have been able to show me.

After being questioned, the Frozen Banshee said angrily: "Do you think I'm an idiot?" "No ● just one by one one by one!"

"It's just that you don't believe me, do you think I'm playing with you?" The Frozen Banshee said here that she suddenly pressed down with one hand and only heard a bang of an ice bomb hitting her feet, showing the original stand. The Taiwan bombarded a large piece. The Frozen Banshee originally meant to use this blow to shock the people present, but when she finished, the people around her took a breath of cold air and began to back. At first she thought that her deterrent effect was too good, but then she didn't think right, but she looked down but was stupid. I saw that I was standing at a table under her feet, leaning on a pillar, holding a fruit, and greeting her with a smile.

"I didn't expect that it took you so long to find me. I thought you would be a little bit smarter than this! But seriously, I'm really good at what you can detect my relative distance from you. Curious! Is it an attribute or an item? "" You, you, you ... "The Frozen Banshee was mad at me and said three of you, but you did not come out at all.

Seeing that she was so angry, I suddenly threw half of the fruit that I had slammed back at will, and then clapped my hands and left the post to stand upright. "Okay, now that it's here, it's time to take action. By the way, didn't you say that there is something else that can control me? Let me see it?" Actually, I don't want to be so arrogant. They met. In fact, I was completely unprepared when the frozen banshe smashed the table just now. After all, the place where I stood at that time was absolutely safe. Who would have thought that the crazy woman would suddenly throw it at his feet? What about the ice bomb?

"Well, I dare to be so arrogant after being spotted, and today I want you to look good!" The ice-bound banshee has finished speaking, and the man has jumped from that cave. I didn't run when I saw her jumping down, and rushed straight up to her. The Frozen Banshee intended to attack me with an ice tip, taking advantage of the chance of falling. Who knew that I was reacting too quickly, and I flickered across the ice tip and rushed to her. Without waiting for the Frozen Banshee to respond, she hit her in the abdomen and smashed her out. After hearing the bang, he crashed through the bezel on the side of the table and flew out.

The Russian players surrounding the show saw the Frozen Banshee jump from the side of the cave and flew out from the side. Although they did not see what was born in the cave, the fool knew that the Frozen Banshee must be Lost. At this time, everyone was unambiguous, and they jumped into the hole together one, two, and three, but their bravery did not win any advantage. In front of me, there are no meanings for the top two hundred or less. There are no more people than numbers. In addition to the Frozen Banshees themselves, none of them have entered the top two hundred of the combat power list. Although the time when they jumped in was quite good, the throne of the Seal of God was still pretty good, but it was still useless. The Frozen Banshee who fell out of the table saw only those people jumping in from the top of the table, and after one second, they stirred up from around the table.

"No, he's too strong, so many people are useless. Get the tractor!" It's not bad. "Someone finally responded. They saw my name there when I killed the Quartet there."

Generally people have inertial thinking, just like I do now. Although everyone knows that I am the number one on the battle list, when they are crowded, many people will naturally forget this, thinking that one side has the upper hand, and the crying father who has to be beaten by me Then I will remember the legends about me that I heard before. In fact, it is not only the Russians who have this bad problem. On the contrary, almost most of the enemies I meet often forget this, and the stupidest of them is the group of ghost-handed Nobunaga. Of course, my feeling may also be because of the most fights with Nobunaga.

After reminding my companions, the remaining people rushed up again, but it was obviously different from the previous action. This time they were just holding me there. No one was stupid to Kui rushing up unless I took the initiative. Otherwise, few people win.

