Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 37: Dragon Convention

Because of the emergency, I ca n’t bring many magic pets. I took most of them back, leaving only Ling and the three-headed dragon. Ling is not a military division. The three-headed dragons are the same as those dragons, and they should give some face. Besides, luck is still the dragon king!

There are only dragons left now, so we are fast. I quickly saw the mountain peak that Ling just showed me. At this distance, I can see that there are many small black spots moving on the top of the mountain. It is estimated that they are the dragons.

指挥 I commanded the plague to lower its height, and luck and crystal followed. The distance gradually approached, and I could already see the dragons gathered on the top of the mountain. Of course, the dragons also noticed my presence at the same time, and the dragon's eyesight was quite good. The dragons, who had been discussing something, stopped and turned to look at us. In fact, it should be said that what they saw was the plague, luck, and crystal. Ling and I were bigger!

我们 When we approached a few kilometers away, some of the dragons on the top of the mountain actually emptied and flew towards us. The distance of a few kilometers for the dragon arrived in an instant, surrounded by 3 giant red dragons. The red dragon is the highest form of ordinary baby dragons in the dragon family. Generally, there is no special situation and there will be no giant dragons that exceed the red dragon.

"What are you doing?" A leading red dragon blocked our way, but it was good to hear his interrogative tone.

Plague said: "When we were playing around, we felt that a large number of similar people were gathering here, so come and see what's going on!"

"Oh! That's it. So where did you live? Which cave? I remember 3,714 dragon caves in the Asian continent, which dragon cave do you come from?"

I was really an old monster, and I remembered it in more than three thousand positions. The plague replied, "I don't have a dragon's den. I belong to the type of running around!"

"There are types of dragons running around? Strange! Then come and listen together when you meet them! Save me to go to you again." The red dragon turned and flew back.

We quickly followed, and the plague asked, "What is it?"

"War!" The red dragon head answered without answering.

"War?" The five of us cried together. "The battle of the dragons? Who do you fight? Is there a force strong enough to fight the dragons?"

"Although I don't want this, I have to admit that there is indeed a force that can compete with the strength of the Dragons!" The Red Dragon also seemed very helpless, after all, admitting that someone could threaten his own security, it was very unacceptable to the proud Dragons of.

"Where are they, compatriots?" Unintentionally we have reached the top of the mountain and asked us the silver dragon with a huge figure after we landed.

Wu Honglong said very respectfully: "They have not settled and have been running around! So I called them too. Isn't Wang saying that he wants to convene every dragon that can participate in the war?"

"Eh!" Yin Long nodded and said, "Very good!" He turned to look at luck and plague, and blinked, and seemed hesitant. Yin Long asked: "I can take the liberty to ask the next two The name of the place? "



Wu Yinlong shook his head and said, "I'm talking about the brand of life."

I was lucky to look at me, and I nodded. To be honest, I don't even know what lucky brand name there is in life.

Luckily looked at Yinlong said: "Sugrit S. Bassam!"

The plague also slowly said: "Sugrit S. Gironde!"

The surrounding dragon and the boss of Yinlong stared at the same time, and then Yinlong suddenly fell on his forelegs and fell to luck: "The left elder of the dragon family, Silver Dragon Esther Poetry, met his two princes! How can two of them suddenly appear on the mainland? Yes? The Dragon King has been looking for two for more than 300 years! "

"Are you from the Estemo family? Uncle Kiat?" The plague is bigger than luck. Some things know more. After all, with the powerful magical power, the dragons can already sense the surroundings when they are in the egg. Things up.

Yinlong actually left two huge tears, watching the tears flow down his chin to his chin, I quickly flew over the head of the plague, took out a large bottle that Clark specializes in collecting liquid material for me Take that tear. "Wow! Good things! Can't be wasted! Silver Dragon Tears, Difficult to Find Money!"

I didn't seem surprised by my sudden appearance of Yinlong. "Elder Elder Kiat died 297 years ago on the banks of Tianchang!"

"Uncle Kiat is dead?" The plague was surprised. "Who is capable of killing Uncle Kiat? Isn't he a full-fledged Iron Dragon? Isn't it a fake defense that can resist the curse?"

"I'm telling the truth! In order to protect the Dragon King, the carapace was cut by the Protoss's Dragon Sword, and then he was attacked by a combined curse of 108 higher angels. After 108 attacks, the 108 were hardly avoided. The angel overexploited his magic body and died. The elder successfully rescued the dragon king who was unconscious and fled to the rear, but he himself was sacrificed because of the injury! "

的 Dizzy I listened to next, what is the concept of 108 upper angels' joint curse? This elder actually took 12 attacks independently under the condition of injury and pulled 108 senior angels as his back. Compared with him, the defense of the tank can be ignored!

