Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 49: Perverted conventional weapon

!! The Russian Protoss and the Russian Guild studied the purpose of crying a weapon, the Sunchuan monster. We knew before that the Russians had been planning this attack for a long time, which means that they had already taken into account all possible factors. And as the most important part of the plan. The step is a non-combat agreement between the Russian protoss and the Chinese protoss. This thing can be said to block the excuse of participating in the battle in the heavens, making the national war on both sides into a battle involving only players and guild troops. Without the participation of the Protoss, the direction of the war will depend entirely on the strength comparison between the two guilds. However, there is a problem here. The Russians have been preparing for a long time, so they will definitely have more troops than us, and they will have more material reserves than we do. However, despite so much preparation, the Russians are still worried, and the goal of this worry is me. As a high-end force, I am in the ranks of players in the world. I am simply a great killer. The Russians can use our tactics to calculate our protoss power and calculate our guild power, but they cannot think of a way to deal with me. On the battlefield, an enemy that is completely undead and unable to catch, even if it is unable to destroy the entire legion, can significantly reduce the combat effectiveness of this army, because such a master can attack the army's command system, logistics, etc. at any time. Sectoral, and worse yet the Russians have followed this defense approach. To put it simply, the Russians come and go, and I can't figure out the trouble at my level, and the machine recorded in this drawing that we got on the net is obviously born because of this.

As a practical weapon, this attribute is obviously not qualified with one-shot-once attributes, but if the original goal of the Russians was to use him to deal with me, then it is another matter. Anyway, this thing is really powerful and accurate enough to kill me, my defense and degree is a joke in front of this kind of weapon that almost shoots and completely ignores defense.

"It seems that the Russians have really found a pretty good weapon!" After understanding the original intention of this seemingly unqualified weapon, I also understood its power. In fact, the success of a weapon does not depend on its characteristics, but on whether it has enough ability to kill its target. From this perspective, this weapon is obviously fully qualified, at least it can really kill me.

Now that we know the path and power of this thing, we will organize all the drawings belonging to it and put it away. Then we will return it to the Mojing Power Research Institute for analysis. Maybe we can get qualified weapons. As for now, it is still necessary to experiment as soon as possible with the remaining mechanical design drawings.

Although the drawings copied from the Wushen Temple were piled together, some of them did not belong to this death ray emitter when Ling and Xiaochun did research. After putting together the extra drawings, Ling and Xiaochun quickly came up with a design drawing of a new machine, but this time without the hassle of constructing a body by Evrit, it was done by Brigitte. The structure of this new device is far less exaggerated than the previous death ray emitter. Even if it is made in a one-to-one ratio, it is only about the size of a keyboard. However, although the area of ​​this thing is similar to the keyboard, the shape is not flat. Flat oblong, but an irregular structure close to catching a circle. Of course, this is only the core component, and the shell is not drawn on the drawing, so as long as it can be wrapped in, the shape of the shell design has no effect at all.

After the newly completed weapon was reassembled in Brigitte's hand, it was moved to the arm, and under Ling's command, Brigitte carefully connected the energy channel in her body with the energy channel of that independent device. Almost at the same time as the pipeline was connected, Brigitte's arm suddenly added a long, circular energy shield with a light blue surface that was two meters long and one meter wide.

"Is this thing just an energy shield?" I asked, looking at the blue translucent light curtain.

Ling nodded and said, "It should be a shield from the analysis of the drawing. The Russian Protoss is unlikely to study too many advanced weapons specifically for the Russians. It is estimated that they have already spent a lot of effort to get that death ray. As for this thing, if it can be popularized, it will be much more useful than a class weapon that can only make one or two. "

"This is true." No matter how powerful advanced weapons are, they cannot replace conventional weapons. It is like nuclear weapons and submachine guns. Nuclear weapons are definitely better than submachine guns, but the fact is that nuclear weapons are basically lying on the arms of various countries. However, the submachine gun has been capturing human life. If the Russian Protoss really popularized this kind of shield into the Russian guilds, the combat casualties in the Russian guilds could be reduced by at least 30%, depending on the defensive effect of the shields. If they are very abnormal, there may be more.

