Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 117: Pick a soft persimmon

"Past past, past past. But how does Ghost blend this weapon? Will he liquefy? I remember Noreen saying he used solidness as his main idea."

"Of course I can fuse liquefied metal." We were talking, and the ghost had come from behind us. "Although my design idea is sturdy, that's just the shell and alloy keel. Some of my auxiliary parts can be melted and deformed. In addition to not being able to change the main structure of the body, I can actually imitate many auxiliary parts. "

I listened to the ghost's words and looked up and down again, and then asked, "What about your cannon?"

Hearing my question, the ghost was not in a hurry to answer, but suddenly a long triangular prism was raised directly from the back. The gun barrel has been extended for more than two meters before it began to tilt forward, and finally turned into a three-meter-long cannon with the thickest and slightly thinner magic-style cannon at the tail near one-eighth.

"Shoulder-mounted?" I looked at the gun, and then looked at Queen Blade before asking: "Why is your gun so much bigger than her? Is it the same power? Or is this yours? More powerful? "

"Of course, the power will be much greater." Ghost explained: "The design of me and the Queen of the Blade is not just the difference between the permanent solid and the liquid metal. We are different in many design directions. For example, our power The core output power is different. My output is about 30% higher than that of the blade, so I can support relatively large energy weapons, and the blade can only use relatively small types. "

"Then how powerful is your gun?"

"The maximum power may reach more than thirteen times the power of the blade just after the gun. After all, the output power is different from the structure of the gun itself, and the power of large weapons is naturally greater. But when it comes to flexibility, xìng is still the comparison of the blade OK, but I can change her kind, so I should be the dominant in shelling. "

Blade himself said: "I'm a type, flexible xìng is my specialty, compared to long-range energy weapons, I am better at close combat."

"No wonder you'll be equipped with blade claws, and it's kind of radian"

The blade claw on the blade's arm is very different from mine. The blade on my hand can basically be said to be straight. Although there is also a slight arc that tilts toward the palm of the hand, this arc is very small, and it feels a bit like a Toyo knife installed in the opposite direction. As for the blade on the blade, That thing is almost three cat's claws, and the bent one is almost catching up with the crescent. In addition, in order to increase the lethality of my blade claws, only the side facing the palm of the hand is a smooth blade, and the side facing up is covered with zigzag barbs. Once cha is inserted into the human body, it is pulled out again. Will cause extremely horrific cutting damage. But the blade of the blade has no similar design. Her blade is smooth, has no serrated edges, is shorter than my blade, and the blade is narrower. The main purpose of this design is to easily pierce the body quickly, and then pull it out easily, without being caught by bones like my blade claw.

"My blades are designed just to get into combat, and ghosts also have blades."

"Do you have it too?" I turned to look at the ghost in surprise.

The ghost first tilted the cannon on his shoulder back, and the object automatically retracted into the opening on his back and turned into a metal solution, and then returned to the body. When there was nothing in the body, the ghost raised his right hand toward the back of his hand and pointed at me, followed by a bang and three long heavy blades similar to my blades bounced out.

"Fuck, you're almost catching the cleaver"

The ghost said proudly: "In fact, this thing is not as simple as it looks." He said suddenly a buzzing sharp sound sounded, a huge noise shook the human scalp, and the blade on the ghost's arm Then it enters a state that seems to be fogged, and it always seems that the surface has a layer of phantom.

This huge noise, coupled with the special optical phenomenon of fogging, immediately made me think of a term-"high-frequency vibration blade?"

"Yes." The noise disappeared immediately after the ghost closed his blade, and the fogging effect was gone. "This is a high-frequency vibrating blade. It was designed using the principle that Mithril ’s magical power will vibrate, but in order to create a vibrating starter, a lot of resonance crystals were used. Because it was too expensive, only I installed it. The blade is not there. But the cutting power of this thing is really good. Cutting steel is just like cutting noodles. "

"I now know how the value of your 1.8 billion crystal coins came from."

As I said, the ghost and the blade can only smirk beside them. They seem to know that they were created and cost me a lot of money, so they feel a little embarrassed. But this was Noreen's crazy behavior, no wonder they were, so I said nothing.

"Well, it seems that I still underestimate your strength. The general enemies are not suitable for you to practice your hands. We will pack and take away here as soon as possible, and then find no suitable opponents for you."

The so-called suitable opponent is naturally a relatively strong presence. Among the players who are relatively strong, except for me, there are only those who are behind me on the leaderboard. The players in this guild simply ignore them because they can't learn the real level. The rest are either allies or enemies. It ’s better to find allies to practice with yourself, as for the enemies ... It ’s the most authentic to find them, but I do n’t want to let the other party know the xìng ability of the mobile angel beforehand, so I ca n’t find them.

