Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 94: Vanishing Search Team

Volume 19 Chapter 94 Disappearing Search Team

The demon Jiaha stayed in the Juling Tower for more than half a while before being dragged away by me. Otherwise, it would take ten days and a half months for his xìng son to think about leaving.

After dragging the puppet Jiaha away, we went to Laying Steel City. Like the previous time, this guy was crazy when he saw the world's steel. He slammed into the steel jungle and absorbed half of it. There was no intention to come out, of course, I was dragged out in the end.

Speaking of which has not happened before, the ability of this magic puppet Jiaha seems to be more than just fusion of metal and metal shaping. He seems to be able to use some unknown method to change the volume of metal. The guy absorbed half a while in the steel jungle, and the metal he had taken away was more than 20,000 cubic meters, but in the end he turned himself into the original human Jiaha volume, which is one cubic meter. To the volume. Even though this humanoid Jiaha's body is completely solid, the volume is at least 20,000 times worse, and the volume lost in it is unknown how he changed. And looking at the way he walked, it seemed that the absorbed metal not only disappeared, but also lost weight. Otherwise, even if he really compresses 20,000 cubic meters of steel to less than one cubic meter, it is estimated that with the area of ​​his feet, he can step on the steel floor with a half-foot-deep footprint at each step. Don't even think about it, the rocky ground is probably similar to the marsh to him.

"Okay, so you can meet Noreen." Jia Ha, the puppet, came to me in the form of a human Jia Ha.

I walked around him twice, then walked over and knocked on his body again, and then asked in amazement: "How is your body ng? Just the more than 20,000 cubic meters of steel? And I press you The twenty kinds of rare metals that you asked to prepare for you, where are you going? And how is your body's flexibility as same as a real person? Aren't you only able to change metal? "

Hearing me throwing so many questions at once, instead of having a headache, Guppy Jiaha said very proudly: "Hey, this is my special skill. How is it? Is it amazing?"

"It's amazing, but how did you do it?"

"In fact, this thing looks magical, and it's not surprising at first."


"Do you know the space equipment?"

"I rely on, you won't form a space equipment on yourself and stuff those steels in?"

"Almost. But it ’s not that I use steel to make space equipment, but that my soul carrier originally has a soul space that can carry metal according to its own soul energy intensity. The more my soul energy, the larger this space. In theory, as long as there is enough energy, this space can be infinitely expanded. Of course, this is only a theory. In fact, if there is enough energy, it will still be limited by the upper limit of my soul carrier, otherwise the space is too large. It will collapse. But as far as I know, below one million cubic meters is a safe range, and two thousand cubic meters of metal is only one-fifth, and it is still too early to be full. "

"The problem of metal volume is really simple, but what is the material of your body? How does it look like muscle tissue? Aren't you made of metal?"

Hearing my question, Jia Ha, the puppet, did not answer immediately, but asked instead: "Have you ever Noreen's skin?"

"Ah?" I froze for a moment before asking suddenly, "Is this the special material that forms Noryn's artificial skin?"

"Special materials are indeed special materials, but their essence is still metal."

"What looks like u is metal?"

The strange and strange expression of Jia Hao Jia looked at me and said, "Don't think that metal is cold and cold and hard. The spring of high-quality spring steel is better than the muscle tissue of many people. It will be this kind of feeling. But the special feature of my metal muscle u is even more amazing, because it has two forms. The first one is like this now. "He said, and then pressed it with his hand on his arm, on that arm. Immediately his skin sunk into a pit. "See? The level is soft, just like a real person. But, if I start the magic converter and introduce the magic energy into this layer of metal muscle u, then it will happen." He said suddenly took out a metal part and pointed at himself The arm knocked again, but this time there was no depression like the last time. Instead, the part collided with his arm and there was a sound of metal impact.

"Variable hardness metal?" I stretched out that guy's arm in surprise, it was as hard as steel, without the soft feeling before.

"It should be called a magic metal, not just a variable hardness. The technical content is much worse."

I nodded with a little surprise: "That's right. Right, is this the original technique that Jiaha learned after he turned his soul on you? Why didn't Jiaha know anything about it?"

"Yes, this is the technology that was originally developed after the original Jiaha transferred memory to the current Jiaha. However, the current Jiaha is not completely unaware of this, but it is not known in detail."

I nodded and did not continue to inquire. After all, the two Jiaha are now our guild. The technology they know is naturally our guild technology. Although it may take some time for the throne to be converted into a weapon, but It's finally on the agenda, isn't it?

