Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 45: Extermination

When I found a group of people at the back door of the temple hall, I immediately turned over and hid behind a row of buildings, and then carefully sent a ghost worm to take my place and continue to investigate the situation.

It wasn't anyone else who just came out of the gate, it was the master of the temple, the warrior. Although I haven't seen this guy before, since I have targeted him, I must inquire about the appearance characteristics of others, and this guy obviously meets the characteristics that Celia told me. Of course, if this protoss alone was not necessary for me to hide, I thought that I could kill several protoss standing in the crowd at the head office of Buddhism. It is not a problem to kill a single protoss here today. The key reason why I did n’t do it immediately was that there were still two Protoss alongside him. The two armors of these two guys are gorgeous, at first glance, they are artifacts, and on the surface they come in with Valkyrie, but in fact Valkyrie has been deliberately behind the two men by half a position, which shows their status. Definitely higher than Valkyrie. Moreover, here is the place of Valkyrie itself. It is estimated that if it is not for this reason, Valkyrie will follow directly behind others.

In addition to the Valkyrie and the two high-ranking Protoss, a group of people who came over was followed by eight guys like the guards. Although I did n’t come close to observe, but from the experience of dealing with the Protoss, the eight Eighty-nine are also protoss, but their status is relatively low. There are of course people behind this group of people, but they are all shrimp soldiers and crabgers. I was too lazy to watch them. The only thing worth noting is the eleven protoss in front.

With my current strength, against a single protoss, as long as it is not the level of the Hongjun priest or Yuanshi Tianzun, it should be able to ensure a stable win. Although the eleven protos here seem to be very windy, those who run around will not be high-level protoss, just like the leaders of the country, they usually direct the people below to do things, even if they have to go out, it must be A large group of people who support and protect each other will not be so few. Therefore, I judge that the current group is an ordinary protoss, and the status is certainly not too high. The existence of such a combat force should be quite average. However, the strength is generally a protoss, and it is not easy to deal with eleven at a time.

The key is not to let them go, because in case someone runs away, my investigation may be exposed. As long as you do n’t leave alive to report back, it does n’t matter if the other party finds yourself attacked.

Thinking of these things, I decided to follow this group of people for the time being, and it will be more convenient for me to start when they reach the temple. If it really does n’t work, let my magic pet sing the banshee demon and the princess use psychic explosion to stun all these guys, and then let the baby launch the sweet world to pull them all in once. Don't even think about coming out to a level with Da Riru and Master Hong Jun.

Although it is necessary to follow this group of protoss, Celia can't ignore it, after all, I promised her to help. If I had refused before, I would have refused. Now that someone has been here by Sorola, if I ran away halfway, wouldn't that mean that she was a sheep? But after all, it was n’t a big deal on her side, and I did n’t need to go in person. After thinking about it, I summoned Emmeni Jin and Lingling. With the illusion function of Aimeness, there is no disguise to lurk, and with Lingling's damage output, is it not a good idea to kill a small temple knight?

Put Celia over there! After the matter was entrusted to both of them, I quietly followed the group of protoss. The other party seemed to be in a hurry to do things, and walked very fast along the way. The ordinary people in the back almost trot and followed the eleven protoss to the inner hall. After entering the inner hall, two of the eight Protoss guards stopped abruptly and blocked all the followers. The remaining six guards entered the inner hall along with the three bosses in front.

Seeing this, I didn't react too slowly, quickly hiding and hanging upside down on the roof. The two Protoss guards apparently had no special ability, at least they did not respond to me in stealth, but instead expelled the ordinary people from the temple. Soon the attendants left the inner court of the shrine, and then left only two strong guards to guard the gate with the two protoss guards. The others were also a hundred meters away.

The care and caution of this group of people did not play much protective role, but instead created great conditions for me. Because ordinary people were driven away, and the several protoss entered the inner hall, and there were two protoss and two ordinary guards outside, and I wanted to quietly solve these four guys with my strength. Still very simple.

After waiting for a few minutes, making sure that there would be no more interruptions from outside, I carefully moved over the heads of the four guards, but at this moment the guy below didn't respond at all. With my thoughts, two space exits suddenly appeared behind two Protoss guards at the same time. Although the opponent's strength is not good, but after all it is a protoss, and the induction is still very good. As soon as the space exit was opened, the two people immediately found out and quickly turned around to fight back. Who knew that when they turned around, they suddenly met two pairs of thrilling pupils. After a dazzling brilliance, one of the two Protoss became a human-shaped stone sculpture, and the other was a smirk on his face, without any reaction at all. Yeyue and the princess are all descendants of son-in-law, and there is a certain divine power in itself, plus the natural restraint in my attribute, which makes them have a terrifying natural suppression attribute when dealing with the protoss. It is like The protoss are natural enemies, and two lower-level protoss will be settled instantly.

