Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 27: Heart of Matsumoto Masa

Volume 19 Chapter 27 Masahiro Matsumoto

A chairman who had always admired Masamoto Matsumoto suddenly asked with a bad look: "But the fulcrum city fell, isn't our country ...? Wouldn't you really want to give up Japan?"

Matsumoto looked at the chairman with a smile and said, "Aren't we going to save Japan?"

"Save Japan?"

Seeing that the other party did not understand, Masamoto Matsumoto had to explain: "To ensure that Japan will not fall into ruin, we must at least let Japan have a system recognized by the system. But Japan is not just a fulcrum city."

So Matsumoto explained that the guilds reacted immediately. One of them said: "Yeah, Chinese people are basically undefended in Japanese cities. Are we going to grab one right now?"

"You can't say that," Matsumoto said. "Although the main force of the Chinese is not here, there will be some basic forces in those cities. Although this force must not be able to keep the city, but want to simply win. It ’s not that easy. Of course, we do n’t need to worry about it. I can beat so many people in the fulcrum city, these cities that are almost empty are not even a problem. "

After hearing Matsumoto's words of confidence, the presidents were also excited and said, "Yeah, we can even take down the fulcrum city. What is the difficulty of these cities that are almost empty?"

Matsumoto Masa continued with a smile and said, "So when the Chinese fight back, we have to occupy as many cities as possible, so even if the fulcrum is lost, as long as we control other cities, Japan is still Japan. It's just a fulcrum lost. "

"Isn't Fulcrum City a key city?" A president asked. "Will those Chinese who don't have a Fulcrum City be able to send more troops?"

Before waiting for Matsumoto's reply, the next president responded and said, "No, the main reason that the fulcrum city is a key city is not the city itself, but the transnational transport array in the fulcrum city. Now the transport array has been destroyed. Even if the Chinese reoccupy the fulcrum city, it still takes time to build the Throne of Seals, so they will not be able to increase the number of troops in our country within a short time. "

"Yeah." The chairman who asked the question thought and understood the key.

Matsumoto said: "In fact, we can't say that. The important point of Fulcrum City is that because it is the location of a transnational transport array, there is also an important feature that it also has a fairly complete port. Of course, our Japanese There are actually many port cities, but there are not many ports that are as easy to defend and difficult to attack as the fulcrum city, so even if there is no cross-country teleportation array, it will still be the Chinese target. "

"In that case, we'll grab the city by ourselves and leave the fulcrum city whether or not ...?"

"They're shameless like that, what else do we care about them?" Someone said angrily before Matsumoto Masayuki spoke.

Matsumoto stopped his quarrel and said, "Actually, I think so. Those guys are really too greedy. If we keep being humble like a saint, we will only make them more and more greedy. Although we can do it for the Great Japanese Empire Free dedication and dedication, but there is always consumption in fighting. If we blindly tolerate and give the benefits to those greedy guys like parasites, sooner or later we will lose our combat power completely because we cannot get supplements. . By that time what shall we do if the Chinese call again? What shall Japan do? Do we expect those parasites to guard the country? "

Hearing Matsumoto's words, the chairmen who were still hesitant immediately sank. The fact is, as Matsumoto Masahe said, those guys are not capable of guarding Japan. This is a fact that has been born once and need not be verified. So it is obviously harmful to the country to use all the benefits to fatten the parasites. The guild presidents who followed Matsumoto Masako's departure from the Fulcrum City were controversial people, otherwise they would not give up their interests and left Matsumoto Masa for justice. However, these individuals know which one is more important than the national interest. Besides, not helping that and the parasites are not injustice, it just makes them feel a little bad for the country.

Seeing that these people hadn't spoken for a long time, Masamoto Matsumoto knew that they already wanted to understand, so he turned around and said, "Don't worry, I'm not behind you in terms of patriotism. In fact, I already have a plan. "

"Oh? What kind of plan? Can we know?"

"Of course." Masamoto Matsumoto said without mind: "The first part of the plan is that we must take advantage of this stage to occupy more cities, so even if the fulcrum is lost, at least Japan does not need to destroy the country again. Last time It is forced by the situation to make Japan destroy the country by itself. Only by breaking up and standing behind can it be cheap to capture the fulcrum city. But after all, destroying the country is not a good thing, and according to my understanding of the system, it may be too many What kind of punishment will be there, so we need to occupy some cities first to ensure that Japan will not destroy the country again. "

"What about the second one?"

"The second part is not determined by us, but by the Chinese." Masamoto Matsumoto explained: "In the first plan, we must seize the city as quickly as possible. The more cities we occupy, the more we will occupy us. The more favorable. Then, when the Chinese start to attack the Fulcrum City, we can start the second plan. According to the Chinese forces in Japan now, if they want to retake the Fulcrum City, they must take their only remaining one in Japan. The main force was transferred to attack the Fulcrum City, and at the same time they would definitely run warships to attack the Fulcrum City from both sides of the maritime transport. In the process, I would use the fleet that I had hidden for a long time to attack the Chinese people ’s throne. The fleet. "

"What? Do you still have a fleet?"

