Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 86: Soul withdrawal

Volume nineteenth chapter eighty-six soul netbsp; Although the demon ran away, but there is a dart to help me track the position, he did not expect to run away at all. However, I just turned around and walked out of the gate of ng acupoint. I just met the president of the guild that was resurrected. Of course, he had already been killed once before, and even an idiot could not run back alone.

"Huh, Ziri, I didn't bring enough people to take advantage of you before, this time I see where you are going." As soon as I saw me coming out of the ng hole, the chairman immediately jumped out and pointed at me to release Ruthless words. Of course, the reason why he dares to be so arrogant is that there are nearly 10,000 people standing behind him. It is estimated that if these people were not there, he would have no idea where to go.

"Huh, a group of black people." I casually dropped a sentence and then said: "I'm in a hurry now, the throne of the Seal of God, and I will give you two choices. First, let me make a way. Second, I will make my own way. Choose quickly Right. "

After hearing what I said, the president Lima quit, and jumped out and pointed at me and cursed: "Zi Ri, don't think you are more aggressive than you are so arrogant. Tell you, this is the site of our underground federation, think You are not qualified to play majestic in our place. "

I heard that the other side was so arrogant, I knew that this matter could not be discussed at all, so I simply said nothing and gathered eternity directly into the hands to condense into the shape of an epee. After the eternity took shape, I immediately took a step forward and raised eternity above my head. Immediately above the eternity, a layer of purple and black flames ignited. Without waiting for the other person to respond, I waved the flames eternally forward, a huge pillar of fire instantly formed and slammed into the crowd with my slash.

The crowd on the opposite side did not expect that I would suddenly shoot. When I saw the huge pillar of flame, I had no time to escape. As a result, everyone could only watch the flame pillar crash into the crowd, and then instantly The row of people standing on the line of the team were all burned to fly ash, while the people on both sides of the team were blown out by the sudden explosion after the pillar of fire hit the ground, and these people were more or less flamed. Stained a little. Many people hurriedly wanted to extinguish the flame on their bodies as soon as they got up, but the flame was attached to the body as if it were attached to the firewood. Not only did it burn more and more, it actually caught their hands as they slapped, Then it spread to all directions. In the end, many people were ignited by flames and turned into human torches.

At the end of the sword, I looked at the one-third of the player team that had been killed. I directly put away the eternal summoning night shadow to turn over and climbed up, and then just when the remaining few thousand people did not exist generally from the middle of the team The huge blank area of ​​Tao went through, and in the process, no one dared to stand up, even if it was a symbol of xìng.

Since the identity has been violent, it is meaningless to hide it. I rode all the way to the harbor area directly, and the guards over there saw the first response after seeing me instead of blocking, and ran away. Obviously, they already knew what was happening at the ng acupoint.

I rode the night shadow directly to the harbour dam, and then in the port of the group of players waiting for the charter in the surprised eyes directly drove the night shadow all the way to the edge of the pier and let the night shadow jump out of the sky. pier. Those who did not understand the situation originally thought that I had a problem with my head and I was going to ride a horse and jump into the river. Who knows that when the night shadow jumped out of the dock, it seemed as if it fell on the ground and the horseshoe leaped directly on the water again, and It was just a few circles on dang.

Looking at me riding the night shadow on the river, a player couldn't help but envy: "I wish I had that mount too!"

A guy who knew the situation immediately said: "Mount? That's a nightmare, a special ss-class thing. When it's a mount? Both of you haven't necessarily done it with him. Besides, as long as he doesn't want to fight you, You can't catch up after exhaustion. "

"Don't I just sigh! Don't talk about nightmares, one day I can wake up laughing and dreaming!"

The people on the dock are still discussing the situation here, but I have rushed to the exit of the underground river riding the night shadow. Seeing that there was a dock for personnel transfer in front of me, I pointed forward across a long distance, Mira appeared instantly on top of my head, and then switched to a dragon-shaped state with a dragon yín. Opening the mouth was a destruction bomb that moved the front The camouflage pier blasted out.

In the city outside, everyone was busy. Who knew that a sudden explosion came from the warehouse area, and then followed by a loud noise, a gemstone dragon shining brightly like a ruby? The warehouse wall and half of the roof flew over the city at once, and then immediately saw me riding out of the night shadow.

As soon as I came out, there was a loud sound immediately outside the city. "Attention players in the city, we are the elite team of the Frost Rose Alliance. We will fight against the city in ten minutes. Please leave unrelated personnel as soon as possible or leave the underground line. After ten minutes, all the people who stay in the city will It is regarded as a city guard to be destroyed. To avoid accidental injury, please do not wish to evacuate as soon as possible.

