Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 145: The ground is cracking, and the sky is not far away.

~ Date: ~ September 18 ~

Chapter 145 The ground is cracking, and the sky is not far away.

As the volcano under our feet gradually became covered with cracks, the entire mountain began to shake violently, and with that violent shaking, the ground actually began to gradually rise upward.

"What happened? How did the ground rise?"

"Oops, this isn't a volcanic eruption." Rose suddenly responded and shouted, "Everyone goes up, how far flies, don't stay here."

Although it was not clear what the Rose was saying, it did not prevent our response. As Rose reminded us of spreading wings or riding a mount, they flew up, and as our altitude rose, things that had not been seen before became clearer now.

There is a poem saying that I don't know the true face of Lushan, and I only live in this mountain. The moral is that when you are in a certain thing, you will not be able to see the essence or the whole picture because you are too close or have a close interest. We were just standing on the ground, and the scope of our eyesight was really limited, so we didn't figure out the situation until we all flew up. Over time, the volcano we were on before gradually bulged up like a balloon, and it looked like it would explode at any time. The most common volcanic eruption is to blow up the volcanic cone on the top of the volcano, which is equivalent to a plug. However, it is not the volcanic cone but the entire volcano that is going to explode. The power of a general volcanic cone explosion is equivalent to the power of dozens of superbombs. The entire volcano exploded, and that power is definitely not much less than that of tactical nuclear weapons.

Although Matsumoto wasn't notified by us, since he saw that we were taking off in advance, he also took Kotoro Koto and flew up, just in a different direction from where we left. Many appearance battles * Players looked at Matsumoto Masako and Kyojiro Kobi seemed to be struggling to fly, but they couldn't wait to help them, but unfortunately they could not fly, and they could not enter the duel space at all.

Shortly after our two sides left the ground, the volcano below finally swelled to the limit it could bear, and then the entire volcano suddenly turned into a huge white fireball. The horrible glare even turned the sun's rays into a flash. Squeezed, and with the emergence of the light ball, we all heard a deafening loud noise, but the sound came quickly and quickly, after its explosion, somehow suddenly became a sudden near us. The silent world, whether it is shouting at each other in close proximity, or the sound of the entire volcano erupting in the distance, anyway, nothing can be heard. No, it's not completely inaudible, but the sound seems to be very small, and the frequency has changed. It feels as if your head is covered by a soundproof glass cover.

The feeling of complete sound insulation lasted for less than ten seconds and suddenly disappeared without warning as it appeared. The surrounding sound instantly returned to our ears, and then there was a thunderous rumble. It's all our hearing. The huge fireball in front of it gradually lifted off the ground and transformed into a huge mushroom cloud, and the mushroom cloud was rippling outwards with a ring of gray ring visible to the naked eye.

"Ah ... it seems we are in trouble. Kristina, open your field to the maximum. Don't save any other people's defense methods, now is the time to use it."

Almost at the same time as the protection of Chris Dinah's field was completed, we were surrounded by layers of protective shields, but as the horrible gray circle spread out, our There was an inexplicable layer of cold sweat on the forehead, because it was not until this time that everyone could clearly see what the endless belt was. That thing is not simply a shock wave. The white layer on the outer circle is actually a water mist formed by small water droplets that condenses after the water vapor in the air naturally precipitates due to the shock wave oscillating the air. As for the water mist behind that circle The blank area, which should actually be called the shock peak, is the compression shock circle formed by the second shock wave superimposed after the first blast shock wave hits the air and rebounds. This is the most powerful thing in the high pressure shock wave. The part behind the blank area of ​​this circle is some gray-brown scattered material, and the distance is not clear before. When you get closer, you will find that it is not scattered material at all, but large rocks. Just after the volcano exploded, the entire mountain was thrown into the sky, and this gray-brown material was just the first volcanic debris brought out by the shock wave.

Like I said before, we are mistaken for our enemies. In this scene, our enemy is not actually our opponent, but the scene set by the system itself. For example, if we have a protective circle constructed by the strength of so many people, if we let Kotojiro destroy them, it is estimated that they don't even think about it within an hour or two. However, it is such a powerful defense circle, but in the face of this perverted scene, it is weak like a small plate in the tsunami.