After solving the physical problems of Jia Ha, we returned to Xinda 6 Floating Island. Although Noreen is a Taiwanese puppet herself, her usual performance is completely different from that of others, and her skill in the puppet technology does not seem to be much lower than Jiaha, so she is now a technician in our guild. Of course, occasionally she also guested in combatants, after all, her horrible power and inaccessible body could definitely cause most people a headache to death.

"Norim." Pushing open the door of the research room, I shouted directly into the room.

"What's the matter?" Norling, who was lying on the table engraving the pattern, turned her head back, but she just stayed still after seeing the figure beside me. With a bang, the engraving pen originally caught in her hand fell directly on the table. "Dad ... dad? You ..."

"I'm back." Guppy Jiaha stretched her arms and walked towards Noreen excitedly.

Seeing that the other person actually walked over, Noreen apparently appeared nervous, but she eventually took the initiative to go to the puppet Jiaha and hugged him, while asking in his mouth: "Daddy, you have not lost Are you physically fit? Why did you suddenly recover? "

Next, with my help, Jia Ha, the puppet, explained everything to Noreen. Of course, Jia Ha, the brain, was also invited to participate in the understanding. It took a long time for Noreen to fully understand the complicated relationship between several people.

"What do you mean is that Jiaha, the current puppet, is the dad in my memory, but Jiaha's father here also participated in my manufacturing, and a real Jiaha designed my basic structure, but I never met him, did I? "

I nodded and said, "Yes, this relationship is a bit complicated, but it can still be clarified. By the way, do you know that this heart will not be sad?"

When Noreen shook her head, she immediately shook her head and asked, "Why should I be sad? Not only did I see my real dad, but I also got an extra dad, and I didn't lose anything. Why was I sad? As for the dad that has disappeared Although I also want to see him, but since we have never met each other, there is nothing sad or sad about it. "

"It would be best if you could think that way."

Since Noreen said she didn't care anymore, we were naturally very happy. Of course, unlike the joy of reuniting the three of them, I am happy that the leapfrog technology is about to take off.

Imagine the dolls that we made before the guild and the mobile angels that Jiaha produced after joining, which can hardly be regarded as a type of thing. Now, although the addition of another Jiaha will not necessarily make a leap in technology like the last time, at least those skills of the magic puppet Jiaha can definitely be added to the guild's puppets. Once this This generation of puppets is put into practical use, and we believe that we have the capital to challenge any country in the world.

Leaving Jiaha, the three of them experienced the feeling of being reunited with their family members. I left the floating island one step before leaving, and I did not forget to let the two disciples of Jiaha reunite.

After returning to Isinger, I didn't run 1uan, but went to the army **** first. I wanted to know the current operation status of the guild. It was better to ask anyone directly.

Immediately after entering the command center of God, the God of God directly threw a crystal over without looking. I grabbed the crystal by hand and cha on the reader next to me, asking, "What are you giving me?"

"The current state of affairs of the city system of hún1uan." The army **** looked up and asked me before he said, "Don't you just want to know this?"

I nodded and looked at the picture that was already open. Since all the dynamic images are recorded here, you can see the situation of the whole battle.

The city where the exit of the entire underground river system is located has now been completely occupied, but the destruction inside the city has not stopped. According to my vision, the future is to build an underground ship production base and research institute, so this city blocked in the estuary has become a natural bridgehead. Of course, as a bridgehead, it is impossible to use the structure of a general city, and it must be built as a fortress city. This city was a commercial city before. We really do n’t know how to transform this urban structure, so only The city can be overthrown and rebuilt, so although the battle has ended, the demolition plan is still in progress.

Cross the city at the mouth of the river. The first city to go inside is the city of hún1uan. This side is now basically controlled by our guild. Only a few areas have sporadic resistance. It can be said that it has entered the sweeping phase.

Passing through this city is a system, but according to information, there are also several industries that host dark and easy guilds, so there is sporadic resistance here, but the intensity is not as good as the previous city of hún1uan. Already. It is estimated that according to this progress, it is still possible to complete the occupation one step ahead of the city of hún1uan.

Crossing the city and going forward is the last city on the underground river mentioned in the information. The area of ​​this city is not large, and the level is very low. In addition, there are no guilds to beat 1uan, so it has been occupied by the troops of our guild.

Going upstream in this last city is basically a dead end. Although the upstream river indicates that the water is passing, but because the ng top of the upstream has directly contacted the water, unless someone sends a dive or uses diving Boat, otherwise the upper part will be difficult to pass.