This notification sounded ten times in a row, but each time the previous time the throne of the Seal of Insignia was reduced by one minute, when the last minute notification was over, a large number of flying units were immediately raised outside the city, followed by the guards in the city. The forces countered and the men flew directly into the city and began to clear the city guards.

This attack here was the strongest part of the combat effectiveness of our guild. Except that our guild protoss did not participate in the battle, this was almost the original squad when the Russian protoss was hit. At the beginning, even the Russian Protoss was just fighting with our elites to have mutual injuries and deaths. Now these people are used to deal with a medium-sized city. It is simply tofu with an ax. It is easy to have almost no injuries. Get the city done.

After completing the city suppression in five minutes, the elite corps of our guild immediately entered the underground underground river, and then rushed along the river to the city of hún1uan upstream. As for the newly occupied city, there were naturally second-line troops in our guild. Responsible for taking over.

I have n’t had a hand since the elite troops entered the city. Now the city ’s resistance is so weak that it can be ignored. I just left before the battle was over.

According to the information returned by the dart's psychological contact, the transmission distance of the puppet was not too far, so Ye Ying only used a dream crossing and three minutes to reach the position of the puppet.

When we arrived at the position of the puppet, the puppet was competing with the darts, and we saw a beam of light flying in the forest all the time, and the nearby trees exploded everywhere, but the actual effect was almost zero. With the ability of darts to move light, even if you can ensure that the gun head is aligned with the darts every time you shoot, what about the time of flight of the fired bullets? Even energy weapons such as jī light are nothing but light, and darts can flash off completely. Besides, there seems to be no real light rays in "Zero" so far. Even Mira's destruction rays just look like jī light, but the degree is far worse than light. Otherwise, when I first met Mira, I wouldn't be able to flash her beam of destruction, after all, I wouldn't be able to flash even if the response was fast.

After seeing the darts playing with that puppet, I was not in a hurry to rush up. Anyway, this guy ’s fighting energy comes from the absorbed soul energy. Even if he just ate so many researchers ’souls, but experienced that After the absolutely amazing transmission of secondary energy consumption, there should not be much left now. Besides, he is still frantically firing energy bombs everywhere. According to his degree, it is not enough to bring a power station with him.

It was probably that he couldn't hit darts at all. After playing for more than a minute, the puppet finally gave up his intention to continue attacking. Instead, he launched the teleporter again and tried to escape, and he also erected Beware of darts at any time and rush in to teleport with him. However, this time the dart didn't rush in, because he already knew we were near.

Just when the mine-like teleportation devices around the puppet just started, the forest suddenly lighted up, and then saw a red beam of light instantly passed through the gap between the forest trees in front and directly hit one of them. Above the device, immediately followed by an explosion, the teleportation device that was hit was instantly exploded into a pile of debris.

Although a transmitter was bombed out, what surprised us was that the power grid around the puppet was still working, but the absence of a transmission device seemed to extend the transmission time. The power grid flashed for a long time and I did not see that the puppet had to be teleported away. It seems that the lack of a teleportation device has increased the gathering time and the Seal of God.

Before he sent himself away, I waved again to signal Mira, and Mira immediately opened her mouth and two destruction rays flew out. The puppet on the opposite side made two continuous loud noises and two transmission devices were bombed off, but the power grid was still there.

This time, I do n’t need to give an order. After the thing is still working, Mira directly replenishes five rays and bombards the five emitters, and then sees that the power grid around the puppet flashed a few times and it became obvious. Dimmed down, all shooting devices finally fell to the ground as if suddenly losing power.

After watching all the things fall to the ground, I nodded and walked towards the puppet, and the other side also revealed my existence in the throne of the Seal of God the first time I appeared.

My performance in the underground ng acupoint before seemed to scare the demon, and he was obviously nervous after seeing me again. Looking down at the scrapped conveyor on the ground, the guy turned away without any restraint and ran.

Snapped. With one of my ring fingers, there was a loud noise in front of me. Fortunately, he smashed in front of the puppet with huge wind pressure, sealing his escape route. However, this guy didn't mean to stop at all. Now there is a block in front, and he immediately turned to run to the side. That guy can only retreat back.

"Don't you be stingy before? Why run now when I see you?" I said as I walked towards him.

The puppet also knew that I was the boss here, and when I came over, I immediately put the main goal of alert on me, but the following dragons still gave him no pressure, and he had to watch out at any time Fortunately, they had a sneak attack.

