Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 5: Crazy (3)

Volume 19 Chapter 5 Madness (3)

"I'm x, what's the situation?" The Japanese player in front rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and then opened his eyes to see, it was not an illusion. Full text novel (see novel)

"Don't stand stupid, hurry up." After all the mobile angels were stopped, the players of the ghost dragon club turned back and shouted that the other Japanese who had completely stupid rushed to charge, although mobile angel is not moving, but here It's not just mobile angels, the cannons of our guilds and those guards are not good-looking.

In the shouts of the ghost dragon club players, the Japanese players at the back finally responded and yelled forward, but they couldn't help but walk around the moving angels who were standing still like statues. This **** avoided the attack range of those mobile angels as much as possible. There was no way that these big steel-casting guys were too deterrent.

After successfully removing the obstructing mobile angel, the Japanese player's propulsion status was successfully restored, but because the guard of our guild reached a lot in the throne of the Seal of Siam during the period when the mobile angel blocked it, the Japanese players obviously felt that The attack was not as smooth as before. The sudden increase in the number of guards is not only the number, but also the quality is slightly improved. Generally, it is difficult for players to single out with these advanced guards. Even if they are willing to sacrifice themselves for a suicide attack, it is almost impossible to get rid of these physically flexible senior guards. However, although one-to-one is unlikely, Japanese players do not need one-to-one at all now, they rely on more people. The guards on our side were almost thrown to the ground by four or five Japanese players as soon as they stood in front of the Japanese. Then the Japanese behind immediately rushed to start the knife repair. This method naturally sacrificed more than before, but the efficiency was It's just as fast.

Seeing the Japanese player ’s battlefield progressing little by little into the city, the presidents of the Japanese guilds who stood on the hills in the distance to observe the situation were excited and said, "Matsumoto Masahara is really powerful, even the mobile angels. It can deal with it. Looking at the current speed of advancement, as long as there is no accident, we will soon be able to capture the Fulcrum City. "

As soon as the guild presidents finished speaking, they saw that Matsumoto Masa, who had been sitting on a stone with his eyes closed, suddenly stood up. After seeing everyone's astonished eyes, Matsumoto Masabu suddenly pulled out a white spear that was stuck on the ground and slowly said, "That accident should almost have happened."

"Accident? What accident?" The chairmen suddenly rang as soon as they finished speaking. The accident that Matsumoto Masako said was probably the accident that they had just said. But what could this accident be? After careful analysis, the guild presidents in the battlefield form quickly raised their heads and looked at each other. Then they shouted at the same time: "Zi Ri Matsumoto, do you say Zi Ri will come? Matsumoto? Matsumoto? Huh? Where'd the people go? "

"There." A sharp-eyed president pointed at the battlefield ahead, and saw that Matsumoto was dragging a long strip of light towards the city.

"It seems that Matsumoto is going to intercept Ziri. Shouldn't we also send our lore group?"

"Are you going to use it so soon?" A chairman asked.

The previously proposed president said: "No matter how powerful Matsumoto can only block a purple sun, but the master of the Frost Rose League is not only purple sun. If purple sun arrives, it means that the real red, gold coins and that Kristina is probably here. "

Another guild president sighed: "Hey ... True red and gold coins are holders of Chinese artifacts, we will not talk about it. You said that Chris Dina, what did she come to Asia as a European?"

"Idiot, do you think the Frost Rose Alliance is the same as our guild?" A hot-tempered president said, "They are multinational guilds, with a very broad membership, including people from several countries, and a European woman. What's weird? "

The despised man retorted: "A woman is indeed not surprising, but she is Chris Dina, who is known as the first turret in Europe. That European turret is her nickname, and it is estimated that she should It ’s the world ’s first battery. ”

As soon as the guild president finished speaking, he suddenly saw the sky suddenly light up. You know it's midnight, even if the moon is better, it won't be as hot as Zhaoxia?

As everyone was attracted by the red light and looked up at the sky, the clouds that seemed to be burning in the sky suddenly began to tumble violently, and at the same time, a hot feeling was gradually dispersing the coldness of the night.

"What's the situation?" A Japanese player asked, looking at Huoyun overhead.

A more knowledgeable player next to him, after watching Huoyun for a few seconds, suddenly shouted, "Damn, it's strategic magic. Everyone runs away."

Of course, there are more than one player with knowledge on the battlefield, so soon those Japanese players will know what the tumbling cloud of fire is above their heads, but knowing that they want to escape or defend is a dream. "Zero" is a game of fairness. Although his fairness is sometimes difficult to understand, it is really absolutely fair in actual data. The strategic magic released by multiple people like this, its attack power and coverage area are absolutely irresistible to a single person, which is a fairness.

