Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 47: Aurora beast? Laser beast?

Volume 19 Chapter 47 Aurora Beast? jī light beast?

"Dart, what the **** does that like to eat fragrant fruit?"

"Report to the owner, Sauter said it was an advanced Warcraft called the Aurora Beast."

"Aurora Beast?" When I heard the name, I immediately searched all the creatures in my memory. As a result, although I thought of the name of this creature, there was no other information except its name. After thinking about it, I can only flip out the guild information crystal ball. Due to the popularization of the crystal technology of the guild and the level manager function of the army god, our guild has a very large database. This database was originally only used for members to share maps and maps of Warcraft, and then added various information functions, such as the sīrenyi and various skills information in the guild. And now, this crystal database has actually developed into something similar to the center of the network. All kinds of information can be distributed and inquired on this communication platform. As long as the players know what they know, they can be found on it.

Of course, this information Crystal Ball is not completely free. Guild members need to spend guild contribution points when using it for help, which is similar to information fees. When a member has new things and expands this database, he can also get some contribution points back. It is equivalent to a reward for providing information. However, the above things are all the members need to pay and get. As the guild president, I ca n’t get contribution points even if I fill in the information database. Of course, I do n’t have to pay for the contribution points when using the information. This is the president. privilege.

After opening the data crystal ball, first use the crystal communicator that I have with me to connect to the crystal communication network of the army god, and then I entered the name of the aurora beast through the army god. Within a second, the crystal ball in my hand lit up. Then he projected in front of us a large image of Warcraft.

The creature shown by the crystal ball looks like a wolf at first glance, but if you look closely, this thing is actually very different from the wolf. First of all, this guy's body is much bigger than the wolf. Of course, the wolf-shaped creatures in the game are generally bigger than the wolf, which is not surprising. However, wolves as big as rhinos are rare.

The aurora beast has a height of at least one meter seven to one meter eight when it landed on four feet. Its body structure is the standard four-footed beast form, and it has basically the same limbs as the wolf. However, two differences from the wolf are that this guy is much stronger than the wolf, and the second is that the scapula is larger than the wolf.

No matter what type of wolf is, its body is generally very thin, but the aurora beast in front of him is full of muscles. It looks like a bodybuilding coach in the wolf. The thick limbs and the tendons on the body are connected. That thick layer of skin m couldn't cover it. If you compare an ordinary wolf to a rib man among netg humans, this aurora beast is like Schwarzenegger's, and at first glance it seems that this guy has amazing power.

In addition to looking particularly strong, another thing that this aurora beast does not look like a wolf is its scapula. This guy's scapula is very wide. When you walk, you can clearly see its scapula swell under the muscle ru, and the huge scapula means that its surface can attach more muscle ru, thus supporting a larger and larger Strong head and neck muscles ru group. The difference between a wolf and a tiger in nature can be seen. A larger scapula means a thicker neck and a stronger jaw. This is why tigers in nature have greater bite force than wolves.

Since the Aurora has a pair of wide shoulder blades similar to tigers, its bite force is certainly great and amazing, and it can be seen from the structure of this guy's head in the image. Although this guy's head looks closer to a wolf, his skull is actually shorter than a canine's skull. The shorter jawbone represents greater occlusal force under the lever principle, and the wide face means more and stronger occlusal muscles, plus the guy's dagger-like teeth, it is not difficult to imagine this thing Bit the power of people.

At the same time as the crystal ball cast an image, the army **** also described to me the characteristics of this creature's xìng through a communicator.

"Aurora, 900-level Warcraft, quadruped body structure. The body surface is covered with a layer of soft white sèm, but the face can be changed at will during combat, and even to a certain degree of visual invisibility."

"What? This thing is still invisible?"

The God of War replied: "It is not really invisible, but an effect similar to the optical mí color. It can still be seen if you pay attention, but it is easy to be ignored in the absence of attention, and it is used in high battles. Ability can also make the enemy's attack judgment difficult, and it is easy to cause the opponent's vision to be confused. "

"I see, you continue."

"The physical attack methods of Aurora Beast are slamming, smashing, clawing, and biting. The biting attack has a very high attack power, even exceeding the power of most of the 1,000th-level Warcraft attacks. , Belongs to the normal numerical range of 900-level Warcraft. The physical defense is medium and belongs to the normal range. The blood volume is medium to high and belongs to the normal range. Intelligence level ... "

"The basis is xìng, just tell me what's wrong."

