Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 31: Many unequal treaties

Volume 19 Chapter 31 Many unequal treaties

The Japanese players in Fulcrum City were all frightened by the maritime crisis that Masamoto Matsumoto suddenly shook out. If it is a threat on the ground, Japanese players can still stand it, but how can this threat at sea be fought? Japan doesn't even have many warships that can go to sea now

Just when the gang of Japanese players were anxiously chasing around with the ants on the hot pot, Matsumoto Masa then suddenly said, "You don't need to worry too much, although I can't say that I'm a single-minded, but I think I do n’t lose anyone. I have already sent out the last battleship group raised by the ghost dragon society. Now this fleet is intercepting the fleet sent by the Frost Rose Alliance at sea. If there is no accident, at least It should be possible to intercept more than 80% of the opposing force. With good luck, it is not impossible to completely intercept the threat at sea. "

The "huh" fulcrum exhaled collectively. For Japanese players, the most feared thing is the navy of our guild. After all, the two sides are too far apart.

After a moment of waiting, Masamoto Matsumoto continued: "Although I can send troops to intercept the maritime crisis for the collective interests of the Yamato people, the fighting on the ground still requires your efforts. But I believe that since I can rely on It is also possible for you to intercept the Frost Rose Alliance ’s maritime power on your own, and to stop the Frost Rose Alliance's ground attack with the help of the city walls. "

After listening to Masamoto Matsumoto, those Japanese players who were quite scared are calm now. After all, the threat at sea is basically resolved by Masamoto Matsumoto. If they ca n’t even solve the problems on the ground, it ’s too bad. Some more.

These players are determined in their hearts to resolutely defend the fulcrum city, but did not expect that Matsumoto Masaru came out again. "But just a few hours ago, I suddenly received an ultimatum."

Hearing what Matsumoto said was the ultimatum, all those Japanese players were stunned. Ultimatum? What ultimatum? Japanese players are baffled by Matsumoto's words. What ultimatum did the Chinese want to attack the Fulcrum City for Masamoto Matsumoto? With their information network, it is impossible not to know that Matsumoto is not in Fulcrum City, right? Did he warn him not to participate in the defense of Fulcrum? Doesn't that seem possible?

Japanese players were mumbling about that, and Masamoto Matsumoto followed and said, "This ultimatum is from the temporary guild alliance joint meeting, which asks me to give up the city I have occupied and go to the fulcrum city to participate in the fulcrum city defense And, there is one last thing in Tongji, that is, if I do n’t come, they will announce to all players in Japan that I am a traitor and I refuse to participate in the fight against the Chinese. I will declare me a Japanese traitor. , Traitor. "

"Om ..." Fulcrum City fry in an instant. This news is even more explosive than the news of the fleet we sent before. After all, Masaru Matsumoto said that he had sent the fleet to intercept the guild, but now the problem has not been resolved, and the problem is that the ultimatum's originator is actually their leader, and the content of the information should obviously be In their name. It should be known that the joint meeting of the Fulcrum City temporary guild alliance is actually a temporary management organization formed by the guilds of Japanese players that belong to Fulcrum City, and the information in the name of this unit should be considered by all players in Fulcrum City. Mr. Matsumoto suddenly received such a message, everyone knew that he must be in a bad mood now. This is no longer an ultimatum. This is a naked threat.

Probably deliberately set aside time for these Japanese players to consider the Throne of Seals. Matsumoto paused for a long time after speaking, and continued: "Maybe many of you are still unclear. After the presidents from the fulcrum city rushed out, I didn't actually stop fighting, but took my ghost dragon club and some guilds willing to follow me to capture all the Japanese cities north of the line from Nagoya to Fukui. Now even if you are defeated , The fulcrum city is occupied, then as long as my ghost dragon will be there, Japan will retain half of the land. However, your chairman asked me to give up defending these cities to help you defend the fulcrum city, and if I do n’t When they come, they will declare to the former Japan that I am a traitor and a traitor. "

After finishing this, Masamoto Matsumoto paused for a while, and then accused with an unusually angry voice: "It is difficult to calculate the account with half of Japan for a city. Isn't your chairman aware of these two? Which is more important? Even if the Fulcrum City is the strategic center of gravity, even if the Fulcrum City is of great significance, can the Tokyo circle and half of Japan together cannot offset this importance? No, no. They are not stupid, they know everything . They understand that Fulcrum City is not so strategically important. They also understand that the best way is not to let me give up half of Japan to support Fulcrum City, but they still decided to let me give up Fulcrum City to support them. Why? "

When I heard Matsumoto Masaha said why, those Japanese players looked up at the projection in the sky and waited for his answer, and the presidents of the Japanese guilds jumped hurriedly, but they couldn't stop the shadow. Like. The people sent by Matsumoto Makoto used not a fixed projection device, but a one-time magic playback device. After starting the device, the device itself has been destroyed. It is impossible to terminate the playback of the screen and sound by destroying the device.

