Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 80: Limit test

"You guys are designers?" Blood Scythe asked in surprise as they looked at the group of people in front of them.

"Why? Don't we look like it?" Asked a sturdy samurai wearing a heavy armor and smiling.

Without waiting for the Bloody Scythe to answer, a man wearing a mage robe next to him smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, you are not the first person to have such a big reaction. Actually, we are indeed designers, but we Not a designer of clothes and buildings. "

"Yes," said the heavy armor warrior. "Unlike the guys who can only draw pictures, we are not designing dead things, but living things."

"Alive?" The Bloody Scythe stunned for a moment, then suddenly responded. "Did you design me?"

"It should be said that we design people, but now our design object is you, so it is not wrong for you to say that we design you."

"How can I design for a living person?"

"There are more places to design. For example, your height, arm length, weight, body, etc." the mage replied.

"These things need to be designed? I'm not going to be a model!"

"No no no." The mage said very seriously: "The Frost Rose Alliance is a multinational guild. As the backbone of such a guild, you must have almost perfect performance in all aspects. If you can be in Frost Rose As the backbone of the league, you should be able to perform perfectly no matter whether you are a model or any other profession. In addition, height, arm length, weight, body and other things are not only for your shape, more are still For your combat effectiveness. "

"Do these things have anything to do with my combat effectiveness?"

"Of course." The soldier said before turning to me and asked, "President, has she signed the agreement?"

I nodded and said, "Signed, it's okay, you can tell her."

After hearing my words, the soldier turned proudly to the sickle of blood: "Since that is the case, I will tell you the most obvious and biggest secret hidden in this game, that is ... the damage value can be exercised, and The xìng that affects damage are these things that seem completely irrelevant, such as height and arm length. "

Blood Scythe didn't think there was any problem just after listening, but soon she responded. "What? The damage value can exercise?"

"Yes." The soldier continued, "Do n’t you see that two people who belong to the same xìng are often able to show a clear distinction between strength and weakness? It is said that if xìng are the same, the fighting power depends only on fighting. If you are conscious, even if the fighting level between two people is much worse, it will never be too obvious, right? But the fact is that two people with the same genus xìng often have a huge fighting power difference, and what really determines the difference is the harm Value. "

"Isn't xìng the same damage value?" The Bloody Scythe asked in doubt.

"No, it looks the same, but it's actually different." The soldier explained: "If you look closely at the individual genus xìng, you will see that the damage value in" Zero "is not a fixed value, but an interval, generally how much How much damage is caused. This damage interval is the reason for the difference in combat effectiveness shown by two people who are exactly the same. "

"Why do people like xìng have different damage values?"

"No, initially, their damage value ranges are exactly the same, but the values ​​generated by each attack are different. Most people think that the specific number of damage values ​​is a random u value in the damage range, simpler In other words, everyone thinks that the specific value of each damage is hit by luck within the range of damage. "

"So what?"

"In fact, the damage value is the product of a combination of multiple factors. The system does use a random number in the u zone as the reference ratio for each damage value, but this number only affects a part of the damage value, and this random number is not complete. Random, but random according to the player's lucky value. A lucky 9 person and a lucky o person, even if the other genus xìng are exactly the same, the attack damage is certainly not the same.

In addition, in addition to the lucky value, the data such as height, arm length, and weight that we said earlier will also affect your final damage value. For example, if your arm is longer than others and the enemy has dodged in a normal attack, then because your hand is long, you may still be able to attack him or scratch him. At this time, when the same person as you belong to xìng plays ss or low damage, you may play normal damage, which is the source of your combat effectiveness gap. In addition, there is your weight. If you use skills such as brutal collision, two players of the same xìng type, one is 1.6 meters tall and weighs 40 kilograms, and the other is two meters tall and weighs 120 kilograms. , Even if the two of them belong to the same point, do you think they may produce the same damage output? "

After listening to the Blood Scythe, he quickly shook his head and said, "It does sound reasonable, but I don't want to train myself with long hands and feet plus a fat figure! How can I see people in that style?"

