Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 55: Blocked again!

. There is a benefit to moving the magic pet contract. "That is, you can keep the original level of the magic pet level and the bamboo stag number pet does not exceed the owner, then it will not be demoted. It will not be wiped out of all consciousness like pets forcibly captured and turned into pet eggs to relevel.

After accepting my contract, Lilith never wanted to resist again. Although her loyalty is still low, after all, she is already my magic pet. The mandatory constraint of the contract can at least guarantee that she will not Somehow took the initiative to attack his master.

After taking complete control of Lilith, I began to check Lilith's attributes. In fact, I don't need to look at the attributes. I already have a general understanding of her attributes. After all, she had shown it once when she attacked me.

According to the introduction in the attributes, Lilith ’s level is very high, and her basic level is as high as 3,000, which means that if my level does not affect her, her full level should be able to rise to 3,000. Yes, but now it ’s limited by my level. At present, there are only more than a thousand levels, but even so, her attributes are still quite abnormal. In fact, Lilith ’s basic offensive and defensive attributes are very general. For 3,000-level creatures, her data is not even as good as some 2,000-level creatures, but you will find it in conjunction with another special attribute of her. In fact, the low level of basic attributes is not a problem for her at all.

This special attribute of Lilith is a cell vigor. Common creatures do not have the property of cell firepower, but according to the introduction of Phyllis's attribute, this attribute can be obtained through a conversion formula. One of the simplest conversion methods is to calculate the biological blood return speed, and the formula is quite simple, which is to multiply the blood return volume per minute by seven, and the value obtained is the cell viability value. For example, your health can recover ten points per minute, then your cell vitality is ten times seven, which is seventy. According to this value calculation, my own cell activity now has more than 2,000, this value is quite good. But compared with Lilith, my activity was almost equal to that, because her cell activity was as high as 100,000 points. This value is up to the point that she can automatically heal nearly 10,000 blood points per minute without relying on healing and drug assistance. This time, the speed has actually exceeded the damage output of most players, which means that even if she does not resist Standing there to make you chop, you did not even hurt her as fast as she returned blood, and chopped her to death. Of course, such a perverted ability is not unlimited. Lilith's blood-recovering ability actually needs magic power, which is why she asked me magic crystal before. If her magic power is not enough, she can't even regenerate her limbs. There was nothing I could do about hanging on that hook.

Although Lilith's ability to return blood needs magical support, her attribute is still quite abnormal, because her returning blood and magic power are not calculated on a one-to-one basis, but on a ten-to-one ratio. This ratio means that for every 10,000 health points she recovers, it only suffices to consume a little magic value. According to her current tens of thousands of blood. It is estimated that the number of attacks she needs to hack can kill a soldier alive, or even if she is not dead, the weapons will be worn out first. Such an abnormal conversion ratio has created Lilith's extremely terrifying regeneration ability. And not only the regeneration of blood, even if you dismember her body into fragments, as long as there is one cell left. She can quickly regenerate back. It takes less than a dozen magic points to restore the entire body. of course. If you have the skill to blow her away, you do n’t have to worry about her regeneration ability, but Lilith ’s basic attributes are weaker and better than most of the 2,000 creatures. In seconds, her presence is really rare.

In fact, if Lilith is just a little more resilient, it wo n’t be that great. After all, if she fights, she is just a top-level meat shield. Lilith's real abnormality lies in the other assimilating energy-derived cell brought by her terrifying cell vitality. This skill feels like swallowing, in simple terms, it absorbs the enemy's body and transforms it into its own body. Previously, she used this trick when she tried to fight me back across the river to tear down the bridge, but she was burned by the high temperature before she swallowed me. If I was slower at that time, she would connect my body with her body, and then slowly transform my body tissue into her body tissue and absorb it completely. Her metamorphosis is abnormal. Basically, no defense is considered. As long as there is direct physical contact, even if she touches a little skin, she can launch assimilation skills, and the speed is super fast, and she can quickly spread to each other with a touch whole body. Net-based creatures. Third, you can't touch the target's body. Fourth, the target cell viability is close to or exceeds that of Lilith.