"The agility is abnormal." The **** of war answered directly: "The agility value of the Aurora Beast is extremely high. It is extremely amazing in both burst and endurance. It can even reach more than 280 kilometers per hour during short-distance sprints. Individual prominent individuals have even broken three hundred. "

"Three hundred kilometers per hour explosiveness? Isn't that more than one hundred meters per second?"

"To be exact, it's about 1.2 seconds, if it's an advanced individual, it might even be faster."

"This guy can sprint over a distance of 100 meters in 1.2 seconds. Doesn't that mean that most people can't react when they are close-up and they are thrown?"

"So the agility of the Aurora Beast belongs to the abnormal xìng."

I nodded and said, "Are there any other anomalies?"

"No other anomalies belong to xìng, but Aurora Beasts can do magic. This requires attention."

"What magic?"

The **** of war did not answer, but the aurora beast thrown by the crystal ball in my hand suddenly changed from a previous strolling state to a high-moving state. The aurora beast in the picture gradually increased, and finally became a full sprint, and then suddenly began to do a reversing movement within a certain range, and the fast figure was almost a white line. However, when the guy was running well, he suddenly stopped suddenly, followed by a sudden flash of the crystal object on his forehead, and a white light suddenly burst out, placing the ground in front of him. A ball of fire blew up. But that's not all. After finishing a beam of light, the guy almost stood still like a fort, and then saw the light beam flying around his forehead, and the surrounding area was exploding into a blast.

"I'm relying on, isn't the name of this thing wrong? Is this an Aurora Beast? This **** thing should be called jīguang Beast, right?" The crystal-like thing on Aurora Beast's forehead is already here. , But I didn't expect this thing to be a weapon, and it was so fierce.

The Army God replied: "The one just demonstrated is one of the three magics of the known Aurora Beast Society. The name is unknown. Since it has never been captured, the skill name cannot be read. However, the effect of this skill is indeed similar to jī Light weapons. According to the records of only a few encounters of our guild players, the se frequency of this beam is extremely fast, and it can almost achieve no interval se. However, this beam is actually not jī light, because it is not based on The light spreads, although it is still unavoidable for ordinary players, but with your ability to react, maybe you can block it. "

"How powerful is this beam?"

"The single beam power is very general. Even ordinary players will never endanger life within a hundred, but considering that this beam has an explosive effect and the se frequency is so high, once it is hit, the subsequent beam is almost completely It is impossible to dodge. Based on this judgment, if an ordinary player encounters an aurora beast, the survival probability should be extremely low. "

I nodded and said, "Although such an intensive attack has a low single power, it can hit at least two or three hundred at one minute with it. It is really easy to kill someone easily. By the way, what is the beam path of this guy? ? "

"The specific course is unknown. The only few encounters between our members were against each other at relatively close distances, so it is not clear what the maximum course of this thing is, but it is said that there were several dozen deflected beams in the battle. It flew for several kilometers from one mountain to the other, and the power did not seem to be reduced. "

"In this way, the course of this thing may be as wide as the range of sight of the Aurora Beast ~ ~ But this is a mountain forest zone, and it should not be attacked at a relatively long distance. By the way, you just said this Guys have three kinds of magic. In addition to this kind of sejī light cannon, what are the two kinds of spells? "

"Correctly, it's not that the Aurora Beast has three kinds of magic, but our people have only seen him use three kinds of spells. We do n’t know if he only has these three kinds or other kinds of spells. As for the two kinds of spells, of which One kind of light attack is still this kind of light attack, but it is a high-powered concentrated attack. The aurora beast needs to stay still for about a second before se, and it seems that it cannot continue to strike, but the power is surprisingly great. Hitting it directly hurts him even more than his bite attack. "

"Then there is another?"

"The last is an auxiliary spell. The specific function is unknown. After use, it will produce a lot of shining light spots around the surface of the aurora beast. In the process, the aurora beast ’s degree will be slightly increased, and it seems to have the function of recovering the wound. It is unclear whether there are other abilities and the strength of the specific effect. "

I nodded: "Anyway, this thing is already very powerful. I just don't know what the Russians are going to do to catch this thing?"

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