Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 109: Super high level rewards

What I see is not something, but the level bar on my properties panel. Before I entered the Russian **** world, my level was 1733. Compared with the average player level of 912 in the game, my level is already very high. After all, I am almost twice the average in terms of numerical value. At present, besides me, the second-ranked one is only 1318. But that guy is different from me. Although his level is high, his combat effectiveness is not good. Although he can be ranked second in the world ranking list, but after he ranked 30th in the world combat ranking, I guess this has something to do with his equipment being worse.

Anyway, my level of 1733 can already be said to be a mess. However, right now, the number of levels I see on the property bar is actually-level 2000 is to be determined.

"Huh? To be determined?" After the initial surprise, I found that there was a to-be-determined word behind my level. "What's going on?"

"Zi Ri, that to be determined seems to be OK." Ling reminded.

"Huh? It seems like it can be clicked." I said, then reached out and clicked on the to-be-determined word, and the next second I suddenly heard a reminder sounded in my ear. "Hello Dear Ziri player. First of all, congratulations on becoming the first player in this game to have an experience value of over 2,000." The voice here suddenly turned and said: "But because of your upgrade jump The span is too large, so this system needs to delete your experience value, that is, forcing a part of the experience value to be deducted in order to facilitate the level system after this system is set. "

"What? Forcibly buckle my experience?"

"Yes. But please do n’t get excited. The reason for deducting the experience value is that the system has started more than two thousand grade system modules for the first time, so it caused some small data problems. The easiest way to solve the problem is to delete it. Your extra experience. Of course, this system will not cause you losses for no reason, and I will give you some compensation accordingly. "

"Compensation? What is the compensation method?" I was talking on the lips, thinking in my heart. Just now the system says that my level is above the standard, and I was only 1733 before, and now suddenly surpassed 2000, then the only possibility is that the experience of the guild leader has been brought up. According to the system setting, the power to compensate the guild leader for the leveling time lost by the management of the guild. The system will automatically perform a certain percentage of all guild leaders according to the level after the collective battle of each guild battle. Experience compensation, and the value of this compensation completely depends on the amount of experience value generated by guild personnel in this battle.

This time we are fighting with Russia, and it is well known that the experience value of the protoss is astronomical. Imagine that even ordinary players who can only gain experience by killing their enemies in this battle have been upgraded to n level, so what about my president? The experience commissions I have obtained are proportionally converted from the total experience value of the guild. Although this ratio is small, it cannot support a large base! Calculating this way, the experience value I obtained is definitely an extremely horrible astronomical number, so that it made me jump from 1733 to over 2,000 at a time, and jumped up to over 200 in one breath. This upgrade speed is really It's scary enough. However, my current level is very high, and the amount of experience required for each level is huge. What's more, the convention is one hurdle every two hundred levels. I broke through from 1733 to two thousand or more. There are two hurdles in the middle. So I estimate that even if the experience value I have obtained exceeds the requirements of level 2000, there should not be much left. In this way, if the system compensates me, I will have to do it in place, because the compensation given by the system will definitely be more valuable than the extra experience. This is a system convention and you do n’t need to guess.

When I asked for compensation, the system said immediately: "This system checked your account and found that you are a dual-number account, and your other account Silver Moon level has already reached the 999 level, but it has not been a thousand-level level. The card is there. So this system gives you several compensation methods for your choice according to your situation. "

"What plan?"

"The first solution is a secure low-return solution. This system will cancel the first few levels of your other mission Silver Moon, and then the experience value deducted from Zi Ri will be added to Silver Moon. This will be your first account. Ziri will remain at the 1999 level and the experience value is full. As long as you complete the 2,000 level thousand level task, and then get an experience value, you can upgrade the large size to 2,000 level, and Yinyue account is more It is possible to go directly to level 1101. What do you think of this compensation method? "

Although this solution sounds good, since the system has said that it is a safe low-return solution, it means that there is a better way, so I did not immediately agree to this solution. "There are other plans you can tell me together. I'll decide after listening to all."

"Okay. The second method for the preparation of this system is a low-risk general return solution. This system will open a special task copy for you. As long as you complete the task, this system can give you all the benefits in the first solution. You will be compensated for an experience-enhancing scroll. After use, you and all the people within 10 meters of the surrounding radius will be guaranteed to receive ten times the experience reward within six hours, but this experience reward is only for the experience value obtained by direct combat. Other merit rewards such as merit rewards obtained during the battle are not counted as being rewarded. "

"May I ask what the specific task is?"

"No, the mission is set immediately, and it can only be known after accepting it, but I can guarantee that it is a medium difficulty mission, as long as you can complete it without surprise."

