Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 24: sacrifice

Volume 19 Chapter 24 Sacrifice

The Japanese players who were hit hard because of a broken weapon have n’t finished crying. Several Japanese players rushed into the transnational teleportation team, and then these people began to knock and fight against the transnational teleportation team. What to do, the transnational transmission array is just motionless.

"Ah," a Japanese player jumped sharply with a tomahawk and smashed it against the ground with a moire, but the result was a loud noise. The tomahawk flew away for a while, during which Also almost split the opposite player in half. However, although he smashed hard enough, there was no mark left on the ground of the teleportation array. Obviously, the axe was useless for this thing.

As soon as the axe chopping here was over, a mage professional player stretched out his hands, and a shining blue electric ball flew out, directly hitting the ground of the teleportation array, but the result was that A ball of lightning bounced off like a ping-pong ball hit the pool table and flew away.

Physical Attack-Ineffective.

Magic Attack-Ineffective.

Special Attack-No.

The Japanese players faced the impenetrable, invincible teleportation array in front of them like a group of mad rats encountered an iron beetle, knowing that this thing is sweet and extremely nutritious, but it can't stand still.

Due to the great effectiveness of the preparation of the ghost dragon club players, the rolling and sweeping formations of the dragons are becoming more and more chaotic. As a result, more and more players cross the defense line. No matter how serious Hongyan is, it is impossible to block so many Japanese people alone, so more and more Japanese people rush into the teleportation array, but even so, their destruction work is still no progress.

"Damn **** it" A Japanese player madly chopped off the energy column around the teleportation array with a broken epee, and said in his mouth, "Why can't I cut it? Why? Why? "

"Because that thing has a protective cover." Matsumoto's voice suddenly appeared over the teleportation array, and this reminder not only made Japanese players notice his presence, but also let the red squat guarding the side of the teleportation array. Yan noticed his presence.

Although the Japanese players below would like to ask how to break this protective cover, but Matsumoto is flying in the sky, and they can't hear the shout below. Instead, Hong Yan looked up at Masamoto Matsumoto and said, "Even if you show up? You can't break this thing."

"That may not be so." Masamoto Matsumoto suddenly shouted at the following Japanese players: "All Japanese players listen, and immediately evacuate the teleportation team. I will use the self-explosive skills to destroy this teleportation team. Leave as soon as possible. "Masamoto Matsumoto did not wait for the reaction of the following people and immediately began to prepare the self-explosion skills.

"Hum, you want to be beautiful." Hongyan roared, then set her upper body upright and kicked the ground, and the whole body was lifted off the ground instantly, and then the huge wings violently flung, and her body was raised again. It is almost enough to reach where Matsumoto Masa is.

But ... just as Hong Yan opened her mouth and prepared to bite Matsumoto Masagu, a red light suddenly flew from the oblique side. Feeling the great energy of the light, Hong Yan quickly gave up attacking Masamoto Matsumoto and turned his head to block it with his claws. Just listening to the bang, the light caused a big explosion on Hongyan's claws, but the damage to Hongyan was not great.

"Haha, don't you forget about this big lizard." Blazing Dragon Hime appeared beside Matsumoto Masa, blocking him behind, and August smoked steadily standing across the country below The top of an energy column around the teleportation array.

"It turned out to be you two guys." Hong Yan also saw August smoked and Blazing Dragon Ji, but he didn't show any tension, but suddenly opened a thunderous sound like a thunder.

With Hongyan's roar, the dragons in front of a large maneuver suddenly took a collective meal, and then the dragons who were still moving immediately began to change their dive attitude back to the air and rushed towards Matsumoto's congratulations.

Although the dragon group and Matsumoto were not close to each other, the dragons were not slow, and they rushed in within a few seconds. Seeing that the situation was not right, Blazing Dragon Ji immediately flew towards the dragon group, and shouted at August at the same time: "You stop it, I protect Jun Matsumoto."

August Xun turned his head and looked at the direction of the dragon group, and rushed forward without saying a word, but as soon as she started, she suddenly couldn't move.

"Damn, I'm locked, Blazing Dragon Girl, you have to stand up"

"What? Damn" Blazing Dragon Ji was extremely shocked after hearing August's words, but she only stunned for a few seconds before suddenly setting her sword in front of her in a prayer-like pose and then Shouted: "Blood offering-guardian of life."