Anyway, I can be regarded as a battle-hardened person, and this little trick will be clear at a glance. Before, the Frozen Banshee said that they had something to hold me back. Now this group of people have started the procrastination tactic, which is obviously to prepare time for the throne of God. However, although I guessed the other person's purpose, I didn't care too much. Earlier, I vowed to do more than just these people. In the end, the facts proved that the confidence of those people was not reliable at all. In the end, no one really treated me. 』Zero's system is set to allow players to use external forces to amplify their strength. For example, a low-level player can use a special prop to kill a player who is much higher than himself, but the premise of this thing is that you want to get this Equipment must pay corresponding efforts. It is like the fruit of a wish. Although the thing claims to fulfill all wishes, you must complete the corresponding task given by the fruit of the wish after each wish. Then the fruit of the wish will satisfy your wish. If you make a wish in front of the fruit of wish and say that you want to wipe out a country directly, although the fruit of wish will definitely accept this wish, the premise of fulfilling this wish is to complete the corresponding task, and this task is definitely more difficult than yourself Swinging such a country is complicated, and it will never be simple. Of course, the fruit of wish is just a relatively intuitive special prop. In fact, there are many weird and weird props in the game that can meet various needs, and the effects of getting them or using them will only be Lower than or equal to the price to complete them, this is the equivalent transfer principle of the "zero" system. Within this principle, only one rule is exceptional. However, this rule does not actually go beyond the scope of equivalent exchanges. It just uses the values ​​of different worlds for exchanges, and this rule is the rule of currency. The currency rule of Baoli is not just referring to the money in the game, because the funds in "Zero" can be exchanged with the real currency, so it can be said that the money in "Zero" is the real puppet. If you want to kill someone who is much stronger than you, and you cannot complete the tasks attached to the special props, then the only way you can achieve your goal is to spend money.

Using money to defeat an enemy that you can't beat yourself, 迳 is almost the only way to partially rule out the system, and there are more ways to use it. The easiest and most direct way is to spend ruthenium please killer. Of course, people like me can be as effective as many killers, but for most people, as long as you can afford the money, ask a master who is better than the other to help you kill the other, that's the simplest. Of course, if you don't like killers, there are other ways. For example, spend money to build a guild, and then spend money to buy troops, even the lowest-level white skull, 骷 ↓ is enough to kill a master like me. Of course, this premise is that I will not allow the Frost Rose Alliance to participate in the war, and I will not run away. But even if I allow the Frost Rose Alliance to fight, or if I run away, if you have the ability to buy trillions of troops to fill the world, I still have to die. Of course, the premise is that you have to have so much money for you to ruin, and this method can kill me only a few times. Even if you buy a few trillion troops in my strength, I can make this number drop every time I resurrect Many, it is estimated that when I fall to the thousandth level, these bsp; although spending money in the game can solve all problems, in fact, this can not be considered the rule of the game, because if someone really wants to spend so much money to buy and destroy themselves I think he definitely has a problem in his head, because there are puppets that bought trillions of troops, enough for him to find someone in reality to destroy the opponent ’s real body ten thousand times. What do you say is not a brain disability?

At present, the weapon used by this Pantheon that claims to control me has not yet appeared, but I guess that neither of the above two situations should occur. Either that thing is a special prop, obtained at the expense of a lot of manpower and material resources to complete the task; or it is simply that they bought the money.

Although I wasn't afraid of that thing at all, but I didn't want to use myself to test its power, and now before the thing appeared, I suddenly rushed in one direction. Although the people around me have been trying to contain me, the huge gap in strength makes them behave like a group of kindergarten children trying to hold an adult man. In fact, as long as this man is not afraid to hurt the child, then the children Efforts will only be in vain. Do I care about hurting these "children"? Obviously not.

↓ Ah ...! With a scream, the guy who was standing in front of me who tried to intercept me became a trapeze, kicked me into Fang Ding, and turned back to cut off the attacker's sword, incidentally He cut his waist and cut it in two, followed by Fei kicked and kicked his upper body and smashed the other person around him, and finally turned around and ran to Peibian.

Why don't I run to the door but to the wall? Because the group of people who had left before to pick up the weapons ran towards the door, and if the thing was taken back, they could only come in through the door. So in the past, 100% of the people who ran to get the thing would hit It's straight, and it's relatively safer to break through the wall. The combat power is really my level, and the walls are actually similar to cardboard. As long as it is not the building of our guild, I will not bother to go through the door!