Although the two guards standing next to the two protoss are regarded as masters in ordinary guards, they were unable to fight back when they met us. After the two protoss found the space channel and turned around, they only noticed anomalies. The king and II, who appeared suddenly, wiped their necks without turning their heads or turning around. The two guys wrapped around their necks and took a few steps back. They suddenly collapsed backwards. The king and II carefully reached out to catch the fallen bodies of the two, and then slowly lowered them to the ground. Xiaofeng appeared in the middle of the two corpses, and then reached out to release a bluish-white flame. No smoke and ash were seen, and the **** of the two corpses was burned in an instant, and the process did not even hurt the floor. .

After fixing these four guards, I carefully landed on the ground and first killed the deceived Protoss guard with eternity. Immediately, the experience bar went up sharply. It seems that my future experience still has to rely on the Protoss to ascend, and killing ordinary creatures is nothing to do. After killing one, I asked Yeyue to restore the flesh below the neck of another petrified guy. "Then I raised the sword again to kill it. Although the two Protoss had a lot of experience, it was not good enough for me to upgrade. Very far. After all, I am now more than 1,700 levels. The required experience is astronomical. Even if the experience of the protoss is not a few, I can upgrade. But at this speed, as long as I can kill one Hundreds of such guards should almost be able to advance to the next level. If the protoss who can get a higher level can not experience more. However, with the population of the protoss, it is estimated that it will be difficult to rise to more than 2,000 by this. . Unless I can kill the entire Russian Protoss all by myself, it is a bit hopeful, but this goal

It's too exaggerated. Don't think about it and know that it is impossible. Shaking off that impossible illusion, I began to carefully kill two protoss by suddenly attacking i. It seems simple, but it is actually because of our perfect cooperation and huge attribute restraint. Now there are six protoss in it, such as Another raid in the country, I can guarantee to kill six of them in one minute, but it will inevitably shock the three guys in it. In this case, if the other party does not come out to deal with me immediately, it will immediately run away , Then the latter things can be troublesome!

I do n’t know if it ’s a character outbreak. I was in a dilemma. Suddenly I saw a protoss stand up in the message returned by the ghost worm and walked over to the gate, apparently planning to come out. Anyway, if you can solve one first, it will be easier later. I immediately transmitted the preparations to the magic pets, and all the magic pets took action. The king threw the bodies of two protoss into Fenglong space one by one, and Xiaofeng manipulated the high-temperature flame to completely burn off the blood and water on the ground. Finally, the little dragon girl ran out again with water to instantly blow the ground and the entire space air After washing it, let's not talk about dregs, even the smell is gone.

After completing all this, the magic pets quickly slandered again, and then I climbed to the roof and hung on it again, and at the moment when I concealed it, the door was pushed open.

"Massalo ... Massaro ..." The protoss who just came out shouted as they came out, apparently he was wondering why the two men who were keeping the door were missing. However, less than two seconds after he had just left the visible range of other Protoss members inside the gate, two space gates suddenly unfolded beside him. The night moon that appeared behind him directly sealed his neck with petrified eyes, making him unable to call, and the charming eyes of the princess instantly gave this guy to the fan's own surname.

After successfully seducing him, Yeyue lifted the petrified state on his neck, and Ling appeared instantly, pressing one hand on his head, memory reading started instantly, and soon found the others in the room. Personal name. After completing all this, Ling told the princess the name through my spiritual contact relay, and the princess manipulated the controlled guy and ran to the door and shouted inward: "Xiwei, come and help."

"What are you doing?" A Zhuo ÷ clan guard asked and stood up and walked out, and I quickly put away unrelated people, leaving only the princess and me on the roof to control the one Protoss seduce companions.

Just after the guy named Xiwei walked out of the gate, the guy controlled by us closed the door a little, just blocking the figure of Xiwei. At this time, Yeyue closed the guy instantly with the old method. Only half a head was left in the body so that the princess could still seduce him, but he could not send an alarm.

After successfully controlling this Seve, the princess controlled him and called out across the door: "Ralph, come out to help." "What the **** is going on?" An inquiry sounded.

The princess immediately manipulated the previously controlled guy and shouted, "If you come out, come out, so much nonsense? Hurry up."

Although reluctant, the guy inside ran out immediately, of course, this guy didn't end up in any good end. When he first started going out, I made a shot to get rid of the two guys who were controlled before to make room for the princess. Although the princess's control ability is very strong, but the other party is a protoss, after controlling three at the same time, I was worried that an accident would occur, so I killed two first.