"Hahahaha ..." The **** sickle said that the designers and I all laughed, and only the **** sickle was at a loss with his eyes wide open. In the end, the mage could n’t see it anymore, she covered her belly and wiped her tears with one hand and explained to her: “Fat has the advantages of being fat, and thin has the advantage of being thin. Our designer ’s job is to help you design according to your personal characteristics. A set of body standards and fighting techniques that are most suitable for you, not to train you to become a fat or thin person. Just now, for example, a fat person is better than a thin person with a brutal collision, but on the other hand, if he uses flash skills, the thin person is definitely better than the fat Powerful, all we need is to find the best match, and then guide you to practice the skills that work best for you, rather than drastically change your image. "

"That's the case, it scared me."

"Haha, even if you want us to help you modify it, we don't have that ability." The soldier said: "If you can adjust the body of an ordinary person to the shape you want, then what other experts do we look for? Directly Can't you pull someone to transform it into the value we need to be able to mass-produce it? "

"That's what it is." Blood Scythe nodded. "So how do I design my skills mix now?"

"It's not that simple. Before designing, you need to test all aspects of your body, and then calculate your physical mechanics. Finally, you can decide whether to adjust your skills, equipment or change your body and habits through exercise."

"So complicated?"

"If it's not complicated, wouldn't any guild be able to set up a battle laboratory? The players of Frost Rose Alliance are better than the outside world for no reason." The mage continued after saying: "Since the president gave you We are, let's do some tests now? "

Blood Scythe nodded and asked, "What should I do?"

"You first come and do some basic tests." The mage said and took the blood sickle to the next room. This is different from the place we talked to just now. That room looked a bit like a study room just now, but here is a gym completely, all kinds of miscellaneous equipment are everywhere, and the whole room is almost full. As soon as the mage came in, he said, "I'm sorry, this is a bit uan. Pay attention to your feet."

A large group of people followed the mage into the room, and the mage brought the blood sickle to something like a treadmill. "Okay, now you take off all the equipment on your body, do n’t attach any equipment that is xìng, and if you have spells on your body, remove them, and keep the basic state of the character, in order to get the most accurate data."

The Blood Scythe nodded and unloaded all the equipment and equipment such as 1uan's mess, and followed her to the machine and asked, "Is it all I need to run now?" "

The mage quickly shook his head when he heard it: "Don't, you don't move first, the function of this thing is actually very complicated, and it is completely out of touch with the treadmill in your impression." The mage said again and pulled out four belts and a A wide belt passed to the sickle of blood. "You put this on and then fasten the belt to the belt."

Blood Scythe put on his belt and hung four fixed straps, then asked, "What then?"

Master said: "In a moment I will start this machine, and then the conveyor belt under your feet will start to move. All you have to do is to move according to the degree of movement of the belt. Try not to let the four belts tighten and rely on your own strength. Exercise, don't let the belt pull you to run. Also, the degree of the following conveyor belt is not fixed, you'd better pay a little attention. This thing may suddenly increase or decrease, and sometimes even reverses, you must according to its Exercise to control your degree. Understand? "

"Well, it doesn't sound difficult," said the Blood Scythe Ignorant. Although I know that this thing is abnormal, but given that it is the test time of the Seal of Throne, I don't want to remind her so as not to affect the test results.

After the Blood Scythe had confirmed that he was ready, the mage nodded to a follower behind him. The man immediately pushed up a trowel next to the machine and started to move slowly along with the same thing as the treadmill. stand up. The Blood Scythe felt the rotation of the belt conveyor under her feet and walked away, but because the belt was very slow, she could only walk slowly at a very slow pace.

"This thing is here?" Asked Blood Scythe with a little surprise.

The mage took this logbook and filled in some basic data on it, then said: "It was just warming up at first to prevent your muscles from being strained. It will start the test program after thirty seconds. There are now fifteen seconds left."

"That's it." After confirming the situation, Blood Scythe began to walk slowly along the machine, only ten seconds later, the machine began to gradually increase. In the first five seconds, the sickle of blood can barely move in a walking state, but after five seconds she was forced to enter the running state, and then the machine remained in this state for more than ten seconds, and then suddenly began to accumulate, the eyes of the sickle of blood The boss who stared at the moment, the whole person's posture changed, but even if she tried hard to sprint hard, she still couldn't keep up with the machine's operation. However, because she has a belt on her waist, she can't fall even if she can't keep up with the machine. She can only be dragged by the machine and feels very embarrassed.