Seeing me running towards the wall, the people who chased each other were suddenly stunned, and then suddenly came over and chased them. They thought that I was running towards a dead end. They just had to surround me, but then they suddenly wanted to understand. The wall of my destructive power couldn't stop me at all, so they chased up.

Seeing that I was about to rush to the wall, I suddenly heard someone shouting behind me: "Flash away!

The moment I heard the sound, I realized that it was here, and since the person who used it told the person in front to flash away, it means that this is a direct weapon that is indistinguishable from the enemy and me, otherwise there is no need for people to flash away.

The other side let himself dodge, which gave me time for the throne of the Seal of God, and just as they flashed, I flashed. Taking advantage of the time of the dodging of the Seal of God, I suddenly gave way to the side, followed by a beam of light that suddenly rubbed my side and hit the wall in front. There was no explosion, no fire, not even sound. Just when the white light hit the wall, there was suddenly a large hole in the wall. The whole wall was so silent and there was no piece that was as small as four or five squares, and the cross-section was as smooth as a mirror. Why didn't you see if you didn't come out.

"I rely, what the **** is this?" I was taken aback by the power of this thing. That thing did not explode, indicating that it was not a destructive weapon, that is to say, it would not work at all when my defense force, because that thing obviously belongs to a special attack and can only be resisted by magic resistance. It may not even be a magic weapon, or even magic resistance will not take effect.

If he missed a shot, the opponent soon began to prepare for the second shot, and I took the time to look back at what was attacking me in that direction, but it turned out that it was not a large weapon, but a bow. .

It was a strangely shaped bow, but overall it was still in the shape of a bow. However, unlike the ordinary bow, a line is dragged at the lower end of the bow, and the rear of the western line extends to the outside of the room, so I don't know what the line is connected to. However, apart from dragging the root city, the bow itself is not very different from ordinary bows, it is nothing more than a different shape.

While I was observing the bow, the person who made the bow was also pulling the bow, and a white light arrow was gradually condensing on the bowstring, and soon it condensed into a light. When I saw that thing appeared, I started the instant movement without hesitation. A bird flashed and I appeared on the stage seven or eight meters away. The response of the other party obviously couldn't keep up with my rhythm. . The light arrow was released in an instant, but unfortunately the direction of the shot no longer existed as my goal. Although the shooter had already shown my behavior at the moment of shooting, his reactivity could not keep up with the change, and the light arrow finally stuck in the place where I stood before.

Still silent, when the light arrow hit the target, it disappeared invisible. At the same time, there was a large area of ​​ground and several seats around the place where I just stood, and all these things seemed to be suddenly by some force. The half is cut out, the cross section is smooth and flat, and no trace of cutting is visible at all. "Niang Di ... what kind of weapon is this!"

I was just scared by the power of the weapon in front of me and sighed. I didn't expect anyone to answer. Who knew Ling suddenly answered in my consciousness: "I can feel the energy of that thing, it should be magic Weapons, but I feel that kind of magic is strange, a bit like space magic, and a bit like magic, anyway, very strange! "

"Space magic? Divine power?"

When Ling Gang said that name, my first reaction was a large space blade, but it was wrong to think about it. The large space blade is actually a portal, the difference is that the portals appear in pairs, one in and one out. Large space blades do not need to determine exits, and some do not even have exits at all. When a person enters the portal, the portal will transfer the entire person or object to the designated exit, and ensure that the relative structure of the object being transmitted does not change during the entire transmission process. It ’s different, but the large space blade is not the same. Although it will tear the space almost like the portal, its entrance is relatively narrow. When it passes through an object, it will teleport a part of the same size as its entrance and leave it. The part that fits into it is why the large space blade can be used as a cutting machine. When the large space blade hits an object, it does not cut off the object, but teleports a thin piece of it, and the rest naturally splits. Moreover, even if the large space blade does not appear as a thin blade, you cannot safely pass through it to another location, because the internal transmission of the large space blade is irregular. For example, if you shoot a door-shaped large space blade, the space entrance looks as large as a door on the surface, and you can pass through it completely, but in fact, if you really walk in, then wait for you to come out You are not you, but a pile of irregular molecules, because you have been cut to numerous fragments from the molecular level.