When the first white liquid cloud rushed over, we felt the first shock wave, but this time the shock wave showed only a relatively strong airflow, and our defense circle was just blown backward Floating away just a little. However, after the first dense impact ring that passed through the fog, the invisible second impact peak smashed out of our defensive circle. Almost instantly we felt like we were being packed in a big iron ball, and then the ball was stuffed into a cannon and fired. The entire defensive circle was instantly hit by a force of terror, and the defense outside the defensive circle was instantly broken, leaving only Kristina's realm still. However, although this field has not been broken, Kristina, who is the core of the field, has spewed a lot of blood. Obviously, the force hitting the field has exceeded her load limit. However, this shock peak is only the second turn of the ring-shaped diffusion zone, and the real strike means is still behind.

With the passing of the impact peak, our defensive circle was also bombarded with only one layer of Kristina's realm power, and then the dense black rock group was seen slamming into our side like a shotgun. come. Chris Dina has just been shocked by the shock peak, and the person has been a little bit stunned. This time, she has been baptized with so many rocks like raindrops. The layer of field can no longer withstand such a continuous high-density bombardment in the air Shattered, and Kristina was fainted because of the backlash of the broken field.

Seeing that Christina was in a coma, I held the rose and had no time to intervene, so I pointed to Christina and said to Everett: "Put her in your belly."

Everett turned his head to look at me in surprise, and then reacted to fly over to the falling Christina and hugged it and threw it up, and then he suddenly broke into several Part of it is covered with Kristina's body like a suit of armor. Although the combination seems to be no different from the previous Everett, the Kristina is wrapped in the body of Evert During this period of coma, at least you don't have to worry about being killed by volcanic meteorite falling from the sky.

Although the protective cover collapsed, the danger we face now is not as exaggerated as before because the endless belt has passed. However, this so-called unlike the previous exaggeration just said that we are relatively safe just now, in fact we are not completely out of danger. At the moment of the volcanic explosion, at least millions of tons of rocks were thrown into the sky. In addition to the lava that has not stopped yet, at least nearly ten million tons of hot lava and uncooled lava have gathered in the sky. Half-lava half-rock material. These things have three characteristics: hot, high-speed and carry deadly powerful kinetic energy. Not to mention that all of these things were dropped, as long as they are rubbed by any of them, it is not fun. With my current strength, I still have a way to deal with rocks that are below the size of a bus, but the problem is that rocks that are ten times larger than this are everywhere in the sky. Some can even catch up with the volume of an aircraft carrier. Say it's me now, even if I summon all the magic pets and start the integration of Divine Realm, I can at best guarantee my safety. If I want to take the rose to protect other people, that is really my life!

Relative to the tension on our side, Masamoto Matsumoto and Kenji Koto have been a lot more relaxed. Although they are inferior to us in terms of strength, there are some things that we are inferior to them-such as Kojiro's teleport skills. Before the official start of the war, Kenjiro Koto showed his teleporting skills in front of us, and it seems that his skills can also bring people, so the ring that directly destroyed our defensive circle has no resistance at all, directly The transmission is over. Although Matsumoto Masa also has defensive skills, because of the existence of Kenjiro Koto, he was also taken through the defensive circle together, so compared to our wolf howling, their side is very relaxed. However, their skills will not be able to take advantage of this time.

There are two types of things that are brought into the sky by high-pressure lava flows in the sky. One is rock, and the other is lava itself. The rocks are nothing, after all, except for those that were blown up at the beginning of the eruption, there is not much. Moreover, these rocks have a fixed falling trajectory after all, as long as you pay attention, you can still get away. The real problem is those lava.

Everyone knows that lava is the material after the rock melts, and its fluidity will change due to temperature changes. When the temperature is high, the lava fluidity is relatively strong, and it feels a bit like the ability of milk to flow. When the temperature is lowered, the lava will gradually change from a state where the milk is relatively thin to a state where the asphalt is generally thick. When the temperature is below the melting point of the rock, the lava will completely condense into a black rock called volcanic rock.

