Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 66: New forces

Volume 19 Chapter 66 New Power

As the man shouted, the players on both sides instantly moved. The sickle priest mm came up and threw his hands at the people here and threw a ball of black gelatinous material like mud.

Everyone here saw the flying black objects flew away to both sides at once, and one of them couldn't see before they could dodge, and then chopped off with a knife. However, although his knife was cut exactly in the center of the gel-like substance, he underestimated the flexibility of the thing. I saw that the gel actually pulled the old man around the blade after hitting his blade, and then stopped because of the habit of rolling back around the blade for several laps.

Seeing that the thing was entangled in his own knife, the player quickly shaken the blade to throw it down, but before he ng down the thing, he heard a whispering sound, and his blade was It was as soft as noodles, and the signs of melting were still coming down the blade to the handle.

"Ah, what a ghost!" The man saw that the knife was spreading toward the handle, and threw the knife out in a hurry. However, although he threw the knife away, the priest mm who was on the opposite side threw a ball of this thing again, and this time he hit his face with impartiality. "Ah ..." The screams appeared at the same time as a green smoke, and the man covered his face while rolling tragically while rolling across the ground, looking extremely terrifying. A few seconds later, the man suddenly stopped screaming, sat up from the ground and stared left and right with wide eyes.

It doesn't matter if he sits up, the people around him are scared by him, because at this moment the face of this guy has been burned beyond recognition. The skin on his entire face has completely disappeared, and the remaining muscles are also extremely uneven in this piece, and huge abscesses like toad skin can be seen in many places. However, the most terrifying thing is to count his eyes and mouth. Because the mouth net has completely disappeared, his teeth are all violent outside, and his eyelids are also missing, so it seems that the eyeballs are particularly large, and it seems to be a part of them. This guy looked around with such a dignity, and no wonder everyone around him was startled. Thanks to it being daytime, if there is a lack of security at night, a few can be scared directly to death.

The guy just sat there and looked around for two seconds, then suddenly looked down at his hands. Since the hand also reached those mucus when he covered his face just now, his hand has now become the same as the face. The skin on the palm completely disappeared, and the bones and tendons burst in the air, looking more scary than the skull. Although the complete skeleton is all bones, at least it looks clean and not disgusting. He is now more scary than a skeleton.

After looking at his palm, the guy suddenly opened his mouth again and uttered a terrible scream, followed by a sudden fall back and never moved again.

"Fuck, you can get one person in two moves. This girl is too good, right?" I squatted on the tree watching the fallen guy couldn't help but sighed at the priest mm's attack. Although there are many high-level players I have met, even so, it is rare to see such a sturdy attacker like this priest mm. It seems that the system score is relatively low, but there are still many folk masters with high actual combat effectiveness.

The people on both sides dropped one before they contacted. The robbers were also frightened, but they did it after all. It was normal for casualties in the fight, so they were not scared because of the dead, but The rush was faster.

Although there are three melees in the six opponents, it seems that the attack power is balanced, but the experienced people can see at a glance that the three melee classes are not high, but the two archers and The priest mm's combat effectiveness is quite considerable, so the sooner the distance between the two sides is reduced, the lower the casualties. Otherwise, if they are pulled away by such a long-range combat team, they will have to wait for their death.

The robber had just died, and the two archers on the opposite team opened their bows at the same time. The two feathers, regardless of the order, shèd to the two robbers. The robber on the left was left without any response at all. The arrow pierced the throat, and died instantly without even screaming. The other person apparently responded much faster, and a sword was thrown to hit the feather arrow flying in the air, but the arrow still wiped a blood hole on his neck, but it was not fatal.

The target team's combat effectiveness is so powerful. The archers in the robber team quickly hurled the bow and fired an arrow, but did not expect that the opponent's archer suddenly raised his hand after the robber archer shèd an arrow. The arrow shès out. Two feather arrows banged together in the air, and then they changed their directions. The robber that flew out was hit back, penetrating through the throat of a robber horizontally, and the arrow from the target team's archer shè was deflected in the direction of the other robber's eye socket.

"Second stage shè?"

The so-called two-stage bullet shè is actually an advanced skill of the archer. Using this skill can bounce the arrow back from the opponent shè, and change the direction of your arrow to continue flying. Of course, the elementary two-stage shè can actually only drop the opponent's arrow in the air. Like the arrow just now, not only will the opponent's arrow be turned and kill a target, even the arrow from his own can continue to fly and hit. One goal, this effect is definitely a two-stage bomber skill. If you only practice the second stage shè skill to the full level, that is, the 20th level, then at most you can bounce the opponent's arrow back to hurt people, and your own arrow will definitely not be able to hurt people again. The archer can shout such an effect, if it is not equipped with equipment to increase this skill level, it must be that he has this type of enhancement.