In the end, this guy just walked to the door and did n’t see the outside, so he said, "What the **** are you doing? Why is there a **** smell?" As soon as he said it, he walked out of the door and found his companion's body. Then he immediately wanted to step back, but unfortunately he moved a little slower. The princess's seductive ability was almost 100% hit in a one-to-one situation, and there was no possibility of escape. Immediately after controlling this guy, the princess immediately controlled him and screamed deliberately while running quickly: "Ah! How did you do that?" After speaking, she turned back and called out to the last three people inside: " Come out quickly and help. "

When he called like this, the people inside thought that something had happened, and the **** smell had drifted in. They also realized that something might have happened, but because the guy in the front didn't say that he was an enemy, they didn't think about it. I thought it was just an ordinary accident.

As soon as the three of them ran out, we had solved the three guys that had just been controlled. When the last three of them ran out of the gate, they saw Yeyue and the princess' eyes blinking at the same time, then two of them were controlled at the same time, and the other guy became a sculpture. At this point, all the eight Protoss guards are finished, and for a while I have only three daily marks left to deal with. Although the strengths of the three guys are not known yet, it should not be difficult to deal with the normal situation.

I originally thought that after killing the three Protoss guards, I would launch an assault on the three guys inside, and relying on the advantages of the sudden attack, I should solve one problem in no time, and then only let Yeyue and the princess join hands. Holding one, I and others can quickly solve the other one, so that all three remaining protoss can be easily solved. But I do n’t know if my good luck ran out. Just as the three Protoss guards held me in front of me, the innermost door suddenly opened. I saw one of the two protoss walking in front of Valkyrie opened the door and shouted, "Xiwei, come in." The other party just shouted casually, but until he finished, he suddenly noticed that there was no one outside. , And the other three guards were just outside the gate at the moment, so he directly saw me and the guard who had been turned into a sculpture;

At that moment, the protoss and I discovered that things were not good at the same time, and they both shouted at the same time. "Not good, exposed!" "Quick, there are intruders!"

Although I and the protoss shouted at the same time, the degree of intimacy between me and the demon pet is obviously much higher than the degree of intimacy between him and the other two protoss. After we both shouted at the same time, The magic pet behind me moved quickly, but the two companions of that guy were still asking who dared to invade the temple.

Yeyue and the king almost solved the remaining three Protoss guards at the same time as I shouted out, and then rushed to the inside together. I also started with them at the same time, and rushed into the inside instantly.

Although she has no legs, Yeyue's speed is the fastest of the three of us. She rushed to the protoss who opened the door first, and then slammed into each other's arms in a stunned expression. Then rolled her up with her huge tail. The two rolled into the room like a hemp rope, and the king and I rushed in after them. Better than the other two Protoss in the middle, just saw the companion rolled in with the snake-tailed monster, and before the reaction, he and I rushed in. The other party knows me, but it doesn't make much sense to know or not at this time. Before my weapon arrived, the eternal sword was thrown out by me as a flying sword. The target pointed directly at the advanced protoss while the warrior was hit by the king and flew out.

Just before the king and Yeyue rushed into the room for less than two seconds, the princess and II rushed in. As soon as the princess entered the door, the princess threw a psychic explosion. The Valkyrie, who had just been knocked down by the king, just got up and was shaken by this sudden soul shock. She almost lay back on the ground. As for the one who was forced to the corner of my wall, he was also crooked. Although he recovered immediately, I still took the opportunity to rush into his defense and severely chopped a sword.

The guy at war with me was slashed by me and immediately realized that they were on the weak side, but he was unambiguous, and when he found that the situation was not right, he immediately lifted his hands and split a huge sword. I saw that it was quite powerful and did not dare to fix it, so I had to dodge myself to avoid it. As a result, I saw that sword-sword blasted across the room like an iron plough, and cut the whole room in half. However, before Jian Mang disappeared, I suddenly heard a booming noise in front of me, and when I looked back, I found that the guy flew out through a hole in the roof. "Mira ○"

The protoss who had just flew out of the room suddenly noticed that his head was dark, and a huge dragon made entirely of diamonds was lying on top of him. Originally, the dragon race has been regarded as a hierarchy in nature, but for the protoss, the relationship between dragons and them is probably only equivalent to the relationship between humans and tigers. Although tigers can eat people, they can also kill tigers, and in most cases people are dominant. Protoss and dragons are the same. Although single-strength dragons can kill the protoss, the protoss usually have a lot of equipment on them, so the dragons are often not the opponents of the pros. The members of the Protoss saw the dragon above their heads, because he had never seen the Jewel Dragon before, but then his mother turned cold, raised his sword and rushed up. Although the dragons are powerful, the protoss have artifacts in their hands, and they are not afraid of dragons at all. He just wants to hack the dragon quickly to escape and report. It was just that his thoughts were good, but the actual situation exceeded his expectations.