Originally, no matter whether the lava fell in a liquid or solid state, there was nothing, I was afraid that it would be half solidified and half not solidified. The lava sprayed into the sky will begin to fall naturally after reaching the apex, but because they are the lava sprayed underneath, the two will break up into lava **** of various sizes in the air when they collide with each other. Later, these lava **** that are as large as a dozen meters and smaller than the size of a quail egg will condense due to the cooling effect of air, but not the entire condensation, but the outer layer of lava will condense first, and finally form a layer of rock crust outside the lava ball. . With the protection of this layer of rock crust, the lava cooling speed inside the lava ball will be significantly reduced. However, during the fall process, because these lava **** with crusts will collide with each other, and some lava **** with an irregular shape will disintegrate by themselves, many lava **** will suddenly break down in the middle and then spray out. The lava will break down into more small lava **** in the air due to the wind, and then iterates until it hits the ground.

This process of breaking down looks like a natural phenomenon, but it is not a good thing that actually happens around us. We need to know that we are now within the falling range of the lava ball. If the lava ball that has been falling is kept wrapped by the rock crust, its falling trajectory will be relatively clear. We only need to flash away in advance after seeing it in the distance. . But once it disintegrates, a lava ball will instantly turn into a shrapnel with fragment killing effect, and each bullet emitted by this shotgun may burst into a large shotgun again, you said How can we avoid being caught by such a shotgun? What? Hard stop? Not to mention what will happen to the body when lava that is hot and has an adhesion comparable to that of a napalm is immersed in the body. The impact force of the lava bomb from the high altitude alone can definitely kill people. Moreover, this thing does not appear alone. When people come, they are in a group. Of course, one or two of them are nothing. What if there are hundreds of hits?

Looking at the lava bombs that are crackling and falling like rain in the sky, we can only find our own way. Matsumoto Masako and Kenjiro Koujiro use a more deceptive method, which is that Kenjiro Kotoro is holding Matsumoto Masahiro to rely on teleportation to dodge. In the event of a big lava bomb explosion, he can't escape it. He propped up the protective cover for a hard stop. Although he couldn't hold it more often, occasionally he could still live with Matsumoto Masa.

Unlike them, the situation on our side is slightly worse, mainly because we are too many. Everyone knows that lava bombs fall randomly, and the probability of more of us being attacked is naturally much higher than that of Matsumoto Masako. And we also face a more troublesome problem, that is, we don't know whether it is better for everyone to take turns to resist lava or to spread out their own safety. If we get together, it is naturally more convenient to resist lava. Everyone can take turns to carry it, and in case someone can't carry it, someone will take over. But the so-called advantages and disadvantages, although everyone gathered together can help each other defend the falling lava bombs, but also because the crowd's ability to move is certainly not as flexible as a single person, so we must resist many lava bombs that could have been able to flash away. This virtually increases the burden that everyone has to bear.

Because we do n’t know which of the two plans is better, we also adopted their method after seeing Matsumoto ’s congratulations to them, that is, they did not form a large group or dispersed into a single person, but divided into Two squads defended. Although this does not show as strong a defense ability as when everyone is all together, the advantage of fewer people is that you can avoid most lava bombs. It is not a big deal if you only defend a small part of lava.

After thinking about the plan, I quickly grouped everyone. First of all, I formed a team with my four pets and roses. The magic pets and I can basically be treated as one person, so there is no coordination problem. As for Rose, she couldn't dodge alone, so I had to take it with me. Anyway, the strength we gathered here was relatively strong, and there should be no problem in protecting her. Having said that, if it weren't for this **** system * only let me summon four magic pets, as long as the birds are here, I don't care what volcanic eruption he has!

In addition to my group, the rest of us are another group. In fact, they are just three people. Kristina is still out of the body by Everett, so she is being pulled into my group. True red and gold coins are strong combatants, plus a super flexible Shadow Spring should be able to easily dodge most lava bombs, it really wo n’t open. Whether it ’s true red dragon dragon fist or gold coin sword array, Carry them all.

The volcano in front of our team just made a deafening blast again. The ground around the volcano that just exploded suddenly broke again. The area where the magma gushed out somehow expanded a large circle and the original distance We still have a short distance from the lava eruption area, and we immediately become close to the lava column. If the eruption area expands even ten meters, we will all be encased by lava.