Although there are four kinds of invalidation situations, Lifis's skill can still be regarded as a biological killer. Although the first two kinds of targets are not wrong with Lilith, these two are special creatures in their own right, and they are not usually seen. Besides, there is a magic pet around me that deals with such creatures, and Lilith doesn't necessarily need to deal with them. The so-called behind can't touch each other's body, this is actually easy to handle. There are only two situations when you can't touch the body of the opponent. One is that the target speed is too fast to touch, and the other is that the entire body of the opponent is wrapped in armor without revealing skin. For the first type, it is entirely possible to let darts cooperate with Lilith. Anyway, assimilation of Hollys does not require her subject to contact the target, as long as it is a drop of her blood or any body tissue, but it is entirely possible for darts to take Lilith. His blood was smeared on his claws, and as soon as the dart touched the target opponent, Li Hai was swallowed and assimilated by Lilith. As for the kind of canner, this is by far the least of our worries. Anyway, my eternity is a professional can opener. I haven't seen a few things that it can't cut completely so far.

Overall, Lilith's strength is still quite scary, especially if she has enough magic. In addition, in addition to the above characteristics based on cell vitality, Lilith actually has a very deformed skill. Because cells can regenerate without restriction, Lilith could theoretically grow herself into any living thing.

Of course, the premise is that she must have touched the cells of that organism and understood its life structure. As a simple analogy, if you give Lilith a piece of dragon meat to let her touch, she can immediately become a dragon. And this transformed dragon will have all the physical attributes of the dragon as a sample. But this transformation is not perfect. Because only physical characteristics can be copied, the skills of the other party cannot be copied. After all, skills are acquired. What Lilith can reproduce does not include memory. But even if only copying the body. This is also very abnormal. After all, most creatures rely on battle under normal strength, not to mention that Philis also has her unlimited regeneration ability. Even a creature as weak as a cockroach can get the title of unbeatable Xiaoqiang. What about a dragon with an undead body?

When I saw the small copy property of Li Zisi on the Internet, my first thought was to copy the gene of a powerful creature to become a super monster. After all, there are already many beaters around me, one more and one less. Not a lot. What I really care about is that her transformation ability seems to be a good camouflage. Amenities' illusion skills are indeed very powerful, but even powerful illusions can be detected, and Lilith's transformation is not the same. She is not making an illusion. It is to completely change yourself into a goal, even if you have the ability to see through the camouflage is not useful to her, after all, she is not camouflage at all.

After understanding all the attributes of Lilith, I threw her into the practice space and let her say hello to my other pets first. Previously, this greeting was just a familiar process, but since more and more of my magic pets have been discovered, I have found that this seems to increase the magic pet's loyalty. In fact, this is a very simple psychological problem. For example, if you suddenly become someone's slave someday, you will certainly be upset in your heart. After all, you are controlled by others and you feel like you are inferior. but. If someone is extremely powerful and half of the world ’s people are his slaves, then you may not only be sad, but also very happy when you become his slave, because you can tell others that you belong to this group, and their This group is exceptionally strong. This is the case with my magic pets now, because there are too many magic pets, and there will be a group effect after being mixed together. Not only can you slowly increase the loyalty of the magic pets, but you can also exchange battle experience with each other and upgrade quickly.

After packing Lilith, I and Ling left the aisle in front of the freezer and walked to the rear cell. According to Lilith's situation, it is possible that the farther back, the stronger the prisoner held in the room, and the generally strong biological intelligence is usually not low. In this way, the probability of me finding a companion in the back room is relatively higher. Already.

Although my idea is very good, it turns out that the Russian Protoss is really abnormal. Next, I ran all the cells behind in a breath, and the result naturally surprised me, but not because I found a lot of trapped creatures, but because these so-called prisons were more like the Institute of Biology Specimen preservation library. In a cell I opened, I often saw monsters that were cut in half, or limb fragments that could not be seen by any creature. Lilith is fortunate. She has unlimited regeneration ability. After lifting the ice seal, she can recover part of her body with external magic supplement. However, she is a special case after all. Most creatures are different from her. Normal creatures are not so strong. The ability to regenerate is cut to such an immortality only to show that their vitality is complete, but no matter how tenacious the vitality is, they will certainly not be able to grow back to their original state.

