Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 209: Finally found

As soon as I said that we were in the magic wood area, the gold coins and real red quickly put on a fighting posture, and then affixed back to back carefully guarding the surrounding environment. (Qihang Fiction ~ Fiction from the Internet)

The tension relative to the real red and gold coins "I didn't react so much because I had sent out the rose vine when I entered here. From the feedback from the rose vine, there was no suspicious vibration around us" In other words, even if we are in the illusion of Hung Hom, "the other party is not around us, at least not yet near us.

Sure enough, the newly summoned Amenis immediately wrinkled his nose as soon as he appeared: "So powerful illusion ..."

"Can you get rid of the illusions ..." I asked.

Amenis nodded and flicked a finger, and the surrounding forest suddenly swayed. "The forest around changed for a moment. Although it looks similar at first glance, if you look closely, you will find that there are many changes." We walked into a big circle because of this small change before.

Seeing that the illusion was lifted up, I let Aimeness wait on the side first, and then I released Yeyue, Ling, King, and Little Dragon Girl. Although the illusion has been broken, since the illusion here is arranged by the incomplete red lotus, she must have something to do with the illusion she arranged. When the illusion is broken, it is equivalent to telling her that someone has entered her territory, and with the nature of a beast, knowing that someone breaks into his own territory, it is impossible to resist inaction, so if there is no accident, the The complete red pupa should arrive soon. Therefore, we should be more vigilant when we break the illusion, because the incomplete red pupa may arrive here at any time.

As a top fierce beast, and the originator of the fox system, the speed of the red cricket will not slow down naturally. Almost as soon as I released Yeyue and prepared them, a whirlwind suddenly blew around me. The sands and rocks that had changed instantly on the peaceful forest path were almost impossible for us to stand on the original level. Ground.

After the strong wind, I and Zhenhong exchanged their eyes, and then Zhenhong suddenly rushed out first, but she didn't find the target. "Instead, she slammed a punch on the ground, and saw a golden ring. With us as the center, it quickly radiated outward. With the rapid expansion of the aperture, a "..." suddenly screamed from a large tree not far away, and only a red figure was removed from the trunk Upstrike flew out.

"There ..." In the sound of the exclamation we found the target. "The king and Yeyue shot out of the place almost indiscriminately. The next time the red figure landed on them, they both Has rushed under the opponent.

The epee lifted in the king's hand, and it was directly a slanting cross-cut that threw a spinning black swordman. The red figure twisted fiercely in the air, relying on the flexibility of the body to avoid the Jian Mang suddenly, but at this time, it suddenly protruded from the ground suddenly. Because the lower body has a large long tail, Yeyue can announce the length of the upright to change its height. Like that red figure, it's just over three meters above the ground, and Yeyue just needs to straighten the first half of his body to reach this height.

As soon as the red figure rose, Ye Yue suddenly rose up in the air and flew towards Ye Yue. Yeyue saw the other side rushed forward and immediately put the two swords in front of one to resist the impact. Who knew that when the other side suddenly touched the blade, she suddenly penetrated a space crack. Almost at the same time, the disappearing red figure was behind Yeyue Appeared "and then fell directly to the ground before Yeyue had responded. It's complicated to say. In fact, the series of attacks just now are just between the sparks of calcium carbide. Adding a block before and after does not exceed two seconds in total.

The red figure did not take the next step immediately after landing, but first put on an attack gesture, and then continued to grin at us, which seemed to be a little scared of us.

We took a closer look at the appearance of the creature in front of us while taking the opportunity to pose there. It was obviously a fox-like creature that was standing in front of us, and the fiery red fur looked unusually beautiful with that shapely slender body. However, what attracts us right now is not her figure, but the pile of tails behind her.

Why is it a heap instead of a bar? Because the creature in front of me is obviously the incomplete body of the red cricket, and the row of tails flying behind her clearly tells us that this is already a red cricket extremely close to the complete body.