Since there is nothing good for the player, it is only everywhere in the game, but the strength of the blade and the ghost is too strong. Think about it, they are mobile angels who are far away from using protoss in all aspects, and even using protoss is enough to single out one or two middle and lower protoss, so the more their blades and the What kind of power would a ghost be? Anyway, the protoss below the strength of the basic need not think about it, encountered absolutely the same as ordinary soldiers, a move to give seconds. However, the Protoss is not optional.

Find a protoss to discuss, the nearest natural is the **** of heaven. However, it doesn't seem to be a good thing whether the gods hurt them or they hurt the gods I invited. So the heaven side can basically be ruled out.

There are many other protoss forces that are good to me, but like Heaven, this kind of forces and ghosts are not good for anyone, so they ca n’t be asked to practice. To practice, you have to find a hostile protoss, and the one that is not strong or weak. After thinking about this standard for a long time, I only thought of three options.

The first option is to go to South America and find a small witch god. The advantage of this method is security, but the disadvantage is that it is too secure. The strength of those little protoss may not even be able to compare with our mixed 1uan and order temple. It is not easy to find an estimate of one or two that can be played, so there is basically no effect. It is estimated that they will be divided into different categories when they encounter the blade. The one that wins or loses.

The second option is to find the Free Protoss in the United States. The United States is different from other countries. It is an immigrant country. It has no ancient history, so there is no local protoss. In the game, because of the need for system balance, a free protoss was arranged for the United States, but because this protoss was made by a rigid pull, the overall strength setting was a bit asymmetric with the strength of the United States itself. Unlike the protoss in every other powerful country in the world, although the United States is strong, the free protoss is quite weak, at least compared to a behemoth such as heaven, he is a bit weak and unreliable. The advantage of finding their hands is that they can find the right opponents, and they won't be too annoying in the later stages. But there is also a lot of trouble, that is, American players may not be easy to handle. In the game, the American Protoss is probably one of the most pro-protoss. Unlike the Protoss in other countries, there is almost no chasing player affairs. The free Protoss in the United States has a strong sense of existence among players. There is a nationwide nation that can do anything. know. So if I take the ghosts and fight with members of the Free Protoss, the United States will definitely have to explode against our large-scale operation in our guild.

The third option is to go directly to Japan to find trouble for the Takayamahara Protoss. The advantage of this choice is security. After all, Aizhao's current strength has been greatly reduced by our influence, so Japan can be said to have no advanced protoss that I can absolutely not fight. Even if there are protoss that I can't beat, it's easy to resist for a while or escape. In addition to safety, there is another benefit to the trouble of looking for Gao Tianyuan Protoss. Do n’t forget the true origin of Spark. Although she has been mixed for a long time in camouflage status, she is actually a Gao Tianyuan deity, so she can give us a comparison of which Protoss in Gao Tianyuan are good at starting and which are not suitable for goals. Clear instructions. Of course, the trouble of finding a Japanese protoss has its drawbacks. The biggest problem is Japanese players.

Now that Japan has just ended the war with us, Matsumoto Masa is using this short period of time to comb and integrate all aspects of Japan's forces to strengthen itself. If we ran to Japan at this time to find the trouble of the Japanese Protoss, then it goes without saying that we will surely attract the attention of Japanese players. After this, someone will definitely report to Masamoto Matsumoto. As Japan's current chief commander, Masamoto Matsumoto will inevitably arrive at the scene after the throne of the Seal of God. Of course, I can perform another battle with him, but in order to test the xìng of two mobile angels It's always a bit of a big mistake to be able to make such a big move.

After considering all three options, I finally chose the second option, which is to go to the United States to find the trouble of the Free Protoss. The difficulty of the first solution is too low. What is the strength of the test? The third method is too expensive, and it is cumbersome, so it is also abandoned. Although there will certainly be some friction after the test in the United States, this friction is always there, and it doesn't make much sense whether we participate or not. Besides, the United States has a better point, that is, players here do not have the same opinion as other countries. Several major guild forces in the United States are too restrictive of each other. Even if some people really look at us, it may not be that all players in the United States have participated in it. At most, one or two forces are involved. Therefore, comprehensive consideration of attacking the Free Protoss has the lowest cost and can achieve our testing purpose.

Immediately after the goal was decided, we packed up and returned to Isinger, throwing the cannons and technicians we just found to the research department, and then directly to the starting city through the transnational transport array.

boom……. As soon as we came out of the teleportation array, we heard a thunderous noise coming from a distance, and then we saw a plume of smoke rising not far away, and there seemed to be a faint flame.