The plan to rescue the trapped creature to help me escape completely failed, and I don't know what to do. Looking at the passage that has reached the end and the Russian protoss who are rushing forward in the back, I have no choice but to retreat. Although I have been using the Earth Gate to block the road before, the Earth Gate is so wide after all, the Russian Protoss can completely dig from both sides. The way I moved the door backwards can really cause them a lot of trouble, but that can only slow them down as they approach me, and can't really stop them. At this speed, they can rush to me in half an hour, and then I will have to fight against them.

The last time I looked around this prison passage, I was thinking hard about the solution, but the earth gate in front of me was forced to move back again and again.

"If it doesn't work, let's rush out!" Ling suggested.

"But those Protoss!"

"You may not be able to rush after using Divine Skills and Body?"

I thought about it and suddenly my eyes lightened, "Yeah! We were in danger at first. But if Lilith had the ability, it wouldn't be impossible to rush out."

My ultimate skill is ultimately a super-integrated skill, which not only allows me to get all the superposition of the magic pet's attributes, but also can call any of them's appearance characteristics and special attributes. In other words, when I activate this skill, I will have all the skills and attributes that my magic pet can use. What if I start Lilith's Devouring Skill by then? Anyway, I ca n’t retreat anymore, and I just shied away. First take out a bunch of medicines to restore the full body properties to full state, and then start the strongest skills fiercely. As a virtual shadow flashes through, my real appearance has changed dramatically. Although the face is still my face. But the armor on his body seems to have changed a set, becoming golden, and the whole person is just like the sun god. In theory, my appearance is controllable, but now the most suitable for this occasion is this appearance. In fact, the gold glitter is not the armor, but the skill of the small silver moon, the sun **** shield. This skill will become this color as soon as it is activated, it is not the color of the armor at all. After completing the release of this shield, I suddenly closed the earth gate blocked in the passage. The Russian protoss, who was desperately digging the wall, saw that the gate blocking the road in front disappeared, and instinctively thought that the gate was going back. Well, after all, they have been fighting this door for a long time, and every time they just step back as soon as they dig through the door, they have to dig continuously. But this time the situation seemed different from what they had imagined. After the door disappeared, they did not see it appear again, but instead found that I was standing at the end of the passage and looked at them as if they were a different person. Although the armor seemed to be different, my face did not change much, and the Russian protoss immediately recognized me. And after seeing the wall behind me, they also understood why the Earth Gate did not reappear. I'm obviously retired now, and there is nowhere to put it even if I call the door again.

"Hahahaha, run again!" The **** of verdict stood before me proudly and said.

"Run?" I watched him coldly. "Why should I run?"

Obviously the other party was stumped by my words. It's as if someone asked you why one plus one equals two. You must not be able to answer. For complex things, you can also disassemble it into simple explanations for others, but you ca n’t explain some truths that can be understood at a glance. That group of protoss is like this now, and what they think in their hearts is that I am inferior to them. So when they saw them, they could only tremble and run away. Now I suddenly asked why I ran, but they didn't know how to answer. However, after all, the Protoss is not a fool. Although I was stunned for a while, I immediately responded to know that I was playing them. It is an unforgivable crime that a prey who has been forced into desperation can even dare to hunt. This leader of the verdict shouted angrily and said, "Give me this guy who doesn't know the height of the earth."

Although I was scared to death by the mother of the earth before, I can open the passage to the garden of the mother of the earth does not mean that I have the power of the mother of the earth, at least those protoss think that I still belong to a humble existence. If I had n’t known before that I had the power to kill the Protoss, they would n’t even be two

rib. This is definitely a shameful act in the history of the Protoss. Zhu Yizhi knew that even two protoss shot at the same time. Isn't that a shame?

