Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 228: Thunder and extinction

The reason why we thought that I could easily solve that demon after I improved my combat effectiveness. Qihang Fiction ~ Fiction from the Internet [-

-] Free text update! It's all because of underestimating that demon's fighting instinct. Because from the moment we discovered her, until just before the fight, the demon showed a very soft xìng lattice feature. Although she can be said to be first-rate, her fighting skills can only be inferior. For such an existence, as long as there is enough fighting power, it is no effort to solve her. However, everything now looks different than we thought.

The demon's fighting skills have been improving since her instinct awakened. Although she killed so many Russians to make me happy, her killings also laid the foundation for her strength improvement. A creature with only instincts is best at summing up experience in actual battles. That demon struck the throne of the Seal of God for such a long time, naturally, his body is completely mìng. In this state, although she hasn't formed some small huā tricks similar to fighting techniques, her skill in using every inch of muscle on her body alone is enough to get her into the ranks of second-rate fighting masters. What's more, this guy also has the kind of foundation that is against the sky, and combined with her second-class fighting skills, the actual combat power of this demon is even better than many first-class martial artists. After all, martial arts experts wo n’t be able to punch a mountain in one punch and kick the enemy out of the earth ’s gravitational circle, right?

After petrifying the demon's half neck and head, I took the initiative to distance her from her, and she also cooperated to recede a distance.

Just now we can say that we didn't get anything right, so as soon as the hands were over, they hurried away from each other for a while.

After separating from the demon, I grabbed my broken wall and rubbed it on my shoulder. With a flash of red light, the smashed shoulder quickly regenerated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then was almost completely broken. His arm was reconnected with the regenerating shoulder and recovered as before. After I grew that arm safely, I tried to move the arm, and after confirming that there was no problem, I looked at the demons on the opposite side and said, "I didn't expect you to be terrible, but do you have this ability?"

"Kill ..." The demon on the opposite side seemed to have completely lost his mind, and she only answered one word to me ", and the voice was very strange, not only did it not sound like a human voice, but also carried a rusty metal The rustling sound that is made when rubbing against each other is as unpleasant as it feels.

"It seems you don't understand people." I pointed forward with my eternal hook sickle, "But it's just right" I can kill you without guilt. "To be honest, I was a little bit embarrassed before attacking that demon. After all, she looks like a little girl, and I also know from the introduction of the skeleton master before. This demon is actually a little princess. As a everything The little girl who did n’t understand, was run after being run out after being detained for more than 2,000 years. It was really pitiful. However, my sympathy is only for the will of the little princess. ”Now this demon company All consciousness is lost, then I have nothing to be poor.

Watching the yellow light shining on the demon's body, I knew she was trying to impact the petrified structure on her body. The petrified technique that did not stay overnight was not easy to crack. This is not the same as dealing with obstacles outside the body. As long as you have enough strength, you can lift any obstacle away, but after all, the petrification of your body is part of your own body, and the demon cannot cut off and throw the petrified part. If you want to turn those stones back into tissues, you need methods and skills. You ca n’t do it by brute force. Besides, the demon's intelligence is basically zero, and she is expected to use this brain to come up with a scabbard. The solution is simply dreaming.

After trying a few times without success, the demon also lost his patience to try. "He suddenly yelled at me to vent his anger, but this guy rushed towards me. But, it was completely different from before. I do n’t know if it was Because I petrified her head and caused her intelligence to drop further, why didn't the demon run like a human, but put both forearms on the ground, and rushed towards me like a running gorilla. come.

Seeing that the demon who looked like a girl actually ran in this posture, I was a little stunned at first, but quickly reacted. No matter what caused her behavior to change, anyway, the state of the demon It's becoming less and less human. But just like this, the less she resembles a human, the easier it is for me to attack.

Seeing that the demon rushed in front of me, I held my hand tightly forever, and the gun point pressed downward diagonally "Then when the demon rushed in front of me and jumped up suddenly to prepare to throw me, Tu Cai turned up. Pick. The sickle blade on the tip of the hook sickle gun accurately held the demon's belly, and then, with the strength of my pick, broke her abdomen into the body, and followed the demon. The forward force lifted the demon up and flipped directly over my head.

When the demon was thrown over my head, the sickle blade hooked by the sickle could no longer hold her body. "But as she was thrown away from me, the sharp sickle-shaped crossblade was also relaxed in her A nearly one-foot-long wound was cut in the stomach. It can be said that such an incision has almost opened the entire belly of the demon, but this guy's abnormal physical quality did not respond to such a serious injury. Before She knew the pain when there was reason. Now it seems that this guy has no pain.

After re-landing, the demon first stared at the fangs and grinned threatened, then looked down at the mouth on her belly, but as she looked at it, "the cut in her belly was moving at a speed visible to the naked eye. Healing.