The plague sighed: "Fight with the angels, so this time, too?"

"Yes! The Light Protoss said that the holy dragons in the Dragons have a sacred atmosphere and should belong to the Light Protoss, and they want us to destroy the dark dragons!"

"That doesn't mean we kill each other?"

Silver Dragon nodded: "Although the Dragons are lonely by nature, they rarely kill each other. Even if there are purely contradictions between individuals, it is impossible for us to kill our own family on a planned basis. So we openly Fight against the Bright Protoss! "

"How did you do it this time?" Lucky asked, "Why are they fighting again?"

Yinlongdao: "This is the agreement. Both the races that were almost fought in the last war were exterminated, so we paused for a while. Now it has been almost 300 years, and our recuperation is almost the same, so we will start the war again! But ...! "Yin Long seemed worried:" The Protoss have the help of humans, and the worst part is that they have a better breeding ability than the Dragons. Humans can expand their number by 500 times in 100 years, and the angels are slightly Less, but in order to improve their strength, they also created a large number of semi-angels! But the dragon race has a low breeding ability. In 300 years, we have only born 3 generations, which is less than 10,000 together! "

插 I interjected: "Where is the western continent? Isn't that the birthplace of the Dragons?"


"The dragons in the western continent are incapable of dealing with the western part of the protoss. They have no ability to help us at all!" Although it was strange for me to appear as a demonic tribe, it may be because I was brought by a prince, so Yinlong was very serious Answered my question.

"True enough!"

所以 "So this time I ordered a mobilization order to gather all the dragons who can fight for the survival of the dragons!"

突然 I suddenly thought of a way to do more. "How did you fight?"

"What do you mean?" Yinlong didn't understand me.

"I mean, do you guys make an appointment for a general meeting, or a robber in a stronghold or a city, or do you meet without rules?"

"We are scheduled for a time and place to conduct a general battle. According to the agreement, the dragon tribe determines the battle place, the bright protoss determine the time, and then notify each other."

"That's easy!" I'm not happy now, Zhengchou can't resist the siege of the Protoss! Unexpectedly, volunteers appeared! "Do you know the magic capital Isinger?"

"Is that the one that was blown flat?" Yin Long's speech was really straightforward!

"Yes! Your indecisive battle is set in Isinger, and then ask the Protoss to fight, and then tell me. I have a way to find powerful foreign aid for you!"

"Impossible!" Yin Long said unbelievably, "No race other than the Dragon can fight against the Light Protoss!"

"What if the dark forces join the war? Do you think the demon temple has the strength to fight against the light protoss?"

"Really?" Yin Long's eyes suddenly lighted up, but soon faded. "It's useless, they won't participate. Everyone knows that the dark forces only fight for the benefit, and they don't do anything that is not good!"

"What if it's good?"

好处 "Benefits?" The silver dragon eye beads rolled around. "You said let us divide the interests of the Protoss?"

"Dragon is truly a race of strength and wisdom!"

"But what shall we do?"

I thought for a moment and said, "Let's do this! You can find someone who can do business with me to see the Dark God, and we will discuss the specific methods among the three parties."

"Three parties? Who else?"

"Oh! I'm not a Dragon. Although I have a strong relationship with the Dark God, I can't be considered a Dark Protoss! Isinger is about to rebuild and will need to engage in urban warfare. Although my strength is not very strong, I There are magic crystal cannons, as long as you can block the enemy under the city in this melee, I can use the cannon to kill them! Of course, if you can support something like gold and silver jewelry, let me buy more cannons. Even better. "The Dragons are notoriously rich and don't ask who they want.

"Money is not a problem. The dragon's gold and silver treasures are piled like a mountain. For the survival of the dragon, spending some money is nothing!" Sure enough, it's a big money, and I'm more confident than I speak! It's nothing to spend some money!

"I want a lot!"

"How much do you want?"

"My city has 280 gun positions, and 280 magic crystal cannons need 28 billion crystal coins to install. Because Isinger's area is too large, I also need to customize a large magic shield. It is estimated that 1 billion crystal coins is enough. With this thing, you can also have less trouble when you fight. If you still have money, give me another two or three hundred million crystal coins for me to buy another hundreds of thousands of artillery, then everything is OK! "

Yinlong said without blinking: "It's only 29.4 billion crystal coins! How much do I think! I'll give it to you from my private property! Give you 30 billion!"

what! Regret! What am I doing so honestly! I seriously underestimated the wealth of the Dragon family. His 30 billion yuan is enough for his personal savings. Who has more free money! But anyway, the city's defense funding can be solved!

