Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 18: Coalition invasion

Out of the Lost City's teleportation array, Xiao Sumei couldn't sit still immediately. "Let me go down!" I lowered her to the ground, and Xiao Sumei immediately ran to the nearby building and felt it. "Oh my God! Perfect! What is this place? Such a splendid building! So beautiful, I want to see the designer here!"

"Little idiot, this is not the player city, here are the three dark areas opposite the Dark Temple!"

"You said this is Hongming Village?" Sure enough, it is a little prodigy, and his opinions are different from others.

"Hongming Village is not here yet, but it is almost there!"

"What a beautiful architectural style! The designers here must have referenced a lot of historical literature. This is completely the best of Loserte's architectural style, classic!"

"I don't know what special style you have. I'm not in architecture, I just think it's magnificent."

那 "Of course! Magnificence is second. This overwhelming person's breathless power is the essence of it. It's hard to believe that there can be such a building!"

"Okay, let's go! If you look at it like this, we won't be able to get out of the city range tomorrow!" I think it's strange when it comes to time. This time I went online at night. It's already morning, and it's almost noon now, so I don't sleep for more than thirty hours. Why am I not sleepy at all? Besides, I have been playing this game for so long, and I do n’t have to worry about the system time limit. It ’s time to kick me out! It's strange!

"What do you think?" Su Mei came to push my belly, and she could only get so high.

"Oh! Nothing, I just suddenly remembered that I didn't go offline for more than 24 hours, and the system time limit mechanism didn't kick me out."

Su Sumei was surprised. "Don't you read the announcement?"

"What did I miss again?" How do I feel that every time the system changes, someone told me! It's all because of the dynamic data writing technology used by "Zero". I don't need to restart the system every time I update. As a result, I don't know when to upgrade!

"The latest system upgrade reminds that the time limit system has been cancelled. A more advanced and scientific brain wave equalizer is used to determine whether the player is online. This system will track the player's brain work at any time. Once it is found that the player's brain fatigue reaches a certain value, Comrades: The player takes a rest offline or directly uses the game sleep system to assist hibernation. If the player ignores the system prompts, the system will forcibly kick him out when the fatigue level reaches the alert value. You have not heard the prompts and have not been forced back. It means that your brain works normally without fatigue, so the system allows you to continue playing. "

"But I haven't slept for more than 30 hours, and I haven't felt tired yet? Isn't it a problem with the sensor on my gaming helmet?"

"Then I don't know! I'm not the designer of Long Yuan."

恩 "Well! Let's ask Cofu for another day."


"Oh no! I mean asking for customer service." Khan! Almost said a leak! Kefu is the chief designer of mechanical and electrical engineering of Longyuan. He designed the circuit system of the helmet himself. If there is a problem with my helmet, I will of course look for him directly. But for others, it's impossible to say so. I haven't heard that anyone's Windows system is broken, and they asked Bill Gates?

"You have something to hide from me?" The little devil immediately found that I was lying, and the child was too clever sometimes not a good thing!

"How dare I!"

"You just have it! What you said at the beginning was not customer service at all, but good luck!"

Come on! This girl has long dog ears! "What is Kefu? Is it a cold drink brand?" I started to use super costume silly magic.

"Kefu is the chief designer of Longyuan's electromechanical system, and he is responsible for the game helmet. If you can say such things, you know him, and the relationship is not very close."

Wow! Is this girl the daughter of Holmes? "Why not! How could I know that kind of character!"

"Hum! Don't pretend to be stupid with me! You just know!"

知道 I know that repudiation is just not good. I started to use the mud and magic skills to pretend to be silly. "Okay! I know. I know all the seniors of Long Yuan. The chief of Long Yuan is my father and I am the young master of Long Yuan!" Hehe, it is true, and I can say it with an irony. Authenticity.

