Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 1: Reconstruction plan

Volume 19 Chapter 1 Reconstruction Plan

"The **** of war.

(Reading Network) "After confirming that the notifications were over, I opened the communication link.

"what's up?"

"Notify Masamoto Matsumoto that the second step is planned to start."


After receiving my order, the army **** immediately contacted Matsumoto Masa, and Matsumoto Masa was already waiting for this order. In fact, Japan was destroyed, and as a Japanese, Matsumoto Masaha would naturally not know, so he was ready to start the second step plan. The reason why I had to wait for my order was because I had called him to call him before. Don't start early. As for the reason ... it's actually very simple. I ’m just worried about the unexpected situation, so I ’ll leave it behind. After all, Masamoto Matsumoto is not the same as before. Now he ’s just one of my subordinates, not an independent leader. I commander in chief. It is up to him, the second-level leader, to decide such super-important matters as the national counterattack. Obviously, it is not appropriate for me, the highest leader, to decide.

After receiving an order from our side, Masamoto Matsumoto did not rush to launch a Japanese player to fight back, but called all the leaders of the Japanese guild together, and informed them to appease their men before coming. Don't be impulsive.

When the presidents of the Japanese guilds arrived in the underground city conference room of Matsumoto Masa, Masamoto Matsumoto was already waiting with a group of people inside. Seeing that the presidents rushed in, Matsumoto Masawa didn't rush to speak, but just let them sit down and wait until they got together.

Due to the need to appease their respective guild members, the leaders of the guilds arrived at different times. The last guild leader finally rushed to the scene after waiting for nearly an hour.

After seeing everyone there, Matsumoto said before he said, "Okay, all are quiet. Now we are meeting."

Although this is part of the plan that Masamoto Matsumoto told the presidents of the Japanese guilds long ago, after all, it was destroyed once, and the presidents at the scene were somewhat worried, plus the previous twists and turns, it can be said that Now Japanese players have become the bird of surprise, but I am afraid that Matsumoto Masako is playing this big this time, in case it is impossible to return to the country in the end, it will be troublesome. Therefore, after the meeting, all the chairpersons discussed the meeting with people who were familiar with each other. The whole conference room seemed to be filled with 50,000 ducks, which was more messy than the vegetable market. However, now their hopes are all on the premise that Matsumoto's plan is not problematic, so as soon as Matsumoto's voice is out, they immediately hear it, waiting for Matsumoto's announcement of the next plan.

In fact, although these people know that Matsumoto's plan includes the step of annihilating the country, and they will take advantage of the system to protect the time, the Seal of the Seal of Throne will launch a counterattack, but they do not know what the specific plan is, so now they are all one by one. Anxious to know the plan content.

When Matsumoto saw that the people below were quiet, he nodded to someone behind him. The player immediately left Matsumoto's back and ran to the wall, pulling the curtain hanging on the wall and tearing it. Come down.

Now Matsumoto is congratulating that the conference room where they are located is actually different from the ordinary conference room. Its structure looks more like a small theater in the Roman period. The entire conference room is semi-circular, and the central podium is the shortest. The auditorium rises out like a movie theater seat, and behind the podium is a huge wall, but it has been covered by a large piece of cloth before. As soon as the cloth was ripped off, the chairmen who sat on the seats huffed and all stood up.

It turned out that the wall behind Masamoto Matsumoto turned out to be a huge crystal map. The whole map board is a whole crystal, like the display screen, and the map above is directly displayed on the crystal, and it is still active, which can change the screen like a movie.

Seeing this huge map should not have caused such a big response, the key is the technology of this map. Fighting with our Frost Rose Alliance for such a long time, the Japanese know that we have a technology based on crystal technology, so when they see this map, their first reaction is that this is ours. Technology, that's why I was so surprised.

Regarding this situation, Matsumoto is also well prepared. After all, the plan has been in the throne for several months, and it is impossible to think of this little thing. Before everyone asked, Masamoto Matsumoto said, "Is it very surprising why I have crystal technology products of Frost Rose Alliance?" After seeing everyone's eyes moving away from the crystal screen and falling on themselves, Matsumoto Zheng He went on to say, "The reason is actually very simple, because we found this."

The picture on the crystal screen behind Matsumoto Masako suddenly turned into several photos, and those photos were constantly switching, obviously from different angles. After seeing those photos, a Japanese guild president suddenly screamed at the scrolling photo: "Isn't this a guts?"

