Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 7: Lost guard

"What is that and what is it?" Ling slammed me desperately with one hand while shouting excitedly at a small animal running on the grass. Fortunately, she now has the same level as me and has no attack power. So high in the beginning!

"That's a mouse!" I dropped my head weakly. "This is the 3,000th thing you asked me! Please, please let me go!"

"But don't they know it!" Ling looked at me with her forefinger in her right hand with her innocent and cute look, and I couldn't help it!

"Although you haven't been out in the Dark Temple, you've always seen something? How did you grow up?"

"People have been in the temple ever since they were born. They have never left the temple. Those idiots (dark sacrifice and knight of death) always let me decide this and that, as if they do n’t understand anything, they have to do everything I'm here to help them decide! So I haven't stepped out of the temple in one step! Don't talk about these things, I don't even recognize the dark creatures! "

"I didn't say anything!" What else can I complain about?

Su Ling suddenly became excited again. "Look at what's in the sky? What is it? A lot! It's so fun!"

I looked up in doubt, and a large piece of black stuff was flying over. These things fly high and fast, and I didn't recognize what they were. At the begging of Ling, I turned on the telephoto function of Xingtong. A group of big birds quickly came into my sight. These creatures with golden yellow feathers still have a lion body. Isn't this a griffin! How come there are so many griffins here? It is said that this belongs to the dark temple territory, and the gryphon belongs to the light magic devil, because it should not have flown in unintentionally, and such a large number is not normal.

I increased the magnification of Xingtong, and Gryphon's body was riding a knight in silver armor. Fuck isn't this the garrison of the main city of the system? At their current speed and direction, their destination should be ... the Lost City?

These guys are sneaking up on the lost city! After leveling Isinger, they are not satisfied! Too late to think, I turned the teleport ring directly to the lost city, summoning both the demon knight and Ling. "Scott, do you know my brother Clark?"

认识 "Know!"

"Go and tell him that the Temple of Light sent troops to attack the Lost City!"

"Yes!" Scott turned and rushed away.

"Others come with me!" I rushed to the training room where the boomerang was trained that day. The training station is not far from the transfer station and we will arrive soon.

Ye Ying rushed too fast. After arriving at the training center, I jumped off the horse with inertia. However, I ran too fast. I stumbled on the last few steps, and then I flew out. He ran open the door and fell into the hall. "Fast ... Fast ...! Beware of the Miscellaneous Forces, the Temple of Light sent troops to attack here, ... they want to attack you, and let people defend!"

的 The original locked-up troops were stunned as soon as they heard me. One of them may be the leader who quickly ran over to help me. "How did you know?"

"I saw their vanguard on the road! All griffins, about tens of thousands!"

The leading knight immediately shouted to the back: "Heard it all, all the locked troops are in place. The Lost City has entered a state of war!"

The troop-locked troops rushed out and ran towards the city in all directions. I quickly ran to Clark, and Scott was standing at the door.

"Did he tell him?"

告诉 "Tell me, Clark has left to inform others, and let me wait for you here. Clark said that you should wait for him in his shop to stop running around."

"Oh! Okay, I see!" I took the ghost riders and Ling into the shop, but it was not the way to wait.

I jumped directly to the roof of Clark's shop from the window. Standing on the top of the three-story building, I could see a large area in the city. I suddenly felt that a kind of evil power was increasing. Looking at the past along with the feeling, it was actually the eye of **** on the tower in the center of the city! The originally closed Eye of Hell is slowly opening, and the powerful evil power is gradually increasing.

After about 1 minute, the Eye of Hell finally opened completely, and a golden beam of light beamed out of the Eye of Hell. The beam was searching for something in the air like a searchlight.

"What are you doing up there?" Clark, who had already rushed back, saw me standing on his roof in the street.

"I'm watching how you prepare for the war. I'm about to build a city right now, all these things must be learned!"

"You come down then! Follow me to the wall to see!"

"Can you? That's great!" I jumped from the top of the building excitedly, and the ghost knight and Ling immediately followed.

Follow Clark all the way to the city walls. On the road, all the families in the Lost City saw knights wearing armor and mage in robes running out. "Clark! Is the Lost City a soldier?"

差不多 "Almost! The old undead who lived in the Lost Age are more or less capable of fighting, so they go together when fighting!"