"You really are not an ordinary person! I said how to make such a generous shot, it turned out to be a super big money!" Su Mei also seems to believe that I just said something wrong, and mine and slime magic finally worked. But the words behind this girl almost didn't let me go off. "On TV, men say they get worse when they have money, and women get worse when they get worse. So I ’m going to get worse. Follow your big money, and I will have money in the future! I'll show you! "

I finally knew where this messy girl came from! Love TV has been watched a lot. China ’s serials have been filmed for so many years, and they are still so provocative. The family ’s family disputes are entangled with emotions. Is there no other good shot? See what the next generation of the motherland has been taught!

"What do you want that little kid for?"

"I'm useful, you don't need to know!" Su Mei's expression suddenly became very sad, she must need money to do something very important, otherwise she would not have this expression. But I can't think of what a 10-year-old kid can get in a hurry for money! And it ’s still a lot of money, otherwise she is so cute and a child prodigy, and the adults will not want to ask for some money at home. At least I think that if I have such a child, as long as it is not true that the family cannot afford the money, it must be what she wants me to give.

"Then we won't talk about this, I'm a bit uneasy. I'll go offline and ask the customer service, and make up for sleep by the way."

When I heard that I was going offline, Xiao Sumei was in a hurry. "What do I do when you go offline? Will you leave me here alone?"

"It's okay, I'll take you to see Clark. He's the blacksmith here. You can study with him what equipment design, civil engineering, etc. Let Clark take you wherever you think, as long as you don't go out of the city. Alright. "

"Is that Clark an NPC or a player?"

"NPC of course! What?"

"Can NPCs run around? And can blacksmiths also work as tour guides?"

"I don't know about other cities. This city is messy anyway. NPCs usually like to run around. You can rest assured that Clark is my elder brother and it is absolutely safe to follow him."

"Then I have to see and see, there are such exaggerated NPCs!"

I brought Sumei to Clark's store, but this guy wasn't there anymore. This time I have experience. I went directly to Da'ao's clothing store. This guy must have gone to pick up girls again! I saw Clark in Da's store.

"Three brother, why are you here?"

"I knew you were here! Please help me!"

"Don't you spoil the gear again?" Clark has repaired the gear several times for me, and now has artifacts to repair phobias.

"How did you guess that? I did ask you to repair the equipment. But there are other things." I pushed Su Mei to the front. "I have something to leave. This is my sister. Can you take care of me?"

"Wow! What a lovely little girl! Come, come to your aunt." Dasao is super enthusiastic.

"So Sumei will leave it to you, I will go first."

"Relax!" Clark pulled Sume past. "Have us!"

"Ok, bye!"

After I quit the system, I remembered that I seemed to have forgotten to bring Clark to repair the equipment. Think about it, forget it, all down, or I will repair it next time I go online! Suddenly I feel hungry and want to go out and find something to eat. I don't know when I added a new set of clothes to the bedside, obviously for me. It was discovered that it was a combat suit for security forces. After changing my clothes, I went straight out, "Oh!" "Oh!" I bumped into the door.


The automatic door used in all the rooms of the base. It will open by itself when someone approaches, but I just walked out, but the door didn't look. As a result, I bumped into the door, but fortunately not fast! Damn electronic doors can also go wrong, it's really life-threatening! Walked over and tried again, and the door remained unresponsive. I shook my hand on the sensor, but the system still didn't move. No way, I just opened a lid next to the door, there is a manual crank, you can open the door manually.

Click! When I turned the handle, I heard the sound of a mechanical collision. The door wasn't broken, it was just locked! How did this happen? Dad knows I'm in there, no reason to lock me up! Forget it, go out and talk. Put your fist at the position where there is no door lock, and punch it hard. The whole door lock was knocked and flew out. This is the lab lounge, not an important unit, so the material of the door is thin and not strong. , My body strengthened by B13 can easily destroy such a door.