I just finished browsing the information, and just wanted to say that I do n’t need to use my hand, but I did not expect that God of War swipes on the screen in front of him, and threw a set of data directly onto the screen on my side. I glanced at me and froze.

"I rely, what's the situation? Seven cities plus seven players were killed after taking down four cities, and two water angels were used?"

That's right, God of War just threw a casualty report. The three underground cities of Hanoi and the exit cities outside the city have now killed a dozen people even with the player ’s belt. As a result, the frontline commander of our guild sent someone to explore after reaching the city in front of the dark river. After a while on the upper reaches of the river, this exploration reimbursed the entire team and took two underwater mobile angels. The player is dead to nothing, resurrection is only a level, and practiced in a few days. But the lost and mobile angels are all money!

"What's the matter?"

God of War did not answer me, but opened a screen again. This picture is obviously taken in the water, it should be the picture of the battlefield record crystal on the mobile angel in the water. I saw that the mobile angel in the picture was swimming well in the water, and suddenly there was a flash of black shadow on the side, and then the picture was interrupted. The **** of war immediately said after the picture was interrupted: "This is the final picture returned before the two mobile angels were destroyed. The attacker can hardly be seen from the picture. Obviously, the opponent has fast underwater movement and also has attack power. It is quite high. Because the underwater mobile angel does not need to consider the weight and resist water pressure, its own defense force is high among all mobile angels, but that thing can make the mobile angel lose its function instantly, even There is no time for the seal of the **** to see the other person ’s appearance, which shows that the thing has an extraordinary attack power. "

"Stop it. Don't you just let me see who has attacked us? Is it okay for me to go? You don't have to explain the truth to me." I know that I ca n’t say anything about warlords anyway, and it seems like it is also Only me to go is the most suitable. The attack power of that thing is obviously not so strong, and it is probably me who is the most powerful in the guild except the group of great gods. Isn't it good to let Peacock Pluto go for this? Anyway, I'm going to see it over the battlefield, just do a task by the way!

After accepting the mission, I teleported directly to the city located at the mouth of the underground river. Because of the relatively long occupation of the Seal of Time, the teleportation array has been restored. Of course, there is only a bare teleportation array here, and other things. They are still being demolished.

After entering the underground river from this side, I rode all the way on the night shadow. I first went to the city of hún1uan to make a lap, and after solving the two enemies who were resisting, I got to know the situation with the person in charge here. After confirming that there is nothing to help here, I went up the river against the current, but the city below was already occupied when I arrived, so I just looked at it and moved on.

In the end, this city was occupied before the military **** showed me a video. Now I am here to find the person in charge of the search team. Through his explanation, I learned that they did n’t just send someone out for reconnaissance, but because the city had the freedom to say that some strange animal bodies would occasionally float down the river, so the commander wanted to drop in. Go over and see where the upper reaches of the underground river are. What he didn't expect was that the people sent out were killed in an instant, and the few players who hung back didn't even know how they died.

After understanding the general situation, I went directly to the underground river. This underground river did not turn into a dark river directly on this last city side, so I still ride the night shadow to run upstream, but the more upstream I run, the closer the river is to the ng top. At first, there are still more than ten meters high ng top, after running seven or eight hundred meters forward, there are only three meters high. With the height of Yeying, riding him on the river has been a bit troublesome. After all, the ng top is not smooth, and those stone bells that are hanging down are often one or two meters long ~ ~ I ride on It is quite possible that these things were hit on Yeying's back.

Anyway, I couldn't ride the night shadow, and I summoned the Dragon Girl and Aona directly into the water. Ariana's underwater detection capabilities can provide me with a guard against being attacked by fast-moving creatures. As for the Dragon Girl, that is the most powerful underwater guard. As long as the dragon is in the water, it is invincible. If the Dragon Girl and Lucky are barely able to fight each other in the sky, when they arrive in the water, it is probably that a bundle of ten Lucky pieces will not do one Dragon Girl, so it is invincible to put the Dragon into the water.

"Ana, test with your sonar to see if there is any danger nearby?"

"Don't you say that the attacked team is still a little ahead?" Ariana asked.

"Who also stipulates that creatures attacking the expedition cannot go downstream! What if it comes down? You still have to detect it quickly, I don't want to be attacked by some monster somehow, although most of that thing can't move me at all. "

When Ariana heard me, she sank into the water and began to explore. However, before she could hear the sonar signal, a huge 1ang head suddenly rose on the water in front of us. Through the 1ang head, I can clearly see that something is rushing towards us under the water.

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