Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 39: Evacuation and introspection

The presidents waited until my figure was completely invisible, and then looked at Masamoto Matsumoto suspiciously and asked, "What's the situation?"

"Look outside the city." Matsumoto Masako left such a sentence and flew towards the city wall first.

Seeing that Matsumoto Masa was so arrogant, although the surrounding presidents were a little unhappy, but due to Matsumoto Masa's strength, they did not dare to show any signs even if they were dissatisfied. They could only look at each other and walked to the wall. Learn why I left suddenly.

When those [Day] bank presidents arrived at the city wall, they saw a large group of [Day] players cheering there. Those presidents who probably guessed something rushed to the city wall. As a result, we can see those guild troops that are gradually away from the city.

"Is this victory?" Seeing the sudden withdrawal of the side forces, the presidents of this [Day] guild still had some incredible feelings. This victory came a bit too suddenly. The battle was still precarious in the first minute and the next minute was a sudden victory. The contrast is really a bit unacceptable. But no matter how difficult it is to accept, because that is the truth. Besides, this is their victory for [Day] themselves. Even if they are surprised, it is a surprise, not a panic, so those [Day] Ben presidents are quickly struck by those [Day] players who are nearby. Feeling infected, cheers together.

In fact, according to the way of thinking of these presidents, the city belongs to Masamoto Matsumoto, and victory and defeat have nothing to do with them, so they should not be so happy that the city is preserved. However, because he knows the situation of these presidents too much, the special envoy of Matsumoto Masayuki already told them when he signed the agreement. The prerequisite for the exchange city to take effect is that the fulfilment of the fulcrum city is successful. Keep it, then the agreement they exchanged will be automatically nullified, which means they will get nothing. It is precisely because the agreement has provisions on this content, so the presidents of the [Day] Bank of China returned to [Hing] Fen "instead of celebrating the victory of the fulcrum in the fulcrum city, it is better to say that they are celebrating themselves. The new city was exchanged for a fulcrum.

While these presidents celebrated victory, Matsumoto Masaru was directing the troops he brought out this time to fight outside the city.

"President, why don't you let us chase it?" A Japanese player with a very emotional mood was standing anxiously in front of Masamoto Matsumoto. "Such a good opportunity, if you miss it, you won't be able to run into it again? Please, please, President." Give me 100,000, no, as long as 30,000, give me 30,000, I promise to take these 〖〗 Chinese troops Beat it off. "

"If you can really destroy the Frost Rose Alliance's troops, let alone 30,000, even if it is 300,000 troops, I will find a way to get it for you." When Matsumoto said this, "the Japanese player Immediately, he wanted to show his determination, but before he spoke, Masamoto Matsumoto said first: "But if I really give the army to you, it will be more than just you who will be beaten. Already. "


"Has Murata-kun, listen to the president and finish his words." A Japanese player in a Japanese samurai costume blocked the player who wanted to move forward and pulled Masamoto Matsumoto, then said: " Why did we follow President Matsumoto forgotten? Just because President Matsumoto's decisions are always so effective. After so many battles, even the countries that have been completely occupied have been restored. Do you still have doubts about the fighting spirit of President Matsumoto? Therefore, since the chairman does not allow it, there must be a reason. You just listen to the president and leave. "

Matsumoto looked at the player who blocked the impulsive Murata, but sighed in his heart that this guy was not fool. On the surface, he seems to be holding Murata, but in fact his words are sending a signal to Masamoto Matsumoto to ask Masamoto to explain the basis of his decision. In fact, this guy actually thought about it with Murata. It's the same, except that Murata is a big old man, and he just shouted with a little thought, but this guy is a bit more calm.

