Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 144: Fat sheep are used to slaughter

"Ditans. Philindir, Marilyn? How could you three get together?"

Although I made speculations about the business that Di Tans might talk to me before coming here, none of them speculated that the results in front of me could be a little bit of a slight side, and even my colleagues here saw that these three were absolutely not. What might happen in my mind.

Dietan Walkerma is the Lord God of the Dark Temple and the Master Slayer of the European Dark Body Codification Department. Marilyn. Xi Yuda, the former deity of the European Light Temple, now the Protestant deity of the European Light Temple. Felindir, the former goddess of European light temples, now the orthodox covenant **** of European light temples. The situation of Di Tans and the two goddesses will not be said anymore. The war between light and darkness has never stopped, so that people on both sides now feel that there is something missing in life after a fight. Except for Di Tans, it is extremely abnormal for the two goddesses to appear together.

There was originally only one European temple of light, but because of their internal disputes and the involvement of our guild, the European temple of light was divided into two parts. One was the faithful establishment of the original goddess of light Marilyn. Another part of the Protestantism is the Orthodox Church that was established by the old light temple elders to help Flyndir. Among them, the Orthodox Church occupies the original main shrine of the Bright Temple and most of the original resources of the Bright Temple, and it is slightly better in terms of fixed capital. Marilyn ’s Protestantism is actually crouched within the British scope. All the temples were basically built in haste. However, because Marilyn was a goddess after all, but after a long time, he brought a lot of subordinates. It can be said that On combat effectiveness, Protestantism must be significantly stronger than Orthodoxy.

One is a former goddess, and the other is a new goddess who subverted him. It is conceivable to what extent the relationship between Flindir and Marilyn can be suffered. According to the normal routine, these two people should fight together immediately. However, not only did they not fight, they seemed to plan to cooperate with me to do something, which was obviously beyond my acceptance.

"So what ... can you first let me figure out how the three of you got together?"

"This matter is more complicated, don't mind if we find a more suitable place to talk?" Di Tans said politely.

I immediately nodded and returned to his palace with Di Tans, the cave below the Dark Temple, but this time he did not receive us in the parlour, but let us follow him into a room where only he was Special study room where you can go. Di Tans first planned to only let me in with their three protoss, but because everyone was against it except himself, in the end the restrictions could only be relaxed. I was naturally carrying Ling, Xiaochun, and exquisite. Felin Deere brought her sister Yuna, and Marilyn was an angel who was more than two meters tall and covered in heavy armor. Because we all brought people in, Di Tans, who felt a bit disadvantaged, finally called two big Liches to join in the talks.

In order to accommodate so many people, Di Tans' study was eventually relocated. A square coffee table that can be used as a bed was placed in the middle of the room. Four sets of sofas were located around the coffee table, but except for our side, where four people squeezed together on the sofa, only Marilyn and her sister Yuna shared it. On the sofa. Felindir's entourage and Ditans's men were all standing behind the sofa. Obviously, the relationship between them was not close enough to share a sofa.

"Well, now you can talk about what you are doing to find me old?" I asked Di Tans, who was sitting opposite me.

Di Tans slammed his finger first, and a Lich immediately took out a scroll and sent it to me. I took the scroll and looked at it curiously. There are not many things on it, basically three sets of time-related data.

From this point of view, it seems that the data is gradually decreasing over time, but because I don't know what the data is, I can't judge for the time being. However, when I was going to open my mouth to ask Di Tans, he took the initiative to say: "What you see now is the cumulative data of the faith of our three temples in the most recent period. The first one is from our dark temple. The next two paragraphs belong to the two goddesses. "

"Your belief level has dropped significantly!" I said looking at the data report.

Dietans nodded. "That's why we came to you."

As soon as I heard this, I put the scroll down, and stared at Di Tans with vigilance: "I haven't developed any other faith on your site."

"I know that," explained Di Tans. "Don't you be nervous, okay? We're not here to settle accounts with you. I said, this is a transaction."