In fact, no matter how terrifying the large space blade, the large space blade will not make the object completely disappear like this light arrow, because it will only devour large things like itself. For example, if you shoot a pentagram-shaped large space blade at the mountain, a pentagram-shaped hole will be cut in the mountain and it will continue to extend straight until the large space blade collapses. But the light arrow just now is different. When it shoots out, it is arrow-shaped. That is to say, if it is a large space blade, it should leave a hole with the same cross-section of the arrow on the ground or wall, instead of Vanish the entire wall with the large ground like now.

I was thinking about what to do, who knew the third arrow of the other party was back. This time I was a little delayed because I was thinking about the problem, but even if I was delayed, it was not slow. At the same time that I was about to hit me, I suddenly made a horizontal dodge and let it pass. This time the arrow shot directly at the podium of the former restraint, and then made the podium and the stage below into a big pit. "Isn't this thing a regular weapon?" I said in surprise, looking at the bow.

"Haha, are you afraid?" It wasn't Ling who answered me, but the Frozen Banshee. She was standing next to the archery guy and laughing at me proudly: "This is our Guild Union Pantheon. Weapons that are specifically aimed at you, no matter how high your defense and magic resistance are, it will be over when you encounter this. "" Well, no matter how strong a weapon is, it will only be used by someone. I'll kill you all. I see that. What awesome stuff. "

Hearing my words, the Frozen Banshee changed her face first, then suddenly raised her hand with a smile, followed by listening to a neat running sound coming from the gate behind her, and then suddenly saw a dozen rushing outside the door. Archers, and people have that bow.

"I rely, can this thing be mass produced?"

"Hahahaha, I told you that this is the result of our research. Now that it can be researched, what's the big deal?" The Frozen Banshee suddenly waved her hand down, proud of her mouth. Said: "Free shooting."

When she heard her order, those people moved immediately. In addition, a total of seventeen bows were pulled open at the same time, and the dense light arrows flickered like laser cannons in the dark auction hall. I originally planned to rely on the degree. Quickly rushed over, but unfortunately there are too many people, I can't get away. But I'm not that good at dealing with it. Since the other party is an archer, you have to aim to shoot, and I just have a way to keep them from aiming. "Amenis, Xiaochun, use that spoon."

"Waiting for your orders." With a small white sun-like light ball suddenly rising, the room instantly became white, and the high light intensity forced all the archers at the scene to turn back and close 7 eyes. Because if they don't, they must be prepared for temporary blindness. However, just after the light ball disappeared, when they turned back, everyone was dumbfounded.

I saw that one of the huge auction halls was actually full of countless people. I was standing in various positions in the auction halls in various poses. Even the steel beams on the roof were sitting a few times. All the archers were dumbfounded.

"Hahahaha ... you shoot again! I see if you can guess which one is the real me." Thousands of scenes at the same time I said at the same time, the sound of the fully synchronized sound shocked and shocked those The archers stepped back in fear, only the Frozen Banshee was still standing in front. However, looking at so many me in front, the Frozen Banshee was completely dumbfounded.

After a long time, the Frozen Banshe suddenly shouted: "With shock bombs, those are all illusions, and they will break when touched."

Shock bombs in the game are not the kind of non-lethal weapons in reality, this is a weapon to clean up low-level creatures on a large scale. Its characteristic is that the damage of the single body is extremely low, but the coverage area is large, and it is extremely useful when dealing with phantoms or a large number of low-level creatures. Many guilds will prepare a large number of such weapons for a long time, but few people carry them.

