Starting from Zero

Vol 18 Chapter 235: Get 3 at a time

"Purple said, where do we say it's best to rob?" Peacock Pluto obviously didn't do such a job for a long time. No ads ~

(Reading Network) Of course, it wasn't that she hadn't snatched anything, just that she hadn't snatched money. To a great **** like her, money is nothing at all.

"Where to grab this question is not something you can decide at least. At least you have to let me figure out the situation nearby, right? I don't know what kind of world it is!"

"Let's take a look and talk," Yin Xue suggested.

The three of us were able to fly, so we moved very fast. We left a few cemeteries where we appeared and soon saw some villages and farmland, and later found a city. However, the environment here surprised us a bit. Because the undead mage we saw at the beginning was an Asian race, we always thought that it should look similar to the China region, but after we saw those in the villages and cities, we found that the situation was what we wanted. It ’s completely different.

The race in this area seems to be mixed, and indeed there are many black-haired Asian races, but more of them are white. In addition, besides humans, this ghost place still lives in piles of messy humanoid races. I don't know I thought it was New York.

It needs to be mentioned here, because New York, the United States is currently the most complex city in the world, so the hobbies and interests of players over there are more mixed, and because everyone's interests are different, so the occupations that players choose there And the race is also five huā eight. Because everyone's career and race are different, New York in the game is a monster concentration camp. If you are anywhere in the world except New York, do n’t expect to see so many players of different races and professions at the same time. Basically, you can see at least a dozen or twenty at a glance on the street. Race players, and these people do not have the same career. If people who do n’t know the situation are suddenly thrown into the game in New York, chances are they will think that they have crossed the planet exchange in the interstellar era.

The city we just discovered is clearly a match with New York, but although there are many races on their side, their careers are not so chaotic. At least the people here are mostly those occupations in the European system. There are no priests, ninjas, wizards, or any other.

"Why are all foreigners here?" The Peacock Pluto was somewhat surprised by the races and their professions in front of him, and apparently he also regarded this place as the domestic environment.

I thought for a while and said, "In fact, it is more reasonable for foreign races to appear."


"Because the gate of truth itself is a pagan thing, if all the Chinese people are in it, it will be abnormal."

"That's what I said." Peacock Pluto nodded and agreed with my explanation, but she soon discovered new concerns. "Oh," look over there. "

With the guidance of the Peacock Pluto, we found three groups of people beating each other on the road still far from the city, and it seemed that the three groups were completely hostile to each other, and any two parties were at war. However, we do not care about the relationship between them. What caught our attention was a convoy behind a group of people. A car in front of the convoy was smashed halfway down the road by a fallen tree, and a box of coins that had been pulled down from the car withdrew gold from the ground.

"It seems that our gold coins have fallen." Yin Xue said looking at the gold coins.

"Should we just go down and grab and run, or wait for them to finish and then kill the remaining people to grab gold?" Peacock Pluto asked.

"It's not necessary." I said, "We don't understand the situation here yet, it's better not to rashly offend the local forces." Isn't it troublesome to use them in the future? "

"You must offend people if you want to grab something, don't you want to make money yourself?" Peacock Pluto said impatiently.

"Did I say that I want to make money by myself? Is it just a covert way to get those Jixis. Come, let's find a place to land and don't let them find out."

"Then let's land over there." Yin Xue pointed at a taller tree.

I looked at the tree, it was exaggeratedly high "and the foliage was dense. Standing on it just to see the situation of the warring parties was not easy to find." Just be there. "

In order not to be seen by the people below, the three of us specifically used stealth before landing on the tree. The opponent is in a scuffle, and we certainly have no time to pay attention to our side. Stealth is just in case.

When we landed successfully, I quickly released the rose vines and the trailblazers and let them quickly dive into the ground. Peacock Pluto and Silver Snow knew what I was doing as soon as they saw the two magic pets.

When the three parties over there scrambled together, my magic pet quietly dug a tunnel from the ground to the underside of the convoy there. We just saw the scuffle between their children just now. None of these people would drill the ground, so that we would not be found when we entered from below.

After the Blazers and Rose Vine got under the convoy, they first dug a funnel-like vertical well staggered by half a parking space under each car, and then rose vines formed a large net with their own vines under each funnel. After everything was ready, with my launching instructions, I saw that the trailblazer quickly got under the car of the last car and dug out the dirt that could barely support the big car above it, and then abruptly removed it from the car. The other side drilled into the wheel that hit the other side. The cart suddenly hit from the bottom up immediately tilted to the other side "and the ground completely collapsed because of being impacted by the pioneer. The single-sided impact plus the inclined funnel-shaped vertical well instantly knocked the cart into the pit. In the middle, not only the materials on the car were dumped into the pit, but the car board also covered the hole, which caused people outside to notice the problem for a short while and couldn't get into the hole at all.