"I rely on, what kind of abnormal volcano is this?" Zhen Hong cursed, holding Yingquan in her hand and pulling gold coins back quickly, and I quickly greeted the magic pets and turned back quickly with roses.

Just a little far away from the eruption area, the number of lava bombs flying towards us is not much, and now it is close to the lava pillars. The lava bombs falling on that day are like rain, let alone dodge, we almost watched It's not clear which lava bombs will hit us and which ones we can't, and because the lava bombs are too dense, the probability of collision will multiply. As a result, the more lava bombs touch, the more we feel below. The whole head is like lava.

"Xiao Feng, the element of fire transformed immediately, and then started to gather energy above my head." I shouted while desperately flapping my wings away from the lava column.

After hearing my order, the flames on Xiaofeng suddenly skyrocketed, and then she saw that her body surrounded by flames began to fade, and finally she could only see a group of bird-shaped flames and completely invisible the small ones. Feng. This state is actually Xiao Feng's energy form, also called the bath fire form. In this form, Xiao Feng's entire body is composed of the element of fire, which is equivalent to losing the entity, and because she is composed of the element of fire itself, in this form Xiao Feng's flame skills not only doubled the power, but also released Speed ​​will all become instant. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. The biggest drawback of this form is that Xiao Feng in the pure fire element form is very vulnerable to water spells. After all, these two elements are naturally restrained from each other, so the damage is understandable. However, now we are faced with lava shells ejected by volcanic eruptions rather than some enemies who can use water system spells, so it is not at all dangerous to become this form.

Xiao Feng, who completed the transformation of the elemental form of fire, immediately flew over my head to cover us all under her, and then she started the energy gathering ability. Xiao Feng in the elemental form of fire is not afraid of physical attacks at all, so those lava bombs falling from the sky will not have any harm to her at all. Moreover, because Xiao Feng in the form of fire element can absorb all fire elements, when the hot lava bomb passes through Xiao Feng's body, what remains is a large mass of condensed rocks. Hard anti-lava shells and hard anti-rocks, of course, are better fixed rocks.

Don't worry about the hot lava, I quickly called Everett to my side and gave the rose directly to him to take care of it. Anyway, now that Evrit has Christina in his body, the combat effectiveness has been affected to some extent. Since he cannot fight, letting him be a transport plane can make the best use of resources. Because Everett is a constructing creature, he can hold the rose while flying and pay attention to avoiding the falling rocks above his head, so that they will have a much lower probability of being hit than holding the rose by me.

I do n’t have to hold the rose to fly, my own hands and feet are liberated, and Lingling and Mira are free, so that the three of us can form a three-layer protective net on top of Eifrit. The top layer is Mira. As a material dragon, although it can only appear in human form, Mira's defense is still the highest among us, so she is more resistant to smashing on it. Of course, I didn't plan to ask Mila to serve us as a human shield. Her job was to intercept the larger rocks and break them into small pieces. Of course, if she is free, she will be responsible for intercepting even small rocks, but my order is to give priority to those rocks that are relatively large and not easy to deal with.

The layer below Mila is the defense layer I am responsible for, and my main task is to block all the fragments of the rocks that were not blocked by Mila or the large rocks that were smashed. Ritter is absolutely safe. In the end, Lingling was responsible for the last insurance under me. In the event of broken stones breaking through the two lines of defense in succession, or some rocks are too large, they cannot be completely crushed after crossing the two lines of defense. Three interceptions. Of course, if Lingling's third interception still fails, then Everett must flash off the rock as soon as possible. However, in my opinion, there are not many rocks that can continuously cross the three lines of defense. Even if they pass through, the second time, Everett should have noticed. It should be easy to dodge if you are prepared.

Beside us, Zhenhong also quickly established their own defensive circle. But unlike me, none of them absorb the fire element, so there is no good way other than dodge and hard carry. But one thing they are cheaper than me is that their burden is much smaller than mine. Of the three of them, only Shadow Spring cannot fly, and she is a high-sensitivity person. She is relatively light, and the nine-tailed fox with gold coins can take both of them to fly easily. Besides, the gold coin's sword array completely tops the previous shredder. Even if there is occasionally a real red leaking net, it can be shattered. Under this protection, it is estimated that no lava bomb can penetrate their defense line.

