Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 124: Impossible Mission and Impossible Pass

Volume 19 Chapter 124 Impossible Missions and Impossible Passes

After the shock, the audience was discussing my magical performance fiercely, and Gun God was already happy and crazy. My watch is a bit good at calling out his expectations.

"Please throw the dice again." Seeing Gun God patronized with joy, the host who responded quickly reminded him again.

After hearing the reminder, the excited gun **** quickly picked up the dice and threw it again. It is estimated that God saw that our victory today is irreversible, so he deliberately let the gun **** throw another six points.

Seeing the points appear, I did n’t wait for the host to report the number. I ran directly to the sixth block where the five institutions did not start, and then just like before, when I stepped into this block, all the institutions suddenly appeared. Started.

The shape of the section this time is a long corridor with a roof on the top and a rocky floor at the foot. There are only one-meter-high railings on each side, and then a pillar supports the ceiling at intervals of five or six meters. There is a quagmire outside the railings. The bubbles that are constantly rising always have a fishy smell. When I look at this shape, I know that there must be some monsters hidden under the quagmire.

When I first entered this area, I still wanted to run out for a while before the agency started. I didn't expect people to block a sudden light wall before they started, and then I just heard a bang. Suddenly, a platoon of weapon racks was unfolded in front of me. As long as the swords and halberds are the cold weapons you named, and even some hot weapons such as muskets, they are basically all here.

After the row of weapon racks appeared, a warning sound suddenly sounded in the field. "Testers can choose to bring equipment before the start of this session. The time of the Seal of the Seal of Throne of Selection will not be counted in the time of the Seal of Throne of Seals, but the level will be forced to start after three minutes. This level does not limit the amount of equipment that can be carried. It is also possible to carry a variety and quantity, and also carry a variety of equipment at the same time. Now the three-minute countdown starts, and you can contact the light wall again after completing the selection in advance. The system will automatically start the level to start the game in this session.

After hearing the prompts, I immediately looked around the weapon rack in front of me. The types of weapons on the shelf are indeed very complete, and there are many armors and other options to choose from. Of course, in the case of normal people, it is hard enough to pass the physical performance data to pass the level itself. If you wear them again, Those armors, like tin cans, don't need to play anything, stand and be a sculpture.

Looking at the quagmire in the level, I directly gave up those high-defense equipment and heavy weapons. This level is definitely not suitable for wearing heavy equipment, even if it is not a test of flexibility. If I really wear an armor, even my It's definitely not worth the loss of physical fitness, so I didn't look at those things directly.

Through constant observation and comparison between various weapons, in the end I decided that it would be better to choose a few more. Because I do n’t know what kind of agency will be in the future, I ca n’t decide what kind of weapon is good at the moment. I can only say that you should bring as many as possible without affecting the ability to move. It's better to throw away the extra stuff than to wait until you really need a weapon but you ca n’t use the weapon you have.

Although you need to bring a few more weapons, not everything can be taken, after all, it depends on the weight. After observing for a long time, I first found a set of lightweight soft armor from the shelf and changed it to my body. The reason why I wear this is because it is light enough, and the second is because the original clothes can be used to play handsome, but there is no place to hang weapons. If you only have one weapon, you can always hold it in your hand. There is no place to put more stuff than this robe has no pockets to say.

After taking off the robe and replacing it with soft armor, it seems that the weight does not increase much. After all, this set of soft armor only has a few belts for connecting parts and a few hard skins to protect the vital points of the body, and there is not much. However, although this soft armor does not have many things, it has a lot of hanging buckles and pockets. Looking from the front, it seems that the entire soft armor is full of pockets and sockets for hanging things, which can hang more than the belt on the electrician.

After putting on this thing, there will be a place to put the equipment. Look at the time. The Seal of the Throne of God has passed for more than a minute. I quickly started to get weapons. First pull out a short bow back to the body, and then drag the three arrows directly on the back. This weapon is a one-time supplement. There are no more arrows. In case of encountering all flying creatures, it will be too late to regret shooting the arrows.

After taking the bow and arrow, I flipped two daggers and inserted them on the outside of both thighs. This thing doesn't matter anyway, it doesn't matter if you have two. After inserting the dagger, I dragged the longest kind of long whip from the shelf and hung it on the waist. This thing may be used as a rope at some time. It is very useful for breaking through the level. Moreover, the whip itself is not very heavy. It does not increase any burden.

With bows, daggers and whips, the auxiliary weapons are basically complete, and there is still no main weapon. Originally I wanted to use a sword, but think about what the sword can do with a dagger, and the sword is a bit long, and you ca n’t bring a second main weapon with the sword. After thinking about it, I didn't get a sword in the end, but I found two dog-leg knives to hang on my waist. This thing is much lighter than a sword, and it doesn't get in the way. It can also play a role similar to a sword at critical moments.

Although there are so many things, it seems that the weight is still very light. When I think about it, I simply dragged a large bundle of flying knives and filled all the holster positions that I could easily touch. My weight has increased a lot, and it has also greatly increased my attack power.