"Damn!" I rushed to see the healing wound. Although I hope I read it wrong, the situation in front of me has to admit that the situation I least hope to see has happened. The demon actually learned healing skills.

The demon's horrible life value and defense have already made us feel a bit out of hand. Now she has actually learned to replenish her own blood. In this way, shouldn't I never want to kill her?

No, this demon must die, and she must not be allowed to leave here alive, otherwise as her power awakens and she gradually masters the use of her own abilities, the demon will become more and more difficult to deal with.

As I rushed forward again, the eternal change in my hand gradually shortened, and eventually formed a epee. As soon as I rushed in front of the demon, I had already lifted the sword over my head and chopped down at the demon. "Holy sword, verdict."

I suddenly saw a lightsaber up to a hundred meters on the battlefield and smashed down to the demon along with my chopping. With a loud noise, the entire Russian military barracks was chopped with a blow. The two halves, whoever is on this straight line in front of the lightsaber attack line, "whether it is a master of more than a thousand levels or an ordinary person, all are a result-instantly turned into flying ash.

Now that the demon has learned to heal himself, the tactics he had previously thought about are no longer suitable for such battles.

So I resolutely gave up my intention to save magic and started to use powerful skills on a large scale. Even if the demon has learned the healing skills, she must have time to use the seal of the throne.

With the fall of the lightsaber, the demon in front was flung out for several hundred meters, hit the edge of the large pit that Xuanwu stepped on before, and crashed a broken pit side and flew outside the pit and rolled. It stopped for more than ten laps.

After the habitual xìng disappeared, "the demon lay on the ground for another three or four seconds before shaking slightly, and then began to move her arms to support the ground and wanted to get up. However, while she was supporting and wanting to get up, the one in front of her There was a sudden thunder and lightning in the large pit. I opened my hands and flew up from the bottom of the pit as if the gods were born. At the same time, a lot of dark clouds appeared in the sky. The dark clouds were over the battlefield at a speed visible to the naked eye. Gathered and began to spin up, and soon formed a huge black vortex. At the same time as the vortex was formed, the demon also stood up to support the ground. However, she had just stood still, just Seeing me suddenly pointing at her: "Thunder and Purgatory. "

Kaka Kaka bang ... accompanied by a loud sound of pain in the eardrums of everyone, a thick red armband thunder suddenly smashed down from the black cloud, and the demon blasted instantly Go out a few hundred meters away. This is not enough. After the demon was bombed and the person had not landed, the second thunderbolt immediately fell down, and compared with the previous one, this thunderbolt is now at least thick. More than double.

When the second lightning hit the ground, the demon was not hit again, but was slammed from the air to the ground, and was pushed all the way into the ground a few meters deep. Of course, the nearby soil was completely evaporated by the lightning soon. , Into a new big pit.

As the guy insisted on climbing out of the bottom of the pit, the third thunderbolt followed and fell again, and this time the thunderbolt was more than twice as thick as the first two thunderbolts. The horrible thunderbolt was almost Connected from the sky to the ground like a whip, and the powerful power is that the Russians who have not yet run far near the electricity have fallen to the ground and twitched and trembled.

At my 2,000-level level, after using Divine Realm, the attack power is already very considerable. Now I not only have this kind of attack power, "I have also been able to transfer the power of the eight strongest attacking great gods. In this case, the skills I have used have naturally turned the power several times. Although such an attack cannot be instantaneous Kill the demon, but that's because she is too strong, and the Russian people next to it are mostly ordinary people. Which of these people live in such a powerful lightning strike? Only a few unlucky eggs have been caught in the three thunderstorms. Induction electricity is laid to the ground, and if nothing unexpected happens, when the fourth thunderbolt falls to the ground, these people who were brought down by induction electricity will completely become a coke corpse. Of course, that is exactly the situation What I want to see. After all, is it unavoidable that things like "injury" on the battlefield are inevitable.

As I was thinking about it, the fourth thunder and lightning immediately followed. In addition to dying all the unlucky people nearby, he also smashed the demon into the deeper ground, and even I began to feel the soles of my feet. It feels a little numb.

Although the power is greater than one, the four thunder and lightning are far from the limit of this thunder and purgatory. In fact, this skill has no limit at all. The way it works is to multiply a user's magical attack power by a value to generate the first thunderbolt. Then as long as you have enough magic power, this thing will continue to increase the output, each time it will produce twice as much as before. Harm. That is to say, if the first time is one, the second time is two, the third time is four, the fourth time is eight, and ten times can play 1,024 times the power. Of course, if you want to achieve that kind of power, your magic must be able to withstand it. And if your magic value is enough, ten times is not the limit. "You can support you a hundred times and a thousand times. Its power will be doubled until it destroys the world and purifies the world. Of course, the above is only a theoretical attack effect. After all, no one's magic power can be infinitely squandered. Even if a protoss like Ling and Xiaochun has the infinite magic power xìng, their infinite magic power actually means that the magic power can be quickly restored, and the upper limit of magic power still exists. That is to say, the skill consumption of each time they release cannot exceed her own magic limit, otherwise even infinite magic is useless.

