Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 12: Mysterious angel

Horseless cavalrymen are struggling to get up from the ice as they struggle to rise from the ice. Although the two-headed dragon failed to burn a player, almost everyone burned less than one-third of their blood. Just while they were drinking wildly, my third dragon, Crystal, arrived. The fairy dragon, who is not good at direct attack, generally does not use dragon inflammation. This time, she is useless. A magic vortex suddenly appeared in front of her. The magic vortex flashed out and a white half-moon-shaped thing flew out. This thing like a boomerang spun forward at high speed and flew out. The first half month flew out less than 1 meter away, and the second half month in the magic vortex came out again.

嫡 Ana, who was standing next to me, looked at the thing and said to herself, "It is indeed a fairy dragon, so the exaggerated wind blade flurry dance is used!"

嫡 As Arana said, the half-moon wind blades continued to fly out of the magical vortex over the crystal, and the wind blades flying out became denser and denser. The storm-like wind blades bloomed randomly in the crowd. How could the crowd who had no blood left again be blocked by such a fierce wind blade attack? With the little white light flashing, cavalry finally began to hang.

But with a lot of casualties, Qin Meng's troops finally responded. After all, the other party had a large number of personnel, and it was an organized and prepared siege battle. Just now, it was just caught off guard in the sudden emergence of the black mist. Someone has already reacted to this effort.

I clearly saw a stick held up in the black mist, and the head suddenly became white. The other side is a bright sacrifice, just now mixed with the cavalry to charge. The sacrifice now uses light-level intermediate magic-to drive away evil. This is a magic that illuminates and dispels negative effects. The white light flickered for a few seconds before disappearing, but the darkness remained. The poisonous mist used by the monster butterfly is a poisonous magic belonging to the element system. Darkness is caused by the toxic black matter floating in the air, not dark magic. Therefore, light magic does not work on it.

He sacrificed another staff while lifting the staff. The white halo flickered, and a tornado suddenly appeared in the black mist. As soon as the tornado took shape, it began to move forward, and the surrounding black mist was rolled up like hitting a vacuum cleaner, and the black mist on the ground disappeared quickly.

一 As soon as the black fog disappeared, the operation of the cavalry team resumed immediately. Although the mount is gone, the cavalry's combat effectiveness is still there. The sacrifice hidden in the cavalry immediately restored blood to the surrounding players and filled up the auxiliary magic that had disappeared.

Crystal's magical blow stopped quickly, and many people have just been killed. Now there are sacrifices that can't be much cheaper, so she ran back wisely.

The frosty land that the snow monsters just used has passed the time limit, and the ground quickly recovers into soft land. Scot upped his rifle, "Dark Knight, Shock!"


重 10 heavy armored dragons rushed up with the demon knight, and the "step" cavalry on the opposite side had rushed up with their weapons. Just now, the shots of the companions who were flattened like tofu were not seen because of the dark fog. The cavalry thought that they had only encountered 10 players who were better equipped and also had mounts. There are so many daring people, so many cavalry rushed together, this power can easily solve any player, so they are not afraid of the impact of the demon knight.

They are not afraid of them, they are not afraid, but the impact of the demon knight will not be affected in any way. As soon as the two sides made contact, they immediately saw a contrast in power. How can a level 850 monster rider and a level 750 heavy armored dragon be at a level with players of level 400 or 500? The heavy armored dragon hissed and forced all players to cover their ears with both hands, but just as they covered their ears, the ghost knight rushed into their team.

Bescott rushed to the front, holding one gun at a time with one hand, and all nearby players could not wait for the second shot. The large mouth of the heavy armored dragon is also a powerful weapon. The cavalry soldiers who were not taken care of by the demon knights were bleed by the seven holes that were bitten by the heavy armored dragon.