In the end, because the chosen weapons were all attached to the body, I wanted to find a long weapon in my hand. Since long weapons are to be selected, it is natural to have a hand. After just a brief glance, I dragged the hook sickle down. I'm used to this stuff, holding it in hand, and besides, the hook sickle part of the hook sickle has many special functions. When fighting, it can often play a lot of tricks. It is very useful for assaulting people who do not understand the hook sickle.

After looking at everything on my body and making sure nothing was missing, I contacted the light wall to confirm the level. When the system touched the light wall, the system retracted the weapon rack and started the mission, and then only heard the sound of the boom, the corridor underneath began to sink directly to the bottom of the quagmire.

"I'm leaning!" As soon as the corridor started to sink, I hurried forward and rushed forward, as fast as a gust of wind, but the area of ​​this level seemed to be particularly large. The entire corridor was larger than the previous levels. A lot longer. I just ran over ten meters, and the mud had already passed the height of the railing. It was just because the mud was thick that I hadn't covered the ground for the time being, but that was just a matter of time.

Anyone who has walked through the muddy road knows that the characteristic of this muddy thing is that when you step on it, it will behave very slippery, leaving you nowhere to borrow and easy to fall, and if you want to lift your feet, At this time you will find the mud becomes extremely sticky, making you unable to lift your legs at all, and sometimes even pulling your shoes off.

Although the corridor is not completely submerged now, as long as it is touched by the mud, my degree will drop sharply, so I must not stay here. I watched the terrain while running, and I hurriedly took two steps, and then I jumped on the railing slightly, and the whole person rose again, with both hands hooking the edge of the corridor ceiling, and then my waist swayed upward. The impact of the jump was a radian in the air, and after completing a beautiful aerial turn, it landed on the top of the corridor steadily.

No time to pose, as soon as I landed, I jumped up and ran forward along the roof. Although the corridor has been sinking, after all, the ceiling of the corridor is more than three meters below the ceiling, and it will take a short time for the throne of God to wait for the mud to completely flood the corridor. Even if I ca n’t run to the finish line in the throne of the Seal of God in such a short time, at least I can go a bit longer. As for the subsequent problems, it depends on the situation and I decide. Anyway, I do n’t think the level is likely to make the entire corridor Sink into the quagmire, otherwise it will become dead. With such a large mud pond, if the corridor sinks into the mud again, no one will want to complete the level alive without attributes.

Because there is no mud at the top of the corridor, I almost reached the limit of the degree. Of course, this limit is the limit of ordinary people, not my real limit. After all, the current state is a state without attributes. If I still jump a few hundred meters, one hundred meters and one second like a human, it will definitely cause others to doubt, so although my current degree is very fast, it is still human. Within the range reached, at most, other people thought I was running fast.

As I ran on the top of the promenade, the entire promenade was also sinking, and probably just after I ran about one-sixth of the distance, the edge of the ceiling of the promenade was level with the mud. And looking at the promenade like this has no meaning to stop, it continues to sink. Although I finally sprinted for a short distance and jumped out before the mud completely submerged the ceiling of the promenade, I ended up falling into the mud helplessly. After all, I ca n’t fly in real mode. No matter how good my physical strength is, I can only fall into the mud in accordance with the laws of physics without support points.

When I slammed into the mud, I immediately pulled out a leg and wanted to continue moving forward, but the viscosity of the mud was quite high, and it was very difficult to pull it out. In the face of increasing mud levels, I have no intention to stop, and move forward continuously. Although it is extremely slow in the current state, one step is one step less, and later things will be said later. Will delay more time for the seal of the throne.

As the mud continued to rise, my movement became more and more difficult, and just after the mud flowed through my thighs, I suddenly felt a step, and the promenade stopped sinking under the mud. Looking at the mud slowly closing in front of me, I suddenly understood the test content of this level. This is not a test of physical strength, but a test of everyone's memory. The ceiling of the promenade sunk in the mud served as a bridge, but as the mud closed, we could not see the position of the promenade below at all. If you want to pass this level, you must remember the direction of the rest of the corridor before the mud is completely closed, and then you just need to walk along the corridor. If you walk down the air because you misremember the direction of the promenade, don't expect to come up in this mud.

I do n’t have to worry about understanding the evaluation goals of the agency. Although moving in the mud is arduous, at least it can be passed, which is much better than the previous state of no solution. However, I still underestimate the danger of this level.

As I tried to move forward along the corridor submerged in the mud, a pile of bubbles suddenly popped up in the mud next to it, and then with the shriek of a roar, a huge snake head suddenly Stand up from the mud.

"I depend, don't I? This thing can be dealt with in real mode?" Although the monster had just emerged a head, I already recognized it. His grandfather turned out to be a Hydra, which claims to be a terrifying monster that can kill dragons as long as he is on the ground. If I wear my full body equipment and wield my own attributes, of course I am not afraid of it, but I am now in the real world mode. Although my physical fitness is still normal, but I want to kill this by brute force without proper weapons and skills The guy basically is equivalent to daydreaming.