We soon reached the wall, and a large number of knights and mages were still running towards the wall. I was placed in an arrow tower on the city wall (similar to the beacon on the Great Wall), which is relatively high here and has good sight. After Clark settled in, I ran away again, so I had to look at the tower myself.

Dozens of turrets have risen in the Blackwater Lake outside the Lost City. The magic crystal cannons on the turrets are still dripping water. It seems that they have only risen shortly. I suddenly discovered an interesting phenomenon. The original Hell's Eye was actually the fire control command system of these cannons. Where the golden light of Hell's Eyes shined, the cannon muzzle followed.

Suddenly I heard a strange sound in the rear. I looked back and saw a small door opened on the top of the tower in the center of the city. Numerous gargoyles rushed out in a dense line. The Lost City has an Air Force, for the first time!

Before the noise at the back of the rafter was heard, I heard the sound of water from the black water lake in front. One vortex appeared at the center of the lake, and the vortex began to move towards the shore. When it touched the lake shore, a hollow began to appear in the center of the vortex. The black lake water was thrown to the periphery due to high-speed rotation, and the hollow in the center became a passage. ... Boom ... Boom ... Boom .... Neat troop marching sounds came from the lake, and monsters lined up in the vortex lined up in a neat line.

I don't know what came out. These guys are standing on two legs like humans, but their leg joints are reversed, just like bird joints! A monster nearly two meters tall looks like a locust standing up! They actually have more than one hand, both pairs of upper limbs are like awls, and the tips are still flashing with cold light! As for their heads, it was even more scary. The four fangs on their mouths showed that they were all carnivores.

The monster in the vortex in front of him continued to emerge. At the same time, many channels were suddenly opened on the top of the city wall, and huge wooden tools were lifted up. I was surprised to find that it was a trebuchet, not a normal trebuchet, but a super huge winch trebuchet. This type of trebuchet that relies on the power of gears can throw an elephant-sized stone seven or eight kilometers away. You can imagine how destructive it is.

在 After the trebuchet was put in place, the soldiers were finally in place. A guy with a red armor stepped onto the gate. I saw Clark standing next to him. I guess this is a big man! The vortex on the lake in front has disappeared, and there were thousands of troops (blame) in just a few minutes.

The red armour on the gate of the city said something to the side, but because it was too far away, I didn't hear it. But soon I know what he said! The long stone bridge on the lake that connects the city and the shore actually sinks slowly into the lake! The organs of the Lost City are so comprehensive that even the Long Bridge can be raised and lowered!


Almost a few minutes after the army was ready, the horizon in the distance finally appeared a continuous black spot, I know that it is the Griffon Brigade! Gryphons are very fast, and in a split second the griffins have reached a distance visible to the naked eye. The golden light from the eyes of **** behind him suddenly became intense, a group of griffins shining directly into the sky. Immediately afterwards, the magic crystal cannons in the lake raised their heads and pointed the barrel towards the sky.

Boom! I only heard a loud noise, and a dozen magic crystal cannons fired at the same time. The base part of each cannon swayed in circles around the water at the same time, which was caused by the vibration of the cannon. A row of shells flew into the team of griffins, and the flexible griffins began to dodge, but they were too large and too dense, and each shell almost killed a griffin.

The golden light suddenly turned into a dozen lights, each of which pointed to a specific position in the Gryphon formation, and the magic crystal cannons began firing at their respective targets. I curiously stared at one of the griffins pointed by one of the rays of light. I wanted to know how the griffin designated by Eye of Hell was different from other griffins.

I glanced at it, and suddenly I found that the designated gryphon was carrying two people! In addition to a griffin knight in front, there is actually a mage behind! Is there anything special about these mages? Why did Hell's Eye assign the Magic Crystal Cannon to kill these targets first?

According to the guidelines, the cannon magic crystal cannon continued to attack the griffin with the mage. Seeing like this, the griffin brigade could not occupy the lost city at all. The strength of the ground troops was much stronger than them! Are the guys in the temple of light all stupid? So gryphon wants to occupy the lost city?