After listening to the Frozen Banshee, apparently someone brought this thing at the scene. Sure enough, as soon as the Frozen Banshee's words fell, I saw a few players suddenly felt more than a dozen shocks from their bodies and gave them to the people around them. Then these people no longer saved any ammunition, and opened the insurance together. All thrown out.

Originally, if so many shocking bombs landed, the illusions would definitely be cleared up after the explosion, but this time their plan failed to materialize. I saw those shocking bombs exploding when they flew above me, and a large number of small shrapnel flew around. However, the large-scale disappearance of the illusion that should have occurred did not appear. The Frozen Banshee only saw those who suddenly felt a shield from my body and blocked it, and then they heard a huge impact. The small shrapnel were blocked by the shield.

Now all Russians are nervous, and even the Frozen Banshee is surprised to take two steps back. Being able to block shrapnel shows that these maggots are all entities, and the action is so fast that the opponent's strength is not low. Generally speaking, the illusion is either a false projection without an entity, or a fake that only breaks with a simple physical existence. As for the entity that can assist in combat, it is not called an illusion, and the West should be called a clone. But now the situation is that there are at least thousands of me standing on the scene. If all of them are avatars, then it is too scary, right? "You you you ... how did you do that?" Frozen Banshee asked in surprise. "Will you tell your enemy where your weaknesses are?" My answer came out of so many illusions at the same time, making the Frozen Banshee step back again.

In fact, I do n’t use avatars at all now, and I do n’t have that ability to make so many avatars. Of course, these are definitely not simple illusions, because it is impossible for the illusions to withstand the shock bombs just now. In fact, this should be considered a combination skill.

』Zero's skill system is very advanced. Not only can players create their own special skills, but they can also find out some skills such as continuous skills or assistive skills through exploration. However, in addition to this, there is actually a combination technique in Zero. Combination skills are not the same as continuous skills. Continuous skills refer to a continuous strike skill composed of a player's own skills, and this combination skill is a combination strike skill achieved by combining skills between multiple players. The requirement of combination skills is to use at least two or more individuals to participate in the combination, and secondly, the individuals using skills must cooperate with each other skillfully, otherwise the skills will fail.

Although the initial goal of the combo technique should be to hope that the player team can achieve the effect of the combination through the cooperation of the team, as of now, as far as I know, not many people have really done this. At least in our guild, at present, only a few teams with limited humming can do some skill combinations. The best performer is Bingbing's magic music team. Their combination skills can now promote each other. It can be said that this step can really be regarded as the power of combining skills. Otherwise, the combination might as well be separated to be more powerful, then what is the purpose of combining it?

However, although the player team / combination technology exhibition has been relatively unsuccessful, the current game is not without good combination skills, but these combination technologies are not combinations between players and players, but players and combinations, the most of which Is the combination of the player and his magic pet.

Players are usually self-centered. Unless they are in a subordinate relationship, they must be obedient. Most of the time, there are very few who are willing to accommodate others, so the combined skills of players and players are often difficult to match. However, the player is not the same as his own pet. The pet is a player's subsidiary creature. They are centered on their master, and everything is matched with the master as the first priority. So often the pet can easily achieve the cooperation with the master. Requirements. What I'm using now is actually the phantom real body one by one with the combination of Aimenis and me.

The Phantom True Body is actually not the name of the skill, but a name I casually named. Because the combination skills are not displayed in the attribute list, there is no need to name it. The reason I give it a name is to remind each other when it cooperates. For example, when I call the phantom Emmys, I will know that this skill is to be matched, so it is not easy to make mistakes.

The essence of the phantom real body is that I summon multiple Djinjin creatures, and then Emmenis disguise all of them as illusions. This summoned individual can be anything, as long as the volume is not too different from mine, Emmys can do this through camouflage. When using this trick together, I mostly summoned the Kirin Samurai or Bell Tone Knight to cooperate with me, but there were too few Bell Tone Knights, and the Kirin Warrior level was not high enough, so it was not very useful except to scare people. But this time it's different, because I just lied to the Death Tattoo from Egypt, and the summoner of that thing is extremely abnormal, which is just used to cooperate with Emmys to play Phantom Real Body.