"You want to know why I won't let you chase?" Matsumoto Masa said while watching the calm guy, which means telling the other party I know your mind. "Don't pretend to be innocent in front of me. Stare at that guy and watch After a while, after confirming that he understood what he meant, Matsumoto Masayuki continued, "Okay, then I'll tell you why. "Matsumoto said, pointing forward and asking," What do you see? " "

"The Chinese people who are escaping." Jun Murata said, but the relatively calm guy didn't answer. "Obviously thinking about the purpose of Matsumoto's question.

Matsumoto did not expect them to answer the correct answer anyway anyway, so without waiting for the guy to think slowly, he said directly, "I see an army that is moving."

"Yeah" 〖〗 Are the Chinese troops running away? Isn't it the same as what I saw? The Murata, who was anxious, said again, but the guy next to him seemed to think of something and looked at Matsumoto Masaka waiting for his answer.

"No," Matsumoto corrected. "We see something different. You are talking about the 〖〗 Chinese who ran away.” What I see is the army being transferred. Note that they are not escaping, they are moving. "

The calmer guy didn't seem to understand until this time and asked, "You mean ... they weren't defeated by us?"

"Yes." Masamoto Matsumoto replied affirmatively: "〖〗 The Chinese were not defeated by us. They predicted the results of the battle in advance, and comprehensively judged that this battle was not necessary to continue. So they chose To evacuate early rather than stay to complete the battle. "

"Is this any different?" Murata's fool still didn't quite understand.

This time, without Matsumoto's answer, the calm guy took the initiative to replace Matsumoto's answer: "Murata, it seems we are really wrong. 〖〗 If the Chinese evacuated by themselves instead of being defeated by us, it means Their fighting power is still preserved. The reason they evacuated was because they predicted that the loss was greater than the gain, so they gave up on their own initiative, not that they really couldn't beat us. If we take the initiative to chase them now, they will be able to fight in situ. The next counterattack wiped us out. Without the help of the troops in the city, we were not opponents at all. "

"〖〗 The Chinese troops are so powerful?" Murata asked in disbelief: "If they are so powerful, why should they withdraw? Do n’t tell me what is lost and I ca n’t figure it out. I only know if they can Defeat us, then they can get the fulcrum city. ”As long as they get the fulcrum city, then they are the biggest winners. Where can I say that the loss is greater than the gain? "

Matsumoto Masahe replied: "You still don't understand. 〖〗 The people think that the reason for the large loss of the battle is that we and the troops in the city are attacking them on both sides. Because of our attack from the rear, 〖〗 The people ’s siege Fully wielding combat effectiveness. In this way, they will not be able to attack the Fulcrum City. "In other words, their strategic goals could not be achieved. What's the point of fighting a battle destined to fail to achieve strategic goals? "

"Then you say that they are better than us?" Murata retorted.

"Yes, I mean they are better than us, not that they are better than the Japanese players." Masamoto Matsumoto said, "In addition to us, they have to face the Japanese players in the city. And the futuristic city ’s defensive advantages can also play a role. However, if you go for a pursuit, the defense of the fulcrum city and the troops in the city will not help you at all. Moreover, I need some troops to take over the fulcrum city. ”So The troops you can take with you are certainly not all of us. Although the strength of the Chinese people ’s army cannot compete with our current Japanese army, is there any difficulty in solving your chase forces? Besides, the order of their troops' withdrawal was clear, the formation of the team was complete, and there was no sign of confusion. Generally, the pursuit on the battlefield is to take advantage of the chaos when the enemy is defeated. "But are there any chaos in the troops of the Chinese? They are not chaotic about what you want to use to catch up?"

That player was completely stunned by this lesson of Masamoto Matsumoto. Not because he was afraid of Masamoto Matsumoto, but because Masamoto Matsumoto was so reasonable, so he couldn't raise the will to resist. Just like Matsumoto Masa said at the end, the pursuit of victory is to take advantage of the enemy's chaos. 〖〗 The Chinese did not mess with him to do what? Is it going to die?

When the guy was frustrated, he was going to take someone to Fulcrum City to receive the defense of the city. However, he did not expect that Matsumoto suddenly called him again. "Murata."