Just after the presidents were in a hurry, and the Japanese players looked up and looked up at the projection for a few seconds, Matsumoto's projection finally said: "They understand that half of Japan must be more important than the Fulcrum City, but they still let me give up half It ’s absolutely strange that Japan came to support the fulcrum city, but in fact it conveys the wisdom of these presidents. The reason why their behavior is different from what everyone thinks is not because they do n’t understand what is good for the Japanese nation. Just because they are not fighting for Japan at all. "At this point Masamoto Matsumoto began to say," They are fighting for themselves. What they want is not the great rejuvenation of the Japanese nation, but themselves. The great revival of Japan. What ’s the big deal about half of Japan? Even if I control the whole of Japan? It ’s not their place. Their place is only the Fulcrum City that was just snatched from me. So it does n’t matter to lose half of Japan , But it ’s not enough to lose the Fulcrum City. Because Japan is Japan for all Japanese people, and Fulcrum City is their personal Fulcrum City. Their great wisdom, this is their code of conduct, which is the reason behind that letter of ultimatum. "

When Masamoto Matsumoto spoke this amazing news, the entire Fulcrum City was not in chaos, but completely quiet. It was as if no one was in the city. Everyone can even hear the sound of tens of millions of people breathing together.

In fact, many of the theories that Masamoto Matsumoto said were incorrect. The presidents of the Japanese guilds are indeed more selfish, but they are not as exaggerated as Matsumoto Masa said. In addition, the Ghost Dragon Society did not actually control half of Japan. They only controlled the area north of the line from Nagoya to Fukui on Honshu Island. Although they were behind them in Hokkaido, they were not actually controlled. . Also, even if Matsumoto is in control of half of Japan, in fact, they still cannot compare with Fulcrum City.

Economically, it is clear that half of Japan's output must pass through the fulcrum city many times. However, military matters are not as simple as imagined. Although the fulcrum city's narrow area cannot be compared with half of Japanese territory, but because of its special geographical location and its remaining residual resources, as well as its status in the hearts of Chinese and Japanese players, the fulcrum city's strategic value has been determined. Much larger than half of Japan's territory.

However, although what Matsumoto Masayoshi said is not correct, can anyone explain the problem? What are the thoughts of the presidents of the Japanese guild? Will they tell others? Even if they said it, would anyone believe it? Therefore, Masamoto Matsumoto said that their mind is selfish, and even if they refute, it is completely useless. As for the question that Ghost Dragon will control half of Japan, although it is not correct, after all, Hokkaido is under their distance and has no defense force at all. If Matsumoto has to say that they have controlled Hokkaido, then Miscalculated, except that they have not nominally controlled half of Japanese territory. Finally, regarding the issue of the strategic value of the Fulcrum City and half of Japan, let alone this, the strategic layout of things. Ordinary players are limited to identity issues and cannot access such macro-level battlefield information. They cannot make correct judgments. Second, even if there is sufficient battlefield information support, can ordinary people as ordinary players have the ability to independently carry out strategic intelligence assessments? Therefore, although there is a lot of content in this paragraph of Matsumoto Masa, intentionally exaggerated and reversed the black and white content, but the average player either does not have the ability to distinguish, or has the ability to identify but can not prove, anyway, no one can refute Matsumoto Masa. Well, since it can't be refuted, it can only be acquiescence, so even if there is a problem with what Matsumoto Masaha said, it will only be adopted as a fact by Japanese players.

After hearing this series of statements by Masaru Matsumoto, the presidents of the Japanese guilds almost did not pass out collectively. Who said that Matsumoto is honest with that guy? This kid is just a wolf in sheep's clothing

The presidents of the Japanese guilds here weren't fierce enough before the annoyance, and suddenly they heard the Matsumoto Masaru projection in the sky and started talking again. Honestly, the presidents of these Japanese guilds are already a little scared of what Matsumoto Masa congratulates. Although this guy's words are not considered sonic attacks, their power is definitely not worse than any weapon.