Seeing that he still did not want to cooperate in this situation, I also estimated that he would probably not compromise, and had no choice but to persuade him for the last time: "It looks like you are going to resist the end. .Although I do n’t know why you are reluctant to cooperate, but I respect your choice. Now I ask you one last time, do you want to cooperate with me to make me understand the principle of special abilities in you, or do I want to break you down Develop it yourself? "

The other party didn't speak, but he put his arms in front of him, and then only heard the rustling claws on his arms popped out. Seeing that he even lights up his weapon, the answer doesn't need to be asked.

I reluctantly turned and walked backwards and said, "Here you are, don't break it."

Fortunately, he deliberately grinned and pretended to be fierce, and said, "Relax, boss, I promise to break him into pieces for you to study slowly."

Fortunately, after finishing talking here, Milla suddenly opened her mouth and blasted out with a ray of destruction. The puppet hurriedly blocked his arms in front of him, and then a blue shield of energy suddenly appeared in front of him. A blast of Mila's destruction ray was stopped on the light shield, but the force of the explosion actually shook the puppet back a dozen steps.

"Roar." The doll that had just stabilized heard a roar behind him, and he immediately realized that he had retreated too much into the attack range of the dragon behind him. Sure enough, he just turned around and protected his arms in front of him, and saw a huge dragon claw swept across, and the sound of a bang swept him across the ground and broke a dozen trees before he fell to the ground. .

Although all-metal-made puppets are very large compared to humanoid players, they have no advantage compared to dragons. Fortunately, they patted him like a fly, and slapped him with a slap. After all, the volume is too different between the two sides, and there is nothing comparable in terms of strength.

The puppet, who was slap-flyed, managed to get up from the ground. I just wanted to observe the position of the enemy. I didn't expect a clever sword flashing behind him. Although the puppet did a dodge action at the last moment, but Still half a beat. I only heard the sound of a metal tear, followed by a muffled sound, and a metal arm hit the ground directly.

He looked at his bare right shoulder in surprise. The puppet just wanted to bend over to pick up the broken arm on the ground and then take it back. I didn't expect that a white silk thread suddenly stuck to the arm in the forest, and then the silk thread suddenly As soon as he closed it, he pulled his arm back. The puppet immediately wanted to chase after his arm was snatched, but after the arm was dragged away, his face suddenly turned black, followed by a huge tail swept across, and then banged With a loud noise, the puppet flew out again, and rolled out on the ground at a distance of two or three hundred meters, and broke numerous trees during the period.

"Your enemy is us, don't look around." Mila, who has been transformed into a netg humanoid, said standing next to the puppet with a great sword flashing in thunder.

After hearing this, the present enemy who was surprised by the puppet did not know when he had arrived at him. What he didn't know was that Mira didn't come to him, but he flew to Mira himself. The tail was actually plagued by the angle u, so his flight path was also expected. After stopping, he just fell under Milla's feet.

Although the puppet didn't know how Mira appeared next to him, he was now terrified. From the ignorance in the ng acupoint to the front view when I can easily catch his flying knife later, and now I can't pay much attention to it now, now that the puppet only looks up at me. Until now he finally realized that I was not stronger than him, but much stronger than him. Regardless of whether they can beat him one-on-one, fortunately, the demon puppets under their joint cooperation have no chance to even fight back. He was just being lucky to play with them. This is no longer a fight, this is a joke, a play of ng, a shame of Chi.

"Ah ..." The puppet seemed to know that he didn't want to leave, but he didn't intend to be softened, so he finally decided to fight a fishnet. After a roar, the guy jumped up from the ground, and then saw that his whole body suddenly turned on the dazzling blue light, and it was getting brighter and brighter.

Immediately after the guy's roar, I suddenly turned back and looked at this xìng unique demon doll ~ ~ and then sighed helplessly and called: "Ling."

"Um." Accompanied by a soft response, Ling appeared silently beside the puppet, and then laid a hand lightly on the shoulder of the puppet, while his mouth seemed to be a soft voice. Said: "Enough."

With this "enough", the blue light on the puppet suddenly began to weaken. Within a few seconds, the blue light was almost dim, and the puppet was surprised to look back at Ling. what you want to say. But it was a pity that he couldn't say a word, then suddenly his knees softened, and he knelt down on the ground, then his body shook two more times, then he suddenly fell forward and hit him heavily. on the ground.

"Okay, take him away." Seeing that guy was finally quiet, Ling directly told the lucky one and turned around and walked towards me.

Seeing Ling coming over, I asked directly: "I'm right, right?" Ling nodded and stretched a hand in front of me when he walked in front of me. At this moment, on her palm, a transparent light ball like a féi soap bubble was flashing light and dark, and inside the bubble, there was a person exactly the same as that of the puppet. Smashing the bubble wall, trying to run out of it. Of course, all his efforts were futile. "This is the soul of that guy?"

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