"Is there anything else you want to command, President?" Murata, like an eggplant beaten by frost, looked at Masamoto Matsumoto weakly and asked.

"Matsumoto smiled," and then said, "Go and order 100,000 troops, and keep up. "

"Ah?" The soldiers had just been trained, and now they were going to defend the city honestly. However, they were sent to the army of 100,000. Murata was fainted by Matsumoto.

"What kind of energy are you doing? Hurry up and order 100,000 soldiers and follow 〖〗 Chinese troops."

"Aren't you not letting me pursue?" Murata asked inexplicably.

Matsumoto Masako said angrily: "I said I wouldn't let the chase come, but did I just tell you to chase it?"

"Don't let chase you let me take 100,000 people to follow 〖〗 Chinese people do? See off?"

"Yes" means seeing off. "Murata was just talking, but I didn't expect that Masamoto Matsumoto really said so." Your task is to see off the Chinese people, and press 100,000 people to walk away. If they leave, you just leave, if they stop, you just stop. If they chase you in turn, you will run with someone. Anyway, you have to give me a sticky gum like chewing gum. But be sure to remember to me that no war is allowed. "


"Why not, but you are not allowed to engage in battle." Masamoto Matsumoto said very solemnly: "If you dare to bring people in contact with the people of the country, then you are going to be expelled from the ghost dragon club. And I tell you, not only will I expel you, "I will send someone to chase you all day and night, and you will be responsible for all the consequences of this. You will become the sinner of the Japanese nation."

"What if 〖〗 Chinese people take the initiative to fight back? Is it my fault?" Murata asked.

"〖〗 The Chinese take the initiative to fight back and you will run for me."

"What if you can't run away?"

"It's your fault."

"This is possible too?"

"Yes, that's OK. Of course, you can choose not to perform this task." Murata just wanted to say that he was not performing the task, and unexpectedly Masamoto Matsumoto turned abruptly and said: " But if you do n’t do this task, you wo n’t have to do it. ”

"I" ... OK, I admit it, who told you to be the president! "Murata finally accepted this task helplessly, then turned and ran to order someone.

The calmer guy who was next to Murata just said at this time: "Matsumoto, the xìng grid of Murata is really not suitable for this kind of work. Do you want me to assist him ...?"

Matsumoto Masa reached out to stop the other's words. "Don't go to Shi Yujun, this task is actually not too complicated." Murata's purpose was to make him more trained. His xìng grid doesn't hurt sooner or later after he polishes it sooner or later. As for you? "..." Masamoto looked at the other side for a long time and finally turned the conclusion into a problem. "What do you think is your problem?"

Shi Yu was asked for a moment, watching Matsumoto stopped for a long time before he said, "I think it may be necessary to hone the way to treat people!"

"Oh, that's it." Masamoto Matsumoto deliberately thought for a while before thinking: "Three words that you may be blind to, but important to you."

Shi Yu was again stunned by Matsumoto Masahiro's remarks, and then frowned, "What does Matsumoto mean?"

Matsumoto Masahawa did not answer his words, but said to himself: "This sentence is: Although there are no lack of stupid people in this world, but there are more intelligent people." After finishing this sentence, Matsumoto Masaga has no control. Shi Yu, who was there, turned directly to the other people who followed him: "Go, close the team and return to the city, we will receive the Fulcrum City."

Under the call of Masamoto Matsumoto, the main forces of the Ghost Dragon Association quickly withdrew the Fulcrum City, "while the more powerful 100,000 elite was taken out by Murata to follow the forces of our guild all the way to Kyushu Island Direction left Fulcrum City.

While Matsumoto is congratulating them on making strategic adjustments, I have also returned to Isinger. At this time in the Isinger Conference Hall, all the senior staff of the guild had arrived. When I sat down, God of War immediately projected a map of the Russian border to explain to us. "But what was unexpected was The meeting was interrupted before the army **** came to speak.