"I know you will have a lot of thoughts after listening to my words." Masamoto Matsumoto said in a calm tone as possible: "Some of you who are unclear about the truth may feel that I am aggrieved and will be angry at your meeting Chang can actually do such a shameless thing. Of course, there are definitely some people who think they are doing wrong, but they also think it ’s human nature, even if there are some unscrupulous guys and your chairman, they think it ’s a pit. I do. I do n’t care what you think, anyway, I just want to say, I love Yamato, I love my country, but I love this country, not someone in this country. I wo n’t do it for you personally. I sacrifice my own interests, and in your and my own interests, I value my own interests more than yours. I dare to say this because I do n’t feel that my interests are more important than others ’interests What's more shameful. Safeguarding my legitimate interests is supported even by law, so I don't want to sacrifice myself for the benefit of others When interest, especially in such behavior will harm the interests of more people, I would never do it. "

After hearing Matsumoto's fairly straightforward words, the reaction of Japanese players was different. Some selfish hypocrites have begun to criticize Matsumoto for doing something wrong, but most people think that Matsumoto is right. It is normal for one's family to be killed at the same time as the other's family. It is normal to save one's family among a thousand people. If one or two people can save one's family first, that's a very high probability. Therefore, in accordance with this public ideology, Matsumoto's behavior is actually correct.

Fulcrum City players are arguing which side is right and which side is wrong, but Matsumoto's voice sounded again. "I know that your views may be different, and some people may still be angry and want to ask their chairpersons to ask them clearly. However, I hereby ask you to temporarily suppress your anger, and do not go to your President's trouble. This is not because I am very generous, nor because I pretend to be a saint, but because I do not want the Chinese to take advantage. Although I am convinced that the strategic value of Fulcrum City is not as good as half of that of Japan. Territory is comparable, but I must admit that the strategic significance of the Fulcrum City itself is actually very important. Otherwise, I would not have made it the first city that must be attacked when I led you to the battle for the restoration of Japan. So Even if I do n’t reinforce the fulcrum city, I do n’t want it to fall into the hands of the Chinese. Therefore, the fulcrum city must not be chaotic now. You must hold your own ideas and temporarily unite and follow the command to fight the Chinese counterattack. Otherwise, once you get into chaos inside, the Chinese will just be able to take advantage of the futuristic occupation of the Fulcrum City. I think that is something that no one wants to see. "

Hearing that many people involuntarily nodded their heads, after all, Matsumoto Masa said that it really makes sense. Not to mention now, at any moment, internal contradictions will only bring benefits to external enemies, but the situation at the Fulcrum City at this time is even more obvious.

After these people nodded, Matsumoto Masaharu seemed to be able to see the response of the crowd and then said, "Although I said before, I don't want to give up my legitimate interests for the benefit of others, but I am also a patriot, so, I feel that I am willing to make some small contributions for the national interest. The Fulcrum City is a strategic focus. Regardless of whether this time stays or not, the Fulcrum City will be repeated between us and the Chinese in the throne of the Seal of God for a long time to come. The focus of the competition. It can be said that the city has been doomed to war from the beginning. So, I propose a plan here. Although I can't transfer all my teams to defend the fulcrum city, I can lead some elites. The staff came to reinforce the fulcrum city. You should have some impressions of the three angels who appeared in the fulcrum city during World War I. The three of them are actually members of our ghost dragon society. I can lead them all to join me to reinforce you. Although we ca n’t kill a lot of Chinese troops, at least we can help you block the guys from Ziri and Frost Rose Master single this one, I believe will be able to greatly enhance the city to hold the fulcrum of hope. "

Speaking of this, Masamoto Matsumoto paused for a moment, then went on to say: "However, although I want to defend the city like this, I have the conditions. I hope I can make an equivalent exchange with your leaders. In this battle After that, I hope that the Fulcrum City can become the city of the ghost dragon society, because the Chinese will surely continue to invade the Fulcrum City. If not, we will lose the Fulcrum City sooner or later. So instead of letting everyone keep it, A city that must not be saved might as well give me this hot potato to deal with.

