Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 89: Amazing ability

Chapter 19 Chapter 89

"Ah ... help ..." The entangled researcher screamed desperately. He is a senior researcher, and his combat effectiveness is basically zero. Therefore, when facing danger, obviously he will not have the response ability of combatants. But he was lucky because I was standing next to him. As soon as he was rolled up by the tentacle, the blade on my wrist had slipped out, followed by a sharp upward wave of the wrist, and a snoring passed through the tentacle.

The tentacle and the light body can pass through the platform at will before, so I judged it as a spirit body instead of strength, but when I just rolled up the researcher, I thought it had materialized itself. After all, the researcher's body is strength. The non-physical tentacles must not be able to reach him. But what surprised me was that my blade claws passed through the tentacle as if nothing had been touched.

Although the first knife was empty, my reaction did not slow down at all. When the wrist is flipped, the magic power is instantly transmitted to the blade claws, with a layer of faint purple and black rays passing through the tentacles again, and this time the effect is like cutting a butter with a red-hot steel knife. I completely cut off the tentacles that entangled the researcher, and the researcher was caught by my other hand and thrown to the rear. As soon as Ling reached behind my back, he caught the researcher and put it on the ground, but I continued to wave the blade claw and cut the spirit tentacle instantly. The broken tentacles, like the smoke, were automatically dissipated in the air before they fell off the ground.

"Backing down, this thing is dangerous." I stopped a few researchers who thought about seeing the situation, and then took a step back. Although the tentacle on the surface of the thing was cut off by me, it quickly grew out, but the length was obviously shorter than before. It seems that the energy of this thing is also limited and cannot grow indefinitely.

"Chairman, this thing is so dangerous. What shall we do?"

"It's okay, this is not such a dangerous thing to me." I said and looked at the researcher who had just been rescued next to me. "How are you? Can you check the energy of this thing?" "

Although the researcher's face was still pale, he nodded and said, "No problem." Then he went behind the monitor and started the machine again. After using the new machine to take a picture of this soul body, the researcher frowned: "President, this thing is definitely a spirit body, but its energy intensity is very unstable and high. It can reach more than ten thousand standard units when it is low, only a few tenths when it is low, and there is no regularity. Moreover, I just found the signal of consciousness of this soul on the instrument to read only the signal of hunger. According to the conclusion of machine analysis, this Things should belong to a kind of artificial soul. It has a similar principle to the artificial soul loaded in our mobile angels, except that its functions do not seem to be perfect, and some of its capabilities are stronger than ours, but some basic capabilities are completely absent. "

"Do you mean this is an incomplete soul?"

"It shouldn't be incomplete, but a congenital defect. It feels like ... it's like being suddenly taken down halfway through the production line, without the subsequent processes."

"Is it an incomplete defective product?" I thought for a moment: "Clean up here first, let's find another place to do some experiments to see how much special ability this thing has."

A researcher in charge of soul research immediately suggested: "The dangerous spirit test field on our side is very suitable for testing this thing. Why not move it directly?"

"Then go there."

Under my command, everyone quickly picked up and began to shift positions, and the magical part was dragged by Ling with magic to the test site.

This spirit test field is very different from the general weapon test field. It is not an open and empty field, but a rather huge room. This room is made entirely of transparent materials. The exterior is equipped with a plurality of energy neutralization devices, which can release the opposite energy of xìng to neutralize the energy of xìng according to the characteristics of the tested spirit. Although this barrier has no active attack power, it can restrain energy creatures. Any energy creature that attempts to forcibly break through the barrier will be completely consumed by the neutralizer, so this barrier is indestructible to the energy body.

After putting that spirit in the test area, we all retreated outside the test barrier, and only two early models of the puppets were left in the test area.

Because someone must be in charge of conducting the experiment, it must be reserved in the experimental area, but because the test items are often dangerous goods, it is not safe to leave the researcher inside. In order to ensure the safety of the researcher and to meet the experimental requirements, it is best to leave a few puppets in it. Of course, the new model of mobile angels was originally more suitable for experimental existence than the puppets, but a flaw in mobile angels determines that they are not suitable for work here.

Compared with the earlier backward puppets, the current mobile angel has greatly improved in all aspects, but in order to make the mobile angel have high intelligence, we have installed artificial souls on the mobile angel. Although this improvement makes the mobile angel have the intelligence level that the puppet cannot reach, it also makes the mobile angel have the weakness of the soul. Because the early goblins had no such thing as a soul, they were naturally immune to soul attacks. After all, they didn't have any soul to let the other attack. But the mobile angel has a different soul. Although there are some differences between artificial souls and natural souls, and we have specially set up a soul attack protection device, maneuverable angels will still be harmed by the soul, but they are relatively more resistant than ordinary creatures. However, Mobile Angels are always affected by soul attacks anyway, so using Mobile Angels in such a place specializing in dangerous spirits is not so safe. In contrast, the early demons were a little clumsy, but they were not afraid of soul attacks, but were more suitable for the work here. As for the problem that the old-fashioned puppets are not smart enough, this doesn't matter. Anyway, the researchers are just outside the experimental area. Any problems can be corrected on the spot. Although the honest puppet is stupid, the basic commands are still understandable.

