Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 5: Reconstruction plan

Knowing that these ghosts are all illusions, I stopped treating them and continued to do my own thing. Simply looking at the structure of the city, I already have a general plan for building a city. If you want to build a city, you must go to the temple to apply. Of course, I wo n’t go to the temple of light. I will bring the demon knight into the temple of light.

If you think about it, there are very few dark temples in the cities. Most of the cities are light temples, especially the three main cities of the system. None of them has a dark temple! I remember when I heard Awei said that there was a dark temple in a city named Heishui. He was the undead mage who turned in Heishuicheng.

Rotating the teleportation ring, I directly reached the teleportation station in Blackwater City. At this time, I was already level 345. Lucky, Xiaofeng, Tank, Plague, Crystal, and Ariana were all equal to 345. Little Dragon Girl and Night Shadow were already level 340. Phantom and Rose Vine just arrived at 327. Darts are the worst, only 311! Although Heishui City is small but there are many people, the narrow streets are almost full of people! But there are reasons for this. There are too few dark cities in the system, and nearly one quarter of the total number of players who apply for the dark profession (one quarter of the neutral camp, and the rest are bright). So many players need to transfer to the Dark Temple, take over tasks, learn skills, and many related things, but the system cities rarely have Dark Temples. As a result, cities with Dark Temples are overcrowded! And it's 8:20 in the evening, which is just the peak period of online, so there is no crowded station in Heishui City!

Along the way, I always moved forward with caution, except for the spikes on my Devil Dragon suit, the people crowding around me would inevitably get stuck. Although I did n’t open the PK mode, it did n’t cost much time to get in, but it hurts after all! Fortunately, soldiers have armor, and mages and others in general are a bit troublesome!

"Oh!" No, something happened! I have a long blade on each of the elbow joints, and I just accidentally scratched the face of an MM! Girls pay more attention to face issues. Although the wounds in the game will not leave scars, this MM is now equal to my appearance! "what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it. There are too many people here. My blade is not retractable and I can't retract it. I'm really sorry!"

"Your kid doesn't want to live anymore? I cut my face, and apologize?" Can't remind me of a knowledgeable person, the usual hooligan is about this way!

"I didn't mean it on purpose, or should I treat her?"

"There is no need for treatment, you are good, send us an apology fee!"

Doesn't this brainy be used for speaking? "I really want to apologize, don't make trouble, okay!" I ignored the little punk, and turned to the little MM, "I'm really sorry, can I help you treat it?"

The girl covered her face with a bulging look. "You don't see sacrifice at first glance. How to treat it?"

I haven't answered yet. The little punk standing next to us came among us. "Don't you take your word seriously, right? What part? Don't you know the rules of Heishui? Do you believe me that I can't make you out of Heishui?"

"Good breath!" I apologize because I lost money. After all, I hurt someone, but it doesn't mean that I am bullying! "When I went to the city to take over the transfer job, thousands of guards didn't stop me, just you?"

"Your boy is still on his face, isn't he?" "Your mother X try again!"

"I still have things that I don't want to waste time with you, you better not give me trouble!" I will leave when I turn around, I still have business, and arguing with such ignorant people has no practical meaning.

I just turned and didn't take two steps. A sword fell to my shoulder. The huge force cut me off unguarded. Although the power is great, the attack power is not good, I just fell a bit, and the blood was not much! "Scott!"

"It's no use shouting for help!" Shouted arrogantly. "Lao Tzu ...!" The left and right halves of the human body fell down to the sides, and the little chubby was split from the middle by Scot. The mouths of the two halves falling to the ground are still open, but no sound can be heard. The people next to me screamed for a while before they started to scream. The girl was not alone. In addition to the girl who hurt my face, there were two girls and three men. The girls were screaming desperately, while the boys were pulling swords and thinking about rushing up and back for a while. Little foolish, my most despised profession. Thieves and robbers may still be forced by life, while the gangsters are purely for fun and looking for excitement. Bullying and fear are their pronouns, ungratefulness is their motto, eating and crawling outside is their favorite.

I turned to face the remaining young people. "If you do n’t want to go straight, be a real triad. If you ca n’t be triad, be a common people. Do n’t let me see you fooling around. Otherwise, it ’s not so simple. I will kill you back to Xinshou Village!" In response, I turned and left, leaving behind a group of silly men and women.