"What's going on here?" The ghost also saw the plume of smoke in the distance, so he asked inquisitively.

Before I could explain it, I saw a huge fireball suddenly burst out in front of us, and a loud noise accompanied by a shock wave swept down a large area of ​​the building next to the street.

The queen of the blade walked to us and gave a glance at the explosion, and then said: "Bombardment. The shooting distance is 8,500 meters. The opponent may use a mixed blasting mode with a bombing magic array."

"Can you calculate the source of the projectile based on the trajectory?"

"It's just a simple function operation." Queen Blade said casually.

I was not very clear about the computational power of constructing creatures. After all, although this thing looks like a robot in principle, their control core is not a computer, so I don't know that constructing creatures also have strong computing power. However, it seems today that constructing creatures are really suitable for calculation. At least they calculate the ballistic function faster than humans.

The ghost interrupted my thinking and asked again: "Why would anyone shell our city? Don't you know the president of the war here?"

I waved my hand and said, "I know, I know, but I'm used to it, so I don't think it's strange."

"What is it used to?"

"If you are attacked once a day, seven days a week, all day long, you will get used to it." A female voice suddenly entered and answered the ghost's question.

"Xiu Luo Ziyi? How do you know I'm here?" I asked with a little surprise.

Shura Ziyi turned white and gave me a glance: "Who knows you are here? I just want to go back to Isinger to do something. You stand at the exit of the cross-country teleportation array, I don't think I can't see you."

"It seems I'm still passionate about myself," I said with a smile, and then looked at the explosion point and asked, "What's wrong this time?"

"It's not the same. White people are better by nature. You can't see the yellow-skinned monkey dangling in their backyard." Shura Ziyi's tone was clearly ironic, but the description was very appropriate.

"Do you often fight here?" Asked the Queen Blade somewhat incomprehensible.

Shura Ziyi first looked at the Queen of the Blade, and said after seeing the monogram on her shoulder: "It can't be said that it is a daily fight, but a big battle of three days and a small battle of two days is still very common. Fighting for three or five days is not necessarily the case. Those guys who have nothing to do all day have attacked our city as entertainment. "

"Don't we all fight back?" Ghost asked.

I rushed to explain in front of Shura Ziyi: "The specific content is more complicated, and it is not easy to explain clearly. If you want to connect with the army **** later, he will explain to you slowly."

I do n’t want to let the ghost know. The main thing is that it ’s complicated. I really do n’t have to do anything today, so I decided to leave this troublesome thing to the **** of war. Anyway, he ’s the most afraid. Just trouble.

Shura Ziyi also knows that this matter will not be explained at a short while, but it said to the ghost: "Anyway, it does n’t matter if you know what ’s inside, you do n’t need to manage the external relations of our guild. Yes, I still have something to do, leave first, if you want to leave the city, kill yourself from the wall. The teleportation array is now only available for transnational arrays, and the teleportation array in the United States is closed. All outside the gate It ’s the enemy. You might as well go to the city and find a place to jump over the wall. ”

I nodded and understood, and then walked towards the wall with the ghost and the blade. However, I did not follow the advice of Shura Ziyi to walk other walls, but went directly to the gate. Not because I'm going to engage in the Holocaust ~ ~, but because the city gate leads to the Teleportation Hall, there is a large straight road, and we have to detour from other places. I don't want to delay time for the Throne of Seals for some miscellaneous soldiers who have no threat at all.

The road from the transfer hall to the city wall can not be said to be long, but on this road alone, we can see that only thirty artillery shells passed through the city shield and fell into the city. Originally, the shield should not allow other things to pass through before it completely broke, but because the blows outside the city are too violent, there will inevitably be weak points on the shield that cannot be kept up by energy supply. If you hit a weak point in this gap, it is possible to pass through the protective cover. Although this is a small-probability event, it is not surprising that there are so many cannonball rains that occasionally encounter one or two when the shells are flying on the battlefield.

When we rushed to the city wall, the American players outside the city just happened to make a charge, looking around everywhere were cavalrymen who were immediately charging towards the city wall, and there were countless cannons behind them.

"Fuck, those guys really have the ability to inspire so many people." Seeing so many enemies, I was not afraid or angry. On the contrary, my current mood is actually-excited. That's right, just excitement. People who do n’t understand the information naturally do n’t understand why I am so excited when I see so many enemies, but people who know it certainly do n’t think there is anything wrong with my mood. Because these people are all money to me. Is that why ...

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