When the machine reached the degree that the blood sickle could not catch up with, it only gradually maintained for two seconds. The blood sickle was still unable to keep up, but when the degree was reduced to a value, the blood sickle finally found the frequency of the pace. In front of me, it is the degree of keeping up with the machine. However, she just found the degree, but the belt started to increase again, but this time the degree was slowly increased, and the change was not large. The **** sickle worked hard and reluctantly adapted to this new degree, but she did not expect that she had just adapted, and the machine actually started to add again. She could only add sharply without saying a word, but this degree had exceeded her limit. No matter how she added it, she was dragged by a belt.

The mage looked at the number on the crystal screen and said, "It's not bad, it can reach a maximum of 27.6, which is faster for the genus xìng in its full state."

The treadmill under the Bloody Scythe had gradually decreased to a jogging degree when we saw the reading, so she returned to normal when we spoke, but she breathed slightly. When the Master said that her degree could reach 27.6, she immediately asked, "Is this degree fast?"

The mage explained: "The genus xìng of the game character is a genus xìng that has been strengthened by equipment. If you can reach this degree without the aid of equipment, it means that your foundation is very good. If you can equip you with extra equipment, you It ’s very promising to be an assassin. "

"It's a pity I have turned to the Shadow Knight!" Blood Scythe said a little disappointed after listening.

The mage immediately comforted her and said, "Don't worry, the knights are also indexed knights and power knights. If you have a fast foundation, it doesn't mean that you are not suitable for knights, just that your strengths are more suitable for swing advantages."

"Oh, this." After listening to Blood Scythe, he asked the mage curiously, "Yes, how much does President Zi Ri wear no equipment?"

Upon hearing the words of the sickle of blood, all the people present were silent for a moment. Finally, after a long time in the cold, the mage began to say, "Don't worry about him, he is abnormal, and the measured data cannot be used as a reference."

"Hello, did you want me to test it well at first?" I couldn't help saying that the mage actually hurt me so much.

The mage actually didn't care about my objection, and still said with confidence: "You said what data you measured at that time? Although this is a game, the player's physical strength is much stronger than the actual person, but you are even more powerful. Is n’t it less than a hundred meters a second? Do you know what the degree is? The mounted warhorses sold in the system mall are not as fast as you. Do you say that such data can be used as a reference? "

"Well, isn't it a little faster!"

"Have you called that faster?" The mage pointed at the sickle of blood with excitement: "It is faster if people are 27.6 meters per second, you are less than a second at 100 meters, and an average of 108 meters per second, converted When I came out, it was more than 300 kilometers, and the sports car of the lower grade was not as fast as you. Did you come out? "

"Fuck, what's wrong with running fast?"

The mage waved his hand: "Anyway, your data is perverted data, which cannot be included in the data reference of normal humans, otherwise it will become more disabled than you!" Speaking of which, the mage turned the target back to the blood sickle. "Okay, leave him alone, let's do the change test now, you don't have to fall by yourself." After the mage had finished waiting for the sickle of blood to answer, he pushed the switch next to him, following the foot of **** sickle Suddenly the conveyor belt started to reverse, and the **** sickle's body almost turned over on the belt conveyor, but the belt on the waist caught her body, so it did not fall down even though it was crooked.

The Blood Scythe has just adapted to this backward running method. I did not expect the belt conveyor to suddenly stop suddenly, and then it started to turn all the way. The Blood Scythe also changed direction quickly, but she adjusted the degree. Back, the degree of the conveyor belt was suddenly slow, making her almost overshoot again, but before she adapted to the slow degree, the belt conveyor suddenly started to increase again, and it was instantly increased to the degree of blood sickle. Limit.

In the next time, the **** sickle in the throne of God's Seal was taught what was unexpected. The **** machine underneath it turned forward and reversed, and it turned fast, and slowly crawled like a snail. There will be an inexplicable stop for two or three seconds. In short, the degree of this thing is completely unremarkable like the u wind. Her two legs are almost netbsp; the mage finally turned off after doing more than ten minutes of change testing. Switch, and the blood sickle paralyzed almost as soon as the machine stopped. "Huh, don't bring such fun! You are killing me?"