We were about to have a meeting, and suddenly we heard a loud noise. The door of the conference hall was slammed open. None of the senior present was unknown because he was the guard responsible for guarding the conference hall. He must pass in front of him for meetings.

However, now the guard has been shot in from the outside. It seems that someone intends to storm the conference hall, otherwise it would not be possible to conflict with the conference hall.

Although he was beaten and flew into the conference hall, what guarded him here was, after all, the senior in the guild, which was not comparable to general miscellaneous fish. So although he was knocked in and flew in, the guard was not injured, but he just jumped after a few laps on the ground, and at this time we also saw a very crazy player rushing in, but That's the end of his crazy behavior, because as soon as he stepped into the conference hall, he was thrown to the ground by two guards who rushed behind him. "Two guards followed him and twisted his hands. Behind him and holding his shoulders pressed him to the ground.

Although the crushed movement is impossible, the guy is still desperately struggling, how crazy and how crazy like that "looks like crazy.

The crushed guy couldn't move, but his mouth wasn't blocked, "he shouted as he struggled." Let me go, I want to see the chairman. Let me see President Ziri, you bastards, let me go. Ah let go of me one by one! I want to see President Ziri. "

While the guy was struggling and shouting, the guard on the ground had already climbed up, and it seemed that his equipment was still the captain of the guard. Immediately after climbing up, the captain saluted us: "Sorry President, this is my fault."

I said more solemnly: "We haven't started discussing things, so this time it's fine. But I don't want to have another time."

The captain quickly said, "Yes, there will never be another time." Then he turned and waved at the guard pressing on that guy. "Drag him."

Hearing the captain's order, the guards pressing the guy were about to drag the crazy guy out, but the guy on the ground was struggling even more crazy, and also shouted: "President, President Ziri , Ziri ... I have something to say. I have something to say! Let me in, let me in. "Seeing that we were totally unresponsive, the guy suddenly hit his **** with a bow up and knocked off the two guards on his body, then twisted hard. He pulled the joint of one of his arms unceasingly to get a chance to break free of the two guards who pressed him, followed him to slam up, and rushed in while using the other hand to dislocate the dislocated hand. I screwed it back. But unfortunately, his efforts only made him rush forward two steps. After the guards were knocked open, he immediately rushed back and hugged him and threw him to the ground. These guards are all high-level elites. ”It ’s not that the fighting ability is strong. The reason why he can pass through the guards of these guards and enter the gate is entirely because the guards have never played a heavy hand because he sees that he is a member of our guild. To The best proof is that the guards' weapons are still in their sheaths so far.

The guy thrown by a guard still wanted to earn money, but the other two guards also jumped up and held him out again, but the guy moved like a caterpillar to the door and reached out to grab it. It's hard to let go of the door frame. The three guards behind it would not take much effort to lift him out directly, but it would be more difficult for him to pull the door frame like this.

Seeing this guy live and die, the captain who had been beaten in before was obviously angry. It can be arranged to guard the g-traits and emotional systems of such an important place in the conference hall. This guy's tossing like this obviously made the captain of the guard lose his face in front of us, so he is now very annoyed. As he walked towards the man, he pulled out the sword on his waist. This was the first time the guard had used a weapon. "I'll give you three seconds, and I'll cut off your hand without letting go."

"No, I don't want to see Ziri's bastard." I wonder if it was anxious, the guy actually scolded me.

It was embarrassing that the captain of the guard had been broken into the guard's conference hall. Not only did he let the man break in, but he also called me out, he was really angry. Even the second was not counted. The captain lifted the sword directly to cut it down, but when his sword was raised to the top and was about to slash down, I suddenly shouted, "Wait a minute." Hearing me The voice guard captain turned to glance at me. I knew he was asking, so I said, "Let him go. Let him in. I want to hear why he scolds me."