On the top of the fulcrum city wall, in an open space guarded by a line of elites and a dozen special mobile angels, Kristina is holding up her staff and standing on a platform that seems to be above the altar. Spells, and around the altar are nearly a thousand mages standing densely for dozens of circles. The magic on them is gathering on the staff of her hand as Kristina sings, and then flying from the tip of the staff Shot into the clouds above.

Just as Japanese players outside the city panicked around, Kristina's tone rose sharply, and she raised her staff with her hands and slammed onto the ground, saying in her mouth: "... the burning cloud Let it all be here, and destroy the world in front of me-the doomsday meteor. "

As the last syllable of Kristina was over, everyone heard only a loud buzz, and then they saw a meteorite the size of a six-story, three-unit building rolling with a blazing flame and billowing smoke. The Japanese player who swept over everyone's head and ran out of town.

If only this meteor arrives, it ’s nothing, the key is that this first meteor has not yet landed, and more fire meteors have broken through the clouds and dragged the tail of the long flame like a missile toward the ground. Straight down.

"Oh my gosh" when I saw the falling meteor shower, no matter the Japanese or Chinese at the scene, none of them thought the scene was romantic. Different from the meteors that can be wished by flashing in the summer night sky, the meteors in front of them do not bring hope but destruction.

boom. With the violent shaking of the ground, the first meteorite finally successfully touched the ground, but it did not stop immediately, but pushed all the way along the ground and plowed forward a mound of earth and stones. The hundreds of meters of scorched earth gully stopped completely, and after it stopped moving, the meteor suddenly exploded again and a second explosion occurred. The magma in the sky seemed to erupt a small fire and rain, which generally surrounded the surrounding area by hundreds. The space of meters is completely covered, and almost no one in this area can survive.

"What the **** did the woman do?" Seeing the falling meteor, the presidents of the Japanese guild were completely hysterical. No wonder they are out of control, after all, this spell is too perverted. At this time, a meteor battlefield has been bombarded, but there are still a bunch of meteors on their heads. This Kristina is a member of the Frost Rose Alliance. If they are theirs, then they do n’t need it today. Sacrifice the lives of so many Japanese players, as long as this magic, even if the fulcrum city cannot be completely destroyed, at least the city defense system can be completely paralyzed. But unfortunately ... Christina is not theirs.

In fact, the presidents of the Japanese guilds were completely frightened by the horrible fire meteor. If they can still stay calm and look at it from a side-by-side perspective, they will find that this magic is actually true for them. Not much threat at all.

The underground stronghold Matsumoto originally prepared was close to Fulcrum City itself, and the exit of this underground stronghold was a long passageway, so when Japanese players left the passageway, they were actually the first to leave Fulcrum City. Dao City Wall is only over 1,000 meters away. Spells like Doomsday Meteor, of course, are amazingly powerful, but they are also more difficult to control than ordinary magic. As the defender, Kristina cannot surely let the meteor doom smash on her head, so in order to avoid accidental injury, she can only push the magic point forward, at least the fire meteor and the wall closest to the city wall Keep a distance of more than 200 meters, this is considered a safe state. Strategic magic like Doomsday Meteor generally has a range of attacks ranging from a few kilometers to several tens of kilometers, and as soon as the Japanese leave the passage, they are only one kilometer away from the city walls. Remove the 200-meter safety distance left for safety. In fact, most of the power of the doomsday meteor hit the back of the Japanese player, and only a small area of ​​800 meters long was covered by the range of the doomsday meteor. It can be said that Japanese players actually bear only one-tenth of the power of the magic of the doomsday meteor, otherwise this magic alone can directly reduce the one hundred million army of Japanese players by a third.

With the subsequent landing of fire meteors, the Japanese players who ran out of the channel were almost killed on the charge road, and the road between the Japanese base exit to the fulcrum city wall was also smashed like a country Geological parks are generally full of weird pits and gullies, and the soil in many places is scorched black, and many places are still emitting smoke and smelling of roasted meat.

In fact, in addition to the player's injury, the Japanese were even more afraid that the doomsday meteor actually smashed the ceiling of the secret fortress prepared by Masamoto Matsumoto and the front exit passage. Although the collapsed fortress roof did not cause any casualties due to the use of the magic barrier to support it internally, the Japanese transmission channel is now directly exposed in front of the Fulcrum City.

"No, let the hunting squad go to the portal." The quick-responsible chairman just found out that the teleporters in the base were exposed and immediately shouted for everyone to send the hunting squad quickly.

The so-called hunting team of the Japanese should actually be called the elite hunting team. On the one hand, this team itself is an elite team composed of advanced players. On the other hand, the main task of this team is to hunt the enemy elite. This special configuration team is not only in Japan, but also in other countries. After all, the number of high-level players is never enough, so when the enemy's high-level players invade and their own high-level players cannot resist for various reasons, this hunting team composed of the next-level elites can be sent. Use it.