Blackwater City is not big at all, and it is difficult to find the Dark Temple. We only walked two streets and saw a dark building. The shrine is very small and looks like a movie theater from the outside. Walking up the steps of the temple, I found that this temple looks like it has been in disrepair for a long time, and it looks shabby outside! It's even stranger to enter the dark temple, this dark temple is really worthy of the name! The whole temple is dark inside, if I do n’t have night vision, I do n’t know what to do!

A large number of players who came to handle things went into the temple to enter the temple for related things. Many players may come often, even with torches!

"Excuse me, why is it so dark here?" I asked a player who had passed by.

"I don't know, don't bother me!" This man ran away without a trace.

I had to walk inside the temple. There was a small door in the back of the hall. On the door was the guild resident registration office. Scot first walked over and opened the door for me. I walked in and found that the inside was as dark as the outside, but I could clearly see what was inside. The room is small. There is a desk in it. An old dark mage is sitting behind the table, but at this time he is lying on the table, and I can hear a little snoring! Behind the old mage is a huge filing cabinet, and it looks a bit like it in the room! There are two benches in front of the desk, but I don't want to sit anymore to see that crumbling look!


I walked over and knocked on the mage's table. "Is the city registered with the Construction Association registered here?"

恩 "Eh? Ah! Oh! You want to build a city?" The old mage finally woke up, he wiped his saliva while turning around in the filing cabinet and turning something. I'm a little disgusted to think that he will still use these hands to sign documents for me!

I went up and asked while the old man was still turning things: "Why are you so dark here?"

"Isn't this a dark temple! Isn't it too bright to become a light temple?" The old man answered me without turning back.

老 This old man is really foolish. I have seen the dark temple of the Lost City. Even though the night vision is very dim, there is nothing so dark as here! "See you so dark?"

"got used to!"

I really make excuses! "You don't have to install a few magic crystals? It's not very bright and you can see things." I called out Xiaofeng to stand on my shoulder. If I don't get some light out, I guess the old man will find it tomorrow morning. Want something!

As soon as Xiao Xiaofeng appeared, the room lit up immediately. The old man quickly took out a large folder. After opening the folder, the old man took out a quill from the drawer. "Well, what's the name of your guild?"

"Frost Rose League!"

"Is the location of the station selected?"

"Choose it!"

"This is a map, put a mark on it!" The old man handed me a map and gave me the pen.

I quickly found the position, and then drew a circle. "Just here!"

恩 "Well!" The old man took a look at the map, and suddenly his eyes widened. "Well? You're going to build on the ruins of Mosd Isinger?"

怎么 "Why not?"

The old man and the folder in his hand. "It works, but it won't work for a little dark temple like ours!"

"what does it mean?"

"The main hall of the Dark Temple is built in a very hidden place. These of us are just branches. Although Essinger was destroyed, anyhow, the night vision of the former magic capital, the land has a different meaning, and we ca n’t be the master! If you really want to establish a guild station, it is better to change places, or you go directly to the headquarters of the Dark Temple! Of course, the location of the Dark Temple is relatively hidden, you will not find it easily! "

"Aren't you in the canyon just behind the Lost City?"

"Ah! You know what?"

"I've been there three or four times! I knew it and passed directly. I don't think the road was good enough to come here. I didn't expect that I couldn't do it. I knew it and passed directly!" Goth left the room.

When I got out of the Dark Temple, I used the teleport ring directly to the Lost City. I can only go to the Lord Dark Temple to get lost, which will be a lot. It would be nice if there was a city transfer point in Dominguez, and every time I went, I was half-tired!

When I got out of the teleportation point, I ran to Clark first. The few crystals I got last time have not been set in the armor yet! Seeing me in, Clark welcomed him happily. "Where have you been these days? You haven't come here for so long!"

"Isn't this coming!" I took the gem from my arms and handed it to Clark. "Look what is it?"

Clark carefully took it and looked at it. "Black crystals, poison crystals, ice crystals! How did you get them? They are all superb!"

"I also want you to identify this thing!" I pulled out the silver diamond on my head and handed it to Clark. "I came across a magic silver bottle when I went to Japan, but I accidentally fell into the bottle. When I came out, the fire drill became like this!"

Clark put down those three stones and looked at the fire diamond intently. "This seems to be formed by the mercury infiltrating into the fire drill. The fire drill is a fire poison, the mercury is a cold poison, the fire drill just restrains the mercury, so the mercury is absorbed by the fire drill into what it is now!"