Of course, I do not want to take advantage of you accordingly. The fulcrum city has great strategic value. Although I played a role in the previous battles, no matter who is right or wrong, at least now the fulcrum city is under the control of your guild, so I do n’t want to defend the country well, but I have a reputation for looting. . So I decided to replace it with a city and your guild. I will exchange the fulcrum city with the city that has been occupied by our ghost dragon. Of course, because of the importance of the fulcrum city, the one-to-one exchange ratio is unfair, so I will exchange it one to four, that is, According to the area of ​​the fulcrum city, a city four times the area of ​​the fulcrum city is used to exchange the fulcrum city. However, the fulcrum city itself is very large. Except for the Tokyo circle, I really can't find any city that has four times the area of ​​the fulcrum city. Besides, so many of you will be crowded in a city, and the distribution of power is also a troublesome thing. So I consider using ten to sixteen small and medium-sized cities to exchange fulcrum cities so that you can better divide them. Regarding my suggestion, if your guild leaders can accept it, please tell my special envoy. He will now fully represent me and your chairmen in negotiations. As soon as the agreement is reached, I will immediately lead the elite I can mobilize. Troop reinforcements. I believe in your judgment, so I have prepared the team now. As for my ability to play, it depends on your efforts. Well, think about my suggestion carefully. "

As Matsumoto's words ended, the projection in the sky suddenly flashed and disappeared. But although the picture disappeared, the expressions of the presidents of the Japanese guilds did not change at all. Matsumoto's remarks not only prevented the well-designed traps of these guys from starting, but also included them in themselves. Now they really hate the suggestion of Masamoto Matsumoto. Can the fulcrum city be strategically replaced by a city four times as large? Besides, this guy, Matsumoto Masa, actually pretended to demolish them into more than a dozen small and medium-sized cities for their good sharing. You have to know that the value of the city is even more diamond-like. Can a two-carat diamond and two one-carat diamond have the same value? Besides, Masamoto Matsumoto is not just as simple as splitting it into two. He has split a diamond into more than a dozen crystals. Not only has it been divided into many pieces, but even the materials are different. The difference between them is definitely not Several times dozens of times the problem. But what depresses these chairpersons most now is that although they know that the sale is going to die, they still have to do it. Just as they used to deal with Matsumoto Masako before, now Matsumoto Masako throws this method back to their heads. The current choice of these presidents is to either accept the proposal to lose the Fulcrum City, or refuse to suggest that the Fulcrum City Belt Guild be lost together. Although the fool knows that the previous solution has a small loss, after all, the Fulcrum City was delivered for nothing. Such a large piece of meat has been swallowed. I didn't expect to spit it out. Who can stand the frustration?

The presidents of these Japanese guilds were feeling depressed. I did not expect that the special envoy who had disappeared for a long time before the throne of the Seal of God suddenly emerged from the top of a building beside them.

"Everyone standing here is ready to welcome me? Whoops, how can you be so embarrassed?" The special envoy jumped off the roof by himself.

Because the guy has been wanted by these presidents before, and now he suddenly flew backwards when he came around, and the special envoy asked with a smile: "This is your hospitality? Or Don't you plan to accept our president's proposal? "

The presidents had planned to give this guy something to do, but when they heard each other's words, they immediately softened. That's right, the other party is threatening them, and there is no room to turn around. With the previous passage, what Matsumoto Masako needs now is just an excuse. If these guys honestly cooperate with Matsumoto Masa, then Matsumoto Masa will find no excuse and can only get the Fulcrum City. If they don't cooperate, then Matsumoto Masa has an excuse to bring the Fulcrum City with their guild. I have it in my pocket. In fact, these people have clearly known that even if they cooperate honestly now and finally wait for the Battle of Fulcrum City to end, their guild will definitely experience a large-scale shrinkage. After all, the things they did before are really too bad. People with a little sense of justice and right and wrong will not agree with their behavior. Although not everyone will leave the guild to join the ghost dragon club because of this disagreement, but there will definitely be some radicals to go to the ghost dragon club. It's just that I know that these chairmen are now like **** who have defeated. Even if they know the result, they can only go step by step into Matsumoto's trap.

"What do you want?" Asked the president of a large guild, like a discouraged ball.

The envoy said with a smile: "It's not what we want, but what you want. I'm negotiating with the sincerity of our president. You have to tell me if you want to accept the proposal before we can start talking. Specific details. Of course, if you refuse, even the details can be omitted. "

The chairman asked with a bitter smile: "Do we have a choice?"