In order to confirm that we ... the old Brigitte North then held that energy shield and let Ling and I try the bidding method separately, but now this thing is much more useful than expected. First of all, it is different from ordinary shields. The surface of this thing is not at all at all. If I do n’t use the eternal weapon, as long as the weapon is cut on the shield, it will slip. People who do n’t know if they suddenly cut this thing on the battlefield ca n’t do well, and they will lead themselves by excessive force. This situation on a dangerous battlefield is almost the same as being sentenced to death. Unless there is my general reaction or luck, I will die.

In addition to causing side slip when subjected to physical defenses, this thing is even more exaggerated when subjected to magical attacks. If the incoming magic power exceeds the shield's upper defense limit, then the shield will filter out the limit that it can filter and let the excess energy pass through, that is to say, it can also reduce the damage in the worst case. However, if the power of oncoming magic is lower than the shield's upper limit, then the joy will be great. This kind of magic will not only penetrate the shield, but will also be bounced back intact, basically equivalent to a one-to-one magic reflector. Attacking this shield must ensure that you have the power of its upper defense limit, otherwise That's tantamount to attacking yourself.

For a master like me, this low-damage spell bounce attribute seems to be useless, because my attack will definitely pass the magic shield defense limit, but you must know that this thing is not for the master, it is a popular type Weapons are equipped with ordinary players, and most of the opponents they need to defend are ordinary players. But the average player's skills can hardly exceed the defense limit of this thing except for the big move. In this case, if the Russian army in the war is equipped with this thing, the only way for our people to kill the Russian army is to attack. Otherwise, as long as the opponent sets up this magic shield, we will not even be able to penetrate their defense. Fortunately, we blocked the drawing, otherwise we will react when the Russians are equipped with this thing, but it will be troublesome. However, although we blocked the drawings, the Russian Protoss could not not back up the data, so the Russians will still get the drawings in the end, except that we will have similar equipment at that time, so that we will not lose at least. Moreover, with the technology of our guild and obtaining this thing in advance, it is possible that we have already developed a confrontational weapon before the real thing of the Russians can be made.

After collecting the two drawings, I put everything together into a space ring, and then gave the ring to the dart to let him return to the guild with the drawing, and use the dart's degree. I should be back in the guild soon, at least much faster than mine.

After sending off the darts, I called Solo, who had been quietly aside again. I have to say that this guy is really very good at discerning and observing colors. He used to treat Wu Shen's whole body as a close friend, and now he can act like a transparent person in front of me. It can be seen that this kid is actually very promising.

"President Ziri, please call me?" Soro ran over as soon as he heard my call, it was almost faster than the rabbit.

"During this time, the Throne of the Seal of God has performed very well. Are you interested in joining my guild in the future? I have a very special job that I want to leave to you ~ ~ As soon as Luo heard me, Cube replied with excitement: "I'm working for you now is equal to breaking up with those protoss. Even if I go back now, they will never want me, and I will definitely kill my life. Can't keep it. If you can take me away, I will earnestly and truly complete each of your tasks to ensure that you have peace of mind and effort.

Although these words just show loyalty, they can see the cleverness of this guy Solo. If the average person is in a hurry to watch the center, they will definitely say something terrible about the knife and the pan, even if the foreigners do n’t understand it, they will say anything like hell, dragon caves, etc. The pots are all similar. However, this is not the case for Solo. He only said that he would do his best, but did not say anything such as generous death, which is equivalent to a statement of no responsibility. Even if he made a mistake in the future, it could not be considered that he did not complete the original. committed to. But how to say this is all little clever, because he forgets that his life and death are all in my thoughts now. I really do n’t need a reason to kill him. He and I would rather be frank and win my favor. More secure.

"Okay, don't rush to show loyalty. I don't need to be loyal to the things you do, as long as you are smooth. But now, your first priority is to take me immediately to the Protoss base you said. I'm going to meet the Russian protoss and see what kind of fame they are doing. "

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