Every mistake, in fact, instead of standing on the field with thousands of me, there are standing thousands of Death Guards, but they are all illusioned by Emmenis, and now they all look exactly like me. Of course, if anyone has the courage to rush up to try the real price now, they will definitely be scared to death. Because these illusions all have the same attributes as when I was at level 900, not to mention single-headed ordinary players, two of them can definitely kill all players except the Frozen Banshee.

"Aren't you going to hold me back with that weapon? Why don't you try?" Seeing that the other party didn't move, I provoked again. Of course, I am not provoking to find abuse. Although the Death Guard is powerful, he has not yet reached the point where he can resist that kind of arrow. In fact, the purpose of letting them shoot is to create confusion. When they start to attack, I will let the Death Guard rush up together. Anyway, I can summon tens of thousands of Death Guards, even if they are a dozen people A few arrows are enough for them to kill Futian, and the Death Guard rushes up to them in a few seconds. As for me! These seconds just allowed me to sneak behind them and grab a bow to go back and study.

In fact, I was not among the Death Guards at the scene. Although the Frozen Banshee saw thousands of me, in fact, they were all Death Guards. I just rushed to the wall to be invisible when the white light burst just now. When they regained their sight, they saw thousands of me standing there. Even if someone had anti-stealth, they couldn't tell which one was me or the death guard. It would be convenient for me to rob when they would surge up.

I can also see that the power of the light and arrow is the power of the bow and the equipment connected behind those wires. The person who uses the bow is not important at all. As long as I can grab the bow and figure out what's behind those lines, I can go back and duplicate this weapon. Looking at this stuff, if it can be displayed on a large scale, it can definitely become the third category of weapons comparable to magic crystal steam weapons and magic crystal weapons. Of course, the premise is that the eastern and western departments are powered by magic crystal or magic crystal steam, otherwise it is only an application branch of the above two weapon series. But no matter what kind of weapon it belongs to, this thing is really powerful.

After being provoked by me, the other party was obviously a bit angry, but I really played a considerable deterrent effect with so many entities in front of me. He seemed to be holding a level weapon but was not afraid to provoke the war easily, but what I wanted It's just that they play, it doesn't matter who plays first.

"Don't you all move? Then let me." I said in my heart and ordered, and the death guards disguised as me at the scene suddenly moved at the same time. Although these big guys close to three meters are disguised as my size, their entities have not changed, they run fast, and the distance between the two sides is shortened by one third in the blink of an eye. Wait for the opposite When the archer hurriedly started firing, the fastest Death Guard rushed were almost halfway through.

"Chong!" All Death Guards yelled in my voice, and the arrows shot by the archers on the opposite side were also there! " For a moment, the Throne of the Seal of God shot into the ranks of the Death Guard. Just like hitting the wall before, the Death Guard being hit and several closer Death Guards around him disappeared in an instant, not even a **** was seen on the ground. The power of this weapon is really abnormal. It simply dies when it encounters it. There is no exception at all.

Although dozens of Death Guards were killed by the first light arrow, I did not feel the slightest pain. Anyway, Death Guards can be recruited anyway. It is impossible to have any practical impact on the death rate of these people. The remaining Death Guards did not have any suspicion about the death of their companions. They were all magical creatures, and the sand condensed by magic was not exactly a creature at all, and death was meaningless to them.

A few seconds away, the Death Guard rushed past for a few seconds. Although the opponent was not bad, he only rushed to the death guard after shooting two rounds. Those people hurriedly took out close-up weapons to resist, but it was a pity that the defender of Death was tall and big. After running, it was like a cavalry charge. Those players stood in place and could not stop the impact of these guys. It was lifted out, and the weapon in their hands was inexplicably smoked.