"It's just a limit and change test. Don't be so exaggerated?" I laughed and released the sickle of blood from the machine, and then, with the majestic warrior next to her, mounted her on a machine next to her. Came down.

Blood Scythe thought at the beginning that we were kind enough to help her take a rest, but unexpectedly, as soon as the buttocks were seated, hands and feet were suddenly locked by metal fixtures. "What are you doing?"

"You may be a bit uncomfortable with the test of this project. In order to ensure that it does not affect the accuracy of the test results, you must first fix it. You can rest assured that although this test is a bit uncomfortable, it will never hurt you."

"Hey hey, you said you wouldn't be hurt?" The Bloody Scythe looked at us and completely extended her hands and pulled out a metal-like skull arm and fixed it to her hand. Each finger of the metal skeleton just covered one finger of the Blood Scythe, and there were many ring-like fixing rings on the metal finger. After passing through the fingers of the Blood Scythe, it could just hold her completely. Every finger.

"Rest assured, this thing is just a test of your body's flexibility, it will not hurt." The soldier explained to the sickle of blood.

"Oh, it was testing the flexibility of the body! Wait! What? Testing the flexibility?" The blood sickle didn't respond at first, but she soon wanted to understand the reason. This thing fixed her body almost every inch of independent bones, and we told her that it might be a little uncomfortable, wouldn't it be clear that it would do some exaggerated limb movements for a while? "Hey, please, can you not do this test? I'm very weak, don't pull it!"

"Rest assured, we will be very gentle." The mage seemed to have copied the data. After returning here, he immediately said to the assistant next to him: "I am going to make her a cheekbone loop and see how flexible her legs are. kind."

"What? Sacral loop? What is that? Can you not do it?"

Although Blood Scythe had been shouting, no one answered her. When the two assistants pushed behind the fixed frame, the blood sickle's two legs began to lift forward involuntarily, as if people were sitting with their legs straight on the ground. However, the metatarsal loop does not end here. As the fixed frame gradually folds upward, the legs of the Blood Scythe change from straight forward to a state of starting to fold over the head, and as the fixed frame moves, Her legs are higher and higher.

"Hey, you can't fold it anymore, you have to break it again!" The blood sickle began to scream when the angle between the legs of Blood Scythe and her body was compressed to only 45 degrees.

The mage glanced at the folding machine and said, "What's the point of you calling this way? It's far from it!" He waved to the people next to him, "Continue."

As soon as the **** sickle saw the assistant, he started to shake the handle again and shouted: "Hey, you can't continue anymore, it will be broken if you break it again, don't ... break it, break it!"

"It's OK to say it's okay, continue." The mage continued shouting cruelly. As the assistants shook, the blood sickle's legs were folded to the point where she could almost fit her head, but at this time she could not speak at all, and her head was sweating coldly. The mage looked at the sickle of blood and said, "It's almost there, this is probably the limit. There are fifteen degrees left, which is pretty good. Let go."

With the mage's words, the Blood Scythe's legs were finally released, but she was bent backwards before she could catch her breath ~ ~ In the next half hour, the Blood Scythe was almost To be broken up by that machine, this inconspicuous device fully explains how soft the human body is, and it can be bent to such an exaggerated angle. Sometimes I even feel that the sickle of blood is about to be broken. Yes, but she actually bent over.

"Comprehensive scoring came out." After a while, I finally got all the basic data of the Blood Scythe. Although these things don't look special, many people don't know whether a player can really become powerful. In fact, the most important thing is That's it.

"Very well, it seems that I read right. The sickle of blood is really a talent worth training. You ..."

As soon as I was about to speak, the communicator in my ear suddenly sounded the voice of the **** of war. "Zi Ri, you better come to my side."

"What's so urgent?"

"Anyway, come over and talk."

"Okay, I'll be right there." After replying to the **** of war, I temporarily gave the sickle of blood to the designers, and then I quickly rushed to the command center of the **** of war. I really don't know what is so troublesome, I have to go to him to say!

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