Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 185: Out of control!

"Come out ... Feidian. (

Reading Network) "

Alas ... with a sharp scream, a giant flying creature with a wingspan of more than 200 meters, a height of more than 20 meters, and a length of more than 100 meters suddenly appeared outside Nantianmen.

I couldn't even close my mouth when I looked at the giant creature in front of me. This thing has a body that is close to birds, but his form seems closer to Archaeopteryx than modern birds, because his wings have sharp claws and his hind legs are much stronger than ordinary birds. Although his body is close to the Archaeopteryx, this guy's head seems more primitive than the Archaeopteryx, because his head looks like a tyrannosaurus's head is elongated and the surface is covered with fine hairs. The fluff looks no different from the hair on a normal bird's head, but he does not have the full keratinized beak of a bird, but instead grows a sharply inclined triangle that is tilted forward above the tip of his mouth. Fully degenerate horns. In addition, in addition to the structure of the mouth and the sharpness of the nose *, which are not the same as birds, this guy also has a very obvious ground animal feature, that is, this guy has sharp teeth with a mouth.

Whether it is a common bird that eats plants or a bird of prey such as an eagle or a bird of prey, modern birds have no teeth in their mouths. They use their sharp beaks to peck and bite their prey, and their teeth are nothing to them. But this guy is different. Not only did he have teeth in his mouth, but he also had double teeth. At the edges of the upper and lower jaws, two fine and sharp dagger-shaped teeth are born. This structure fully shows that this thing is not only meaty, but also quite cruel.

In addition to the special structure of the body and head, this beast also has a strange place, that is, the feathers on his body. Although this thing looks like more reptiles than birds, he does have feathers. However, from the moment he was summoned, it is less than five seconds before the throne of the Seal of God. The feather on this guy has been switched more or less like the electronic display that is testing the speed of color conversion. The color, the speed is simply dazzling, and people with poor visual nerve response will even feel dizzy.

This thing has only roared so much since it was called, then he lay on the ground and watched the surrounding environment with his big eyes vigilantly. It can be seen from his lying position that this thing is indeed closer to a reptile, because when he is on the ground, not only his hind limbs land on the ground, but also his claws on the wings. Birds don't have this behavior.

The thing suddenly locked his eyes on me after observing the surrounding environment vigilantly, and then he yelled at me in my astonished gaze and slammed at me, and in During his jump, all the feathers on his body switched to the blue and white state of the floating clouds outside Nantianmen. Although this is not invisible, if there is any shelter around him, it is easy for him to be in harmony with the environment. One.

Originally, the four great kings received a secret order from the jade emperor and I came to perform a battle. I did not expect that after I suddenly threw a monster, the monster actually rushed at me without saying a word. Living.

Compared to the Four Kings, I am even worse. Originally I was thinking about trying the fighting power of this thing. Who knew that the toy suddenly went crazy and actually attacked me. Although I don't know why he suddenly turned mutiny, this did not affect my running. Seeing that thing rushing over, I quickly summoned the birds and jumped up.

As soon as the thing saw me flying on a flying bird, he immediately flew on the ground with his wings wide open. Originally, I thought that the bird's speed would soon be able to get rid of him. Who knows that this guy's flight speed is comparable to the speed at which the bird does not start supersonic assault. Already.

"I rely, how can you even catch up with this thing? Is this too abnormal?"

Asuka's head is at the back of the body, so he certainly saw the monster catch up. After hearing my complaint, Asuka immediately said: "Master. That thing is not flying with wings at all. Although his wings are also functioning, he now flies so fast by accelerating spells."

"Spell acceleration? No wonder it's so fast." I glanced at the monster that was getting closer and quickly patted Asuka: "Speed ​​up and go behind his back."

"Understand." The ejector behind the bird suddenly burst out a long flame, followed the bird's speed and began to dive downward. That thing is bulky and should not be very flexible, so he has an advantage in the open air. The purpose of the flying bird is to dive into a large floating mountain not far below. Those floating mountains are all outbuildings of the heavenly courts. They have different sizes, and the gaps in the middle are large and small. The environment is very complex and suitable. The flying bird shuttled through it. Although the guy behind was flying fast enough, but the volume was too large after all, we must not be flexible in this environment, so that we can give full play to the advantages of flexibility to get around that guy.

Under the supersonic assault of the flying bird, we quickly whistled and rushed into the floating mountain, and then the speed reducer on the flying bird was fierce, and we immediately tilted back and upward to throw a beautiful arc. Passing through the gap between the two floating mountains.

As soon as our side got through, I immediately looked back and looked back, hoping to see the big guy crashed into the gap and got stuck. Who knows that he really bumped into the gap we just passed , But the results were unexpected. Just listening to the sound of a bang, the gap between the two floating mountains burst open as if it were loaded with explosives, and the guy actually squeezed it out at a constant speed, and it seemed that the collision between the mountain and the mountain was unlucky. a little.

"My god! What the **** did this guy do? All the floating mountains crashed?"

"Master, what shall we do now?" Asuka asked.

"Take him in a circle, find a way around him and put me on his back."


Immediately after receiving the order, Asuka flew over to the left of a relatively large floating mountain in front, and then started to turn right along the mountain, and the big guy immediately followed us to turn. After flying around the mountain for half a circle, it reached the right side of the mountain, and a few small floating mountains suddenly appeared in front of it. These floating mountains are connected to the big floating mountain next to the iron cable bridge, and the small floating mountain has a gazebo and a small garden, which probably belong to the place where the gods understand the magic.