My doubts didn't last long. The Griffon Brigade quickly crossed the forest and entered the mass grave. All the griffins with the mage started to land. The locust army outside the lost city (which looks too long!) Suddenly began to rush to the landing griffin brigade, and the griffins without the mage in the sky lowered their heights. Began to attack these locusts. It can be clearly seen that the locusts are not griffins' opponents, but they are relatively large, and they do not seem to intend to compete against the griffins. The locusts rushed directly past the gryphon's blockade and rushed to the mage who had been dropped to the rear. This makes me even more convinced that these mages have important significance. The locust army of the lost city will not attack these mages for no purpose!

The locusts were very fast. Although the gryphons tried to intercept them, they did not seem to be effective. A large number of locusts rushed through the griffins' interception team and approached the mage. As soon as the mages fell to the ground, they began to concentrate on what they were painting on the ground. They had no response to the locusts rushing behind them. But the locusts can ignore the three or seventy-one, and the locusts who rushed forward immediately began to kill the mage. Many mages were killed as soon as they were half drawn. The magic crystal cannons did not stop during this time. They were also bombarding the mage's team, but many griffins used their bodies to block the shells. The cannon had no effect except to cause a lot of casualties to the griffins.

突然 I suddenly heard the sound of Dangdang Dang, as it sounded when the rope was about to break. Looking back, looking for the source of the sound, it turned out that the trebuchet was winding! Weng! A muffled air shook, and a trebuchet fired. A huge stone bomb flew out with a huge wind. The rough-processed stone was basically considered to be round. The huge speed caused the stone bombs to roll forward and rush forward, of course, their target was also the mage!

鹫 The gryphons in the sky are not suitable for resisting the rolling stones on the ground. Even if they want to sacrifice themselves, it is useless to crush such dozens of gryphons! The effect of the stones is better than that of the cannon. A large number of mages have been smashed into mud. The only drawback is that many locusts have been squashed along the way!

In the coordinated battle of locusts, magic crystal cannons and trebuchets, the mage team suffered heavy losses. But after losing more than 70% of the mage, suddenly a mage completed his work, and now I thoroughly see what it is! In a ring of seven or eight meters in diameter is a regular hexagon star, and now that thing is shining blue and white. Fools know that it is a magic formation, and the only possibility to arrange a magic formation here is to teleport troops!

刚 As soon as I guessed the answer, I saw the magical array shining next to Lin Zi, and a group of cavalry rushed out. The mage who painted the magic circle laughed, and the mage's robe wiped the sweat from his head. As soon as he turned around, a spike punctured his body and sent him to heaven. Before the locust who killed the magician had time to pull out his cone-shaped arm, the knight rushed out by the magic array gave him two swords!

The other magical arrays next to the puppet completed one after another, and the white light flashed into one. The cavalry legion of the brigade poured out of the magical array like a flood.

This will be an eye-opener. It turns out that the real city battle is not to drive a large number of troops under the opponent's city, but to directly send a large number of space magicians to the opposing city to prepare a magical array directly by the fast air force and strong air defense force! Our players are still in the era of on foot attacks, and we are really behind us compared to these super NPCs!

The locusts also lost their effect when the Great Army troops rushed out of the recitation array. The cavalry dealt with these locusts at one side. The cavalry cleaned up the locusts after a while. In the back of the magic circle, a huge trebuchet, a large number of ladder cars and a thing like a square box with wheels have never been seen.

As soon as the Jinyun ladder car came out, it started to run backwards. It is estimated that the Lost City has a too wide moat, so the ladder is temporarily unavailable. The trebuchet was quickly pulled away, and some engineering units began to load munitions on the trebuchet. I suddenly saw a stone bomb flying up towards the city.

Looking at the track of the stone bomb, it should fall across the city wall and fall into the city, but suddenly a golden light beam from the Eye of Hell hits the stone bomb. With a bang, a magic crystal shell hit a stone bomb flying in the air and smashed it. Immediately after the second and third stone bombs were lifted off, the eyes of **** illuminated these stone bombs, and the magic crystal cannons alternately fired to intercept the stone bombs. But as the trebuchets launched more and more stone bombs, the magic crystal cannons have gradually become busy!

I was wondering why a stone bomb hit a magic crystal cannon when the trebuchet did not attack the magic crystal cannon of the lost city first. But the stone bomb was crushed and fell into the lake, and the magic crystal ran without any problems! No wonder the trebuchet attacked the walls without attacking the cannon!