The robber team had four deaths and one injury before contacting the target. Although the ten people alive still had a numerical advantage over the other six people, considering that the opponent's archers and priests were so powerful, they actually won. It has become very uncertain. But for the robbers, fortunately, they have narrowed the distance between the two sides. If the two sides are still 20 or 30 meters away, it is estimated that they are better off running directly.

After two counterattacks, the front-end personnel of the two sides finally came together. The fighter on the robber's side jumped up first, but the person was enveloped by a large cloud of black clouds thrown by the priest mm before landing, waiting for a few people from the dark clouds. When they wore them, they were screaming and screaming hard. As a result, they were slammed to the ground by three melee soldiers who had been prepared.

In fact, the battle has been clear here, the team where the priest mm is working is very close. Among them, the priest mm and the two archers are too strong in combat, which can play a large role in killing the enemy at medium and long distances. With the cooperation of the priest mm, three melee professional protection teams are also difficult to be close. . For an inaccessible long-range damage team, the best way is to use a stronger remote output force than them to determine the victory over the middle and long distances. If you want to approach the combatants to attack, it is purely unhappy.

Although the situation is quite clear, there are no smart leaders on the robbers' side, so they are still charging when the situation is already quite unfavorable. However, this charge behavior obviously does not make any sense. Under the influence of the priest mm's various auxiliary skills, the robbers' combat power has not even been uttered in Chengdu. Such strength has problems in dealing with those melee personnel, not to mention The other side had two remote personnel sneak attack behind, this kind of side-to-side battle completely ended in two minutes.

"Well, clean up and leave here." The priest mm commanded several others. The warriors and archers were obviously used to the command of the priest mm, and when she heard her, they went to examine the dead body on the ground. I was planning to leave when I was here. Now that I have seen the robbery of those people, I can notify the people in the guild to deal with it. This type of gangsters can't do it by myself, and I want to kill them back to Xinshou Village It wasn't that I was here alone. However, just as I was about to turn around and leave, the voice of the priest mm suddenly came in front of me. "The one on the tree, after so long, don't plan to leave anything?"

The words of the priest mm made me stunned, I did not expect that she knew I had arrived. However, before I could respond, I suddenly heard a voice on the trunk not far away in front of me, saying, "It is indeed a sickle of blood, so you have been revealed."

If the words of the priest mm just surprised me, the sudden sound just now surprised me. Before telling the truth, I didn't even see that there was a person hiding there. Although this also has something to do with my attention not being there, after all, the other side has been near me for so long and the Throne of Seals has not been seen by me. This is a mistake.

The man over there jumped out of his hiding place after speaking, and the priest mm on the ground was not surprised to see the arrival, but he had such a look.

"How? Are each team under the Dark Alliance rivals monitored by mén?"

The man who just appeared glanced at the corpse on the ground and said disdainfully, "Well, this kind of corner doesn't need me to come out mén in person. I'm here to stare at you."

"Ah, that nv son is really honored!" Priest mm deliberately said something.

The visitor also knew his relationship with the other party, so the ridicule and sarcasm toward the other party simply did not care. "We don't have to play with those imaginary, anyway, everyone has no feelings at all, no need to pretend here."

"That's right." The priest mm took a sneer tone and said, "Since you said not to be introductory, let's just talk about business. Have your claws of the Sun Alliance recently stretched too long? Just this week I have received more than thirty reports on your robbery. You said what you would do. "

"I didn't say that your blood knights blocked our financial path. It wasn't you who came down first." The visitor said very politely.

The priest mm immediately cooled down when he heard the words of the other party. "Very well, since everything is said, let's do our best. Are you planning to leave yourself now, or will we take you home?"

"Okay, let's go and see later." After the man finished speaking, he suddenly shot and threw a flying knife at the archer next to the priest mm. After the man hit the knife, the person next to him quickly supported him, but because of this delay, the guy in the black robe turned and ran away. When they thought of going to chase, the other party had already jumped up, and they were about to enter. In the woods.

However, the man in the black robe failed to escape into the woods. Just as he was about to reach the nearest tree, two rotating flying blades suddenly flew out from the treetop in front of him and instantly removed him from his neck and waist. The location of the break was cut into three segments. After killing the black robe man, the two moon blades each took a large circle in the air, and then flew back into the woods and made two slight metal friction sounds.