A red aperture suddenly appeared next to Blazing Dragon Hime and Matsumoto Masa, wrapping them both together, and just as she completed the spell, a red beam of light accurately killed the mask, but that mask After just a flash, it stabilized, as if the beam had no power at all.

"Huh? The defense is quite high." Hong Yan's attack just now didn't work. She shouted to Long Qun immediately: "The woman is entrusted to you, I'll try the protective cover."

The dragon group obeyed Hong Yan's order and rushed towards August, unable to move below. However, when the other group was about to rush to the front, the opponent suddenly broke through the blockade and flashed to the side to avoid the attack of the dragon group. However, the dragon group received Hong Yan's order and did not intend to let her go. The dragons who rushed over quickly returned and attacked her again.

The awesomeness of August smoked here, and the fiery dragon Ji above is not good. After Hong Yan rushed to the edge of the mask, a claw was patted on the side of the mask, but it turned out that the mask seemed to be embedded in the space, and one claw did not move. However, although he couldn't make the mask, Hong Yan was keenly aware of the blazing dragon Ji in the mask under his slap.

Hong Yan, who found the key problem, immediately showed an evil smile, then he stepped back a little later and took a sharp breath. Those who know the Dragons know at a glance that this is about to spray dragon inflammation, but Hong Yan has done something very different. I saw that he was close to the mask again, and then pressed his nostril with one claw, and then started to blow.

The dragon's dragon inflammation can be said to be a very well-known attack method. At least my dragons have shown this powerful skill in front of Japanese players many times. However, there are many dragons who spray fire with their mouths. Has anyone ever seen a fire spraying with only one nostril?

The aspirated red inflammation did not use the mouth, but started to spit fire with the nose, and only used one nostril. Although this made Long Yan, which had a large coverage area, turned into a fire snake, but the fool could see it. This way, the power of Long Yan had to be turned over ten times. The crowd only saw that red light ball and was completely covered by Long Yan instantly, feeling like an egg being blasted in front of a flamer.

Because Hong Yan used only one nostril to spray fire, the flames that should have ended soon were sprayed continuously for more than 20 seconds to completely end, and after the flames disappeared, everyone saw the fiery dragon in the ball of light. He was vomiting blood in a mouthful. Contacting the skills that the Blazing Dragon Ji shouted before, everyone immediately guessed that 80% of this shield was connected with the life of Blazing Dragon Ji, and the attacking shield was consuming the life of Blazing Dragon Ji.

Although I really want to help, the Japanese players below know that even if they can fly, they will definitely not take advantage of Dragons in the air. Before the lances in our guild appeared, the Dragons were always the overlords of the air, and few things could fight the Dragons in the air. Although Japanese players were moved by Blazing Dragon Hime to sacrifice himself to cover Matsumoto's preparation skills, they could only watch, and they could not help anything other than pray.

"Ah ..." As the players prayed for Masamoto Matsumoto to complete preparations before the shield of Blazing Dragon Hime was exhausted, a scream suddenly appeared in the air. The eyes of everyone turned sharply ~ ~ As a result, I saw that August Xun did not know what to do and was tumbling and falling, and a closer look revealed that only half of her wings were left. The other half seemed to be torn from the roots, and blood and feathers were falling in the air.

August smoke has not yet landed here, and there was a squealing chirping sound there. After everyone turned their sights again, it turned out that red inflammation opened the mouth like a cheekbone and put the mask in the corner of his mouth desperately there. .

The shape of the Dragons determines that these guys are very powerful, and the teeth and racial characteristics of the Dragons determine that they have a horrible bite. Think of an ordinary dragon that can chew a stone into lime like eating peanuts. How strong is an epic dragon like Hongyan?

With the strength of Hongyan's mouth, everyone saw through the gap between Hongyan's teeth that the fiery dragon Ji in the mask suddenly spurted blood and fell, and the outer mask also flashed twice and suddenly cracked. Listening to the sound of a tooth crash, Hong Yan's big mouth was finally closed successfully, and the impact also meant that Blazing Dragon Ji was completely finished.

However, just at the moment when Hong Yan's big mouth was about to close, a white beam suddenly broke through the mask and shot out from Hong Yan's mouth, and hit the central position of the transnational transmission array. At that moment, everyone's expressions on the scene were frozen. Is that beam Masamoto Matsumoto? Did he succeed or fail?

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