Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 49: Internet of Warcraft

Volume 19 Chapter 49 The Warcraft at the Meeting

Wanting to figure out why the Aurora Beast considers me a companion, and how these guys appear to be invisible to me, this task is obviously very difficult for the average person. However, if you also have a master of the mind department like a princess like me, then this problem is not a problem.

"Mind detection. A field-like ability." The princess took her hand off the head of an aurora beast and turned to me.

I looked at the aurora beasts in surprise and asked, "Did you mean that they didn't show my disguise before, but directly sensed my thinking and emotion?"

The princess nodded and said, "Yeah. These big guys have far more spiritual feelings than ordinary creatures. Martial King Qiankun created the sacred king to kill the night God. The throne of the seal of the gods. Pride the world. The God of the Seal of the Immortal Seeking Demon Pride in the World Nine Heavens Strongest Abandoned the Shao Zhou Emperor's Martial Forces to Kill the Night God Deity Seal Jiu Zhongtian's strongest abandoning the Shaozhou royal family can sense the location of any creature in a range of one kilometer, and their distance will become clearer as the distance approaches, when the distance approaches 100 meters After being within range, they can read your emotional information. The time you hid in the tree before, he did not attack you because he felt curious and surprised emotions at that time, because he did not feel the meaning of hostility, so he I didn't care about you. Later, you tried to help him while he was caught by the clip. He felt kindness and worry from you at that time, so he was so close to you. After killing those Russians, he asked you to help Under the clip out but also because he knows that you have to help him, so I will ask for your help. "

"I rely, this is really a good ability! Although there is no attack power at all, but you can clearly know how nearby creatures feel about yourself. This skill is simply too useful!"

"Actually, this kind of induction is more than just this ability. What I just said can confirm your good and bad picture and general emotion within 100 meters, but if the distance is within 10 meters, he can understand you directly. The specific meaning. For example, we are now with him. You can even use your own thinking to tell him that you want him to move forward, back, squat, etc. Of course, just to say that he can sense your intentions, whether he will do that. That's his job. In addition, there is a more exaggerated expression of this sensing ability. "

The princess said that she suddenly grabbed my hand and pressed it on the brain of the aurora beast. Then, for a moment, my mind seemed to be connected to a huge network of information. I was able to be in this network. Seeing the position of these aurora beasts nearby, and can sense many other creatures. The trunk is trying to camouflage its own type of lizard, the ground is trying to drill dng bugs, and even every nearby tree, every grass, can all be sensed in this mental network.

"Do you understand?" The princess took my hand down and asked.

I nodded a little in surprise, and then put my hand on the brain of the aurora beast again, and the previous network was instantly connected again. Immediately after re-entering the psychic network, I conveyed an inquiry to the aurora beast in front of me. I just asked him through the mind network if he knew the position of other companions. In fact, this question is not important in itself, I just want to see if it can pass through the mind network and the aurora flow. From the previous performance, the intelligence level of the Aurora Beast is very high. If they can clearly understand my intention through the mind and network, then it is too great.

Sure enough, as I guessed, the Aurora Beast really has this ability. After I asked, a blue halo suddenly burst out of the aurora beast I connected to in the psychic network. This is of course not a true aura, but just a feeling felt in the heart. According to my judgment, this halo that feels like water ripples should be a kind of psychic shock.

Just as I was guessing the role of this circle of things, the expanding aperture of that circle had already burst out of the telepathic range of the Aurora Beast. The extreme sensing range of these aurora beasts is one kilometer. All creatures in this range will be displayed, but the creatures closer to the center will be more clear, and the outermost areas will be like scenes in dim light Extremely blurry. As far as the sensing range is concerned, it is basically a darkness, although the darkness in the mind network can see nothing, but you can indeed sense the darkness.

This telepathic image of se throwing se in your brain is a bit like the feeling you stand under a street lamp at night. Everything can be seen clearly in the brightest area under the lamp, and as the distance increases, the distant things will become more and more blurred due to the dimming of the light, and in the place where the light cannot reach is a vast darkness. . Although you can see the darkness, you don't know what's behind. This is how the mind network is displayed.

The halo from the circle of dang just now seems to spread out a band of light in this dark world. The dark area swept by this halo will immediately show the hidden scenes under it, but that way of display But it was very short-lived, and the image disappeared after the halo swept away. But anyway, this aura scanned at least the outer area.

From the perspective of the previous telepathic range, the diffusion range of this blue ring is obviously much longer, but just when it spread to a range of more than two kilometers in radius, a high area suddenly appeared in the area scanned by the aperture The light spot is bright, this light spot is like a light bulb that is powered by electricity, and instantly lights up a large area around it. Then I sensed two completely independent telepathy circles in ng Shenluo. At that moment I understood that the newly appearing induction circle was the mind detection range of another aurora beast. Just how did this aurora beast around me live the connection between him and that aurora beast? , And then it ’s convenient to transmit your own sensing information to our network.

I have only just realized this, and a more shocking situation has emerged. After scanning out the first aurora beast, the blue aperture is still spreading out, and although I think about a lot of things, the diffusion of that aperture is actually extremely fast. From the moment it burst, it took two seconds to spread to a distance of two kilometers and the aurora beast in the distance. In other words, the diffusivity of this aperture is actually one kilometer per second. After the second Aurora beast, it took another three seconds for the aperture to disappear, which means that its maximum detection radius is five kilometers. However, within three seconds after this, the aperture swept out a dozen more aurora beasts.