Although my magic power is not infinite, but my upper limit of magic power is not low, and now it is in a state of fit, my upper limit of magic power is definitely more than that of Ling and Xiaochun. Although I do n’t have infinite magic, ”I have the infinite return to the magic lord of the old prince. The four thunder mines are far from my limit.

Immediately after the fourth thunderbolt landed, there was another flash in the sky, the fifth thunderbolt followed the tail of the fourth thunderbolt again, and its power doubled again. This fifth thunder has already hit eight times the damage of the first thunder. ”The demon who was the target of the thunderbolt was burst by the whole body surface hit by this thunder and lightning, and his clothes and skin were shattered. The storm broke out. The golden body under Zhang Ren's skin is like a bronze cast gold body.

"I said that she had become a humanoid hún gold." Seeing that the demon's body surface was actually gold-colored muscles, Ziri cried out. This physical structure clearly indicates that the demon's body has been completely golden.

Although I have seen the body structure under the surface of the demon body, anyway, now the only powerful skill I can use is the highest xìng price ratio of this robbery, so I do n’t stop at all ”and continue to support it Lightning strike.

Although the power of the thunderbolt is increased by multiples, the magic value consumed by it is increased by the number of times. For example, the power of the fifth mine is sixteen times that of the first mine, but its consumption is only five times that of the first mine. When the tenth track, that is, a mine with a power of 1,024 times, is launched, the magic power I need to pay will be only ten times that of the first one. Calculate it according to this formula. ”It can be said that the more cost-effective the thunderbolt is, the more the magic power consumption increases relatively slowly with the great increase in power. Therefore, the later the unit ’s magic power will be more lethal. .

However, although everyone knows that it will be more cost-effective in the later stages, the magic cap is not something that can be added casually. So even if I know that the longer I keep, the better I can, but I ca n’t change the number of times. After all, my There are so many magic caps, and there is absolutely no way to change this. What I can do is to add an infinite return to the magic dan as soon as possible when the magic is about to run out.

With the end of the fifth thunder, the thundercloud in the sky suddenly began to decelerate. "The original swirling vortex is gradually disappearing. However, this phenomenon is not my magic can not support it, but the normal response to this thunderstorm. In fact, this kind of mine conquest is a group of five mines, and the sixth mine belongs to the second group of mines.

The robber cloud that gradually stopped spinning in the sky suddenly stopped rotating again after it was completely still, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and it quickly recovered to the speed when the first five mines were released. However, everyone thought that When things will fall red again, there is a sudden thunderous orange thunder in the sky, and the thickness is actually restored to the thickness of the first thunder. However, although the stoutness was reduced to the size of the first mine, the power of this mine did not shrink, but it did hit the thirty-two times the attack power of the first mine. In the big pit that was blasted out on the ground, the demon just struggling to get up while taking advantage of the gap between the thunderbolts, and was once again slammed back to the bottom of the pit by the thunderbolt from Orange, and this time she obviously felt huge Pain. Even with her body, which now has little pain, she still feels a strong tingling sensation. However, the worse is still to come. After the end of the sixth mine, the seventh, eighth, and tenth mines were almost lined up without a gap.

When the last tenth thunder exploded, the entire battlefield trembled violently.

Based on my magical attack power, I multiplied the power factor of mine robbery ~ ~, and then turned over 1,024 times the power of the thunder, let alone the millionth attack power It's more than 100 million. Such a horrible attack power, even the spread of Yu Wei is enough to kill any existence below level 10,000.

However, although the attack was perverted enough, the demon was more perverted. She actually screamed in such a lightning strike, but she could scream, indicating that she didn't really matter much. Anyone who has encountered the wounded knows that, in fact, what can be called is not a serious injury. The one who is clearly awake but unable to make a sound after the injury is really serious. The demon screamed so loudly that it was clearly very energetic, so the more she called me, the more she dared not stop.

At the end of the tenth mine, I hurriedly swallowed an infinite return to the magic dan. Although the remaining magic power was not in the end, it could not support the magic power of the next lightning strike, so I must quickly add it. At this time, the thunderbolt also temporarily stopped, because the thundercloud in the sky was changing the direction of rotation as before. When Thundercloud was ready again, the eleventh thunder, a golden lightning suddenly landed on the earth, and this time after the lightning hit the ground, a long spider-web-like power grid spread on the ground and spread in all directions. Out. The Russians who had been forgotten by this horrific lightning strike only now remember that they are going to be unlucky, but it is too late to run again at this time. Is it possible for people to run over electricity?

[Niu Wen without advertising novel dedication]

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