When the demon spirit knight and the enemy smashed into a group, the tank also rushed into the enemy array. This super weapon platform is the best magic pet for group battles. The tank's high defense and super blood volume made him completely indifferent to being besieged, and those who dared to approach him were troublesome. The two forelimbs of the tank are extremely powerful with their forelimbs, and a huge sickle can sweep down a person with each powerful swing. Several knights rushed to the tank with their spears, but were easily blown out by the air cannons several hundred meters, and several people behind the tank rushed up immediately. The spear was inserted directly into the tank, but it had no effect except to leave a few white marks on the black carapace! The angry tank opened its mouth with a mouthful of acid, and a few knights who took the lead in stabbing him turned into a pool of green liquid disappearing on the battlefield in the eyes of everyone's fear.

我 Under my instructions, the rose vine also began to grow wild, and instantly covered the entire battlefield underground. The inexplicable pit growers are now under each other's feet, and crowds of people ran and suddenly fell into the pit. Before falling down, the man was buried alive because of the collapse of the surrounding soil.

There is only one white light left when darts are fast. Many people only see the white light flashing from their feet. When they react, they will have nothing. The task of darts is to find and destroy the mage, sacrifices and other characters mixed in the team.

All the magic pets are engaged in battle, of course I can't stand up. The blade claws on the arm were directly exposed and rushed into the enemy array. The operation of the sword was too cumbersome. In this melee, the blade claws that can be swung with both hands are more practical. An enemy rushed in front of me, and I went up and punched directly on his face door. Suddenly I felt the sound of a weapon breaking the wind, but when I looked back, I was seeing a falling staff. Before I could raise my hand to stop it, the silver light on my body flashed, and a mercury ball suddenly appeared on the orbit of the staff. The staff was blocked by the mercury ball and the attack line was stuck in the air. The owner of the staff was still trying to press down.

I stared at this little MM holding the staff, she noticed that I noticed her, and immediately withdrew the staff. "I didn't mean it, really, don't ... don't ..." She said as she stepped back, and then suddenly turned and ran. As soon as I raised my hand, a crossbow shot out. With a flutter, the crossbow brought a stream of blood back from her neck and out. The key attack, the small MM hangs up instantly, and the soft body falls into a pool of blood. This technique also wants to sneak attack me!

Because I turned around, the people behind me surrounded me again, and a heavy hammer smashed at me with a whirling wind. The mercury in front of me suddenly split into countless droplets around my body and reappeared on my back. The hammer hit the mercury accurately. Although it absorbed most of the power, the hammer's attack was still terrible. I was blown out and flew out.

Immediately after the landing, the old pistol pierced. Rolling aside to avoid the attack, a rollover stood up. Before I stand still, a large axe swept across. If this is done, don't be chopped by the waist! Fortunately, I am in the form of a werewolf, and I have more strength. I grabbed the axe handle of the tomahawk. The opponent's strength was not as strong as mine, and the attack was stopped instantly.

By virtue of my long-handed advantage of the werewolf, he grabbed him by the neck and lifted him all up, throwing it behind him, as I expected, easily knocked down a person who rushed up.

"It all flickered! The predator has arrived!" Someone in the other person's crowd suddenly shouted such a sentence, but when I didn't know why, the people who saw each other stepped back and no longer approached me.

Because the crowd dispersed, my eyes suddenly widened. The way out allowed me to see directly what a white man was saying with the holy sword in the infantry square behind the opponent. The holy sword pointed at me, and the man in white nodded and rushed up. Is this silver-white armored guy the predator?

As soon as the man in white moved, I found out that the situation was wrong. This guy didn't come over. He's flying, real flying! This person is an angel-type player and can really fly. Many races in the game have wings, but they are all decorative. Just like me, they can't fly without the dragon wings. But this guy actually flapped over the white wings behind him. The crowd around me scatterd and fought with my magic pet and demon servant, and the man in white flew at me.

一 I closed my hands, and the blade claws returned to the scabbard. The Dragon King Sword was pulled out by hand. When the opponent was alone, the Dragon King Sword was more lethal. The man in white is very fast, but he seems to be flying low, always moving against the ground. As the distance approached, I could clearly see that he had a long giant sword in his hand. He did not carry a shield, indicating that this was a two-handed weapon with extremely high attack power.