Now that I've spoken, the captain can't say anything more. He immediately waved the guards to let go of the guy and then walked over to the guy who was still holding the door by the door, and threw it into the conference hall. between. Because the floor of the conference hall is relatively smooth, the guy fell to the heart of the conference hall just as he fell on the ice after falling on the ground, and the captain of the other side drove away the other guards and turned to close the door. However, instead of going out himself, he went to the wall of the conference hall and stood there ready to lose his shot and drag the guy out again.

The guy was thrown up to the conference room and immediately got up from the ground, then gave the captain a defiant glance, and then turned to my fierce voice and asked: "We are about to win, why did you let us retreat? "

The guy's bad attitude made me frown slightly, then stared at the guy silently, and other leaders of the bank on both sides of the conference table saw me staring at the guy and then turned around. Watching that guy silently looked up. At first, the guy was still arrogant, but after all, it was the highest-level staff in the bank. Regardless of his personal strength, his status alone was not an existence he could simply despise. Stared by so many people who are higher than him in status or personal strength, the guy's original arrogant manic mood gradually cooled down, and in the end he even became a little frightened.

People are almost the same. Whether it is sadness or happiness, various extreme emotions usually cannot be maintained for a long time. There were so many guild leaders staring at him coldly at the scene. The depressed atmosphere was like a solemn courtroom. People stayed in this atmosphere for a long time, regardless of their original mood, and they will soon be caught by this atmosphere. Exhausted.

"Are you calm?" I asked coldly after seeing that guy changed from the previous state of rabidity to a azalea-like state.

When I heard my voice, the guy couldn't help taking a nap, and then quickly nodded and said ", um," a reply.

"Now that you're calm, let's talk about the purpose of your visit first." Although it was a question, I said it in a commanding tone.

That guy's already sloppy look, I was excited immediately after I asked this question, but the momentum was suppressed, and after the excitement, he was just able to speak normally.

"Well, I just want to ask why we suddenly withdrew."

"What is your identity?"

"Oh, I am the commander of the 6th Army of the Guild Field Army.

"Handsome guy? I think you're a crazy pigeon."

"Well, it's not handsome, it's uncle, uncle, pigeon."

"Alright Comrade Pigeon, let me ask you a few questions now." Pigeon nodded and said yes, then I asked: "First, which one of you and me is in a higher position in the guild?"

I was asked a question by the pigeon, not because the problem was too difficult, but on the contrary, because the problem was too simple, he was holding back. However, despite being stunned by my question, he quickly responded and answered, "Of course you are taller."

"Then I made a military move to the troops in the guild. Why should I inform you first?"

"I didn't ..." As soon as I heard what I said, the pigeon wanted to refute, but I was one step ahead.

"Don't tell me what you don't think so. If you don't think so, why come to question my arrangements? As a guild president, do I need your permission for the guild transfer arrangements?"

"I'm not going ..."

The excuse of the pigeon was interrupted again by me. "I know you want to say that you don't think so, but you have done so, and in the most inappropriate way. The Frost Rose Alliance Conference Hall is the place where veteran members of our bank meet. You are only the sixth army Corps leader, the guild status is just a senior member, why did you break into the conference hall without permission? And "I just heard you scold me. As a member of the Bank, you publicly abuse me on such occasions. What does this mean? "

"I'm not ... I've been asked incoherently by my own pigeons, and I can't even say a word.

"Do you still want to justify?" I continued intimidating.

"I ... I'm wrong." Helplessly I thought for a long time that I really couldn't find any reason to justify my actions. Regardless of the purpose of his previous visit, at least he didn't do wrong in these few things I asked, but he was wrong too.

Seeing that he finally bowed his head, I said, "Fortunately, you can tell right from wrong." If you don't admit your mistakes, I can only drive you out of the guild this time. The Frost Rose Alliance does not need anyone who can't tell right from wrong. "I was frightened by my words. The expulsion trip may be nothing in other guilds, but the punishment for our guild is very serious. After all, the benefits and benefits of our guild, etc. Conditions in all aspects are far superior to other guilds. Being expelled by our guilds is basically equivalent to losing a diamond rice bowl. Of course, no one wants to be born to himself.

