Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 137: Precious book

Volume 19 Chapter 137 Precious Book

I was so angry when I saw the rare anger, so the researchers didn't dare to talk back or anything. They all got up as fast as possible, sorted out their own things, and then started their own work.

This time we made such a big movement, naturally, the surrounding research units could not see it, and soon a team of guards on the floating island ran over to ask what was going on. I left a person to let him go back to call others. I was left by this team to ask the situation to help clean up the scene.

Now the experimental area has basically turned into a vast ocean. Although the fountain has not worked for a long time, the water mark of the throne is too scary. It ’s just a short while after that The experimental area became a large pond, and the water surface in some low-lying areas was even waist-deep. If our attack was slow for a while, the water surface would rise to the height of the chest.

Because of the large number of people and the fact that the water itself can flow, it doesn't take long to clean up the scene to get the Seal of the Throne. After the water flowed away by ourselves, we checked all the equipment on the site, and continued to use it when it was good. If it ca n’t be used, it should be replaced with a new one. It is to restore the working condition of the experimental field as soon as possible.

After trying to sort out the experimental area, the first thing I did was not to study the metal book that was suspected of the "Book of Energy", but to focus on the extracted magic circle fragment.

"Are you sure there is no danger to this magic circle?" I asked the researcher who was in charge of carving the magic circle with anxiety. In order to verify whether the fountain was run away because of the problem of the energy circuit we replaced, this time we re-carved a magic circle and replaced it with the newly extracted energy circuit. Of course, this new magic circle must not be the kind of magic circle it had before. I don't want to go to Jinshan again.

This time the magic circle sculpture is a younger researcher than the previous one. Although I didn't intend to punish the guy before, he is now being revenge. Because the water column swept at him when the fountain turned before, he was unfortunately rushed out, and the landing position was not ideal, but he fell on a fairly solid metal part, and almost fell his brain. Come out, fortunately, the rescue did not hang up in time, but he did not expect to return to work in the throne of God Seal in a short time.

The new person in charge explained to me: "This magic array is different from the previous one. This magic array does not release physical material. Its main function is heat. The carving base we use is a wooden board, so if it is different from the previous one, If it is loaded like a fountain, the high temperature will ignite the board first, and then the magic array will automatically stop working due to structural damage, so as long as the initial protection work is done, there will not be too much problem. Besides, it has just been soaked in the vicinity It is estimated that in such a humid place, even if it has a deflagration, it should not be able to light anything. Moreover, this thing will not fly around like the fountain magic array, if it does not work, it will be destroyed directly. "

I nodded and said, "I'll let Everett and Xiaofeng stay next to me. If something goes wrong, the Seal of Throne will destroy the magic circle as soon as possible."

It turns out that my double insurance was not wasted at all. One of Everett and Xiaofeng is the King of the Fire Elves, and the other is the Phoenix. The flame only makes them stronger and does no harm to them. However, that magic is not simply a matter of fire. Originally according to the normal design, such a magic circle would only form a small flame of two inches high on it, which is just right for cooking. It should be regarded as something with no lethality. However, in this experiment, the magic array was obviously violent again. At the moment when the magic array was started, a huge fireball suddenly burst out of the magic array that should have raised a two-inch-high flame, and then In the next second, the entire fireball burst instantly, and a large amount of fire rain was ejected while destroying the magic circle. If it was not for Evrit and Xiaofeng to use the extraction ability to absorb all nearby fire elements in time, it is estimated that it was just finished There was another fire in the flooded floating island.

The guy who had previously promised me absolute safety is now being smoked like an African refugee. The guy ran to me with a smoking chicken nest in his head and explained to me in a serious way: "President, pass The measurement results of the instrument show that the magic array just released more than 3,000 times the energy of the rated power, so the original flame became a fireball. As for the subsequent explosion, the magic line should be melted by the high temperature, causing the magic array to be disordered. So that gave birth to an explosion. "

"Do you mean that the energy circuit can produce more than three thousand times the energy output?" I directly grasped the point of this sentence. If the guy's answer is "yes", then we will arrive after the guild. You should know that this magic circuit is actually slightly different from the one our guild is using. Since we can produce ordinary magic arrays, of course, we can also produce magic arrays with new concentrated energy magic structures. Once Replace, then even the ordinary magic array will burst out amazing results. Three thousand times the output! How much can this do?