"Who?" The priest mm looked into the woods with some anxiety. The thing just now is obviously a weapon, and the weapon itself will not hurt people, only the user of the weapon will hurt people. In other words, there was a person hidden in the woods, but she didn't know anything. However, although he was worried because the other party was not present, the priest mm's worry was not strong, because the other party killed her enemy, it means that the other party is likely not to be in a hostile relationship with her. She was right.

With the question of the priest mm, a yīn shadow next to the woods suddenly appeared a fighter with heavy body armor. The moment he saw the soldier, the eyes of the priest mm narrowed sharply. However, she suddenly saw that the archer beside her was pulling the bow and raising her arrow, and she hurriedly reached out and held down the opponent's bow to squeeze his hand down. "Don't move, that's Zi Ri's pet."

"Purple Sun? That Purple Sun of the Frost Rose League?" The archer asked in surprise at the priest mm.

The priest mm nodded and said, "If I remember correctly."

"You did remember correctly." The sound that suddenly appeared behind the crowd frightened several people, and when they turned around and saw that luck was actually standing behind them, they finally determined that it was indeed me. As my first magic pet, the popularity of lucky is still very high. It can be said that seeing him appears basically to be sure that I have arrived.

"Excuse me ..."

"Don't ask me, I'm here." I walked out of the woods in front of a few magic pets, and those players stunned after seeing me. Seeing their expressions, I looked down in suspicion before I remembered that I still had Emerson's camouflage on me. "Emmies."

"Sorry, my fault." Amenis suddenly appeared next to me, and I returned to normal after a wave.

"Hello, I'm Ziri, President of the Frost Rose Alliance, but I believe you should all know me."

Priest mm stepped forward and asked, "Can I ask President Ziri why you have a celebrity here?"

"The group of people who have just been killed by you is why I am here."

The priest mm heard the words and looked down at the corpse on the ground, and then suddenly asked, "Did you come for the Dark Alliance?"

"Maybe." I said not quite sure: "I originally thought that there was a group of ordinary players who came to Isingor's items during a robbery. This behavior will seriously affect Isinger's normal business activities, so I was planning to investigate the situation, but I didn't expect to have a dark alliance again. To be honest, I have never heard of this organization at all, so ... "

"Haven't you heard of it?" Priest mm hadn't spoken yet, and one of the soldiers beside her had spoken first. "Isn't it possible? Doesn't Frost Rose League have intelligence gathering staff? It's impossible for you to have such a large guild without such a department?"

The priest mm was much smarter than that soldier, and she said to the soldier before I answered, "Do n’t talk nonsense, how could a guild such as the Frost Rose Alliance have no intelligence organization. Some time ago, the throne of the Seal of God was fighting against Japan. It is fighting against Russia again. The Frost Rose Alliance's intelligence focus must be concentrated abroad. It is normal for domestic affairs to be unknown. "

I have to say that this priest mm is very smart. I guessed the reason before I answered her, but I nodded to confirm her guess. "Yes, during this period of the Seal of the Seal of God, we did relax our intelligence gathering work in the country. If it is not troublesome, I hope you can provide some news about the Dark Alliance. Looking at this situation today, our guild may need to be cleared. The domestic environment. "

As soon as the soldier who just talked to me heard that I was going to clean up the domestic environment, he immediately said happily, "Haha, that's great. Frost Rose League is willing to take a shot, and the Dark Alliance is going to be unlucky. I'll tell you ..."

Before the soldier's words were finished, he was interrupted by the priest mm. Priest mm pulled the soldier behind him, and then said, "President Ziri. It is not difficult for us to provide information, but I have a request and I hope you can agree."

"Speak and listen ~ ~ I hope you can call our blood knights when you act."

I thought a little bit about the request of the priest mm, and then answered seriously: "Sorry, I cannot allow the Frost Rose Alliance to invite you to participate in our operations as an official, unless your guild can pass our ally in the guild Assessment conditions. "

If it is a general guild, it must be someone to help during the guild war. But our Frost Rose League is different, and our status in the country is somewhat similar to the feeling of Ban Zheng fǔ 部 mén. Although the guilds in our country are not completely unified, due to the strength of our guilds, in the country, the Frost Rose Alliance has already possessed certain administrative functions. For guilds like ours, if we take other guilds together, then this guild is likely to be considered by other guilds to have a certain quality of law enforcement. In other words, if our guild takes the blood knights to perform the annihilation of the Sun Alliance, other guilds will see the blood knights as the executors of our guilds, so what the blood knights did bad Things, people will directly count on us. That is absolutely not allowed.

The priest mm saw that I refused very simply, and then asked, "Well, what if I only take me alone?"

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