Just as the Protoss rushed in front of Mila, Mira suddenly waved the front paw and patted it. The holy sword that the Protoss held up was right against the sharp dragon claw, but it should have been in his imagination. The severed claw of the dragon clashed with his divine sword and made a crisp sound, followed by him, and felt a huge force flying the sword out of his hand. And his arms seemed to be broken, and the whole person was shot directly from the control like a cannonball, and a big human-shaped pit was hit on the ground with a bang.

Although the Protoss are usually stronger than the Dragons, that's because the Protoss has the help of artifacts. But Mira is not a giant dragon on the earth. She is a material dragon on the red planet, and she is also the strongest defending diamond dragon. Its physical defense is close to invincibility, let alone the ordinary divine sword, even if it is It is the eternity with the power of law that can't cut her.

Originally, according to normal conditions, the Excalibur should be able to cut off the claws of ordinary dragons, but now this sword can't cut Mila's claw, and the result is that the protoss and Mira are collided together. . You don't need to look at anything else. The difference between the power of the dragon and the protoss can be seen from the volume. In the face of a dragon that is N times larger than that, the power of the protoss is not enough to see. The result is naturally The claws patted him down, and all his internal organs were moved, and he almost fainted on the spot.

After being photographed on the ground, the protoss was moaning in pain, and suddenly found that the dragon above his head had not followed, but a red beam was gathering in the open mouth. He guessed what it was almost immediately, and scared him to jump out of the human pit, and then ran to the side. Less than a second after he left the pit, the Seal of Throne of Seals, Mira's beam of destruction finally fired. I saw a thin red line hit the pit instantly, then swept forward all the way. Just listening to the boom, a series of explosions occurred in the area swept by the red rays on the ground, and a huge shock wave accompanied by a large number of debris knocked the protoss to the ground again.

The protoss who crawled out of the rubble before the wolverine hadn't figured out the northeast, southwest, and northwest saw a humanoid object suddenly flew in front of him, and before he responded, the humanoid object ran into his arms, and rolled with him They flew together for more than ten meters before stopping. After he got up from the ground, he found out that it wasn't someone else who just hit himself, it was the same companion who came to look for Valkyrie with himself. But unlike him, this companion is now much more miserable. The entire left arm of the Protoss is now missing, and his right leg has been turned into a stone, and the petrification phenomenon has a tendency to spread upwards. In addition, a strange red sword was inserted into this guy's stomach, and the surface of the sword was covered with a network of red blood vessels, and he was sucking blood from his companion's body frantically.

Seeing the miserable appearance of his companion, he wanted to help him pull out the sword, but he suddenly bounced like an electric shock point as soon as he touched the handle, because a strong electric current surged on the sword. He gives stun.

After failing to pull the sword, this guy finally realized his current situation, he no longer cares about his companion, and jumped up and wanted to run, but the gem dragon in the sky blocked his escape route. Finding that he couldn't get out of the air, the guy suddenly turned a corner and rushed towards me ~ ~ Of course I wouldn't be afraid of him, and greeted him directly, passed him in the air, and landed instantly. Fold back. The guy who had just strayed with me just now was pulled out of his face by the blade that suddenly popped out of me. He also wanted to understand the second time he turned it around. He just bullied by his own strength. People are okay, obviously I am far from good. So he took out a scroll and threw it at me.

I originally thought that guy would fight with me for strength. Who knew he was so cunning, Hui Ran threw scrolls at me during the battle. The high-level protoss is definitely not an ordinary scroll. When I was hit by that thing, I felt like the front of me was cooked, and at the same time a huge thrust sent me directly to He evacuated and then crashed into a room on the periphery of the temple without knowing how many houses had been run through. "Zi Ri?" "Ah?" I didn't expect anyone here to know me. Looking up from the rubble, I realized that it was Celia who called me.

Seeing me smoking all over my body, West and Asia were shocked. "What's wrong with you?"

Before I came and answered, I saw a guy dressed in the same armor as me jumping out and shouting: "Haha, it's Ziri, now I'm going to make a contribution!" It's naturally not someone else who can say this. The Solo who had brought Celia here before, but I didn't expect that he was still alive. It should be said that Amenities and Lingling should have killed him! ∫

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