"When can you let the representative and me meet the Dark Protoss?"

"About tomorrow morning!" Dragons have wings, which is fast!

"I may not have time tomorrow morning, so! At 0 o'clock tomorrow night, anyway, your eyes are good and you can see it at night. The Dark Protoss may not come out during the day!

可以 "Yes, but where are we going?"

"Come to Isinger directly! I will take the Dark God!"

"Okay! Let's go back and inform the Dragon King first! The two princes are leaving!" Yin Long flew a few hundred meters after a flash. The surrounding dragons emptied after the plague and lucky salute, and scattered in all directions.

Xiling just jumped to me at this time. "How can you promise them like this? My sister won't leave the Dark Temple!"

I took out the Dark Star and played with it in my hand: "What if I say let her take this thing?"

"You are so cruel!" Ling jumped on the back of the crystal: "I'll ride the crystal to go back and talk to my sister! The last time you took the dark star, you must have angered my sister. It is safer for me to go back. She won't treat me ! "

"Well then! By the way, bring me the city construction permit by the way too. Do n’t be afraid to help the whole dragon family to help defend the city this time!"

"Slip your head!" Ling smiled and patted Crystal's head. "Let's go!" The crystal turned and spun up into the sky, a purple halo in the sky flashed, and the crystal had disappeared. Fairy dragon is indeed the strongest magic power among the dragons. They use teleportation to rush!

"Where are we going now?" The plague looked down and asked me.

Look at the system time, it's 4:30! I have to go to class this morning, otherwise I would n’t “coincide” with the task of bringing new students to the campus! It seems I should be offline for two and a half hours!

"Hurry up, fly to Isinger and go offline!"

明白 "Understand!" Plague and luck immediately took me off and flew towards Isinger.

It was almost 7 o'clock when we arrived at Essinger, and I hurried off the line. According to the plan, I should go to this morning's class. That Xiao Jianfan will be inserted into our class as the new class instructor, and then I can pick up the three "transfer students" logically.

阿 Awei was still asleep when I got up. I didn't know when to "work" last night! I left without leaving the dormitory without asking him to freshen up. I hurried to eat breakfast and ran to the classroom. I have n’t had much class in such a long time. What classroom to go to, so I can hardly find a classroom! Standing in front of the huge comprehensive teaching building, I didn't know where the electronic simulation room No. 3 I was going. I really regret not asking A Wei's classroom number. How can I find such a large place!


I suddenly remembered that there was an electronic hub manager in the teaching building, and this thing was usually on the first floor. I quickly ran into the teaching building and started to look for it. The first goal was to turn around on the first floor. Generally, the computer room is more likely to be located here. Not to mention that it really made me find it, the electric control room is just around the corner on the first floor. Electronic locks are installed on the doors of all the rooms in the building. The same is true. I swiped with my ID card, and then entered my personal password. The red light flashed into a green light, and it really turned on! My identity card has the highest permission for all units in Longyuan. This small door is not fortified for me.

It's too early, and there's no one in the computer room. I went to the operation desk and typed in to find the electronic simulation room No. 3. As soon as I finished typing, the results came out. Room 212 on the 23rd floor. OK! Turning away, as soon as I left the door, I met a girl walking past me. The girl looked at me, and then went forward and said nothing. I brought the door in hand and hurried to the elevator.

I reached the 23rd floor. When I came out of the elevator, I just saw the girl who came out from the elevator just opposite! She suddenly stared at me, but she quickly looked away and turned away. I stepped out of the elevator and looked at the house numbers on the left and right. It seemed that Room 212 and the girl were going in the same direction. I walked away after she distanced from her. The girl noticed that I came out of the computer room, but it was an unmanaged computer room. There was usually no one at all. It was strange for me to come out of it. Will be more noticeable.

看着 I looked at the door number and walked a long distance to finally find room 212. After I pushed the door and entered, I suddenly stopped. I actually saw the girl just now. Is she a classmate in our class? Then she will surely know that I am a student in the class, a classmate who can open the door of the automatic control computer room that no teacher can enter. What would she think?

I pretended not to see her. I walked into the room to find a corner and sat down. There were few people in the class and the empty seats were easy to find. It didn't take long for me to sit down and someone suddenly sat down beside me. I turned around and saw the girl just now.

"Hello, my name is Li Ting. Are you a student in our class?" I took a closer look and realized that she was still pretty.

"Hello! My name is Shenlin. Is there anything wrong?" I don't know what this girl intends to do.

"Are you from our class? I saw you on the roll side."

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"You seem to be absent from school?"