Hearing the chairman's words, the special envoy replied: "What are you talking about? Since it is a suggestion, naturally you can choose. We can't put it on your heads. The knife is forcing you to choose. Are you sure? "

"Okay, don't fight with him." The other president grabbed and asked to answer: "We accept the suggestion, please invite President Matsumoto to come to us to reinforce us? ?"

Hearing the envoy here smiled, and then said, "It's not a matter of okay, it's your choice. Now that you have chosen to accept Mr. Matsumoto's suggestion, let's discuss the details?"

"Details?" The presidents thought the details that the guy said were a perfunctory at first, but they didn't expect to have details to talk about, but then they had a tight heart. Shouldn't these guys play any tricks? A president asked tentatively, "What do you mean by the details?"

The envoy asked in a very puzzled manner and asked: "Of course, the details are to ask which cities you want to choose? Don't you understand? I think we have said clearly before."

As soon as I heard this detail, the presidents recovered some spirits. Although this big diamond in Fulcrum City will be forced to turn into a pile of worthless crystals, but it is worse than nothing. Anyway, diamonds are destined to become crystals. In that sad time, the Seal of the Throne of God is better. Get two crystals of better quality, at least not to lose so much

It's a pity that although these presidents thought well, they just underestimated the rigor of how Matsumoto was doing things. The special envoy saw these presidents understand and took out the map that he had brought with him to the ground, and then said: "Look carefully, the red circles mark the cities that can be used for trading. Each circle There is a record of the area of ​​the city on the edge. You can calculate it by yourself, just make up four times the fulcrum. Don't choose more. Of course, I know you will never choose less. "

A Japanese president asked: "That ... the city area is not a whole number, so how can we not make up exactly four times the area. In case, the total city area we chose is more than four times the fulcrum city. How to do?"

"Up to one percent of the total area of ​​the Fulcrum City is allowed. If there are more, re-election is allowed."


With a little bit more thought, these presidents finally started to calculate the city area against the city markers on the map, but soon they had problems.

A guild president pointed to one of the city roads: "This Xuyu County was the territory of our guild. I remember it was not so large."

Another chairman also pointed to a city road: "The area of ​​this Sanmecho in our guild is not quite right. The data above is a little larger than the area we measured before."

A savvy president said, "Forget it, forget it. This must be the two shortcomings of Matsumoto Masako's shortcomings. He deliberately takes advantage of us here. Now the situation is better than others. Fortunately, the difference is not so great. Large, but all rounded up. "

The chairman just finished talking, and someone cried, "But look at these cities. All of them are former third-tier cities. Don't say that they are better than the fulcrum cities, even if they are slightly larger than the cities. Ah, these cities are replaced by fulcrum cities, we are losing money. "

Originally, the chairman was more polite when he persuaded the previous few people, and when he was said, he immediately became angry. "Don't we know the loss? But you don't see what's happening now, what's the negotiation? This is Matsumoto Makoto holding a knife holder around our neck and signing a surrender agreement. Are you still bargaining with others? Have to be able to bargain? What else do we sign this thing for? "

Being rushed by this person, all the former presidents who were clamoring forever were quiet. Yes. Now it ’s someone ’s knife hanging on their head. This is not negotiating business. This is an explicit inequality agreement and it ’s still not possible to sign.

Understand the current form, those people no longer clamor, it is useless anyway, just to trouble yourself. The helpless presidents had to look at the map again to find out how to choose a city. Although there are no good cities in the circled cities, the generals in the dwarf can always be divided into three, six or nine. No, that's wrong. This is not a good city either. The presidents found and suddenly found a large city "Akita" on the map.

"I'm x, isn't this the wrong picture?" In view of previous Matsumoto Masa's lack of two-pounds in the urban area, these presidents have already determined that Matsumoto Masa will not arrange for them any cities with oil and water. Who knows how to find and find them a city on the map that was considered to be a very large city before the war.

Although this Akita is not a strategic city, its geographical location is very good, and its area is also very large. It is considered as one of the top-class cities in the first-tier cities. It's really surprising that such a city will be reduced to a permitted trading range.

Although I don't know why Akita was included in the optional range, the chairpersons would not just congratulate Matsumoto and directly enclose the city. Then they found that there is a circle of small and medium-sized cities near Akita that are within the scope of selection. Although not as good as Akita, these cities are quite good compared to other cities, at least much better than the third-tier cities they have never heard before. So, these presidents did not hesitate to draw all these cities into the range of the city they requested, and the final area was calculated. Hey, it is just 0.9% more than the limit. In other words, the upper limit of the limit of Masamoto Matsumoto's limit is only one thousandth. Why not take such a good bargain? The chairman of the gang recorded all of these cities one or two or three without much discussion.