Since the dissolution of the Black Dragon Society, the Japanese fleet has been maimed by our Frost Rose Alliance fleet. Later, although they also built some warships 66 in succession, they basically failed to set off a lot of waves. In short, as in the case of the Black Dragon Club, they never battled us on the sea. To put it simply, after the Black Dragon Society, the Japanese fleet has basically become a guerrilla group, with a small tonnage and a small number, and they dare not run far. In the event of being spotted by our fleet, that would be the end. In this way, it was still the time when Nobunaga took over. In the later period, the Japanese fleet was even worse, especially after Matsumoto Masawa joined our guild. From that time, there was almost no ship in Japan. Out to sea. It is not an exaggeration to say that Japan does not have a fleet.

Just because Japan's current maritime strength is almost in name, the guild presidents were suddenly surprised when they heard that Matsumoto said that they would hit our troop convoy. Although these presidents have not participated in naval battles, they have heard of some of the prestigious names of our battleships. This time, the Frost Rose Alliance will fight back the Fulcrum City. Even if the number of the main battleships ranked by our bank is incomplete, at least half of them will definitely participate in this troop movement and battle against the city. And Matsumoto Masayuki actually said that he would send a fleet to intercept the troop convoy, that is to say that Matsumoto Masayoshi's fleet has at least the strength to conduct a decisive battle with our main fleet, otherwise Matsumoto Masayuki's cautious attitude must be Not even mentioning it.

Seeing these presidents so excited, Matsumoto nodded and said, "I do have a fleet, but there are not many new ships."

"New ship? Do you still have a new ship?"

"Yes." Matsumoto said, "In fact, during the period when I lost the Black Dragon Society, I never stopped working hard. After I left the Black Dragon Society, I used some old subordinates to retain them. Some of the warships decomposed from the Black Dragon Fleet at that time, and later I used the funds raised in the meeting to build a new batch of warships. Now this fleet should barely be able to fight the Chinese main fleet. It still suffers, so I plan to come for a raid, and my goal is not to destroy the Chinese fleet, which is too impractical. My goal is to transport troops. Even if we cannot sink all of them, at least we must reduce the number of reaching the pivot The strength of the city. "

A chairman lamented: "You are great, Matsumoto, they treat you like that, and you have to help them for the sake of national justice."

Matsumoto shook his head and said, "I'm not here to help them. I said, I'm not a saint, and I'm very angry about their behavior, so I want to retake the Fulcrum City."

"what do you mean……?"

"It's very simple. They have occupied the Fulcrum City, but the Chinese have to recapture the Fulcrum City, so they must face a direct attack from the Chinese. And, if I expected it well, Ziri would also appear in the offensive forces. "

A chairman immediately said: "If Ziri appears, the hay bales will not be able to hold the Fulcrum City. Without senior staff to deal with Ziri, their defense line will be fragile and broken like window paper."

"That's right." Masamoto Matsumoto said: "That's what I need. On the one hand, they are now filling the mouthful of oil we eat in cities all over the country, but on the other hand they are now going to take the Chinese main attack, you say they What will happen? "

"Abandon Fulcrum City and retreat to another city?"

Matsumoto nodded and said, "Yes, with the parasite character of those guys, I will definitely do that. So all I have to do is wait. When they want to give up the city, I will contact them and say I'm willing to take over the defense, but only if they inevitably give up the Fulcrum City and acknowledge that the Fulcrum City is the property of our ghost dragon society. "

"Yeah," said a Japanese president excitedly. "They were planning to evacuate. At this time, you only need to make a suggestion, and they will definitely let you go."

"No, they won't." Masamoto Matsumoto said: "You are too underestimating the greed and shame of these maggots. Although they had planned to abandon the Fulcrum City, as long as I said they wanted to take over the defense, they would definitely oppose it. "


"Because they would think that it was giving us the Fulcrum City."

"Did they get water in their heads?" Said one chairman. "We won't take over them and we can't keep them, let alone they had planned to give up?"

"No, they don't think so. They will selectively ignore these disadvantages. What they can see is that the city is giving us away. And if we don't take over the defense, they will even accuse us of disregarding it. And national justice, for the sake of personal interests, he will never die and let the Chinese occupy Japanese territory. "

After hearing this, the presidents who followed Masamoto Matsumoto were silent. In connection with this time their action to seize the ownership of the Fulcrum City and the advance counter-attack operation before Japan's demise, these presidents suddenly appeared that Matsumoto Masahe said that they are very likely to be born. If nothing goes wrong, then those maggots will inevitably put hats on their heads as Matsumoto said, so that they have to reach out without reaching out.