"Ah?" I never thought it would be this problem.

She looked at me confused and continued: "I'm a learning committee member in this class, many teachers have asked me why you student never comes to class!"

For a long time, she didn't stare at me for a while! "This one……!"

"Also, why have you been away from school for a long time? I went to your dormitory to find you, but your roommate said you are not at school. Have you been to school? I know you live in a luxury apartment, your home must be rich, But you can't do that! Riches are at home, you have to study hard! "

It really is a learning committee member who speaks harder than the teacher! "I have something at home!"

"Even if there is something at home, you don't have to go to school for the whole semester? I haven't seen you in class last semester!"

"I'm really busy. I don't have time to report them one by one to those teachers. I told the principal that I don't believe you to ask!" I didn't have time to explain to her. Besides, she is a college student. I can know the secrets of the national news release level, and I can't tell her any of those things.

"What do you mean? Impatient?" The girl turned her face faster than the book. This sentence was basically called out just now.

His voice stunned other students in the class. A handsome male student came over. "What's wrong with Tingting? Who is he? Is it freshman in our class?"

Tong Liting was still staring at me, but she was talking to the boy in her mouth. "He's the **** forest."

"Oh! Shenlin is you!" The boy looked at me. "That legendary absentee king?"

The following sentence is obviously derogatory, but I don't want to have general knowledge with him, anyway, I won't come to class anymore today. "Please leave if it's okay! I want to be quiet for a while. Please leave me alone."

The boy said proudly: "I am the party secretary of this class. It is my responsibility to manage the members of the group. This is my responsibility." College students are basically members of the Communist Youth League, and at most one or two in a school is not So he confidently said that he could manage me.

"I'm sorry, I'm not a member of the league!" He passed his party card just after he took on the look of contempt. "The Communist Party I joined last year, if I remember correctly, I will still be the deputy secretary of the party branch of our school, so you can leave now!"

"You! ..." The boy gritted his teeth and didn't know what to say.

At this time, the third person came over. I know this guy. He is a sports member in our class. He came over and nucked the boy's neck. "You don't want to be educated if you don't want to be educated! Go, go back to class!"

This sports commissioner has a lot of strength, and the party branch secretary was dragged away by his towing rack. But Li Ting didn't leave, she looked at me. "I don't know how you got your party membership card, but I want to tell you that joining the party does not mean that you have graduated. You are still a student and it is best to listen to me. You need to have my rating report in your file. "In the student file of Xinlong College, there will be three comments from class tutors, learning members, and organization members. The reason for this design is to have a comprehensive evaluation of students, in addition to studying and living and quality conditions.

"If you can come across my file and write it, I don't care!" A learning committee member Yao Wuyangwei, the uncle of the National Security Bureau is not as arrogant as you!


"Don't you want to leave this seat?" I hate this woman more and more.

"Hum!" Li Ting stood up angrily and walked back to her seat. She had just left and another person sat down. I know this person, Song Ning, the monitor of our class.

"What did she tell you just now?" Song Ning was more polite than her.

"Nothing, ask me to study hard and don't skip class!"

Song Ning paused and said, "She speaks more hurtly ~ ~ Don't go to your heart. But she means good, you better listen. Well, I'll just say that Many, otherwise I should be annoying! "

Song Ning will be a man, and then run away. The door opened as soon as she left the classroom. Xiao Jianfan walked in and he moved very fast. The people in the class haven't arrived yet, but Xiao Jianfan has come to the podium, and he is followed by our original class tutor.

The original class teacher introduced Xiao Jianfan on the stage, and then left. Xiao Jianfan stood on the stage and said a lot of nonsense, that is, he is the new class mentor who replaced our class mentor. He has been talking nonsense until everyone has arrived, and he began to say, "Tonight, there will be an exchange student to us Come here, the school will let our class take care of it! I will talk about it in the evening, and you will gather at the school ’s small playground in the evening. "

"Teacher!" A classmate shouted. "Are you guys or MM?"

"Most of them are big beauties, you wolves have given me a little convergence."

There was a whistle under the ring, and many boys were beaten up by the girls next to them. I never expected that Xiao Jianfan I saw yesterday was so serious. He would be kidding today. He is indeed an anti-spyman! I didn't listen very much to a morning class. I simply didn't go in the afternoon. After finally waiting for the evening, dragged A Wei to the small playground. According to plan, their three anti-spymen should be in our school now.

When I arrived at the playground, the people in our class were almost there. It seems that the boys are more excited. It will not be the result of Xiao Jianfan's sentence in the morning! I looked for it, but I didn't see Xiao Jianfan.

"Come here!" I don't know who shouted.

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