After preparing the experimental equipment and the old-fashioned demon and activating the protective barrier, we also entered the working room one after another. From this side, we can clearly see the entire situation in the experimental area, and we can directly use the sound-magic array installed here. Experiment with the puppet inside the dictate command.

Seeing that the puppet inside was ready, the researcher beside me began to command after asking me: "Turn on soul energy monitoring."

The nearby researcher quickly activated the monitor here. Compared with the machine just pushed to the temporary laboratory, the fixed equipment function is obviously much better, and the xìng energy is much better. Just looking at the crystal indicator full of the screen, I feel that this gadget is complicated.

"The monitor is working normally," the researcher shouted later.

The supervisor researcher beside me nodded his head, and then said to the vocal magic circle: "One, extract a blank soul and throw it next to the experimental target."

Following the researcher's order, a puppet with a number 1 on the experimental area quickly turned around and walked to a row of containers in the corner of the room. Then he accurately grabbed a bottle and turned it directly to the strange one. Soul carrier. With just a click, the crystal bottle fell on the support next to the carrier and became a fragment, while a white soul fire fluttered out.

The spirit body just became a bit sluggish after I cut off several tentacles in succession. It seems that the whole reaction is slowed down because of energy exhaustion, so we plan to feed it a little soul power to make it slightly more lively. xìng.

As soon as the fire of this group of spirits floated out, the group of spirits over there suddenly moved. A dozen tentacles were all entangled in the fire of the soul, and then quickly pulled it into his body, and then the soul was swallowed up by the soul carrier at its core.

After eating the group of souls, the fierce light on the carrier flashed, and the spirit body surrounding the carrier immediately grew a circle, and the tentacles on it were restored to the length before injury. The tempo is significantly faster than before.

"It seems that this thing does work with soul energy, but it seems that soul energy cannot meet its needs," said an assistant researcher next to the researcher.

The researcher in charge here nodded and said to the sound transmission method: "No. 1, throw nine more soul fires to it."

When the No. 1 puppet heard the order, he immediately pulled out nine bottles and threw them near the spirit body, and then saw those tentacles madly wriggling and caught the bottles directly in the air and crushed them. As for the The Soul Fire was pulled into its core carrier at the moment the bottle burst.

After swallowing the nine group soul fire in one breath, the spirit body was obviously excited. Not only did the volume and the number of tentacles increase, but it also actively tested the tentacles in all directions with the tentacles and seemed to want to find something.

Seeing that the spiritual body had already been quite active, the researcher in charge began to order the puppet to use various weapons to test what damage this thing was afraid of. For those dangerous souls, it is very important to figure out what they are afraid of. In case of an accident later, knowing their weakness can at least clear them up.

This step test is a routine test. The No. 1 Golem completely tried all possible attacks in accordance with the pre-arranged steps without subsequent orders. It turned out that this thing is basically the same as the ordinary soul Not much difference. It is not afraid of physical damage, and can be arbitrarily empty or materialized, but it has a strong sense of energy damage. Various types of spell damage have a strong killing effect on it.

"It seems that the defense capabilities of this thing are not very good." I looked at the test results and said.

The responsible researcher in charge of the research said: "Souls are generally like this, even if the ghosts of the undead can already realize the soul, they are also very afraid of energy attacks. This is basically xìng, not by improving strength Things that can be changed. The artificial souls used by the mobile angels of our guild are actually very fragile if they are taken out. The reason why mobile angels now have a relatively strong resistance to soul attack is because we give the carrier of artificial souls. A layer of protection magic array has been added to the outside. The parts outside this carrier are gone, and now it is equivalent to a soul state, so it is normal to be afraid of energy attacks. "

I nodded and said: "Then you quickly test to see what the special abilities of this thing are. Before this guy in the city of hún1uan actually turned out a thing like a beam cannon, but on him before There are no similar parts at all! And this guy actually ran away with the transmission device, and that thing is obviously not the function that the original parts on it should have. "

"We saw this on the battle record before, but it may take some time to figure out the throne of the Seal of God. Now we will first try its response to mechanical parts." After the researcher said it, he turned to the No. 1 monster. Even: "Throw the experimental equipment next to that spirit."