After I guessed the identity of this thing, the guy really raised a few other heads again, and the audience outside the court was already scolding at this time. Of course, everyone who scolds is the one who bought the gun **** to win, otherwise those American players would not scold themselves for the Chinese people. According to their psychology, if it is not related to their banknotes, they would rather pop up a few more powerful monsters to make them more enjoyable.

Just when the audience was in chaos outside, I did something to frighten everyone. Just as the Hydra just lifted its head to shake off the mud on my body, I suddenly inserted the sickle gun in my hand into the mud, took off the bow and arrow on my shoulder with my backhand, and then pulled out all four arrows. On the bowstring. Pull the bow to the limit in an instant, and then let go, and the four arrows flew out. Almost only a slight popping sound was heard, followed by a deafening roar, and the right eyes of four of Hydra's heads hit arrows at the same time, and the dark blood rushed out along the bursting eyes.

A round of four arrows was completed, and before the Hydra responded, I drew four arrows again and fired out. As last time, there are still four arrows and four eyeballs. The Hydra instantly lost eight eyes. Even if he has a lot of heads, he can't hold me like this. The painful Hydra rushed up in anger and wanted to bite me, but regardless of his movements, I still calmly opened the bow with an arrow, and the four arrows were a slamming sound, and it was all in.

It wasn't until my third round of shooting was finished that the outside audience screamed: "I rely on, Ziri will not be the archery player of the Chinese national team in reality?"

"Are you an idiot? Do Olympic athletes practice peacock-screen arrows? I think Ziri is definitely an archery enthusiast association."

Regardless of the chaos outside the field, after three consecutive rounds of shots blew out Hydra's twelve eyes, I directly bowed my head and got into the mud. Just as I was drilling into the mud, a head suddenly rubbed the surface of the mud from where I was standing, and bit it in the past. If I was still standing there, I would be bitten in two.

I didn't stay in the mud for a long time. It was almost as soon as the head swept away that I got out of the mud, and the four arrows in my hand were already on the bow. Before the guy had just looked up and re-determined the target, I immediately came out with all four arrows. However, this time only three arrows hit because of the angle. While the Hydra roared madly because of the pain, I drew three arrows again and shot without hesitation. There was no deviation this time, and all three arrows hit. Although Hydra has nine heads, there are only eight eyes with two eyes on each head. So far I have fired a total of nineteen arrows, except for one missed shot, all hits, so now the Hydra has become blind.

Looking at the Hydra, which was twirling wildly because its eyes were completely blind, I directly caught the hook sickle that was previously brought down by the Hydra and then threw it one by one, turning into a javelin throwing posture and holding the gun horizontally. The body accumulates energy as far back as possible, and then sees the opportunity to suddenly throw the hook sickle as a javelin. With a louder roar, the hook sickle pierced directly into the shoulder of the Hydra, and I quickly took out the whip around the waist and slammed it. After the whip spread out in the air, it directly entangled there. Hook sickle gun. Pulling **** my hand, the huge weight difference between me and Hydra didn't let Hydra be pulled over by me, but let me fly directly and hung on the hook sickle that I threw out.

Hydra was originally painful when it was caught by a hook sickle. Now that there is such a large pulling force on the wound, the hook sickle of the hook sickle immediately caused a larger area of ​​damage. Nine of the hurting hydra There was a crazy flurry in my head.

Looking at the flying head, I flicked the whip again, and whip it on one of Hydra's heads and entangled it. The painful Hydra swung me up as soon as it swung its head, and with the inertia I flew directly to Hydra's head. Swing the whip again, wind the hooked sickle that was still inserted on the shoulder of the Hydra, and then pull it hard. The hooked sickle was pulled out by me instantly, and at the same time, a large amount of blood was brought out. Hydra twisted his head desperately because of the pain, trying to shake me off, but after catching the hook sickle that was pulled back by the whip, he directly held the bone spur on his head. Inserted it from the eye socket it had burst.

Although my eyes are blind ~ ~ It can hurt if I get caught in such a long weapon. Moreover, the eyes are more dense in the nervous system, and the pain is even more intense. The furious Hydra slammed his head into the mud, hoping to shake me off, but I just jumped off his head and hung it on the tail of the hooked sickle. It would have been painful to insert a sickle gun in your eyes. There are still people hanging on the gun. What else can be good? The Hydra that almost fainted was shocked and lifted its head as usual, and when I swung my head up, I saw the body in a sharp direction and fell on the hook sickle. , And then struck the pistol firmly, the whole person flew out with the power of the Hydra shaking his head.

The audience outside the field saw me as if a shot was thrown across the field by Hydra, and finally slammed and fell just one step away from the exit of this level. Because of the mud buffer, I prepared for impact resistance in advance, so except for a little dizziness, I didn't take any injuries. As soon as I fell into the mud, I climbed out and took a step forward to stand at the end of the level.

"Fuck, that's all right?" When the clearance reminder sounded, the audience was exclaimed.

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