突然 I suddenly felt familiar with the weapon in front of me. This is the archangel sword mentioned in the internal development materials I milled from my dad! This is an artifact! How come he came here! No time to think about it, the other party has rushed to me. Hold the Dragon King Sword in front of you in both hands, and move one leg back to resist the impact. The opponent clearly intends to fly my sword by shock. Said it was late but it was fast, the man in white had already hit me. The two swords slammed together. There was no sound of golden iron fighting, but a dull thunder instead. Centered on the place where our two swords meet, two black and white cyclones suddenly appeared. The two-colored air masses rub against each other and emit metallic twisted moans and dazzling glare.

悬浮 The suspended mercury around me suddenly expanded to form a mercury protection ball to cover me up. In the past, mercury only resisted the part to be attacked, but this time it actually wrapped me up. The siege of mercury has just formed, with a loud noise, two air masses explode at the same time. An incomparably strong two rolled me in the direction of the city, and they were carried away in the air without any help. With a gurgling sound, I seemed to hit something hard. The protective layer of mercury suddenly burst, and I started to fall down. Because of the protection of mercury, I was not seriously injured. I adjusted my posture in the air and landed steadily, and everything around me was wrong.

I'm standing in the moat under the city wall, but the water is unknown. There are a large number of cavalrymen from Qin Meng here like me, but no one is standing, and almost everyone is struggling on the ground trying to stand up. I opened my wings and flew up to the city wall. I can see everything clearly here.

I was taken aback by this look. There were no players in the Baihua Valley on the entire city wall, but there were players lying on the roof under the city wall and on the street. There must have been a big bang just now. The shock wave lifted all the people on the city wall, and all players outside the city were blown up and hit the city wall and fell into the moat. My skeleton legion is gone now. The shock just now is still too great for 200-level skeletons. Now the ground is full of bone fragments, which is probably my skeleton legion. There are still many beautiful little things stuck on the wall, and my monster butterfly brigade was not spared! Fortunately, the Snow Monster army was full, and the explosion's shock wave seemed to do no harm to the Snow Monster without the entity.

I fortunately climbed out of a house without a roof and shook his head and looked at me in confusion. A rubble pile next to it also moved, and the plague climbed out of it. Under his wings, Xiaofeng, Ariana, darts, Ling and several female players in Baihuagu were actually protected. The little dragon girl was also buried under a piece of rubble, and the rose vine underground was not harmed.

Only crystals, tanks, and ghost knights are still standing in the open space outside the city. The level of the demon knight is too high, and the shock wave failed to take them, but they were pulled out by some deep grooves on the ground by their mounted heavy armored dragons. Although the shock wave was not blown, but in order to resist the wind, heavy Jialong stepped on the ground two grooves! Crystal responds quickly. She defensively enchanted herself during the explosion, so it had no effect. The tank is purely relying on its own hard shell, and its shell is smooth and streamlined. As long as he lays down, the wind generally does not affect him.

Seeing that his loss was acceptable, I jumped directly over the city wall to the open space. A big pit has appeared where I collided with the man in white just now. This is the center of the explosion, so the power is the greatest! I picked up the Dragon King Sword and tried to recruit all the Dragon Swords that were blown away by the shock wave, but when I raised the sword, I found that my Dragon King Sword was actually cracked! A crooked crack in the center of the sword, like lightning, from the middle of the sword to the tip of the sword. Although it was not broken, why didn't it hurt me to have such a large crack on the sword!

"You accompany my sword!" A murderous female voice suddenly awakened me from sadness and looked up. It was the man in white who looked at me in a big pit, and her helmet was nowhere to be found. A bright golden long hair falls like a waterfall, and her beautiful face and small red lips are an angel! Oh! wrong! She was originally an angel tribe!

Now this beautiful angel glared at me angrily with the huge archangel's sword, and we looked at each other in such a big pit. I reverted to human form and took off the helmet. Since I was affected by B13, after the change of the water pot, my face line has been significantly tougher. Although it is still pure and clean, at least I will not be mistaken for women . The body of the character in the game is based on the outer body. In addition to the hair shape, as long as the outer body changes, the inner body will also change. So now I will not be mistaken for a beauty even if I remove the helmet in the game.