Because of these psychological factors, although the God of Judgment shouted an attack order, only the first two Protoss actually moved. Seeing these two guys rushing over, I didn't panic at all. Normally I can kill a protoss in a few strokes in the normal state, and now I can deal with this kind of protoss of the mixed soldier type after the body. Looking at the two guys who were about to rush in front of me, my eyes flashed suddenly, the guy who followed the fastest was kept running and fell out, while the other guy rolled over to the ground, I slipped to my feet before I stepped on it.

The trick just now is the petrified eye of Yeyue. I can use it after being combined, and the power is doubled. One of the two Protoss was completely petrified, and the other lost half of his body. Although he is not dead yet, he is actually dead.

Looking at the companion who suddenly fell to the ground, the **** of judgment finally began to face up to my strength. Although I have always known that I am strong, but after all, I am not a protoss. The inherent pride of the protoss has always made them look down on any creature other than the protoss, so even if they know that I am strong, they still ca n’t raise much tension, so much Facing the enemy many times when facing me. In fact, this is considered human nature, after all, it is scary to say that if you do n’t know it for yourself, you will never fully believe it.

"This is the strength of the Russian Protoss?" I stepped on this half-dead protoss with one foot to challenge the protoss on the opposite side.

In fact, even if the fit can improve my combat effectiveness, I'm not strong enough to despise a large group of protoss. The reason why I want to behave so arrogant. Actually it was I who was procrastinating, and the real reason was on this guy under my feet. If someone is standing behind me, you will find that at this moment a sharp needle stick is extending into my foot and inserted into the body of the guy below, and his blood and body tissue are slowly following this thorn. I was absorbed into the body.

When I looked at the attributes before, I didn't even know that Lilith's attributes could still undergo secondary mutation after I started the fit, so that the ability to devour assimilation in the fit state turned into the attribute of extracting the dominant gene of the opponent to evolve itself. Protoss genes are extremely powerful after all. Just as we talked for a while, my basic attribute values ​​were all rising, and the speed was fast. Of course, this function can actually be used now. When the guy at the foot is absorbed, there will be no such improvement in the other protoss. After all, the genetic advantage of the protoss is so small. I only have the genes of the same clock creatures. Can absorb it once, otherwise every protoss will let me **** it up for a while and look back at me. Wouldn't I even be able to kill the leader of Hongjun? Of course, although in theory one organism can only extract the same genes, but because of individual differences, every additional one will be sucked. The Protoss can still slightly improve the attributes, but how much this value can depend on the quality of the sucked object. Anyway, like the first big supplement, it will definitely not happen again. However, it is not only the protoss that have dominant genes in this world. As long as I find some powerful creatures of different types, I can completely brush up the basic attributes.

As soon as I spoke, the guy ’s genes were finally extracted, and at this time my basic attributes such as physical strength and intelligence went up by almost one-tenth. You should know that this is the basic attribute. The real offensive and defensive attributes are obtained through conversion based on the basic attribute. Therefore, the hint of the basic attribute is often more obvious than the surface attributes such as attack and defense.

After finishing this guy, I suddenly retracted the lancet, then kicked the guy over the instep, and then kicked forward, the petrified guy flew back immediately. The deciding **** Li Xuan stepped forward to pick up the Protoss guard, but I followed the petrified Protoss guard also rushed up. The ruling Godnet caught the guard, and felt that the impact of this guy was so strong that he had to use his whole body strength to withstand the impact of that guard, but he hadn't waited for him to completely unload this force. When he fell, he suddenly felt a sudden shock in the body of the guard. The instinct of the battle quickly released the guard and stepped back, and as he flashed back, a sharp sword penetrated the body of the guard. He pushed forward against his chest together, and the speed didn't catch up with him until he was caught by the corpse. However, despite this, the God of Judgment was also scared. He didn't pay much attention when the sword net was worn out, but after he opened the distance, he was surprised to find that there was even more on his breastplate. Small hole. Apparently the sword tip had pierced his armor just now, but he didn't hurt himself because of a slow step.