We noticed these floating mountains before the start of the roundabout, so we didn't panic after encountering them. Asuka fiercely pressed his forehead and drilled from under the iron cable bridge connecting the first floating mountain and the big floating mountain, and then heard the sound of the back, the iron cable bridge was instantly broken by the monster, and Xiaofushan was because the iron cable bridge broke The drag involved was slammed into Dafu Mountain, and the final crash crashed into Dafu Mountain and turned into countless fragments falling down.

We have no time to pay attention to the loss of the first floating mountain. As soon as the bird crossed the first cable bridge, it turned sideways, and the body made a large loop to pass at a low altitude from less than one meter above the second floating island. Following us, we heard a loud noise from behind. The floating mountain was directly hit by the beast flying, disintegrated in the air, and turned into a pile of rubble and fell down.

Seeing this guy so sturdy, we can only stare at it. We originally expected to use Fushan to slow down this guy. Now it seems that it is just an air tank. The floating mountains seemed to us to be obstacles, and it was nothing at all for him. He hit it with enough horsepower to solve everything.

"Fuck, this guy doesn't get into the oil and salt!"

"Master, do we have to find a way to get behind him?"

I thought for a while and thought, "Forget it, seeing his flying like this, we will have to end his scourge when we get around the Fushan behind him. Turning back to the Jade Emperor to find us for compensation, it will be troublesome. Now you speed up Here, find an empty place, we called together to deal with him. The **** fairy must have found that I was lying to her, so I deliberately took such a thing to rectify me. So many people actually let a nymph fairy lie! "

Just when I was lamented by that fairy, the gate of Polaris Junxianfu on Fairy Island was kicked open. "North Star King, North Star King."

"Come here, what's the matter?" Polaris Jun, who was startled by the sound, rushed to the door, and saw the fairy standing there anxiously. "Well? Why did the fairy suddenly come out today? Aren't you usually not going out?"

"You think I want it!" The fairy said to the Polaris King in a hurry: "Now listen to me. Didn't you bring a friend to ask me for help before?"

Polaris Jun nodded and asked. "What's wrong? Haven't you given him the fierce beast jade?"

"Oh, wrong!"

"Give it wrong?" The Polaris-King didn't respond at first, but after repeating it again, he suddenly responded: "You're wrong? That thing is the jade card that drives the ferocious beast. That's right, I know that thing But you said it was wrong. Seeing you are so nervous, isn't it ...? "Thinking of the sudden staring of Polaris here," What the **** did you give him? "

"Most of them are true. The beast is still a beast, but one of the last two jade cards I gave was only bad. I originally wanted to repair it. I forgot to give it to him as another jade card. Now. Once your friend summons the fierce beast, he will immediately fight back against your friend. You should go to him now and ask him not to use the fierce beast called Feidian. "

"Okay, you go back first, and I'll tell him now. I believe that even if summoned by his strength, it should be no big deal."

"No, you don't understand." The fairy said with some emotions: "Feidian is not an ordinary fierce beast, he is a thing cultivated by the strongest fierce beast in existence, not a natural fierce beast. His battle The consciousness is extremely powerful, and he also has a special ability, that is, the ability to absorb any creature killed by him. That is to say, the more he kills, the stronger he will be. In the end, it may strengthen to the point that no one can fight. But at present It ’s still your friend ’s most dangerous, because the jade card has only a crack and is not completely invalid. Although Feidian can not obey the jade card holder ’s order but ca n’t leave the jade card too far, so he must get * First completely destroy the jade card in your friend's hand. Hurry and save him! "

"Okay, I'll go now."

When the Polaris King was desperately rushing to Isinger, I was still entangled with Feidian. Wait, why did the Polaris King go to Isinger? Because he didn't know that I was in heaven. Earlier I told him to fight with a helper. The Polaris did not know where we were fighting. He knew that when I was able to ask Isinger, he ran to Isinger first, but this time I Not at all there.

After the flying bird and me led the flying electric drill out of the floating island group, I pulled up and flew into the open air again. Since the guy doesn't take obstacles as obstacles at all, we will simply fight him in the completely open air. At least this will not affect our joint operations.

"Come out and help."

As I called, a sudden light flashed around us, and luck and plague immediately appeared to me. Although I have many flying pets, I don't plan to release them all, at least now I don't have to run them all at once. The biggest combat skill of the Tamer is to use multiple magic pets alternately and use their expertise to assist the battle ~ ~ Once you come up, release all the magic pets, and then give the rest of the work to the magic Do it pets, that's not that the Tamer is the Undead Mage. And even high-level undead mages don't do that. Only those middle- and low-level undead mages who are not high-level and fight with massive skeletons like to use the fighting method after the summon to let the summons fight. Normally, the number of beasts trained by beast trainers is not as many as those of undead mages, but the individual combat power is much stronger, so each magic pet must be used reasonably instead of throwing them all in front of the enemy and fighting the opponent. .

After the emergence of luck and plague, the speed of Feidian has not changed in the slightest, and it is still staring at me. I don't know if this is actually because of the jade brand on my body, so I can only save my life before I say it.

Fortunately, the plague immediately took the initiative to slow down and let Feida catch up, and then they deliberately opened up a little distance, and then just before Feida was about to pass between them, they suddenly turned their heads and sprayed in the middle at the same time. The respective dragons. As long as Feidian flies through the middle, it will be sprayed from the beginning to the end by Long Yan, and it will definitely not be accepted by everyone. However, the next fierce beast allowed lucky and plague to see what shock education was. The guy passed through Long Yan as if he hadn't seen it at all, and there was no injury to his body.

"I rely, that guy is flame immune!"

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