After scaring me for a moment, I took another big turn and continued: "But ... now that you can tell right from wrong, then this time I can take it lightly. From now on your The 6th Legion is taken over by your deputy. "Cancel your rank as a regular soldier and deduct the 500-point guild contribution value for immediate effect. "

"President ..." I was dumbfounded by the fact that I was a pigeon. This punishment is better than eviction, but it is definitely not light. The dismissal of the commander of the legionary group is miserable enough, and the contribution value of the guild is actually deducted, but that is a valuable thing! A contribution value in the black market inside the guild is now copied to 20 yuan, which is more valuable than crystal coins. Deducting five hundred points of contribution at a time is equivalent to erasing ten thousand yuan at a time. Is this lesson not bad enough?

"Aren't you convinced?" I asked coldly.

I tried to defend the pigeon, but after thinking about it, I didn't say anything. I just said, dejected, "I accept."

"Very well, I can understand how to advance and retreat. As a reward, at least make you understand better." After hearing what I said, the pigeon looked up in surprise. I didn't know what I meant, but I was not free. Leave him alone and say, "Don't you want to know why I let the troops attacking Fulcrum out?"

When I heard this, I immediately nodded desperately. Today he rushed into the conference hall to do just that. As a result, even the original purpose of the punishment I just forgot was lost. Now when I mention it again, he remembers the purpose of this time. If he did n’t figure out anything and was punished in vain, then he would be out of luck. Now I can know how much it always makes him feel better, at least the punishment is not everything Did not change.

Seeing he seemed to understand, I said, "I know that you were furious at first because you felt that my order gave 〖Japan〗 my chance and let us lose a chance to grab back the Fulcrum City. I said right?"

"Yes." I nodded the pigeon: "We were almost rushing to the wall of the Fulcrum City at that time, but the army **** suddenly ordered the retreat. I was really" ...

"I can understand your mood, but I don't agree with your behavior. Regardless of whether our decision is wrong, you as the Legion Commander" have an obligation to obey orders, and you actually try to disobey, if not for the army **** Senior command authority, this time our guild will suffer a lot. I did n’t punish you afterwards. I did n’t expect you to come to your door. Who do you say I do n’t punish you for? "

When I heard what I said, I felt depressed in the heart of the pigeon. After a long while, he had escaped a disaster before, but he himself tǐng his head and had to hit his muzzle. "Isn't this trying to kill?" "That ... I ...

"Well, don't talk about it, the punishment has been punished, and I don't want to hold your other responsibilities. In order to convince you, this time I will explain to you an exception. Although you have already captured some of the city walls", but Matsumoto Masaka and the three 『Japanese』 angels have also arrived in the city. At that time, the special team that broke into the city has been killed. As long as they take it easy, your advantage on the city wall can be reversed in a blink of an eye. . and also. At that time, the ghost dragon of Masamoto Matsumoto would bring 200,000 troops from behind you, do you know? "

I nodded and said, "I know."

"Knowing you are still rushing? Are you still attacking a fart city with your back?"

"I was thinking at the time, anyway, I have already seized the opportunity, so it is better to fight for one" and lay down the fulcrum with anger.