Houben relied on the armor, and the **** of judgment was not too afraid of my attack, but now he discovered that in front of my sword, the armor was actually not much different from ordinary armor. The same. The God of Judgment, who had just stepped back, realized that my weapon was extremely sharp after seeing the hole in the armor, but before he responded, I threw the corpse off the road and rushed up again. In fact, the other party did not expect that I would rush over. After all, the God of Judgment went out to pick up his companion, which means that he left the crowd, but now when I suddenly rushed over, I rushed into the crowd of the Protoss. Such guts.

In fact, I did not have the courage to do too horrible things. The reason why I rushed up was because I knew that it was safest to rush into their pile of people. The biggest difference between the Protoss and ordinary creatures is that the Protoss almost have all spells. Before they dismissed their enemies, they only sent two people out. Now they clearly know how powerful I am. If I continue to distance them, they will go together I lose magic on my side, and I'll be ugly if I grow three heads and six arms. dead. But if I rush forward, the situation is completely different. This aisle is the aisle of the prison. The width is only over three meters. For ordinary passages, this width is actually quite good, but it is too narrow in battle. In such an environment. The maximum number of people who can attack me at the same time is three, and except for the one who is facing me, the people on both sides are subject to great restrictions on movement, and they ca n’t exert their full strength at all, that is, Said that I only need one to three at most, and not three protoss with full strength. With my greatly improved combat power now, as long as you are careful, one to three is completely fine. If you count Lilith's ability to devour and absorb me, as long as there is enough time, it seems that it is not impossible to polish the protoss here. Originally, I was worried that I would plant here today, but I did not expect to have a chance to defeat defeat. Of course, the premise of this opportunity is to be cautious, as long as I have made a slight mistake, it is definitely inevitable in so many protoss look arounds.

The first reaction of the God of Judgment after I got close was to suddenly raise the shield of divine power, but my eternity easily passed through the shield, but the reaction of the God of Judgment also turned around and passed this right. . But what he didn't expect was that I didn't cut Wuchuan Xiao but pumped the sword again, but continued to rush forward along that force. Originally blocked by the **** of the judgment, I will definitely not live without defeating him. Now that he is giving way, I am naturally not polite, and just went through. Among the many protoss present, in fact, the **** of this ruling is the strongest. If he can get around, it is better not to fight him. After all, it is not one-on-one now, and it is too dangerous to fight him.

The God of Judgment flashed and found that I rushed past it, and it was a stun, but when he waited for a response, I had already rushed into the crowd behind. Although I was not so exaggerated in the team of protoss guards as the tigers and the sheep, but at least the lone wolf fell into the fox nest. Although they are all carnivores, the difference in level is still obvious. The group of Protoss guards who came up were almost shocked back without a single move. The attribute of the God of slaughter on my body was not good-looking, it was a real Protoss buster. Usually, these protoss guards send one casually. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is an invincible existence, but in front of me, it is just a difficult thing to do or it has a lot of experience.

Seeing the sword of the Protoss guard around me, the God of Judgment immediately wanted to squeeze in, but as soon as he blocked his other Protoss guard net to give way, I raised my hand and shot a streamer in the direction he was in. The God of Judgment didn't know what I was playing and didn't dare to fix it. I have suffered before, and now they all know to be careful of any of my skills. Lethality. But this time they were all guessed wrong. My trick was really the same. There was no attack power. After I lost the streamer, I turned and rushed forward. The protoss who blocked the road almost touched me. Without a match, I rushed to the center of the team in an instant.

Seeing this go on, I had to run away, and the God of Judgment finally got anxious. He couldn't rush now, he couldn't rush, he was in a hurry after the dough, and finally suddenly thought of something yelling at the front: "I'm going to use that!"

Which is that I was stunned by the sudden shouting of the God of Judgment, but the next second I saw all the protoss present suddenly and collectively did one thing, that is, they fell to the ground and held their heads. Although I don't know why they had such a reaction, I'm not stupid. The voice of the God of Judgment just now must be a reminder to people, so now I do what they do.