"I was hit by a shell when I returned, but Mercury flew out of the fire drill to protect me, but when someone attacked me with a blade, it didn't respond. What's going on?"

"This is because your fire drill did not fully control mercury. I can help you introduce mercury into your armor, and still use the fire drill to suppress the mercury's cold poison, but the mercury body is attached to the armor, so you can use water later Silver defended melee attacks! However, mercury needs to be controlled, and you may not be alone. "

"Can the phantom be controlled? It has almost nothing to do with me and the body. Let him control just to fully use everyone's fighting power!"

当然 "Of course you can! You leave both the phantom and the armor, I will help you stamp the spirit of the phantom into the armor, and then you can let the phantom help you control the mercury."

"Don't forget these gems, they all help me inlaid on the armor!"

"Where do you want to tessellate?"

"Ice crystal is inlaid on the organ box on the right arm, and poisonous crystal is inlaid on the corresponding position on the left arm. Black crystal is inlaid on the helmet where the fire drill was set, and the fire drill is set on the belt."

"Okay, no problem! You can do it in a few hours! Will you wait here?"

不 "No, I still have something to find Dominguez. I'll go now. I'll pick up things tomorrow morning."


I left Clark's shop and came to the street. I directly summoned Night Shadow and 10 ghost knights, and the squadron rushed towards Death Canyon. I ran all the way to Death Canyon. I was protected by the ghost knight and I didn't care about any small monsters like zombies. There have been more visits, and the guards know me! Without a briefing, the doorman took me into the barracks.

Dominger was training troops on campus and saw me running over. "Why are you here again?"

"What are you talking about? Not welcome?"

哪 "Which words! No one can't help but welcome you! I was praised for the big deal with you last time!" Domingue suddenly noticed that my clothes were strange. "Where's your armor?"

"Repair at Brother!"


"Oh! I said! I thought you were robbed! What happened to me this time?" There have been many times, Domingue knows, as long as I come, I must find him something!

"That's right! I really have something!"

"Let's talk in the tent!" Domingue took me into his tent. "Say it now! What the **** is going on?"

"I want to set up a gang station, so I need to go to the temple to apply."

Doming's anxious saying: "Then you must go to our dark temple! The light temple is our enemy!"

"Of course, just like me, I have not been sacrificed for purification in the temple of light!"

"Is that right!" Domingue was very pleased to hear me say that he would join the Dark Temple. "Then you haven't applied yet, what am I to do?"

"I'll apply!"

"Come here to apply?" Dominguez was slightly surprised. "Isn't there a dark temple in the Lost City? Why are you running so far to me?"

"Of course I came here for a reason!" I showed my map to Dominguez. "I want to build a city here."

Seeing where I was pointing, Dominger jumped up. "You are going to build on the ruins of the magic capital Isinger? That ’s a tenth-level evil zone! After the completion of the system, Bright City will send a coalition to attack you! You must defend the city for 3 days to keep the city!"

"Are there any rules?" For the first time, I heard that the main city of the system will send troops to attack the player city. I used to know that monsters will attack the village when the city is built, but this time I heard that there are still army of the main city of the system !! "What kind of army are you coming in? Will it not be the 800-level army in the city?" If it is true, I have to consider changing places. The 800-level NPC army not only has a high level, but also trains and The coordination is much better than the players. Our city will be vulnerable in front of the huge level difference!

Wu Dominger seemed to be depressed for a while and said, "You go to the temple with me first! Some things I don't even count!"

"okay then!"

I followed Dominger out of the barracks, and we went straight deeper into the canyon. I've been to the rear of the barracks for so many times, and I can't help but look curiously. This section of the canyon has little change in terrain and front, but the cliffs on both sides are getting higher! There are guards standing along the road, it can be said that there are five steps, one post and ten steps! What's more surprising to me is that the guards I saw along the way were almost all 850-level ghost knights. In the second half, the guard on the side of the road turned from a ghost knight into a **** knight of level 900. It is indeed the main dark temple, and it is indeed a high-level boss. The demon knights behind me are masters and masters elsewhere, and here I find any one who is at least equal to them!

As I walked, a huge building came into view. There are huge doorposts on the huge platform with long steps. 27 and black stone pillars give a majestic and terrifying feeling. The huge pressure makes the knees soft!

I was almost half-framed by the demon knight and Dominger to the top of the steps, only then did I see the hugeness of the temple. Each of the 13 gate posts I just saw is over a hundred meters high and ten meters thick. I stand here and feel how small I am! (Everyone can think of the doorpost of the Great Hall of the People, but you need to enlarge it.)