I was dreaming there, and suddenly I heard the guy say, "The new magic circuit can indeed provide more than three thousand times the output, in fact, it is more than that. The magic disk that I just used is just the most basic hardwood without any magic guide. Structure, and in order to prevent it from exploding, we also covered the magic array with a metal plate that would affect the power of the magic array. As a result, it still burst three thousand times the energy. If we use a better special material for the magic array as a base Seat, and use advanced magic materials to draw shock maps, and then inlay Mithril to strengthen magic power and inlaid gems as magic nodes. In the end, the magic array we get may output more than 10,000 to 12,000 times the energy. Of course, this number is only an estimate and has not been tested, but I believe it is reliable. However, although this number is relatively large, it may not produce such a large practical effect in actual use. "

"Why?" I asked in surprise.

The researcher replied very seriously: "First is the problem of materials. The magical ability of magic materials is limited. If the magic power flowing in the magical line is too limited, we will call this situation overload. In this state The magic line will continuously radiate magic energy to the surroundings. Of course, this is only causing a part of power loss. The real trouble is that excessive magic energy may cause the nature of the wire to change when it passes through the wire. In the end, the wire will completely lose its magic power. Power does not explode because of magic build-up. "

"Do you mean that the Magic Circle may not be able to hold it?"

"Yes, our magic array generally only allows five to six times the amount of output, and the time of the Seal of God can not be too long. Whether it is more than three thousand times or more than ten thousand times, this output is obviously out of our guild production. The output range of the Magic Array is too long. If it is used for a long time, the Magic Array may burn out quickly. "

"Can't use high-load lines?"

"Although the high-load line used in the large powerful magic array can work under the strong output of this class of energy module for a long time, the cost of this line itself is not low. If a high-load line is used, then It means that the overall cost of the magic array will rise significantly. In addition to the special magic array of the department is worth replacing this power module, I suggest that it is best to maintain the existing system, at most, to strengthen the bank slightly by referring to the results of this magic array. The concentration of other magical formations in the society. As for this full version, I think it is just right to use it in the urban protection magical formation or the urban power system. Consumption. Many of our guilds are now using liquefied magic crystal steam as explosives, and in the future, with the advancement of technology, this may be more and more consumed. If magic crystal is still used as energy, That consumption is too exaggerated. "

I nodded and said: "You are very reasonable. After the output performance of this magic array is clear, you will immediately begin to replace the urban energy system and replace all the original magic stone power equipment with this equipment.

"Please wait for the president." The researcher interrupted me. "Before you make a decision, you better listen to another reason why this magic circle cannot be popularized." I remembered this guy's words He previously said that there were two reasons, and now he only listened to one, and just happened to listen to the second. After I nodded, the researcher began to introduce: "The other reason why I say that this magic structure cannot completely replace our existing magic array energy circuit is that the magic energy in space is limited. "

After hearing this sentence, I suddenly understood why he didn't let me replace this magic energy completely, and the key issue was here. This magic energy circuit is basically the same as the one our guild is using. Their only function is to absorb the free magic energy in the surrounding space and then convert it into available magic energy. Used by the Magic Circle. The two energy circuits are exactly the same in terms of the function of converting energy, the only difference is the degree of conversion. However, the degree of conversion is not entirely based on the structure of the magic energy circuit.

We can imagine this energy circuit as a solar panel. Our guild uses old and outdated solar panels with low conversion rate, and the newly obtained one is the latest researched conversion device, which can achieve almost 100% conversion. However, no matter how high the conversion rate of this converter is, the sunlight will not focus on you because of your high conversion rate. Therefore, the maximum output of a solar panel can only be infinitely close to the intensity of solar radiation. You have thought about the intensity of solar radiation, which is simply impossible. In the same way, the magic energy conversion circuit absorbs the free magic energy in space, but the problem is that the surrounding free magic energy is not infinite. They are just like the air. After being removed, the nearby magic energy will be replenished, but this replenishment takes time for the Seal of the Throne. Therefore, if one or two magic energy absorbing devices may not respond at work, once the number increases and they are more concentrated, there will be a phenomenon that the surrounding magic energy is too late to supplement, and the output of the entire magic array will Follow it down. This is undoubtedly a rather dangerous situation.

Some people may think that even if the energy output of the magic array is reduced, it is nothing more than a decrease in power. It is better than the old-fashioned magic array.

The answer is: wrong. And it was a big mistake.