After the success of the first car, the trailblazers immediately made the remaining carts. As a result, the three parties in the battle looked so stupidly that all the rows of carts were reversed into the sudden pits. By the time they responded, all but the front car had already fallen into the pit.

Seeing that the car suddenly rolled into the big pit, the fighting crowd couldn't bear to fight. "Rushed towards several cars and tried to turn over the car board to see the situation. They did not know that a vertical well was dug under the car, thinking that the thing was just "Being stuck in the bottom of the car" I don't know if everything actually fell into the vertical well and was put into the net by the rose vine.

Just when those people were about to rush to the last remaining overturned car, a sudden dust of more than three meters erupted around the car, enclosing the whole car with the things turned over to the ground. " After the soil fell, they found that there was nothing but a large pit on the ground.

After discovering that the last car was also missing, those people began to concentrate on turning over the other cars. After they opened the inverted vehicle, they were surprised to find that there was a vertical well below. Those people knew the trouble as soon as they saw the well. "But when they ventured to jump down to the bottom of the well, they saw the wall of the well that had been blocked for a long time.

The trailblazers and rose vines are advancing faster under the ground than people running on the ground. They have been delaying for a few minutes after they opened the carts. The rosevines and trailblazers did not know how far they ran, etc. They jumped and found nothing.

"We can withdraw." Immediately after taking back the rose vines and trailblazers that had been drilled from under the tree, I immediately flashed with the two great gods. Although we can say that it is really powerful compared with the people below, we are not in the battle for conquest, so it is best to act in secret without being found.

After leaving the robbed convoy for some distance, we just found a woodland and landed down. Then I quickly opened Fenglong Space and threw out all the boxes I just got.

"Look at how many coins there are," the peacock Hades urged.

I also wanted to see how many gold coins I got this time, so after the peacock Hades urged, I immediately loaded and opened the first box. Although most of the items, currencies, and personnel in the mission world cannot be taken out of the mission world except for some special existences, after all, our current mission requires gold coins, so I also hope that these boxes are all gold coins. "Of course" I actually know that it is impossible. There are a total of twelve cars in this team, and there are nineteen boxes in each car. If all of them are gold coins, the number is too scary. ... From a normal perspective, it is unlikely that a team will pull gold coins.

Sure enough, after the first box was cut off by the eternal padlock and kicked open, I found that only one box of clothes was loaded.

"I depend, it's actually clothes." This is a big loss. "

"Look at the others. The whole team just flipped one box and withdrew gold coins because it would not be so coincident. At least there should be a lot of boxes with gold coins in the team."

Yin Xue's analysis was very reasonable, so I quickly summoned a large group of death guards to help me turn the boxes. I have to open so many boxes by myself. When should I open them?

Facts have proven that Yin Xue's analysis makes sense. It was true that not only the box was filled with gold coins, but the boxes on the previous three cars were full of gold coins. As for how many gold coins are in these boxes, we ca n’t count them slowly, but we do n’t really need to count them. I directly summoned Everett to use his precise calculation ability to weigh the weight of a dozen gold coins to find The average weight of a single gold coin is then called the total weight of the gold coins in each case. Divide the weight of a single gold coin with the total weight of the gold coins, and the quantity will be immediately available.

"Master" happens to have 100,000 gold coins here, and one is not bad. "

"Haha, I didn't expect to count it once" so much more. "Peacock Pluto 〖Xing〗 said with excitement:" Okay, the first task is completed. "We hurried back to find that guy, there are three tasks to complete."

"Okay, let's go immediately." I said that I put all the gold coins into Fenglong Space and put away the death guard. As for the other boxes, they were useless anyway, and I was too lazy to ask for them.

However, just as we were about to leave, we suddenly saw one of the boxes suddenly moved by itself. All three of us are considered masters of combat, and are naturally sensitive to such moving objects, all of which are noticed at once.

"What's wrong with that box?"

"I don't know." I shook my head, then walked carefully to the box and looked around. The contents of the box are just beautiful silk, which is just like garbage to us, because we didn't find gold coins before, so we didn't even move. Just when I wanted to reach out and turn the box, suddenly the box moved again, and a loud noise sounded, and I hurried back, but the box only quieted after a short walk.

I looked back at Yin Xue, she immediately nodded: "No energy fluctuations" should be fine. "

After listening to Yin Xue's confirmation, I used eternity to directly pick out the silk in the box. It was found that there was a thin layer of silk on the surface of the whole box, and a layer of non-board was less than two inches from the mouth of the box.