With such a careful arrangement, we were really relieved to resist lava bombs. Although we were hit by many lava bombs along the way, most of them were smashed by our defense plan and did not cause any personnel. casualties. However, after we flew out of the lava shell dense area against the falling lava shell, a new situation appeared in front of us. Just when we thought we were safe, the ground not far away suddenly cracked a few cracks, and then we saw the red lava spraying out of it, and then the ground first fell down, and then fierce. Shares rose up. We have experienced a volcanic eruption this time, and really red, when she saw the posture, she immediately called out, "Aren't we so unlucky? We just hit another one when we left that supervolcano?"

"Terror is not our bad luck." I said pointing to the side, really red looking in the direction of my finger and immediately said nothing, because in the direction I was pointing, a huge mushroom cloud was rising, and in A little faintly, a small sun is rising slowly far behind the mushroom cloud. After reading the situation here, she really reacted. She turned her head to look around and realized that there were as many as eight eruption points in the area covered by our eyes. I don't know how many. "My God! Is this a volcano concentration camp?"

"Whatever it is, it is better for us to flash first." The gold coin pointed to the bottom of us, and I looked down and realized that the ground just below us was actually rising upwards, and that the speed might erupt at any time.

"Fuck, flash!" With my shout, the crowd quickly turned away and flew in the direction of Kojiro's escape. Now we can see it. If we don't rush to kill Xiaojiu Kenjiro sooner or later, let the system kill us first, so no matter how bad the situation is now, we can't wait any longer, we must get Xiaojiu Kenjiro as soon as possible. However, the problem now is that we and Kojiro Kojiro were running in two opposite directions when they were avoiding the volcano. That is to say, if we want to catch up with Kotojiro, we must bypass the big eruption. It takes a large circle of volcanoes to find Kenjiro Koto, and it is uncertain what will happen on the way. Besides, even if Kenjiro has been changing positions over there, it would take us a few minutes to fly around in such a large circle. When we ca n’t finish the fight, we have to face the next disaster. . Now this is the third scene. The disaster is so horrible. With the system settings, I don't know what moths will be next time. "Damn, if only you could let me summon the pets! Isn't it too late!"

I actually complained, but what I didn't expect was that the system actually responded to my complaints. "Player Ziri notices that this system is now accepting the common wishes of both sides of the battle."

"Ah?" I just said casually, I never thought the system would take care of me.

The system completely ignored my meaningless sound, and still explained there: "Since the player Ziri and the enemy's personnel, Kenji Kotoro, also expressed their desire to obtain stronger fighting power, this system analysis believes that the two sides agree, so it is particularly open. Attribute Enhancement System. Do you accept it on both sides? "

"Enhancement? How can it be enhanced?" While I was communicating with the system, Kojiro Koto opposite the volcano was asking the same question.

The system said to Kenjiro Koto: "If the two parties agree, it will transfer you the natural power that you have lost before all the people you killed, that is, the ability to obtain time, space and energy at the same time. Of course, as Corresponding to the selection, the opposite player Ziri will also get all the magic pet summons * unlocked in parallel, and will receive special compensation for all attributes full. "

"What? All the pets are unlocked?" I heard the system prompt and nodded immediately: "Agree, I agree."

The system responded after I shouted and paused for less than a second before answering, "The opposite player Kenji Koujiro also agreed to this choice. Now all the attributes of the player Ziri are automatically full and the magic pet call limit is lifted. Dismissed. Please fight with one another and wish you good luck. "

Immediately after the system prompt, I turned around and shouted to Zhenhong: "True red, what about your refuge scroll?"

"Here." Really red, as soon as I heard it, rolled out a very ordinary scroll, but the attributes of this thing were not ordinary at all. Not that the attributes of this thing are powerful, but that this thing is super upset. The only function of this gadget is to open a temporary shelter that can accommodate up to ten people. People authorized by the user can enter and exit the shelter at will, and can enjoy the assistance of double the speed of attribute recovery. In addition, this shelter can also be moved with the user. As long as the user is not in the shelter, the shelter will follow the user, and unauthorized persons cannot enter the shelter or harm the inside anyway. people. Of course, this thing also has *. First, its capacity is only ten people, and second, its function time is only ten minutes, so although the function is good, but it is not of much practical value. The reason why True Red keeps this kind of thing, and we all know it is that this thing is so rare, so True Red treats it as an alternative * product and has been retained until now. However, it turns out that there is no useless thing in this world. If you find something is useless, it's just that you haven't found its use, not that it is really useless.