"One, two, three, four, ..., ten, I counted a few" What about you? Zhenhong asked as she counted. Although the tails behind the red pupa are fixed, because they are constantly swinging, it is difficult to count the specific number.

"Eleven ..." I reported the exact number directly. "She has eleven tails. This is already a red badger that is extremely close to completion ..."

"What about the shortest tail?" Gold Coins asked me when there were eleven tails. "How long is the shortest one? Do you see it? How can I make it almost the same length ..."

"Don't look for her. Her tail is all the same ..."

"It's the same length ..." Zhenhong asked, "Isn't that saying ...?", "Yes, she's already at the eleventh peak, and she's only a step away from the complete body of the twelve tails. That's it ... "

"It seems that our luck is not very good ..." The gold coin said as he threw out his own small purse. "Following the thousands of flying swords, the sea fountain surged into the sky and formed a spinning sword ball. Suspended above the gold coins.

"Hung Ho, see how far she is now? What are the weaknesses ..." I quickly asked Hung Ho around and asked her to help find the weakness of this incomplete Hung Ho.

After the real red cricket appeared, the incomplete body of the other party stunned for a moment, and then the fur on the whole body stood up, as if it was facing an enemy of life and death. In the same way, an incomplete body meets its own perfect body mode.

Zhen Hongyi glanced at the incomplete inconvenient way across: "I have most of my abilities at this stage, but now I should have matured in this state." The combat mode is also changing from melee to spell attack. "But because it is just beginning to convert, you will not be too skilled in spell use. You can work on this ..."

"Unskilled in the use of spells ..." Zhen Hongdao said: "That means she must be busy with fast and powerful attacks?"

"It's almost like that ..."

I nodded and said: "Then do it. Yeyue, King" High-speed suppression ... "

"Understand ..." Ye Yue's arms flashed into six arms holding the six-sword snakes in a flash, and then saw her tail rushing to the incomplete red scorpion. "The six-sword snakes were taken by her." The white light curtain of the dance went down towards the red cymbal.

Seeing that the weapon was about to approach, the red cricket suddenly flashed red in front of her, and a ring of flame suddenly burst outwards centering on her. The powerful impact not only lifted Yeyue out of the way. The king of the king was also blown back even more than a dozen steps before he could stand still.

Seeing this fake red cricket's attack power so strong, I just shouted forward with a finger: "Hei Yan, Shang ..."

There was a loud noise, and Hei Yan ’s huge body suddenly got out of the training space. ”Then he slammed into the position of the fake Hung Hom station. Only the sound of the fake Hung Hom station was knocked out. A big hole, but the fake red cricket first flashed to the top of the big tree next to it. However, after Hei Yan hit, he found that the miss did not stop, but the tail swept away. The tree shattered together with a large area of ​​the surrounding forest, and there was a moment of scattered pieces of wood everywhere in the forest. "Even the fake red cormorant that escaped was hit by a large broken trunk.

"It still seems to have to get large creatures ..." Gold Coin said.

I nodded and opened the training space directly. "Mira, help ..."

"Roar", accompanied by a loud dragon yin, Mira directly flew out of the training space in the form of a gemstone dragon "and then directly swept through the forest with a ray of destruction, and instantly ignited a large area of ​​forest next to it. After half a hill, the surrounding forest was already a mess, and it was a scene after the end.

Just as the destruction rays on Mira's side extinguished, there was a sudden loud noise in the forest facing or, and then a fiery red figure jumped out of the flame. But the little figure grew up against the wind after leaving the flames. By the time she landed, she had become a giant fox with a length of more than 100 meters.

"Attention, this is the form of my body ..." Zhenhong said to me: "In this mode, my spell power will decrease slightly, but physical attack power will increase greatly, and the attack frequency will increase. The fighting power is stronger than before ... "

Hung Hom is talking here, the fake Hung Hom there has just swooped down the Mira flying in the sky. "After the two giants crashed into a ball in the air, they entangled and fell to the ground and smashed directly. Collapsed the Banla Peak, followed by two big guys and started to scuffle on the ground frantically.