After the door lock disappeared, I pulled the hole in the door and pushed it aside, and the metal door panel was bent to the side. After finally making a passable hole, I got out of it. There is no one in the hallway. This is normal. Now it is noon and no one will be in the rest area, even if someone is lazy.

From the lounge area, I went directly to the restaurant, which surprised me that there was no one here. It doesn't make sense! The clock on the wall shows that it is only 12:20 now. Most people should be in the restaurant? Why is there no one?

Ping Ping! The sudden gunshot seemed so abrupt in the silent restaurant. A researcher in a white coat fell into the hallway on the other side, and his eyes fell wide on the ground. I could feel that His eyes meant asking for help, but he didn't have time to say it.

Researcher 有 has a blood hole in his back. The gunshot just hit him. His right hand stretched out in front of the body, and there was a shiny metal jar in his hand. From me, I could clearly see the biocontamination mark on the side of the jar. This is a jar specially used by Longyuan Base to hold dangerous biological agents. Now I don't know what exactly this bottle contains. However, there were and shots in the base, which is against the rules.

The base was just attacked. Is this researcher the second spy? Impossible, the spy won't ask me for help, and the people in the base will not shoot at the base. The people who fired must not be dragons.

With this level of awareness, I turned over and hid behind the food counter in the restaurant. This marble fixed stone platform can easily cover my whole body. With hearing, I can clearly confirm the position of the other party, and my eyes seem to be able to see the other party ’s temperature. Even through the marble table, I can easily know the other party ’s actions. No wonder B13 is called the God Creation Project. Such a strengthened human body is indeed almost like God!

Three people came in, one of them squatted to examine the body, and the other said something beside. Damn, it ’s actually Japanese! I quickly adjusted my brainwave frequency to speed up my metabolism. As long as I increased my speed, these people seemed to be slower. I suddenly jumped out from behind the marble table, and all three noticed my sudden appearance, but my super strong body matched with the super high speed of the brain, so that these three people were continuous only by coming back and looking back. Toppled. I will only use some simple self-defense techniques. I am only slightly better at skills than ordinary people, but I am now 50 times faster than normal people. Even clumsy skills can be compensated by speed.

All three guys are wearing black urban combat uniforms, which are obviously special forces. Our dragon-margin combat uniforms are all silver-white. Only the United States and Japan use black combat uniforms. I just started too fast and didn't pay attention. The three guys' cervical spine seemed broken, and death is impossible, but I'm afraid I won't be able to stand up in the second half of my life. I did n’t take their guns, it was better to use a knife at my speed. I pulled out the dagger on one of the guys. This thing suits me better.

I picked up the metal jar in the researcher's hand. There was a double insurance electronic lock with fingerprint lock and password on the bottom of the jar. I pressed my hand up and entered my own personal password. With a click, the jar, which is slightly larger than the can, automatically pops out of a cylinder. I grabbed the cylinder and pulled out, and a double-ended closed test tube was pulled out. "M24?" I couldn't help but scream. This thing is a biological preparation specially researched by our company for the Chinese special forces. After intravenous injection, users can have superhuman physical strength and reaction ability within 12 hours. However, after 12 hours, severe drowsiness symptoms will occur. Only hours of high quality sleep can be recovered. But despite this, the special forces still admire this thing. The use of this thing in surprise missions can reduce the number of casualties by 80%, which is definitely the favorite of the special forces! Use it to save your life, come back and be justified lazy, fools don't like it. Little Japan definitely wanted to imitate this thing!

关 Close the jar and hide it in the air duct of the restaurant. I ran forward along the passage where the three people came, and came to an end at my speed. In a laboratory, more than a dozen people in combat uniforms were spreading out on various instruments. These people are obviously not a unit, some of them are wearing the same black combat uniforms as the three men, some are wearing combat uniforms with black and white camouflage, and some are wearing earthy combat uniforms.

These people communicate in English from time to time, and it seems that the other two costumes are not Japanese.