After flooding through the gate like a flood, the Death Guard still rushed out without stopping at all, and I just grabbed a few bows into Fenglong space. As I thought before, these bows are not equipment at all. They are weapons fired by guilds, just like cannons and vehicles. They belong to guilds, not players. This can be said to be critical to my robbery, because if these things are players' equipment, then it is generally impossible for me to pull them off. After all, unless the equipment is burst out, it is not easy to rob them directly from people. , But the guild equipment is different. Guild equipment belongs to the guild. The player only has the right to use. His death will not make the equipment resurrect and leave with him. It will only make the equipment unattended. At this time, the individual can take it away. Struggling to grab.

After getting a few bows, I followed the Death Guard to start running out. Although the bows were already in hand, I still had to figure out what those lines were connected to. When these bows are shot, a long wire is dragged in front of them, indicating that they must rely on external equipment to provide certain things when they are used, which may be ammunition or energy, or to aid in calculations. The seed bow cannot operate alone. So the thing connected behind that line may be just as important as the bow itself, and even that thing is more important than 5.

After rushing out of the auction hall with many Death Guards, I found that it was completely out of order. The entrance to the auction hall we entered was originally a small square. At the beginning, so many guild presidents got out of the queue and checked in for admission, but now it is full of dense Russian troops. The Death Guard, who rushed out of the hall, rushed into the opponent's crowd without any hesitation, and then had a melee.

I saw the scene in front of me that the Death Guard also had shortcomings. This shortcoming was not high in strength or mental retardation, but personality. These guys are all combat mad, I just let them rush out. If the average person rushes out and sees so many enemies, they will definitely stop and weigh it. After all, this doesn't conflict with my order. But these guys rushed into the enemies several times their own without even thinking about it. It was a mad dog posture that would bite you when they died. Of course, this shortcoming can't be regarded as a complete shortcoming. When fighting a war, especially on the front, a troop with this crazy dog ​​spirit can definitely defeat the enemy several times more than his own. After all, normal people are afraid of death. There is no fear of meeting a group of lunatics.

Although the scuffle situation outside is a bit inconsistent with my thoughts, but since the two sides have been scuffled together, I have not interfered with them anymore, but directly opened the summoning limit and let the death guards call with the square space as the limit. . From now on, as long as there are still vacancies on the square, and my summoning cap is not full, the Death Tattoo will continue to summon Death Guardian to fill the vacancy. After the square is full, it will become a death one to make up one. Less, but because there are supplements, it will not suffer for the time being.

After activating this skill, I no longer care about the Death Guards, but concentrate on starting the source along the underground cables ~ ~ I originally thought that those lines were just dragged from the auction hall to the outside, but The device that connects the cables should be right outside the door. Who knows that the thing is not here at all. Those lines are much longer than I thought. It looks like they are pulled in from the exit at the other end of the square. .

"I **** it, which **** talk about the factory so long cutting?" I looked at the line that stretched to the middle of the crowd and saw no head at all, and had to restart the command of the Death Guard to advance in a formation. Regardless of the battle of the Death Guard before, I was looking for the device that connected the cable. Now that the thing is behind the crowd, of course I have to command the Death Guard to break through as soon as possible.

"Zi Ri, you die for me!" I was planning to summon the magic pet to help the battle, and suddenly I heard Jiao drink. I turned around fiercely, with both hands and blades clawing at the same time, just holding the frozen sword of the Frozen Banshee.

"I rely, how can you find me with so many phantoms?" I was really surprised that the frozen banshees could show me. I was just fine in the auction hall just now, there are at least five or six thousand fake me out there. Running around, the Frozen Banshee could find my body from it. Isn't this too fantasy?

The Frozen Banshee did not answer my question directly, but just desperately increased the strength of her hand and desperately pressed down while saying, "I can smell the odor on your body a few tens of meters away, can I use it? "

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