"Then I was robbed back by the Japanese and foreigners?" I interrupted the words of my pigeon: "I was worried that the punishment was too heavy now. It doesn't seem to be heavy at all now. You think about you then What looks like a corps command? You are a red-eyed gambler, always thinking that as long as you press a big one, you will definitely win all the previous bets. Fight one? Thanks to what you think .At the time, we have done simulations with sand tables, but the result is that you are about to capture the fulcrum city, and finally you are not able to capture the fulcrum city. Even if there is an error in the calculation, you finally get the fulcrum city occupation. Power ", but you absolutely could not have much troops left. [Day] I will be fighting locally, and I will soon be able to gather troops to counterattack again. The troops in our guild are far away in the country, and the redeployment and reinforcement will not be able to keep up with the next Battle of the Fulcrum City. In the end, the city will still fall. It is because we retreat early, we can still save some troops. Although the deadly battle can occupy the city for a little while, it will bury our last strength in Japan. "

I said so much. "I finally understood a little bit. The occupation of the city only has a long time to occupy the throne of the Seal of God. There will be no benefit to talk about. If a city is occupied by two guilds, you will be occupied for three days and five days." Then both guilds will not get the benefits of even a copper plate in this city. Therefore, even if the Sixth Army can occupy the Fulcrum City, it will be robbed by Japan in the subsequent battles. This process is not good for us at all. On the contrary, withdrawing as early as now, at least those troops were kept. As long as this army exists, in cooperation with the troops transported from our homeland by the guild, there are more chances of pinching on both sides to capture the fulcrum city again now.

Take a step back 10,000 steps and say that even if the saved troops cannot capture the Fulcrum City again, there is such a squatting squad in Japan, at least it can make Japan not dare to be too arrogant, after all, although this army has offensive power Insufficient, if you want to defend, it is quite powerful. This kind of existence effect is far more valuable than pulling this unit directly and [Japan] desperately come here. As a my own pigeon that can be promoted to the commander of the Sixth Army, I can still think of it.


"You need not say, I know you understand where your mistake is, but at the time you did not understand it on the battlefield. As a legionnaire, the inability to make accurate judgments on the battlefield itself is already a serious problem. The key is that you still try to resist after the superior makes a command. This is absolutely intolerable. Therefore, removing your post as head of the army does not treat you at all.


I nodded stubbornly, "I understand, what the chairman said!"

"Just understand, you can leave now."

I nodded my pigeon, and then walked towards the door. The captain of the guard helped him open the door, followed him out of the conference hall and brought the door up.

After the gate was closed again, the eagle suddenly asked, "Is this punishment too serious?" In fact, the eagle wanted to say it before, but because I was here, the eagle did not speak. Even if you want to plead for him, such a thing must not let him hear it, otherwise it will only have an adverse effect and make the punishment meaningless.

I turned to look at Eagle and said, "Although from the point of view of the damage and the incident, his punishment is indeed too heavy, but the words I said are not all wrong. He did have a disobedience Moreover, the battlefield is unclear, and it is not suitable for the commander of the legion. "

Hongyue turned around and pulled out a drop of material from the cabinet near the wall of the conference room. Then she pulled out a few rolls and returned to the seat. After a few simple lines, she said, "This time, the time when I entered the club was the seal of the throne. , Belongs to senior personnel who have been raised by capital. I think his ability is not suitable as a commander, and his impulsive xìng grid is almost the same as a commando. "

I nodded and said: "This is an internal adjustment of the guild. Now let ’s discuss the issue of Japan and Russia. God of War. You can start."

As the light in my reminder room dimmed, a three-dimensional map of the Russian border emerged. Afterwards, the God of War began to explain with the various cursors flashing on the map: "Now tell you about the intensive reconnaissance in recent days. From the map we can see" ... "

The content of the explanation of the army **** is actually the military deployment of the Russians on the throne of the Seal of God in the recent period. Although we were driven back from home all the way, Russian troops did not leave our borders. On the one hand, they were afraid that we would invade their country, and on the other, because they were not willing to make a comeback and invade our country again. Of course, these are the ideas of the Russians. As us, no matter how they arrange, it is first important to know their layout first. The so-called confidante knows one after another. We first figured out the deployment of the Russians. At that time, we will go into what we can attack and retreat and what we want to do. It is all up to us to be happy.