Immediately after receiving the order, Demon No. 1 removed a metal part from the working platform next to it and threw it at the spirit body. I thought that part would fall to the ground, but to our surprise, the thing was caught by the spirit body in the air.

I can understand the spirit bottle that previously caught those soul bottles. After all, it contains the soul energy it likes to eat. But what does it do now to catch this mechanical part? Can it still eat metal?

As soon as I thought of eating metal, my expression suddenly changed. The demon puppet in the ng cave of the city of hún1uan had once swallowed a large tutu of a mobile angel, and other parts of his body obviously cannot have the function of self-healing of the parts of other mobile angels. How was it possible to eat a big tutu of a mobile angel? The answer must be on this soul carrier. In other words, this thing can really eat metal.

The results are not exactly the same as I guess, but they are almost the same. After catching the part, the guy directly put it on the carrier, and then we saw that the metal part melted and decomposed quickly like butter on a frying pan and turned into a ball of silver. Liquid metal.

After the liquefied metal completely turned into a liquid, it seemed that there was some force driving it. Those liquids actually flowed along the shell of the carrier to the underside of it and all drilled into the gap between the carrier and the test bench. .

After all the liquid metal was drilled into the gap under the carrier, we suddenly found that the carrier actually moved a bit, followed by the entire carrier suddenly raised, and after it rose, we immediately appeared under it There were actually six mechanical feet like crab tutu.

Seeing this change, the research director next to me immediately said excitedly: "It seems this is the secret of wound healing and evolutionary weapons."

I nodded when I heard the researcher's words. Although this mechanical tuǐ has no technical content, but since it can turn an irrelevant part into such a traveling system it now urgently needs, it is not an incomprehensible thing to become a weapon with sufficient resources. Already.

While we were talking about its secrets of change, the researcher who was responsible for monitoring the energy of the soul suddenly said: "Supervisor, the energy value of the spirit body has just dropped by more than 300 during the process of forming the mechanical tuǐ. Is formed to consume soul energy. "

"The principle of the equivalent exchange principle is very strong, and it is normal to consume some energy to make a new part. By the way, did it consume energy when it melted and decomposed that part?"

"Yes. But the consumption is not large."

"how many?"

"There are only thirty or so, about one-tenth of the mechanical tutu."

I heard the words of two researchers and asked immediately: "Can I understand that it takes ten times as much energy to decompose a unit of metal into a unit mass?"

"This is not necessarily. The detailed data needs to be determined after repeated experiments, but it is likely to be the case with the current data."

"So ... what? What is that thing doing?"

When I was about to ask the researcher to experiment a few more times, the carrier in the experimental area actually climbed forward under the support of six tuks. However, this guy seemed to be completely blind because he had no eyes. As a result, he walked to the edge of the test bench without taking two steps and then stepped down from the air with one foot. However, because the carrier itself is metal, it has high hardness and although it fell off the test bench, nothing happened. However, this guy ’s mechanical tutu unfortunately turned over and turned into a six-legged state.

At first we all thought it would get stuck. Who knows that the guy seemed to understand after stepping on the six-legged 1uan for a while, so he couldn't turn it over at all, so it stopped the behavior of 1uan pedaling quickly, but let The six tuǐs melted into a liquid state again and flowed under the side where they are now on the ground. Soon after, they stretched out six tuǐs again and stood up, but the six tuǐs changed directions.

"It seems that this thing can be decomposed and synthesized at will." Looking at the six tutu that re-grown, the researcher in charge said.

I quickly asked: "Is the energy change just recorded? How much does it decompose and synthesize?"

The researcher in charge of observing the energy changes immediately said, "Like the last time, the decomposition cost more than thirty, and the synthesis used more than three hundred."

"How much energy does it still have?"

"Its energy has not been very stable ~ ~ The current value is between 170,000 and 180,000."

"How much energy did it eat before eating a soul fire? How much energy did the soul fire originally have?"

The researcher responsible for monitoring energy changes replied: "The soul fires here are all standard soul energies used for testing. Each soul fire group is 10,000 units of soul energy. It just ate a total of ten soul fires. , But the soul energy has only increased by more than 80,000, and the absorption rate is between 83 and 84 percent. "

"A pretty high conversion rate!" I said.

"Yeah. But it's ... no good, put down the separation wall and don't let it pass." The researcher in charge said that he suddenly called out in a hurry, because the soul carrier in the experimental area had remade six tu 六Actually crawled towards No. 1 Demon. You need to know that although No. 1 is not afraid of soul attacks, it is also made of metal, and that thing can just decompose metal. In addition, there is a large row of soul energy storage tanks and a lot of experimental equipment and metal parts behind No. 1. Once the guy touches those things and eats them all, the consequences ...!

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