"Don't stand stupid, come in!" Dominger, who had already entered the room, found that I was still looking around like Liu Ye in Daguanyuan.

"Oh!" I quickly followed. He was stopped at the real doorway. The guards are two 950 level death knights, and I dare not be arrogant with them. The ten monster knights behind can not stand them both!

"This is my brother, we are going to declare the guild station of the Dark Temple, let them go!" Although Dominguez was a high-ranking official, his rank was not high. He still had to speak very airily to the two guards.

"He can go in, these demon knights can't go in!" The death knight's voice without temperature heard the air from the cold pores!

"Where are you waiting for me!" I turned to the ghost knights.

"Okay!" Answered Scott. These death knights are too high, and they were the bosses of the demon knights before. They dare not be presumptuous here!

I followed Domingue's entrance and found that the hall was not very high. The temple seemed to be nearly 200 meters high from the outside, but the inside hall was only tens of meters high. It is estimated that there are two floors and three floors above. In the center of the hall is a sculpture, a beautiful young girl with six pairs of demon wings born without a weapon, but holding a baby! I really don't understand what it means to have such a sculpture in the dark temple! Is the Dark God that baby? Then this girl is the mother of evil? Probably the opposite of the Virgin Mary!

When Domingue found that I was still in a daze, he didn't call me, and came up and dragged me away. The black marble floor was abnormally smooth, and I was pulled down into the side door of the hall!

I walked into the room and realized that it was a stairwell. Domingue let go and let me follow him upstairs. The handrail of the staircase is a kind of black wood, which is very hard and has a lot of patterns carved on it. There are actually a lot of statues with real proportions at the corner of the staircase. I couldn't help but be fascinated again, but Domingueto was on the top floor!

The stairwell is a long corridor, and there are rooms on both sides of the corridor. From here we can only see two rows of doors! Domingue stopped in front of the largest door in the middle of the passage. This is a double-page door, just like a cathedral door, with a lot of things carved on the golden door. Unfortunately, Domingue didn't give me time to see it! Domingue knocked gently on the door and waited for a while. A faint sound came from the room. "Come in!"

He heard the voice, and Domingued dared to open the door. As the door slowly opened, everything in the room came into my sight. The first thing I saw was a beauty lying on a giant throne facing the door. That graceful posture, the languid expression on the side of the soft chair, and the perfect beautiful face are enough to make any man into a beast that only remembers instinct. I am certainly no exception, but fortunately, Rose and Bingbing have seen a lot more, and their resistance has also increased a lot! But still, I opened my mouth and drooled.

Domingue calmly gave me a kick and awakened me from the dream, but I still couldn't remove my eyes from this beautiful indescribable beauty. The perfect body with pure and charming faces and the body that can directly cause a man to commit crimes makes her a perfect woman ~ ~ I can't find any flaws in her! She shouldn't exist in the world at all. Human beings can't grow so perfect!

Suddenly a consciousness flashed into her mind, she was too perfect, she should not be human, she is a goddess! Suddenly there was a sculpture in the lobby downstairs. Wasn't that sculpture showing the goddess in front of me! What should I call her, mother of evil?

"His Dark Lord, this is my brother Ziri. He wants to form a city and take refuge in the Dark Temple."

Dark God? Domingue called her the Dark God? Then she is not the master of all the dark temples, the supreme ruler of the dark forces?

"You come to me for this little thing, and you're all looking for me. What do I want you to do in the dark temple?" Her voice is very beautiful, although the tone of ice is so cold that people can hear her!

Dominger seemed very afraid of the goddess. "The place where the brother wants to build the city is a bit troublesome. He wants to build the place where the city is Essinger!"

"What? You want to build a city in Essinger?" The goddess sat up all of a sudden, and the share of Yong Lao just disappeared long ago! "How did you think about building a city there? Do you not know that the previous city there was blown up? Even if you successfully rebuild, the joint attack of the three main cities of the system is not something you can resist, I suggest you change it Somewhere! It really doesn't fit there! "

"Some people are willing to attack only to show that it has strategic value. What meaning does a piece of land that even the enemy is too lazy to touch!" I ca n’t be moved by NPC! "You still accept my application!"

The beautiful goddess suddenly smiled. Although the smile was extremely beautiful, my heart was fluffy and I felt something was wrong!

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