As the Aura 6 continued to sweep out more Aurora Beasts in this connection I connected, the range of the Astral Beginners that gradually lighted up gradually, and after these scanned Aurora Beasts joined, I actually I saw in the mind network that the aurora beasts also burst their own blue apertures, and then I saw that there were suddenly many more connection points in the mind network, and then these connection points also burst the blue scanning aperture. As the number of information points in the network began to increase, in the end, almost a large mountain near it was covered in the mind network.

These pictures of my brain are shaking my whole body. Not to mention that these aurora beasts are so strong in combat, even if they have no combat power at all, they are enough to be included in the range of a thousand levels of Warcraft. What are these aurora beasts in the mind network? This is simply a group of radars!

In this network, each aurora beast is a radar station with a detection radius of one kilometer, and each radar station has a wireless network. This five-kilometer wireless network allows radar stations less than five kilometers apart to connect to each other, and then these radar stations can share information with each other. In this way, as long as these live radars are arranged in a suitable distribution state, they can even form a radar group similar to the sky system in reality. Within the coverage of this radar group, there are no observing dead spots at all, and any creature attempting to sneak into this area will be revealed by the throne of the first time, but the other party does not even know that it has been violent.

"Too scary! The abilities of these guys are really scary!"

"What is too scary?" The princess looked at me suspiciously, she obviously did not understand why I reacted so much. I didn't explain it, but grabbed her hand directly and pressed it on the head of the Aurora Beast, followed by the princess's pupil and instantly enlarged to the extreme state. "This ... what is this situation? Can the minds be shared? Can it form a multi-point network! Is this just a bio-detector cluster! Oh my god, you can still see what the aurora beasts in the distance see!"

"What?" After all, the princess is a master of the soul. Although she just discovered this network function, she found something new before me.

When the princess heard my question, she knew that I hadn't seen her, so she said: "You focus on the center of any coverage area, and then pay attention to induction."

According to the description of the princess, I focused all my attention on a distant detection area, and then I focused on the center point of that area, that is, the body of the aurora beast that gave out the detection signal. When my attention was completely focused on the aurora beast, two pictures suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, one was the picture seen by my current body, and the other was obviously moving high.

"This ... this is the sight of that aurora beast?"

The princess nodded excitedly.

"Oh my God! I can still hear the sound he heard and the smell he smelled! Ah ... I can sense even his touch! The aurora just broke a tree trunk. Wait, This guy is being chased and killed! "I was feeling well, and suddenly a group of Russians were chasing him in the senses of the aurora beast that was sensed. Obviously this is an aurora that successfully avoided the trap zone. Beast, because the hot feeling from his body and his claws all indicate that this guy is injured.

Exiting the ng Shenluo, I directly summoned the night shadow and turned it up, and then said to the group of aurora beasts around: "Hurry up, some companions need your help."

In fact, I don't need to say that the aurora beasts have sensed the situation over there, so when I stepped on the night shadow, these aurora beasts have already run.

Seeing those Aurora beasts running, I also pulled the princess back to Ye Ying's back, and then drove Ye Ying to catch up. While rushing on the night shadow, I asked the princess: "Aren't you a specialty of the soul? Is there a way for me to connect directly to their mind network without going through the aurora beast? This connection is so useful, but unfortunately it will break the line ! "

Princess said: "It can be, but the premise is that Aurora must agree to let us in. I can only simulate the connection of Aurora's mind signal, but I cannot force it into the network. After all, this mind network is all these connections. The ng **** collection of the aurora beast that envelops, no matter how powerful my ng **** ability is, it cannot fight the collective will of so many aurora beasts at the same time! "

"Then you ask the aurora beast next to them. Before, they would let me sense the existence of the network through them. Maybe they will allow us to enter now."

After I said the princess, I immediately tried to connect to the network, and then made a request to the Aurora Beast around me. The aurora beast that was running probably suddenly felt the signal of a companion around him very surprised. After turning his head to look at us, he seemed to want to understand the reason, and then I felt the disconnected network came back in a flash. . The princess also shouted, "Well, they let us in. Now I am the owner of your network. As long as I don't leave the range of the aurora beast, we can connect both of us to the network."

"Very good, it's much more convenient."

With the Mind Network, it ’s like having a radar. Although it is still far away, I can clearly sense the position of those Russians and the position of the injured Aurora, and I can actually pass this now. The Mind Network directs the aurora beasts in the distance to assist in combat. Some Russians who have not yet attacked their Aurora Beasts are experiencing martial arts. The Holy King made the holy king to kill the gods and seal the throne in the night and seek the pride of the world. The proudest Nine Emperor ’s strongest abandoned the Shaozhou Zhou royal family martial arts Qiankun will kill the gods of the Seal of the Night and seek the demon. When the Da Zhou royals arrived at the signal, they learned the current situation through the network. UU read the book and then they took the initiative to cooperate with us. Two of them were close to the injured Aurora beast quickly swooped up from the left and right sides. According to this degree, they should be able to reach there much earlier than us.

Although we did not rush to the scene, in the mind network, we can call the perspective of any aurora beast to observe the battle at any time, and even use a method similar to the perspective of God in a flat game to observe the entire battle process.

"This mother-in-law's heart is too bullish! I decided that I must pull this group of Aurora Beasts back to join us. With Aurora Beasts, our guild can completely enter the information age!"

"Master." The princess suddenly called me.

"what's up?"

"I have a new appearance."

"What now?"

The princess said somewhat uncertainly: "I seem to be able to kill the creatures within the coverage area of ​​the network directly with the mind network."

"What? How did you do that? Quickly show it to me."

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