太多 There are too many people in the room, even if I am fast, I may not deal with them. Suddenly, when I was due to what to do, there was a hand on my shoulder behind my back, and I almost screamed.

"Hush ......!" I turned around to see he is a researcher, he put his hand on the middle of the lips do not say anything to make the action. He beckoned to me and told me to follow him, and I immediately followed.

Researcher 把 took me into the elevator and closed the elevator door. "Are you from the security forces?" The researcher doesn't know me yet.

"I'm not a security force, I can't explain it to you right now, you tell me what's going on?"

Although he was a little confused about my identity, he explained: "These people suddenly appeared at 11:30, and there were about several thousand people."

"Thousands of people?" I was alone, not to deal with thousands of people looking for death!

他们 "They came out suddenly from all directions around them, as if scattered and coming here and acting together. Their equipment is very advanced, and the outside security forces were caught by surprise and may still be fighting fiercely."

"These people rushed in?"

"It looks like it!"

"Theft was not successful last time, this time it was actually used for stealing! Little Japan is too arrogant!"

"Not only the Japanese! Today the elevator happened to be faulty. I knew the mechanics, so I went up to see if it could be repaired. When they rushed in, I happened to be overhauling the electric motor on the elevator, so it was not found. I heard them talking. It seems that they are three groups of people, those in black are Japanese, those in black and white camouflage are Americans, and those in yellow are British! "

怪 "It is strange that such a large-scale infiltration is possible, it turned out that the international police had arrived!"

"They came after destroying the power equipment in the base, and then detained our researchers. They are now copying the information in our database in the reference room."

"What? What can we do to stop them." If Long Yuan's technology had let Little Japan take it away, we would have been a fart!

Researcher yanked me. "Wait a minute. Let them copy it. It's all encrypted data. It can't be opened without our key program!"

"That won't work, as long as the time is sufficient, the key program can be deciphered, and we can't let them copy our information. I'll think of a way, you can hide here!" I jumped out of the elevator and touched the final defense system quietly. The control room, what made me dumbfounded was that the entire corridor was blown up!

I lost the electronic system and had to figure it out by myself.

I'm right, can I ask Xiaobai for help! Xiaobai is the only successful biochemical beast in the laboratory ~ ~ After it was manufactured, no satisfactory biochemical beast was ever completed. It can be said that it was an accident! Xiaobai's appearance is a large white dog that looks like a wolfhound. He doesn't listen to anyone except me and a few researchers who were seen by it nearby when he was born. It may be that the animal treats what it sees at first sight as a mother, so no one except me and the researchers can control it.

I remember it was from the Adopted Dangerous Biology Lab, I hope there is no change! Flying all the way to the laboratory, I saw the blood outside the laboratory all the way, a bunch of spare parts were scattered everywhere. Looking at these pieces of clothes and helmets, they should be three little Japanese and two Americans, but now they are completely integrated into one and the same!

I walked around the blood on the ground and walked into the laboratory. Xiao Bai ’s cage of more than 100 square meters was actually empty. The super alloy fence had been twisted into a twist shape, and blood and bullet holes were everywhere on the surrounding walls! There were two researchers lying on the ground, apparently dead from a bullet. I turned over their bodies and turned out to be a little white breeder. These two people are fortunate to watch Xiaobai's birth. Usually only they can enter the cage to feed Xiaobai and do some experiments. Now these two researchers are dead, and the cage railings have changed so that only one thing can be explained, that is, Xiaobai ran out. The five unlucky eggs represented by the five tactical helmets outside the door must have met Xiaobai and been torn into a rotten meat!

Suddenly I felt something moving behind me. At my superhuman reaction speed, it was still a step back. A huge white shadow hit me and knocked me to the ground. The reflection speed of this thing is much faster than that of Superman, who has reached 50 times the speed of ordinary people. I was knocked down unsuspectingly, and a big **** mouth stretched out towards my face.

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