Now the presidents of these Japanese guilds let the elite hunting squads be sent near the portal, all they want is to stop our sabotage. When Matsumoto Masako left before, I said that I should have reached the Fulcrum City, and the strategic magic just now also showed that Kristina had arrived, so since both Kristina and I have appeared, true red and gold coins are not possible. To. In this case, the portal exposed is simply a huge battlefield magnet. If there is no accident, we will definitely run here as fast as possible to try to destroy the portal. After all, the Japanese troops are still transmitting. On the other side of the door, not even a sixth of the troops arrived. As long as the portal is destroyed, it is equivalent to announcing the failure of the Japanese to counterattack. Therefore, the portal battle has become the battle that can determine the balance of victory.

Sure enough, just as the guild presidents just finished shouting, they suddenly saw a purple light spot fly up in the fulcrum city. Years of meteor-like light dots flew straight towards the portal immediately after flying out of the city. However, just when the light spot flew halfway, a white light spot suddenly rose on the Japanese position and chased the purple light spot into the sky. Then the two light spots began to pull a long tail flame. Speed ​​up in the air.

The purple and white light spots have not yet separated the victory and defeat. The fulcrum suddenly rises again with three light spots of blue, gold and white, and the three light spots also chase the light spot in front of the portal after being lifted off. Fly over.

"Hurry up, Ziri is here, ready to protect the portal." Japanese players who have just been notified, who are near the portal, have put out their weapons intensively alerting the purple light spots in the sky that are getting closer. Although they knew that they couldn't stop me, they didn't mean to shrink back, even if their sacrifice could delay me by one second, it was also their victory for them, and what they expected was nothing more than that. Can hold me back and let Matsumoto Masa come over.

Just when those players were ready to sacrifice themselves, a sudden relief appeared in the sky. I saw that the purple light group suddenly lowered its height and dived towards the portal after approaching the portal, but the purple light group suddenly hit the protective barrier when it was hundreds of meters away from the portal. Although the purple light group was not blocked by the barrier, but rushed in quickly, after all, the barrier blocked the light group and made it slow for a second. That is because of this second, the white light group that has been chasing behind the purple light group finally caught up with the purple light group, and then the two light groups hung in the air and rolled down towards the ground.

Seeing the falling light mass, the Japanese players below quickly rushed out of a large channel. The two light masses that hugged together all the way down the ground from a high altitude brought a large piece of dirt on the ground and bounced again, then two The light group was separated in the air due to inertia. The purple light group continued to fly forward more than 100 meters in the direction of flight before it turned over and stabilized in the air. The white light group was After falling apart, it fell back to the ground, but compared to the purple light cluster in the air, the time for the white light group to stabilize its shape was much earlier. Therefore, when the purple light group was completely stabilized, the white light group was already stable. Take off from the ground again and hit the purple light group.

Although the speed of the two light groups is fast, it is just a pause of less than a second. The Japanese players below have clearly seen the identity of the two light groups. Needless to say that the purple light group is me, as for the white nature behind it is undoubtedly Matsumoto Masa.

Masaru Matsumoto, who re-emerged from the ground, quickly smashed into me again in the air, and then the Japanese player below saw us two entangled with each other like a fight with a child, rolling and fighting each other. Into a ball. Although our actions looked very lame, at this time no one dared to intervene to say how bad our technology is, because it is simply looking for abuse ~ ~ If anyone dares to comment on us at this time Fighting skills, as long as someone says "you have the ability", you can make this person shut up completely.

In fact, we all feel that our postures are not good. The real masters are clear. The beautiful fighting skills are actually just a way for the masters to show off. In a real master game, everyone's energy must be focused on how to knock down their opponents. How can they consider the posture? As long as you can avoid the opponent ’s attack and hit the opponent, even lazy donkey rolls and wild dog drills should be used. After all, only the winning talents have the time to laugh at other people ’s posture. If you defeat you There is no chance of speaking.

There was a rush of fire on our side, and three shocks sounded suddenly behind the Japanese player. Those Japanese players suddenly turned back and saw that the three light groups that had taken off after following the purple light group had broken through the portal's protective cover and entered the air near the portal. However, before these three light clusters had time to stabilize their bodies, they saw that three groups of people suddenly flew up from the ground and surrounded the three light clusters in the sky.

"It's the elite hunting team, I hope they can block these three evil stars." After seeing those who flew up, the Japanese players below all prayed nervously. Although these people are also elites, judging from previous experience, Japanese players are really not sure that these people can really block the three of Christina in the sky. After all, they are all in front of the power list. Who dares to underestimate the five masters?

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