The square boxes with wheels on the back began to move towards the lake, and the Eye of Hell suddenly gave up intercepting the stone bombs and pointed at the square boxes. But unfortunately, a large number of mages support magic shields in front of this thing. The magic crystal shells can only penetrate a few layers of shields and have no power. Although each can kill several mages, it is always What if you ca n’t put that box!

盒子 The boxes were finally pushed to the lake one by one, but the soldiers behind didn't seem to intend to stop, they kept pushing the thing into the lake. After the soldiers pushed the thing into the water, a strange noise suddenly made in the lake. Small vortices appeared in front of the square boxes.

"How do you feel?" Clark suddenly appeared behind me.

"What is that?" I asked, pointing to the box.


Clark didn't even look at it and said, "That's the most advanced product of the alchemist-the water absorber. That thing relies on magic crystals as a motive force. There is a water magic array and a space magic array. The water magic array will continue. Suck the nearby water into the car, and the Space Magic will send it out, so you can drain the water from the moat! "

靠 "Fuck! So powerful? Isn't this blackwater lake in the Lost City drained soon?"

"Drying is certain, but this lake is not a moat, after all, it will take some time to completely dry up. We just hope that this time can wipe out more enemies."

"Then you let them **** like this?"

"You saw it, they support so many magic shields, we can't help it!"

We were talking, the enemy's gryphon suddenly rushed towards the city in the sky. A large number of gargoyles here immediately greeted, and the air forces of the two sides scuffled in the air. The dark wizards of the Lost City started to use the life penalty zone in the air. The forbidden life zone is a long-lasting large-area magic. Its main function is to form a magic vortex in a certain area to absorb vitality. Moreover, as long as it is not dispelled by bright magic, it can maintain a long time, even if the releaser has hung up. The magic persists until the time limit is gone.

Because magic is automatically judged by the attack, the gargoyles are not affected by the magic, but the griffins have fallen badly, and some gryphons have fallen from time to time in the sky, of course, the gargoyles also have a slight loss!

"Be careful!" Clark pushed me away, and a gargoyle fell and shattered where I stood. The gargoyle changes from stone to stone when it dies or rests, and now it will fall to pieces after being killed.

Ling, who was behind him, clapped her hands happily, "I still saw such a spectacular war for the first time! It was awesome!"

Clark whispered to my ear and said, "Where did you get this girl? Why do I look so familiar?"

也 I also whispered to his ear: "She is the former goddess of darkness!"

"His Goddess?" Clark shouted loudly.

"I'm not!" Ling was still watching the battle below, but he didn't look back. "Now the shrine is under the control of my sister Ah and Ni!"

Clark put his right hand in front of his chest and made a 45-degree bow. "Anyway, you were a goddess of darkness, and the necessary courtesy and good deeds are there!"

"Okay, okay, I'm just a retired goddess, don't be so polite! Ah! Look, the lake is gone!"

望 I followed the sound, the lake did go a lot, but it hadn't been drained yet. Many giant eel-like creatures on the dried-up lake bed twisted on the ground, and in the remaining lake, many toothy heads were exposed. As the lake's water dropped further, these big heads finally came into shape. Here are some creatures that look like snake-necked dragons, except that their heads are bigger. And they obviously have good teeth, so they have a good appetite. One didn't pay attention, a monster bit a pump into his mouth, probably because he was very upset about the thing that robbed the water, the monsters rushed to attack the pump. But the monsters' bodies have turtle-like limbs, swimming is certainly nothing to say, running is too slow! Most of the pumps ran back safely, but the cavalry rushed to cover was unlucky. This thing seems to be no worse than the Dragon Clan, picking up a knight and even a man to take a horse and throw it away!

"These are not the guards of the Lost City?" I see that although these monsters attack the coalition forces, they are not like planned troops, they are like venting their anger!

"These are the aborigines in the lake, and we don't care if they are just used as guards in the lake!"

"No wonder!"

虽然 Although the monsters below are powerful but can't hold many people, the knights divided the monsters by two or three times! The drained lake was completely dry, and even the silt was drained and turned into hard soil. Siege vehicles and ladder cars were finally pushed up. The magic crystal cannons built in the lake were smashed into iron by the cavalry who rushed to the front. As a result, the magic crystal cannons blew up, and they drew a large ticket back to death!

The battle for the ramparts officially began, and the troops rushing down the city were like a flood. This scene was really spectacular. Although the number of people participating in the battle is now only 1 million (900,000 alliances, less than 100,000 lost), how spectacular is it to save 900,000 troops in such a narrow place!