"Just these cities." After quickly determining the name of the city, the presidents passed the information to the special envoy of Masamoto Matsumoto.

After taking the list and comparing the area with the map, the envoy suddenly frowned and whispered to himself: "Strange, why is Akita on the map?" Although he muttered quietly, but because the presidents Waiting for his answer by the side, so nearly everyone who heard him heard his whisper. These people couldn't help but have a rush of joy in their hearts, thinking that what seemed to be the ghost dragon would have made a mistake. Important cities have also been drawn to alternative cities.

With this kind of thought, the presidents even felt that they had made more money, so they urged the special envoy to say, "Whether you can give a good word." Of course, they didn't want the other party to repent. If the other party goes back and researches that the current Akita should not be on the shortlist and push the plan back, then they will really lose out. So they decided not to give the envoy a chance to respond.

The envoy was urged immediately: "Okay, okay, you seem to be more anxious than me"

The presidents were afraid that the other party would find a flaw and hurriedly said, "Aren't we in a hurry? The Chinese troops are all out of the city, and no matter how slow they come in, we have to take responsibility for it. Do you want to lose money inside and out? "

The envoy was said with a smug smile, and then said, "Okay, okay, isn't this just the area? Let me see, sip, you really count? This dense card is just like the upper limit Lower, it's not a loss at all. "

"What? The upper limit was set by you, and we didn't set it."

"I didn't say no. Come, let's sign the agreement now, and once the agreement is finalized, I can write to the president over there immediately."

"Okay, we sign."

The special envoy Xun came up with a system-guaranteed highest-efficiency agreement, which alone is already worth tens of thousands of crystal coins. Show the virtual agreement to all the presidents, then fill the selected cities into the reserved spaces, follow the special envoy to come up with an agreement, and then use this agreement to cover the big agreement This seal was also explained by the special envoy: "This is a commission agreement given to me by our president, which means that I have the right to sign this agreement on behalf of the Ghost Dragon Club."

The presidents nodded to understand, and then read the agreement carefully. The system guarantee agreement is not like the actual agreement, which makes the clauses more complicated in order to make excuses in the lawsuit. The content of the agreement here is very simple. There are only a few items in total, but because of the strong guarantee of the system, so Agreements with thousands of terms are often more useful than real ones. After all, the agreement is dead and the system is alive. With the human system of the main system and the absolute fairness of third-party identity, any written agreement cannot be compared with this system agreement.

After reading the few terms of the agreement quickly, the Japanese presidents shouted their consent. This agreement is a system guarantee. You do n’t have to press the fingerprints. As long as you confirm the agreement, the system will automatically add the name. Efficient and error-free.

After the agreement was made, the special envoy said, "Okay, the agreement is finished. It was supposed to be a party to celebrate at this time in accordance with international practice, but I know you are not in the mood, so just leave it. Now I will inform Our president comes to the battle, please wait for the good news. "The envoy was about to leave, and suddenly thought of something turned back:" Oh yes, I forgot to tell you. Before our troops arrive, you We must also be quick to prepare. We are only responsible for assisting you to resist the Chinese offensive. It is not that our ghost dragon will completely contract defense tasks. We can't stop so many Chinese people, so you have to work hard. Well, things That's all, goodbye everyone. "After that, the special envoy threw out a teleportation scroll and stood up, and soon disappeared in front of everyone.

"Huh, I finally sent the plague **** away." Seeing the envoy leaving the chairmen, they were relieved.

Another chairman said: "Haha, with Akita and the surrounding cities, we actually did not lose much. The output of the Fulcrum City is indeed more than those cities, but just as Matsumoto said, Fulcrum City This is a city that the Chinese must fight for, and there will definitely be constant wars in the future. Even if some output is thrown into it, it is better to make money in these second-tier cities. "

"That's it." A chairman laughed: "Matsumoto Maharaga likes to work hard with the Chinese and let him do it, as long as we have money to make it. I didn't expect to be blessed by disaster this time. China Although people are abominable, their philosophies are still good. Isn't there a saying that Sai Weng loses his horse and knows if he is a blessing? We are the unexpected blessings we get because of losing horses. Hahahaha ... "

At the time when the presidents of the Japanese guild were proudly touting each other, the special envoy who had left in the new guild headquarters of the Ghost Dragon Society of Chuo-ku, Tokyo was laughing with Masaru Matsumoto.