"Miss, I didn't seem to take your things, right?"

Miss Angel showed me the angel's sword in front of her. "Look at my sword! Wouldn't it be because of you and my baby?"

Although there is a large pit, I can still clearly see that this archangel sword has a huge crack on it like my dragon king sword. The crooked cracks almost cover the entire sword body, and the damage is obvious. Much more serious than the Dragon King Sword. The Dragon King Sword is the sum of two artifacts, not to mention that there are thousands of various metals mixed in it, so it is normal to be more powerful than the Archangel Sword. Now even the Dragon King Sword is wounded like this, it is understandable that the archangel's sword is damaged at night!

I lit up my dragon king sword too. "My sword was almost chopped by you! Besides, you chopped me first!"

"I'm a killer, Qin Meng hired me to kill you, of course I want to attack you!"

"Then you still find me to pay for the sword? How can any killer find the target to be killed for weapon support?"

"I'm not discussing the truth with you, all I ask is whether you agree or not?"

"Crap, I'm sick for you!"

"That's your own death!" Angel MM suddenly put away the archangel's sword that seemed to fall apart with a touch, and found a strange thing from the back. This is a short stick with a length of less than a foot or so. It has a grip at the bottom and an octagonal star gem at the tip. The shape is very beautiful. She used this little thing to draw a circle in front of her. "Seal your fighting power in the name of Athena, seal!"

In the large circle she drew in the air, an octagonal star suddenly appeared and spun towards me. Listening to her said that this thing must be a seal spell similar to a spell. Turning into a werewolf again, a side flicker gave way to attack and put the helmet on his head. I put away the Dragon King Sword that had cracks. Although the cracks did not seem to affect the durability, it would not be good if they were interrupted, so I will not use them for the time being. Go back and let Clark take a look. After I folded the sword, I shook my hands, and the blade claws came out again.

Angel MM is not to be outdone, the small cane draws a circle again. "Seal your power of action in the name of Olympus, seal!"

I wanted to run away again when I saw the anise star flying, but unfortunately this seal would follow! I didn't dodge in a flash, but I didn't just run away! The phantom immediately started the instantaneous movement, and I flickered to the back of the seal smoothly, and the aperture emptied again.

Straight stomping angel MM gas. "Seal your intelligence in the name of Athena, seal your power of action in the name of Olympus, double seal!"

Trust, seal intelligence? Am I going to be stupid when I hit that thing? Don't believe it! The two apertures flew over at the same time, and I attacked easily, preparing to laugh at her ~ ~, but I saw a smile on her face. I was wondering, a sudden yellow light flashed under my feet, and a seal array appeared where I stood! The seal this time is simply a blind eye, the fly over is fake! What came down from the ground is true!

The seal belongs to magic. The Mercury Shield only seems to resist physical attacks. It only absorbs magic damage. But this seal is harmless, so the Mercury Shield has no effect at all!

想 I want to run away, but suddenly I find that my moving speed becomes very slow, just like slow motion! This should be the seal of Olympus. Although it can not be completely settled, it will be very miserable if the speed is slow! Seeing that my speed became slow motion, Angel MM smiled and put away his cane and put on a holy sword. A lot of this baby girl!

Squinting as she rushed forward to unload me eight pieces, I couldn't run! Immediately instructed the phantom to use teleport, but the answer was that the magic ability was sealed, and teleport could not be used! I and Phantom are in harmony. The seal just now must have sealed both of us. Athena is the **** of war, wisdom and city. She sealed my intelligence, so the magic directly related to intelligence failed.

Seeing my panic, Angel MM rushed up with a big smile. The holy sword held high up straight down at me. Seeing this posture, she was determined to break me! "Go to death! You dark bastard, I'll destroy you on behalf of the Inquisition!"

As the sword body approached me, it seemed to sense my evil dark attributes, and the milky white light on the sword became stronger and stronger. I can only watch the sacred sword emitting a dazzling light split into my head, this time it is finished, actually turned over in the gutter and planted in the hands of a little girl!

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