Although the magic crystal cannon was destroyed, the work of Eye of Hell did not end. A golden beam of light hit the clouds, and lightning suddenly began in the sky. The ticking raindrops suddenly fell a little eastward and westward, and I reached out to pick it up, but it was not rain but blood!

The allied cavalry who had been blessed was poured in blood and blood, and the colorful magic on their body was gone immediately! The cavalry who lost their glory dropped a lot, and the cavalry who rushed to the next to the ladder car stepped on the ladder and rushed to the city wall. Is straight).

The cavalry rushing up the ramparts was immediately strangled by the lost troops on the ramparts. Because the number of death knights in the Miscellaneous Troops is not large, they are arranged near the ladder, and the vicinity of the ladder can be easily held by using the outstanding single combat capability.

大型 Suddenly a large tool was teleported from the back of the opponent. I knew at a glance that it was a siege hammer. The thing looks like a swing frame, but the whole big copper pillar is hanging below. Clark yelled at the surrounding trebuchets: "Dry the other's engineering hammer!"

The trebuchet immediately changed its goal, but the opponent's mage once again supported the shield to resist them. No matter what, sending the siege hammer down the city was victory. The dark mages on the city wall are constantly throwing large-scale killing magic on the crowd below, but it seems that there are too many people to kill!

The eye of **** behind changed again. The beam of light that had been directly inserted into the sky suddenly began to scatter around. The beam of light became scattered light, as if the flashlight suddenly became a candle! The blood rain outside the city suddenly stopped as the beam of light scattered, but the ground suddenly began to creep. Slowly a large number of zombies and skeletons emerged from the ground. Although these low-level monsters are low-level, they are huge in number. The first batch of them appeared nearly 1 million, and they continued to rise! The mage next to the siege hammer was disturbed by zombies and skeletons, and a gap appeared in the magic shield.

A catapult on the rampart wall seized this opportunity, and a row of stone bombs flew over. A click of the siege hammer smashed to the ground, at this time it was less than 300 meters away from the gate! The second siege hammer in the rear teleportation array was pushed out, but unfortunately there were too many zombies, and the road was blocked by them with no serious position.

A period of **** rain just turned the already dry lake bed into rotten mud. The cavalry were not as flexible as zombies and skeletons in the rotten mud. As a result, they were struggling to deal with it. Occasionally, several of them rushed to the city wall. Was also knocked down by the absolute superior death knight.

As the number of skeletons and zombies increased, the army of the Temple of Light Alliance gradually changed from active to passive. Suddenly two red fireworks blasted out above the teleportation magic array, and all the troops began to retreat slowly. It seemed that the fireworks were a signal to retreat.

The allied forces that fled were not very smooth ~ ~ The ground was too slippery, there were too many zombies and skeletons, and the trebuchets were still attacking, and the allied forces in the retreat suffered great losses. However, after finally dropping a large body, the main force of the coalition retreated to the teleportation array. At this time, a large black monster on the other side of the Lost City flew over. I can see that there are black flying dragons. It seems that the reinforcements of the temple have arrived!

The coalition forces rushed into the magic circle with no hope. This battle was regarded as a coalition defeat, but the Lost City also lost some power, only relatively small.

As the enemy retreated, the skeletons and zombies outside the city stood still, and then slowly descended into the ground as if they had never appeared. Those defeated corpses also changed, the more complete corpses became zombies, the more incomplete corpses became skulls, and then they all went down like the zombies and skeletons in front of the novel. Now I know why there are so many zombies and skeletons outside the Lost City. For a long time, they are all dead bodies of the temple army!

It is a pity that this is an NPC war. I have neither experience nor seeing explosive equipment (NPCs cannot attack each other), but I have a general understanding of siege warfare, especially the temple. The alliance's attack method turned out to be such a highly mobile combat method. I thought it would be an infantry siege. I did not expect that all the cavalry would come out in the end!

"Purple Sun!" Clark suddenly called me.

"Well? What?"

"Come with me and see you in the city!"

就 "Just the guy in red armor?"


"What did he see me do?"

"You will know if you come!"

I followed Clark down the city wall and walked towards the city center with doubt, I never figured out what the city owner was looking for me!

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