The energy module of the magic circle is equivalent to the motive of the car. If you want a car to pull more cargo, then you not only have to increase the power of the motive, but also have a larger body and a stronger load-bearing structure, but these things need to consume power. The original small magic formation of our guild was equivalent to an agricultural tricycle. Although the horsepower is small, at least it can run. Now that we have obtained the new magic array energy module, it is equivalent to that we have obtained a high-powered motivation. In order to use this motivation, we have to correspondingly enlarge the ability of other components. The final result is equivalent to large-scale. A 500-ton class truck used in opencast mines. However, although these trucks are indeed much stronger than agricultural tricycles under normal circumstances, once the power drops, this new motive may not even drive the car itself. At that time, it will not be a problem of power decline, but the magical array will strike directly. Already.

Because of these characteristics of the magic array, we cannot completely replace the magic array. At most, it is replaced on some key equipment. In this way, the energy allocation of various equipment can be staggered to make the best use of this new energy device. Blind and comprehensive replacement is definitely an unsatisfactory thing for laborers to lose their money.

"What you said makes sense. It seems that we really ca n’t use it casually. What specific equipment can be replaced and which cannot be replaced still require you to discuss with the guild staff, but I think you can at least first use the mobile angel's energy installation. Replace it. "

Energy installations have always been the biggest obstacle to limiting the construction of biological exhibitions. When we first designed the first type of puppets in our guild, the puppets at that time used precious precious magic crystals of various grades as the power source. At the time we actually had the Magic Array energy module, but until now our energy module provided very little energy. If you consider a puppet as a robot that uses electricity, then the energy module that we can do that automatically gathers free energy is at most equivalent to the small solar panel on a solar calculator. This point of energy drives even toy cars No, not to mention the giant puppet. Therefore, we have to install colorful magic crystals as the core of power, after all, the output of that stuff is strong enough. But now we don't have to worry about it. This new energy module can definitely drive the body of the mobile angel. Although there may be insufficient energy supply when the mobile angel cluster appears, this problem is actually easy to solve, as long as the current liquefied magic crystal steam power core of the mobile angel is retained. That's it. Two sets of energy devices exist at the same time. Based on the self-charging magic array, when the energy is insufficient or the magic array is damaged, the liquefied magic crystal steam power core makes up the difference or completely replaces the magic array to supply energy. With these two sets of equipment, the mobile angel's endurance can definitely be greatly improved, and because of the two sets of equipment, we can fully equip the mobile angel with a smaller liquefied magic crystal steam fuel tank, so the space saved can not only The self-charging magic array is plugged in, and you can also consider decorating something else.

In any case, the use of this magic circuit is quite extensive, and this kind of one-time input and long-term output is definitely a good thing anyone likes. However, although this magic array module is so precious, it is only a part of that book. I would like to know what effect it would have if all the magic array structures in that book were parsed out.

Although I want to know all the secrets in the book, it seems that this thing is not possible within a short period of time. Even if the existing magic circle is compared and analyzed, it will take a long time to identify a small part of it. As for the magic structure, it is extremely labor-intensive. Of course, according to the system settings, if our guild is willing to throw a billion and eight billion in, it is estimated that the results will soon be achieved, but I guess Rose would not agree to do so.

Since the research results will not be available at 1:30, I simply arranged the work here and then left the Xinda 6 research base and reached Tianyu City directly through Issinger's transnational transport array.

According to the mark on the map, the second book is located at the European University ~ ~ but although it is far away from Isinger, this point is not far from Tianyu City, which is exactly the second goal. According to previous experience, since the first book can have so much capacity, this second book should not be worse. Honestly, now my interest in those three books has far exceeded my interest in upgrading the library. In my opinion, the value of the information recorded in those three books has almost reached the top half of the library, so in those three books, I will not hand in the tasks even if I find them back after the analysis of this book is completed, lest it be troublesome if the library is upgraded and the books cannot be studied.

According to the coordinate points on the map, I entered directly into France, but because Germany and France have been fighting, and our guild is the largest ally of the German Crusaders of the Iron Crusade, so I am basically a hostile force in France. personnel. For this reason, the necessary camouflage is very necessary, especially after seeing the location of the book.

"Hell, how did that mark point happen to be in the city?" When I saw the city in front of me, I couldn't help but reconfirmed the map again. In the end, I could only helplessly determine that the coordinate point was really in the city. . If it was in China or Germany, I would have liked the coordinate points to be in the city. Because this means that I have more n to inquire about information, but here is France. As my current status, even if it is disguised, it is definitely not a good idea to mess around in this place. I hope you don't run into boring players with reconnaissance driving around! !! ~!

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