While I was learning how they fell to the ground, the end of the entire passage, which was the place where I was blocked just now, suddenly darkened, and then countless arcs rushed out from around the wall and intertwined in the middle of the passage. Became a huge white ball of light. The light sphere seemed to be unstable. After it was formed, it vibrated in place and became faster and faster. Although the gadget has not yet gathered, I already know that this thing is definitely not a mess, otherwise Not even the protoss lie on the ground regardless of their image. With such a stunned effort, the light ball suddenly flew towards the end of the channel at lightning speed. The speed was almost unimaginable, as if it rushed to the top of my head in an instant, and then brought a rolling heat wave. Rolling from above my head and flying all the way to the end of the channel, and then heard a loud noise, the entire channel was shaken violently, an energy storm will immediately lift me from the ground On the ground, I knew I should really be up again like those protoss!

Although it was affected by the energy storm, I still climbed up for the second time, and still grabbed before many protoss. When they followed, I had already skipped the crowd who just met me from above their heads. And moved a lot, when the following Protoss reacted, I almost rushed to the end of the team.

Seeing that I was about to get out of their jamming zone, the God of Judgment was really anxious this time. He suddenly shouted again at the Protoss guard in front: "Give me everything."

Hearing his shout, the guards flashed to the wall immediately, and I played again with the same tricks. The magic of small power, but did not expect the God of Judgment this time, it has skyrocketed. Instead of dodging my attack, he suddenly turned his side, took a step forward with one leg, and raised his excalibur to put out a pound. The action of chopping, while saying in the mouth: "The magical skill flies for ten thousand miles."

Although I don't know what function this skill has, I can be sure of one thing. The skill that even the protoss needs to prepare for action is definitely not a small skill, so I dare not run again, and suddenly turn back to face the **** of judgment. At the same time, he took an attacking posture and swooped down. "The thin cut of the space was like the sound of a torn piece of cloth. I was cut in front of me by a huge space crack in my sword, and the skill of the **** on the opposite side was finally launched.

Just now I was wondering why his skills did so many miles, and when I saw the effects of his skills, I fully understood. I saw him slam forward, and immediately swept out a large silvery white petal-like thing flew over to me, but the seemingly gentle petals were terrible and scattered a little along the way. As soon as I touched the wall, a large hole in the bowl blasted out of the wall immediately, and although the opening was only the depth of the bowl opening, it reached more than a foot deep. You know it ’s not an ordinary wall! This is a wall that has been added with protective spells to specifically close Protoss prisoners! How powerful is it to make a hole deep in this wall? Fortunately, I did not choose hard-wired, but used space cutting.

Although the power of those petals is scary, space cutting seems to open a portal in front of me ~ ~ Every petal that passes through the portal is transmitted to somewhere, it is impossible. Come across and hit me.

Before the verdict's attack was over, I turned and ran towards the end of the passage. The advantage of the space cutting skill is that once it is used, it does not need to be controlled at all, and the protoss guard who happened to be blocking the road was afraid to stand up because he was afraid of being injured by the ruling god, which made me go through the barrier of the tris . Originally I thought that even if I could rush out this time, I would have to peel off the skin. I didn't expect that it would be so simple that I ran out. Of course, Lilith's special attributes are indispensable. Without her special attributes to absorb the predominant genes of the Protoss Guard at first, I would never be able to rush out, at least not so easily.

"Haha, the God of Judgment, don't need to keep me anymore. After I will come out next time and rush out of the siege, I first left such a sentence and turned away. The **** of Judgment almost vomited blood, but he I did n’t catch up. At first I thought he did n’t catch up if I knew I could n’t catch up, but I did n’t understand until I ran to the vertical deep well that came down before. He did n’t catch up, but did n’t need to catch up. Because the bottom of this deep well was standing full of more than 20 protoss, and the divine power emanating from any of them was not weaker than the **** of judgment. (To be continued)

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