Mila is a material dragon, and herself is a ruby ​​dragon with a defensive force that is second only to diamond dragons. It can be said that hand-to-hand combat is the least feared way of fighting. However, the red pupa is obviously not easy to mess with, although the fur looks soft and smooth and does not look like a strong defense. "But the problem is that the fur is too slippery. This layer of red fur can not only become burning The red flames constantly caused Mira's spell damage, and it was completely unforced like an oil film. No matter how she scratched, Mira could not tear even a little wound.

"This won't work ..." The gold coin looked at the two big guys rolling around on the ground and said, "If you hit the mountain like this, the mountain will be flat and you will not be able to complete the task!" Pointing over there, "They're getting so big now that we can't get in our shape ..."

"Otherwise send your big pets together." No matter how good people are, it's not ... "Zhenhong suggested.

I thought for a while that it seems that I can only do that now. "Ling, ask everyone to help." Ling nodded to me "and then raised his staff and pointed forward" Training space quickly unfolded "Fortunately and plagued, they rushed out of the training space one after another towards the fake red lotus and Mirana. Rushing up.

As soon as Victoria rushed out of the space, it was a fateful arrow, but she won a health attribute. The previous attack was completely vain. But even if we did n’t get home, Victoria ’s fateful arrow came out of the oolong. However, the attributes that were added to our own people were a good one later. As a result, the attributes on our side turned up several times, and the combat effectiveness was greatly improved. However, the results of the simultaneous strengthening of both sides of the battle did not seem to speed up the progress of the battle. "On the contrary, the ability to damage the environment has increased significantly. At this rate, we will stop the red pimple and estimate that the non-edge of the mountain will become the surface of the moon. No.

"It's really red, can you still use Wanlong Pentium's tricks?" I couldn't help asking, looking at the beasts looking at the mountain together.

Zhenhong shook her head helplessly and said, "No, it has only been used for two days, and the cooling-off period has not yet passed ..."

"It's troublesome ..." I thought for a while and thought, "It seems to have to rely on the little dragon girl ..." I nodded at Ling. Ling immediately raised his staff and sent out a beam of light. Immediately after seeing the beam of light, the dragon girl X flew into the battle group and flew to us "empty and changed into a humanoid shape and fell beside me.

"What brought me back ..."

"This incomplete red pupa is too strong to fight, although this can be done with hard consumption", but it is too wasteful of time for the seal of the throne. It's up to you to kill ... "

"I'm here to kill ..."

I handed that piece of blue dragon to the scale of the dragon girl: "Anyway, with this dragon, the dragon and the dragon are still a little bit close. You should activate the skills stored on it more than I can use them ..."

"Then let me try ..."

The scale that Qinglong gave me not only can provide the ability to transform, but also allows me to use his original spell without changing my body. "Little Dragon Girl is a Shenlong" is closer to Qinglong in its original attributes, so letting her use her power will only be greater.

After getting the scales, the little dragon girl immediately flew over the battlefield, then inserted the inverse scale behind her neck, and then saw that she suddenly flashed a blue light from her head, and with the flash of light, the little dragon girl was also instant Completed the transformation from human to dragon.

"Everyone flash away ..." The transformed little dragon girl yelled at the following, my magic pets were already prepared, and when they heard the signal, they ran away. Seeing that the enemy suddenly withdrew, the fake red cricket below immediately saw the only remaining enemy above his head, the little dragon girl. Originally in accordance with the instinct of the beast, this fake red badger should rush forward at this time. However, this red cricket is now close to the edge of the beast, so her character is not completely a state of fierce beast, and because she feels a different breath from the dragon girl in the sky, she instinctively tells her not to run now. Will be dead. So driven by instinct, the fake red cricket decided to make a U-turn and escape, but unfortunately this decision was a little bit late.