When we were discussing intelligence with Russia, Masamoto Matsumoto on the side of Japan had also sat at the conference table with the presidents of our bank. But ... unlike the situation in the conference hall before, this meeting place was moved to the "Guang" field of Fulcrum City. The crowded stations around the place were filled with "Japanese" players. The reason why I choose this position is because the disgusting group of [Day] presidents of our bank came here.

The chairpersons of the previous meetings of the [Day] Bank meeting fully demonstrated the shameless limits one can do, so this time Masamoto Matsumoto set the meeting venue in such a 1-day venue and also specially made people Assume that the magic projection device is used to directly expand the conference screen and everyone ’s voice into the air, so that the Japanese players in the city can hear their voices and see their actions. In this case, the Japanese Even if the presidents of the guilds thought of shamelessly, they were embarrassed to say it. For politicians, anything can be done, but in front of the public, a bright and positive image must be displayed, so no one dares to do shameless things in such public meetings. Of course, reasonable requirements can still be sought, but this operable xìng is much worse.

In fact, since the special envoy of Matsumoto Masa and these presidents signed the previous fulcrum city exchange agreement, Masamoto Masa has occupied an active position. Those presidents have no qualifications to bargain with Masamoto Masa, so even if they are not in the public Meetings on occasion, those guys can't do much. Matsumoto Masayoshi insists that meeting in such a place is simply to get them in trouble and intentionally disgusting them.

"Matsumoto-kun, the meeting place has been arranged as you said. You can talk about anything." 〖Day〗 The president of the Bank said with some frustration.

Matsumoto glanced at the sorrowful group of chairpersons underneath his eyes, and there was no reason to be happy. It was miserable to be bullied by these guys before, and it finally made him get back a little bit.

"Okay, now that I've decided, I'll say it." Masamoto Matsumoto took out a crystal ball, and then projected a huge Japanese map into the air. "Everyone has seen this. This is the deputy Japan map. At present, the remaining troops of the Chinese people are evacuating south, and some of our ghost dragon clubs are driving them to the south. After all, there were not many casualties. So our situation is not optimistic. "

"What does President Matsumoto say? Haven't we controlled the Fulcrum City?" Asked another president.

Matsumoto Masahiro explained: "The Fulcrum City is only a strategic place. Its position is only very important, and it cannot be used to summarize the current situation in Japan today. In fact, the battle is still fought by humans. The Fulcrum City just provides us with an important fulcrum for our future battles, which will make our battles easier. However, even if it is easier, it is limited. In the end, the battle depends on people to fight. 〖 〖The Chinese have now withdrawn from the troops that should have attacked the Fulcrum City, which is actually not a good thing for us. On the contrary, they have saved their strength, which is very detrimental to our future exhibitions. "

"Don't the battle today be because we drove away the Chinese people?" Someone asked ~ ~ No, at least not completely. Matsumoto Masaru replied: "〖〗 Although the Chinese people ’s troops have suffered a lot of casualties, most of them are cannon fodder units. The real main force has not been hit so hard. If they really want to fight, they still have hope of occupation. Fulcrum City. However, 〖〗 the Chinese retreated. "

"〗 〖Is the Chinese retreat bad?"

"Yes, no good. This is exactly what I worry about the most. If the Chinese people fight hard, even if they occupy the Fulcrum City, they will definitely not be able to keep it. In the end, they will have to be taken back by us. Therefore, they completely lost their military strength in China, so they would have to fight across the sea if they wanted to attack us later. But today it looks like the situation is very bad. 〖〗 Chinese people are too sensible. Even after victory, they cannot control the fulcrum. City, so immediately changed the strategy and gave up the attack, so although we supported the fulcrum city, we left a time bomb in the country. These〗 〖Residual troops of the Chinese can strike us at critical moments at any time, we will not be able to If we don't stare at them for such a long time, this consumption will seriously hinder our development. "

"So what do we do now?" Someone asked.

"This is the key question I want to say." Matsumoto Masa said. !! .

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