Zhenhong threw it at me as soon as she felt the thing. As soon as I received it, I tore it open, and a translucent light sphere more than two meters in diameter suddenly appeared behind me.

"Come on, all in." I shouted as I commanded Everett to send both True Red and Cristina, and then they rushed in quickly. Although the ball of light seemed to be only two meters and five meters in diameter, the real red disappeared as soon as they entered it. After they all entered the sanctuary, I immediately put away the nearby magic pet, and summoned the birds.

The volcanoes that erupted were too loud to hurt people. Now what we really need to be careful of is lava bombs flying around. However, it is not necessary to hard connect the lava bomb. As long as you have sufficient speed and flexibility, you can flash all lava bombs flying towards you, as long as they are not touched by them, then the powerful lava The bomb can't exert any power.

I had always wanted to summon the birds if I had summoned them. I did not expect that they could be summoned now. At the speed of the bird, these seemingly troublesome lava bombs are simply a pile of small dishes. I picked up the bird's back and folded the wings. The whole person shrank into the depression of the bird. Then the bird quickly activated the supersonic assault mode . I just felt a huge acceleration pulling me backwards. Thanks to the fact that I am now half trapped in the groove of the bird, so although the pulling force is great, it will not lift me up.

I was enjoying the unparalleled speed of the birds, and suddenly I saw a huge fireball suddenly rising in front of the right, and then a large cloud of fire rose into the sky, and the billowing heat wave still felt very hot even at such a distance. "The master has noticed, we need to do some special actions." I was being distracted, Asuka suddenly reminded.

I hurriedly affixed myself to Asuka. "All right."

"Then I will start."

The bird that was rushing forward at a high speed suddenly accelerated sharply, and a lava bomb flashed behind us with a slight difference, smashing the smoke belt pulled out by the bird directly. But the bird who just flashed the lava bomb was not happy at all, because a lava bomb was smashing at us. The bird responded quickly and suddenly rolled one to the left, followed by another one to the right, and two consecutive rolls successfully flashed two lava bombs that had fallen successively. But this is not the end. The flying bird dived quickly after flashing off the two lava shells that were almost side by side, and then hurriedly pulled up from under a giant rock just over the area of ​​a football field. Drilled over. We have just drilled the rock here, and another rock that is not much smaller than the previous one appeared. The bird continued to climb in the direction of the climb, and finally rubbed the rock at a distance of less than half a meter. The upper edge flew over. However, the bird that had just flashed the rock was still surrounded by a large number of lava bombs. He first crossed his body sideways, and then drilled between the two lava bombs that fell in parallel. As soon as the bird passed through the gap, the bird immediately flattened its body, and then the rear jet * mouth shrank sharply, but the air inlet in the front slammed out a lot of flames, and the decelerators on the bird were all standing When I got up, I just felt that the whole body's blood instantly poured into the head, but fortunately, my properties were good, and I would not burst the blood vessels.

Just when my head was congested by the sudden deceleration, a huge rock in front of us fell down from us like a wall, and we just missed a few meters and almost never hit it. It's not that the birds are slowing down in time, we must be hit by the rock underneath.

After the rock fell, the ejection port behind the flying bird opened again immediately, and then the retarder was lowered. With a trembling tremor, we immediately entered the supersonic state again, and flashed a dozen in a series of s-shaped maneuvers in one breath Lava bombs. Finally, the birds came to a small area to slow down. After two lava bombs flying from different directions crashed into the air and burst apart, we accelerated through the gap opened by the two lava bombs. Passed.

After flashing through the two colliding lava bombs, the sky in front of us finally became clearer, and the density of the lava bombs dropped significantly after opening from the newly emerged vents, and Asuka connected to the horrible lava bombs before. The curtain can be drilled through. This sporadic lava bomb is nothing but a piece of cake. It doesn't require any major action. Far away, it has been passed by the bird with a relatively smooth glide.