"Hahahaha ... the idiots really thought they had picked up a big deal, and see if I can't play them." Matsumoto said convincingly.

A chairman of the small guild following Masamoto Matsumoto leaving the Fulcrum City asked: "How can I not understand Jun Matsumoto? See you mean that we took advantage of the maggots, but you are clearly The big city of Akita was given to them. Is this still a good deal? "

Mr. Matsumoto smiled and watched a few other presidents who followed him to leave the Fulcrum City and asked, "Don't you understand?" Seeing those people nodded, Mr. Matsumoto explained with a smile: "Well, I will explain it to you and you will understand. I ask you, how many guilds are there in that provisional guild? "

The presidents stunned for a while, then counted up there, but after a long time no one reported the numbers.

Matsumoto congratulated him when he couldn't figure it out: "Well, don't worry about it, there are a lot of them, right?"

Those people are one.

"Well, they have a large number of guilds, so they need a lot of cities to occupy them so that everyone can balance their hearts. But now the problem comes. Because Akita is too large and takes up too much area, so they chose a total of cities. There are only ten, and the area of ​​the city is very small except Akita. "At this point Masahiro Matsumoto pointed to a president and said:" Assuming you are also a member of this alliance, I now give him Akita, What do you think? "

The chairman immediately said: "It must be quit. The fulcrum cities that everyone hit with their lives together only exchanged these cities. Why did he monopolize such a big city? Wait, I understand."

As soon as the chairman understood, everyone else understood. Matsumoto is conspiring to poison this, isn't it a trouble inside them? The siblings of a mother and a sibling can still be separated by two square feet for the two houses. The city area between these guilds that are based on interests is so different. Who wants to be small? Isn't this a fart?

After the news that Masamoto Matsumoto had in the Fulcrum City before, you can see that when the Battle of Fulcrum City ends, there will be many players who will break away from those shameless guilds and join the ghost dragon club or reorganize the bank to follow Matsumoto. Masa work together. Of course, there will not be too many such people, and it should not affect the main forces of those guilds too much. However, the incident itself is a rift between the members of the guild and their leadership. After these guilds move to Akita, there may be nothing in the beginning, but as time goes by, the throne of the Seal of God will surely be revived for the sake of the construction site. Those members were a little dissatisfied with the behavior of their presidents. They stayed only in the face of the guild, which they squatted for a long time after all. But patience is limited after all. These members who are already very dissatisfied now, instead of following the Masaru Matsumoto to fight the Chinese after taking them to Akita, the president has started a war of attrition. What do you think they think?

The only result that can be met is that with the chaos between these guilds, their members will continue to lose, and eventually they will either reorganize themselves or run to Masamoto Matsumoto, anyway, those maggots are completely dead. Without the support of those members, their bare commanders are nothing at all. As for the Akita Castle paid as a price, this can actually be withdrawn by the time when the maggots are about to fight. Anyway, by then, they do n’t have many members left. As long as Masamoto Matsumoto casually gives them a reason, they can kill them all. And no one can gossip.

The maggots that Matsumoto had congratulated them had not thought of at this time ~ ~ They are still immersed in the excitement of picking up big cheaps, of course, some people may have thought that these cities are not enough Yes, but the next thing they thought of was not to explode the battlefield later, but to plan how to share more. With their thoughts, being overcast to death is nothing wrong.

The yin is back to the yin, and the battle over Fulcrum City must be fought hard. Although Matsumoto knows that this is all arranged for the Japanese players to play, but the acting also requires full-hearted investment, otherwise it would be a big deal for people to see through the joke.

"Okay, now that the agreement is in hand, let's start preparing." Matsumoto turned to the presidents and said, "I'll take the spirit of the Ghost Dragon Club, and you'll stay home. Although the Chinese now put their energy They are all placed on the fulcrum city, but so many cities on this side can't be unprepared at all, to prevent the Chinese people from getting into trouble if they kill a carbine. "

"Rest assured, we will watch here, you can help the fulcrum city." Those presidents promised with a vow.

"Well, let's get out." Matsumoto Masawa beckoned and left his conference hall with his subordinates. Outside, he gathered the elites who participated in the battle together and climbed up the dragons that had been prepared and flew towards the Fulcrum City.

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