"What shall we do? Help them defend Fulcrum City for nothing?"

"No." Masamoto Matsumoto said, "I ate three losses in a row, and I am an idiot for the fourth time. I ca n’t help them fulfill their wishes by saying anything this time. I will announce their behavior, and then Make the offer public. "


"Yes," Masamoto Matsumoto said affirmatively, "I will tell all Japanese players about their robbing of Fulcrum City, and then openly open the conditions and tell everyone that I did not want to take over Fulcrum City defense, but for me x I am willing to take the righteousness of my nation. But I am not a fool. I ca n’t be pitted again and again. So, I will take out a few small cities that have been beaten to exchange for fulcrum cities. Although these cities and The benefits of the fulcrum city cannot be compared, but the fulcrum city is now at risk, but those small cities are in the rear of security. I do this to occupy the national justice. Those guys promise that is the best. If they do n’t agree, others ca n’t say it anymore. I'm not reaching out to rescue the Fulcrum problem. "

After hearing Matsumoto's explanation, the guild presidents all lighted their heads. One of them said: "This method is really good. It takes all the doctrines and the high points of justice. Even if those guys are shameless, they don't want to take advantage of us. It is a pity to give them some small cities for nothing, although small cities are not counted. What, after all, we also knocked it down, I always feel a bit loss. "

"Haha, so now we are working harder to occupy more cities. Now the main force of the Chinese in Japan must be moving towards the Fulcrum City, while other cities are basically empty cities. Chinese domestic troops should not be on the road yet. The whole of Japan is almost There is not much Chinese power. As for the maggots in the country, they are still busy grabbing that city share in the fulcrum city, and no one is competing with us for those cities in the country. This good time is now God for a while now The throne of India is now, so we must hurry up and seal the throne of time. "

A chairman waved his fist and said, "We all listen to you, Matsumoto. We will do what you say. We will not be like the maggots. We will defend our national interests with action."

Looking at the excited guild president and their men, Masamoto Matsumoto's face revealed a weird smile. When those presidents were dispersed to arrange their own guild, Masamoto Matsumoto sighed in his heart again: "I used to be so **** and worked hard for the revival of the Great Japanese Empire. Unfortunately, ... What do you sigh here? Now I ’m not a Japanese player leader, nor was that hairy kid. Now I ’m a senior spy of the Frost Rose League, I ’m me, I live for myself. You **** bastards, eat I will spit it out for me, and return it for those who take up me, and the humiliation you add to my heart, I will make you return ten times, I swear. "

"Matsumoto-kun?" Suddenly a shy shout drew Matsumoto back from his thoughts.

"Ah? What? What are you so scared of doing?" Asked Matsumoto Masahiro, who looked timid in front of him, with a kind smile.

The player also said a little timidly: "You ... your expression ..."

"Emoji?" Matsumoto Masako froze for a while, then reacted, probably because he was too excited just now, so he expressed his thoughts on his face and was just seen by this young player. After understanding the reasons, Masamoto Matsumoto quickly explained: "Oh, just now? Just now I was thinking that those **** Chinese people occupy such a large area of ​​our territory. In the future, I will take Japanese players to kill Chinese people. Today, the land they occupy will be returned ten times more in the future. "

After hearing this from Masamoto Matsumoto, the expression of the player immediately returned to normal, and then said in admiration: "You are so great, I will follow you in the future and set foot with you as a conqueror Chinese territory. "

"Haha, it is good to have ambitious goals, but young people still have to come out of their eyes, and they ca n’t be far-reaching. Oh, what are you doing to me?"

As if to remember the business, the player said quickly: "Oh ~ ~ Yes, our president wants to ask, we also have three ships in the guild, can they be merged into your fleet and your ship? Let ’s stop the Chinese carrier? ”

Matsumoto thought and thought: "I'm afraid this will not work. Our fleet has been training the Throne of the Seal of God together for a long time. Fighting is like a whole. Adding three ships into it will affect the overall coordination. Besides, the battleships of the Frost Rose Alliance are very fast. In order to gain the upper hand in their battles, our battleships have been specially modified. Your ships can't keep up with us and will drag down the fleet. I think I will Keep your ships for offshore defense. We also need coastal defense anyway. "

"Oh, then I get it. I'll go and tell us the president. Goodbye."

After sending the little player away, Matsumoto Masaka turned around and took a small communicator from the deputy around him, and then looked at the nearby people who knew the inside story before he started speaking to the communicator: "God of War , We can start the second plan. We are heading to the target city. Finish. "

"Understand, good luck."

After receiving the confirmation of the **** of war, Masamoto Matsumoto threw the communicator directly to the deputy's side, then stood up from the mount and shouted at the back: "The whole army, the goal is Tokyo."

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