With the help of flying birds, my movement speed is completely different from the previous one. The other side of the volcano, which was estimated to take several minutes to reach, took us only two minutes to get around. However, after we got here, we found that Kojiro Kojiro and Masamoto Matsumoto were really out of place.

The other side of the first erupting volcano we were in was actually in the same direction as the one we were in before. There are volcanic craters that are erupting or eruption everywhere within the naked eye. Counting before we count Those who have arrived, now in this rough estimate, we have found at least thirty volcanic vents. Kenjiro Koto and Masamoto Matsumoto are not in the same direction as us, but they also know to avoid the lava erupted by the volcano, so they have been moving. Fortunately, the birds are fast enough, or else when we fly over by ourselves, they may have gone to places we can't see.

Immediately after capturing the figures of Kenjiro Koto and Masamoto Matsumoto, I let Asuka fly over, and it seemed that they had not found us yet. Such an opportunity is so rare. As long as we rush to kill Kojiro Koto, we don't have to worry about anything. As for whether such a sneak attack to get Koto Kojiro will affect our original plan to combat * player morale, we have no energy to manage it. After all, according to the current situation, if we don't kill Kenjiro, we won't have a chance to kill him. Compared to letting them live to victory in the end, it is better that we kill him first, even if they fail to hit the morale of the players, at least not to the morale of the Chinese players.

Originally, my plan was good. With the speed of Asuka, I rushed from the side to the rear to kill Kojiro Koto, and then performed a simple two-stroke with Matsumoto Masa and then both defeated and I won a small victory. This time our The task is over. However, just as Asuka rushed towards Kyuji Koto with supersonic speed, a huge meteorite suddenly fell in the sky to disrupt my plan.

Originally, there were everywhere flying stones around, some were surface rocks blown up by volcanoes, and some were volcanic rocks formed after the lava had condensed, but this one above us definitely does not belong to any of the above, because it is not only more than Any stone we've seen before is big and has a long tail flame. Although the falling lava often burns with flames and smoke, their speed is far less exaggerated than this big guy, and I can even see the vacuum shock wave caused by its continuous falling in the air.

"Master, I suggest it's better to flash now." Asuka noticed the meteorite above his head for the first time.

Although I really wanted to say no, reason eventually made me agree with Asuka. Now Kojiro's attention has been attracted by the meteorite above his head. As long as I rush up, he will be able to kill him, but the problem is that I will be killed by the meteorite immediately after I kill him. Don't say that the morale of the players will not be defeated at that time. Someone may even question the success or failure of our battle. As for Matsumoto's reputation improvement plan, there is no shadow. Therefore, in the end, I still agreed with Asuka's opinion and avoided it first.

The falling speed of meteorites falling from outer space and rocks hit by mid-air by volcanoes is not a measuring machine at all. Although Asuka has been running at the fastest speed ~ ~, the speed of the meteorite was too fast. We only ran less than 500 meters and it was lightning-fast from diagonally above us at a terrifying speed. Stuck in the past. The flying bird seemed to have been hit by someone after the meteorite had passed, and suddenly it was taken to the side and flew in the sky, and then I was thrown down by the chaos in the sky to stabilize my figure. Fortunately, I can fly by myself, and immediately after I fell off the bird, I flew by myself, otherwise I would be killed alive.

Our side avoided the meteorite attack, but Kotojiro was very relaxed, and this huge crisis was solved in an instant. However, although they escaped the meteorite that rushed down, they did not escape the air flow behind them, and as a result, they were rolled around like we were. Matsumoto Masahiro would be better. Kotoro Kojiro was completely flying by Masamoto Matsaka before. As a result, after two people were blown away by the airstream, Kenjiro Komata fell directly to the ground. Teleportation sent him back to Masamoto Matsumoto again, and it was estimated that he would be able to throw him to a stump.

Both of us successfully flashed through this huge crisis, but the system obviously did not intend to let us go, because shortly after we stabilized ourselves, the meteorite slammed into a newly swelled with extremely horrific kinetic energy. Volcano, then the whole world is shrouded in a dazzling white light.

"Oh my god! Does this **** ghost system want us to experience an end of the world in advance?"

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