At the same time that the fake redbird turned and ran away, Xiaolong's mouth opened at the same time. As the little dragon girl's mouth opened to the maximum number of fine blue arcs began to flow from her dragon teeth and converge into a blue light cluster in the center of her mouth, and with those blue dots Mang continued to inject, and the light group was also expanding. Finally, when the light group expanded to the point where it was about to contact the little dragon's upper and lower jaw, the little dragon woman fiercely closed her mouth. However, the light ball was not swallowed by her, but was squeezed out as if by her biting force and shot in the direction of escape from the red cricket.

We saw a blue ball of light on the ground like lightning. It struck nearly two kilometers in an instant and directly hit the fake red lotus that had run away. Then there was a dazzling white light. After a few seconds, Only then did I see a circle of horrific shock waves that swept across the ground like locusts and uprooted the big trees in the forest. "Some of the high peaks were also instantly flattened in the shock waves, as if those peaks and the forest were paper-like.

Our side had been prepared for protection long before the dragon girl launched the attack. Most of the magic pets were returned to the training space but Hei Yan was left behind. But at this time, Hei Yan had already formed a regiment, and the real red and gold coins were hidden in the fortress that Hei Yan had set up. Although the shock wave from the explosion is terrible, it is no power to the mountain-like melanitis. In the protection of the melanin body, we feel nothing but the shaking of the mountain.

When we came out of the protection of Heiyan, the surrounding scene surprised us. When I first arrived, the real red and gold coins also boasted that the environment was beautiful and beautiful, but now it is a post-apocalyptic scene. The surrounding peaks, except for the relatively thick ones, were cut off in half, and the remaining peaks were no longer green vegetation, and replaced by a patch of bald peaks. Trees, flowers, and everything were blown away by the shock wave. "The rest are stumps that are less than one meter high. It is light now that it is full of scars.

"This destructive power is not so great ..." Zhen Hong said looking at the doomsday scene outside.

"I want to know more about our goals ..."

As soon as the gold coins were finished, I heard a thump, and a fiery little red fox was thrown in front of us, and the little dragon girl floated down like a fairy. "Master ..." The little dragon girl reached out and handed the piece of blue dragon against the scales.

As I took the inverse scale, I said, "This thing really needs the Dragon to play its full power!", The little dragon girl quickly shook her head when I said, "No, the power just now is not normal.

"What is not normal ..."

"It's that the power is out of control ..." said the little dragon girl. "When the master uses it yourself, the scales seem to control the skill size, that is, the spell is released according to a fixed value. After the specified power arrives, it will no longer absorb the master's magic. But when I used this skill just now, there was no way to terminate it. If I did n’t react, I would drag the scales down. "I will become a dragon ..."

"I'll use it myself afterwards ..." I said, then put away the scales and pointed at the fake red cricket on the ground and asked, "how is she ..."

"Not dead yet. She just seemed to resist my attack with mana, but that attack was too powerful, and her mana failed to completely offset the attack, so it was affected a little." The little cute fox on the ground turned her head and asked me: "What is the mission this time? Kill her or subdue her? Can you turn her into a magic pet?" "Wait ..." I said I took the record scroll from my body and opened it for a moment, then said, "Unfortunately, I will tell you that the pet is no longer expected. The task is to hand her over to the group who just called us ..."

Since the task has requirements, the gold coins are not easy to force. After all, XX will not give you the same loopholes that we can drill. If we give up Zong Chengren, we will really turn this fake red badger into a magic pet, and then the system will definitely give us Ask for trouble, and this trouble level will definitely make us feel more than worth it, so even the gold coins that are greedy for money did not dare to think about any crooked ideas after hearing that it was a task request.

"After giving this comatose fake red badger to the guy who summoned us," they also gave us a reward for the completion of the task, but when they saw the barren mountain behind us, they looked It's really complicated. If they knew they would do this, I would rather let Hung Hom wreak havoc here, but we're not here. But we have completed the task anyway, they don't have anything to do with us.