As soon as the chairman shouted his name, many people around him immediately responded and made a loud sound, and those who did not know the reason asked the people who knew him.

One of the players who just became the guild president recently took a veteran guild president nearby and asked, "Nakagawa Jun, what is the origin of that rotten ship?"

The inquired chairman replied: "It was the Frost Rose Alliance's Battleship Red Gallant, who had participated in many battles against the Great Japanese Empire's HNA fleet, and was finally attacked by our army in the Asahi naval battle in the Inland Sea of ​​Japan. The torpedo ship was sunk. I didn't expect that it was picked up by Matsumoto Jun. "

When the guild presidents were talking about this matter, they did not expect Masamoto to continue suddenly: "In fact, we found more than just this ship, but also this." With Matsumoto's words, later The large-screen image of the ship changed, and the surface of a ship covered with a lot of waterweeds and corals and broken into several pieces appeared in the picture. However, although the battleship was severely damaged, the huge Chinese characters on the side of the bow were deliberately cleared out.

"God of victory is actually victory?" The informed guild president yelled again.

"What? This ship was also sunk in that battle?" Those presidents who didn't know the situation asked the surrounding presidents who knew the situation again.

The presidents who knew the situation immediately replied: "Yes, Victory was also sunk by our army in that naval battle, but unlike the previous one, this victory is not a battleship, she is a super battleship, yes The third of the Frost Rose Alliance's eternal class super battleships is also the only Frost Rose Alliance sunken super battleship to date. Several other sister ships of this ship are still threatening our coastal defense. . "

"What? This guy is Eternal? That's not the same level as Eternal, Flash and Thor."

"Yes. Except for Thor, which was later rebuilt to replace the sunken Victory, the Eternity, the Flash and the Victory were launched together, and in fact, these three ships in that battle All the ships were present, and at the time, the Flash had also hit more than a dozen torpedoes. Unfortunately, the Chinese super battleship armor was too abnormal, and more than a dozen torpedoes actually returned to him. "

"You can run back to China from Japan after hitting more than a dozen torpedoes? Is this ship too abnormal? How did the Shengli ship sink in the first place?" Those presidents who did not understand the situation asked in surprise.

The presidents who knew the situation recalled and said, "It seemed to be the first torpedo found by the Victory, and then in order to cover other warships, she took the initiative to intercept our torpedo ship and torpedo on the sea. More than 30 torpedoes were hit and finally sank. But it is a pity to say that if she had not blocked the torpedoes that were fired on the other two warships, it was estimated that the three Chinese super battleships at the time were reimbursed together in the Japanese Inland Sea. possible."

Another chairman who knew the situation added: "In fact, the firepower of the eternal class super battleship is too scary. The artillery can not be said, the rate of fire is fast, and the shot is accurate. Especially the five five-packed main guns That was called a big one. At that time, I remember as long as it sounded, there must be a ship sinking on our side. The power was simply too scary. Two artillery shells could blow up a ship. I served at the time. The ship was hit by the main artillery shell at the bow, and the entire front deck disappeared at once. The power was really ... so scary. "

Masamoto Matsumoto reached out to stop the discussion of the following people, and then the screen behind him switched to a large photo and stopped scrolling, but at this time the picture showed a mess of crystal fragments ~ ~ However, although these fragments are relatively messy, it can be seen that the thing is similar to the large screen that is currently displaying photos.

Sure enough, Matsumoto's next words also confirmed everyone's speculation. "Yes, you guessed right. The fragments you saw were the fragments of the crystal displays installed in the Red Courage and Victory Command Towers. We found these fragments and brought them back for targeted research. Recently, finally We broke through the key technology to make this big screen. But ... "Masamoto Matsumoto said with a long voice:" Unfortunately, this is our only finished product. Although we have overcome the key technology, our The production capacity is not enough. Currently, only laboratory synthesis can be performed, and the yield is terrible. "

Someone asked, "Is it that you are too big, so it is difficult to produce? I remember that the larger the liquid crystal display is, the lower the yield is. Can you make it smaller?"

Before Matsumoto Masayuki answered, one of the people behind him immediately countered: "Don't understand, don't talk nonsense. LCD monitors are real-life technology. How can they be compared with the technology in the game? Frost Rose League's this This type of crystal display is similar to a projector. The key technology is a resonance device. This thing is equivalent to a projector in a projector, and a crystal screen is just equivalent to a curtain. As long as you make a resonance device, how big is the screen you want to install? Both are fine. "

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