"So what else is there?"

"There are two remaining options, one is a high-risk return solution, and the other is a gambling-type solution."

"please explain it."

"The content of the high-risk reward scheme is basically the same as the second scheme, except that the difficulty of the task copy will be set at the high difficulty level, and the experience gained will increase the scope of the scroll to 20 meters, and the time mark The throne increases to 20 hours, and the experience value is increased to 20 times. In addition, you can also get a bottle of concentrated paralysis venom, which can be applied on the weapon, which can make your weapon in half an hour. It has a super paralysis effect, as long as it is cut by even a little skin, it can cause the target to be completely paralyzed instantly. Of course, the difficulty of the corresponding copy of this solution is absolutely advanced, it is difficult for ordinary people to complete, and the chance of failure exceeds Sixty percent. "

I'm pretty enthusiastic about this reward, especially that paralysis potion, but unfortunately the time is too short, and how many people can be cut in half an hour?

"So ... what else is there?"

"The last gambling plan, 〣x〣 is also the plan with the highest difficulty and the most rewards. 〣x〣 This plan will randomly strengthen the combat power of one or more of your enemies during your normal game. 〣x〣 will give a hint at that time Notify you that the opponent is strengthened. 〣s〣 As long as you eliminate these strengthened enemies, the mission will be completed. 〣w〣 After passing, the system will cancel your main account Ziri ’s 2,000 level mission, 〣 .〣 Make your character Ziri directly upgrade to 2,000, 〣n〣 and directly cancel the existence of the independent level of your other character, Silver Moon, so that it shares an experience level with your Ziri account. "〣t〣

[Symbol. Within is the most. Quick change. New address]

"What? Share?"

"Yes, your two numbers will only have one level in the future. No matter which number you use, the two numbers will move together when you upgrade."

Yinyue and Ziri were used to communicate with each other before, but they were interconnected and not shared. For example. If I use Ziri, a large game, and get 10,000 experience points, not only Ziri, but also Yinyue will also get 10,000 experience points. However, although the experience value obtained by the two numbers is the same, because their levels are not the same, the upgrade speed is not completely uniform. In addition, Yinyue has been stuck at level 999 before, and I have n’t had time to complete the Thousand Levels task of Yinyue Throne, resulting in that Silver Moon will not rise even if I get experience level. Go up, so much difference with Ziri. Besides, this kind of experience exchange is actually not completely interchangeable, at least the non-combat experience value like the guild battle experience commission cannot be divided into silver moons. After all, this experience value is compensated to the guild leaders. The identity of the Ziri is the president of the Frost Rose Alliance. Taking the commission as a matter of course is taken for granted, but Yinyue's status in the Frost Rose Alliance is only a high-level leader-level player. There are just as many, so the experience value of the two numbers that come and go in this way will get farther and farther. However, the level sharing proposed by the system may be different this time. This sharing means that the two numbers have only one experience bar, and whoever gets experience points will only add to this one experience bar. On the surface, this seems to be no different from before, after all, I can't let the two numbers go out to level each. However, this is actually quite different from before. Although I can't make Ziri and Yinyue separate leveling, the guild experience commission is counted separately. It's like this time. As the president, Zi Ri got the experience value of the guild and jumped more than 200 levels, but Yinyue, one of the senior leaders of the guild, also had a commission. This time, because the level of Silver Moon was stuck, the commission was wasted. However, if the two numbers share the same level in the future, it will be different, and the commission of Yinyue will be added to the experience bar of Ziri at that time. In other words, I will get two commissions for each guild battle, one for the guild president and one for senior leaders. If that's the case, it is estimated that in the future each level of guild battles, I can jump up and down several levels like playing triple jumps. I think the stimulus is not enough. After explaining the principle of sharing experience with double numbers, the system said, "In addition, in addition to raising the sharing experience of your two numbers to two thousand levels, the system will also The benefits mentioned in the plan are also given to you. The experience-enhanced scroll is upgraded to a super-enhanced scroll with a radius of 30 meters, an aging time of 18 hours, and an enhancement of 30 times the experience. It also rewards you with a paralysis toxin attribute, which will directly Attached to your character, it is not limited by weapons, and its effect is permanent. However, its power will be much lower than that of paralyzing poison, but it can also paralyze the opponent in each attack, and eventually cause its entire body to be paralyzed. Finally, this solution also Provide a super skill-skill copy! This skill allows you to copy any special skill to yourself, and you can use the same skill as the person being copied. Unless you actively change other skills, the copy skill does not expire permanently. But copy Skills cannot be upgraded, the skill level depends on the skill level of the capped target, and you must ask the other party to agree with you when copying Copying, or replication will fail. "

Although there are many restrictions, I still feel that this skill is good after listening. Copy a special skill, this is a super attribute! Moreover, I can find the copied objects at any time. I have so many pets. Their skills are diverse. Like the petrified eyes of Yeyue, the charming eyes of the princess, the true mirror image of Aimeness, the wheel of fate of Victoria, the great annihilation field of Ling, the absolute barrier of Jingjing. Lingling's judgment sword and baby's sweet world, which is not a perverted skill? If I could switch these skills casually, how many people would still play them to death. Of course, playing the enemy's punches is my magical ability to stand up.