Take the jade card back to the altar, and the colorful door before us appeared before us. After crossing the light gate, we returned to the Tower of Truth. "But the jade card disappeared automatically when we returned. Of course, we got a quest reward in exchange.

Different from the general task distribution point, the characteristic of the gate of truth is to customize the task according to needs, so the task reward must be what you asked for before. What we asked for before was to tell us where the Russian squad was hiding, and as a result, the gate of truth now directly gave us something like a compass, but that thing was obviously not for guidance "but for To point out the location of the Russian elite team.

After the things were in hand, I returned to the front of the battlefield with the real reds, and then said hello to the **** of war and let the real reds and gold coins do their own business, and then I started to follow the compass-like thing alone. The whereabouts of the Russian secret forces.

Originally, we always thought that the Russian squad was hidden near the battlefield and was going to catch us by surprise when the battle was going on, but on the way I was getting more and more confused. I thought that the squadron should not be far away from us. After all, they still have to support the battlefield. It is impossible to run too far, so I started to ride the night shadow. But after a long run, I found that the pointer still pointed firmly in one direction. "Considering the question of the Seal of Time and the Throne of Time," I simply replaced it with a flying bird. But this change didn't matter, but it surprised me. The flying bird took me out of the air more than 500 kilometers, but it has not yet caught up with the Russian elite team.

Does the "God of War" know where I am now ... "

"It's almost time to Xi'an ..." Jun Shen calmly said, "I've been following your position on the coordinate chart ..."

"Don't you find it strange ..."

"No, weird is the emotion of your carbon-based creatures." I'm a silicon-based creature and don't have such emotions. However, "based on your current position analysis, the Russian squad is obviously not used for raids in combat." "I think so. Unless they also have a mount like a spear, we are really fighting over there It's too late for them to come back ... "

"Since it's not preparing for a battlefield raid," it should have another purpose. "But I'm not very good at dealing with this problem of divergent thinking. Do I need to connect the vice president to the line and ask ..."

"No. Instead of guessing here, let me find them quickly, and everything will be clear when I find them ..."

"It's also said ..." Army Shinto: "Then you can find them as soon as possible. It seems to us that the Russians still have no sign of doing anything, but it may also be just an illusion they intentionally showed us. Anyway, temporarily It's safe here, so you can focus on your side ... "

"Well, then I'll ... huh? Oh, my head is flying!", I was talking to the **** of war. "The compass-like thing in my hand suddenly turned 180 degrees and turned straight forward. It turned straight. If it ’s not a problem with the guidance device, then this phenomenon can only represent a situation. We just flew over from the top of the Russian elite. "Flying Birds" landed soon. God of War, I Think I found them, I won't tell you ... "I shouted to let Asuka hurriedly land while cutting the connection with the army god.

Because we have been flying at supersonic speeds, even though we have only missed more than a dozen seconds, Ke Fei still made it through the boss ~ ~ But it ’s also good, at least it ’s not easy to find them landing Anyway, I have this tracker in my hand, and I'm not afraid to lose it.

When the bird dropped the speed to a safe range, I directly put him away, and then spread my wings to glide and landed in the dense jungle below.

In the real world, because of the large-scale development, "there are few large forests in China. But there are not so many industrial and commercial activities in the game." Agriculture seems to be very rare, as if everyone eats out of nothing Anyway, I have rarely seen farmland. However, because of the lack of farmland and factories, the forest became the main landform.

After gliding to the top of the forest, I folded my wings, lightly crowned a big tree, and then jumped forward to a big tree, hopping back and forth between the chaotic branches several times. He landed on a branch that was only four or five meters high from the ground. In this virgin forest, this height is just the bottom of the trees, after all, the big trees here are rarely below twenty meters.

In order not to leave footprints, I just jumped back and forth between branches of this height. "Anyway, there are branches in the jungle. After running a short distance so far, I finally found the elite Russian figure. , And they are coming towards me.

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