Corresponding to the volume of this box, the fool knows that there are interlayers in the box.

I directly inserted the eternal oblique into the wooden board a little bit, and then lifted it up, "I flew the wooden board straight away, and as the wooden board flew away, I immediately found a certain creature under the box ...

Below the partition is a bag made of velvet, but the bag has been moving, there must be living things in it, and the bigger one may be an individual. However, I am a little hesitant now. "Is this person released? We are going to secretly get gold coins this time. If we release the creatures in that bag, in case it is personal, then this person will know It ’s us who grabbed the coins. So ...

I was hesitating there, and Yin Xue suddenly reached out and popped up a light group and flew to my side. After the light group landed, it turned into a little monkey and stood on the side of the box. Yin Xue pointed at the monkey, then pointed at me, then at myself, then at heaven, and I immediately understood what she meant. She meant that we should go first, and wait for us to go far before letting this monkey transformed by energy release the creatures inside. If that was the person being arrested, we also counted as a good thing, and the monkey is an illusion of energy anyway, it will disappear naturally after a while, and it will not reveal our identity.

Now that Yinxue was arranged, I did n’t stop much, and summoned Night Shadow to ride up and quickly lift off. Yinxue and the Peacock Pluto immediately followed, and returned to the cemetery where we appeared before.

Speaking of the cemetery, "I'm kind of weird. The place actually has our tomb, and later when I looked for the tombstone of Wei Na, I also found that there are many other protoss and high-ranking personnel there. Name. Of course, it is more to find the night grave that is not even a monument. Although that place is only the entrance to the mission world, it appears directly in the cemetery. But this matter has nothing to do with our task for the time being, so I don't care too much.

When we returned to the graveyard, the undead mage immediately ran over, but he didn't look too happy just to see us back. Instead, he asked with some worry: "Why are you coming back so soon? "

"I have something in my hand, why not come back?" I said, and threw the pile of gold coins directly in front of him. Suddenly I saw a hill of gold coins. "That guy was dumbfounded. But I didn't have time to wait for him to be in a daze." You want 80,000 gold coins. There are a total of 100,000 here, which is more than required. Come on to your next wish. "

"So what ... this ... I ..." Maybe it was too exciting, and the guy said incoherently for a long time before finally saying completely: "You throw so many gold coins directly here, how can I get it?"

"How to take away your things, we have fulfilled your wish anyway. Of course, you can also make a wish for us to transport you this pile of gold coins to a designated place."

It's not that easy to get some money. If he is willing to do that, then we must be happy. But I knew he couldn't be that stupid.

Sure enough, he replied, "That's fine, I'll bury the gold coins, and dig a little bit every day and leave."

After he finished speaking, I replied: "Although I really want you to waste a wish in vain, but out of guarantee of our credibility, I still decide to remind you that you have thirty seconds left to say your next wish, otherwise The two wishes are invalidated. "Of course I can't do it for our credibility, but the task requires us to remind him once when there are only thirty seconds left, and we have to count for the last ten seconds, otherwise we will postpone the wish time Indian throne.

The guy was anxious with only thirty seconds left. Fortunately, let him think about the second task ahead of time, even though our first task took less than 20 minutes. It was done, but he still thought about a bunch of wishes.

"The second wish, I hope to get Miss Tismilia. Not only to get it, but also to make her fall in love with her, and her family must accept our union."

I immediately laughed when I heard this wish. "Haha, unfortunately I inform you that this wish is beyond our ability. The second wish is invalidated. Now let's talk about your third wish ~ ~ If you think about it, don't exceed it We are within our capabilities. Of course, you still only have one minute for the Seal of the Seal of God to express your wishes, and it will be as invalid as overtime. "

There was one mission missing for no reason, they and I could n’t laugh. Although it may not be difficult to gather more than one wish, but the lack of one still gives us a feeling of taking advantage.

In the fear of exceeding our abilities and fear of exceeding the limits of the Seal of Throne of Time, the guy finally said quickly after I started the countdown: "My third wish is to become a king, to make all people here loyal. To me. "

Hearing this wish, even Yin Xue couldn't help laughing, and explained to him the expression of his dead father: "We can make you a king, but there is no way to make all people here loyal. To you. Allegiance is an emotion, and we cannot control the emotions of others. "

"Did you just say that wish was because you couldn't make Miss Tismilia fall in love with me?" The guy looked at us with an unbelievable expression.

I answered with a smile, "Yes, not only can't make her fall in love with you, we can't make her family accept you. This is a personal emotion, and we're not very good at it."

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