"That? It looks like I forgot to ask before, what happens if this task fails?" In my experience, the system has never given up for nothing. The system has said it before, what risks in the latter scheme correspond to what returns, that is, the more difficult the returns are, the more consistent with the system's style, but I don't know what the failure penalty is.

"The first scheme is risk-free, so there is no penalty. The failure penalty of the second low-risk general return scheme is to cancel all rewards, and only retain the experience value of the Ziri account to the 1999 full state. At the level, you must find your own way. In addition to the cancellation of the third high-risk and high-reward solution, the penalties also require you to enter the state of one-week experience halving immediately after the failure of the mission.经 You will only get half the standard value of any penalties within this time limit. The final penalty for the failure of the gambling plan is to cancel all rewards, and reduce your large purple sun level to level 1800 with a two-week experience The penalty is halved. In addition, because the tasks of the gambling program are superimposed on normal games, failure of some tasks may also have an impact on your normal games. The specific impact depends on what you are doing. The above is all Punishment and reward, do you have a good choice? Before you choose, your level will be stable at the 1999 level until you choose the side There in front of your experience will no longer change.

Damn, if I do n’t change before I choose, it ’s tantamount to make me decide immediately? It seems that we must choose a plan immediately, otherwise it is definitely worse to choose nothing.

After thinking about it for a while, I found that in fact, the so-called fourth option seemed to me worth only three. It is nothing more than the first, third and last option. The reason why the first option can be chosen is that it is absolutely safe, and the reason why the second option is not chosen is that it is too similar to the third option, and in my strength, if you decide to take a risk, you will only choose from the third and first options. Choose one of the four plans. The previous risk plan is too low-level and no challenge at all.

Although there are three options, I actually prefer to maximize the benefits. In other words, I don't want to choose the insurance plan without risk, but the latter two plans are not good choices. The third plan looks rewarding, and it's not too difficult to complete the estimation on my strength. After all, the difficulty stated by the system is calculated according to the average strength of the player, that is, if the system says that a task is difficult, it is difficult to test according to the average strength of all players in the game, not that it is very difficult for me difficult. At a level that is almost twice as high as the player's average level, the tasks they think are difficult for me may be just normal.

According to this reasoning, the fourth plan is the most suitable for me. After all, the reward of this fourth plan is too rich, and I can't help but want to choose this. It's just that the potential punishment of this scheme is really scary. The system said that the direct punishment for me was not too concerned, and it didn't matter if I dropped the grade. Anyway, the 800 level was much higher than my original level, so I was not very distressed. As for the penalty of halving the experience value in two weeks, I didn't even care. Anyway, with my current level, except for the guild battle experience, I'm almost impossible to upgrade by my own combat, so punishment is meaningless to me. What I really fear is that this task will affect the development of our guild.

After I have dealt with the group of protoss, I will have to join our guild to fight against Japan and Russia ~ ~ and if I choose the fourth option, I also know with my toes that the system will definitely strengthen the ghost Nobunaga and other Japanese, as well as those Russian masters, will also be strengthened by the system as my mission goal. At that time, I will be defeated and I will have nothing to lose, but what if it affects the overall plan of our guild? After all, I am not an ordinary person. I am the president of Ziri, the Frost Rose Alliance, and the number one in the world. I'm like a banner. If I were toppled during a battle, it would definitely be more than just a player hanging up once.

Looking at the four plans given by the system, I was really dizzy. In the end, I had no choice but to find foreign aid. Anyway, I can't figure out which one to choose. I simply reported everything to the **** of war and asked him to help me calculate and decide.

Although the **** of war is not specifically for me to choose a task, at least they are commanding computers on the battlefield, and they are doing their own battle evaluation. After I said all the conditions, the army **** gave me an answer in just two seconds. "If you choose the fourth option, because I have just made a battlefield assessment based on the data you provided. The third option has a probability of winning more than 98%, and the fourth option is your victory. The probability is over 87%. Why do n’t you gamble at such a high probability? My tactical judgment software has more than 70% chance of winning. You are more than 80% hesitant? "


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