I heard that it wasn't for me to settle my account. I let go of my hanging heart, picked up the report again, and looked at it again and asked: "From the data, it seems that the decline in your faith has started in the last two months, and the decline rate Quite quickly, do you know what caused the decline in faith? "

"I don't know if we won't find you." It was Marilyn who spoke this time. She directly said: "The law of creation limits the scale and way of war between us, the protoss, so even if we know who is robbing our faith, we cannot start a full-fledged war. We do n’t have that spare time, and we really ca n’t find enough candidates. "

"Stop it." Stopping Marilyn from continuing, I looked down and thought for a while and said, "You mean you already know who is grabbing your faith, and you find that the other party is a Protoss, but because Due to the limitations of the law, you cannot conduct large-scale divine warfare, so you need someone who can fight divine warfare for you. My analysis is correct? "

Marilyn nodded. "You're right."

When I heard the other person ’s affirmation, I immediately said, “You said that you ca n’t find someone with the right weight to harass your opponent, but you dare to hire me to help you fight a full-scale war. This means that the individual ’s individual strength is better than yours. Strong, but the overall combat power is not as good as you. Being able to grab your faith shows that you are not far away, and the overall strength is weaker than you, but the message that the individual strength is stronger than you, the Protoss forces that meet the requirements in this neighborhood seem to be Is there one left? "

"You guessed it," Dietan admitted freely. "Yes, we need you to deal with the Olympus Protoss."

"It's okay for me to help, but is this the price ..." I deliberately smirked and looked at them.

"What kind of compensation do you want?" Di Tans asked, worried. After all, we don't deal with each other once or twice, and Di Tans knows my appetite very well. Although I am absolutely reliable in doing things, in the principle of one price and one price, my charges are definitely not cheap. Moreover, this transaction looks like they are in an absolute disadvantaged position. Because this task must be done, and no one except me can do it. Whatever they don't charge me, what they can do is accept or reject.

Seeing the generous expression of Di Tans dying, I wrote and laughed first. "Don't be so exaggerated? It's as if I want to use your wife as a reward."

Di Tans didn't mean to relax when he heard my joke. He still kept his face tight and said, "If you want to let me use my wife's account, I will get married right away and give her to you. . "

Qi ... Do you grow up eating the fruit of your wish when you marry a woman? "I finished righteous and said," Okay, I'm not kidding you, let's be serious. Attacking the Olympus Protoss is not a problem. Although I have not been able to destroy the Olympus Protoss for the time being, it is no problem to give them some trouble to kill several of the other senior Protoss. However, you should also know that this kind of thing is very risky and the consequences are very serious, so my compensation is definitely not low. You'd better prepare yourself for this. "

Di Tans nodded: "I knew that you would be slaughtered before you came, but you should also know that it is not a good thing to weaken our two temples of light and darkness too much, so ...

"So I will guarantee that you have as high a price as possible on the premise that you have enough capital to mess with the local protoss."

At the half of what Di Tans said, I was so frustrated that I suddenly came up with such a sentence. After a long delay, Tieqing face asked: What do you want to pay for help? "

Marilyn and Philindir also arrived: "Just say what you want.

We know you wo n’t let us go easily this time, but apart from the power of faith we recognize

When I heard them, I knew that they must have been discussing for a long time before I came. If they were not forced, they would definitely not ask me to help them with this matter. As for the fact that they didn't even bargain, they gave me a white flag, which is not how simple they are, but there is really nothing they can do. There is a contradiction between the two protoss. You don't even have to think about it. There is no second option except to grab the land to compete for the believers. The power of faith is the foundation of the protoss. Without the power of faith, there would be no protoss, just as there would be no survival without the water man. Now my neck is stuck on this critical need that is related to life and death, and things can't be concealed, so Di Tans will confess to me and kill me without resistance because they know that they will bargain with me It makes me unhappy and make a higher price. It's better to show your attitude quickly, but it may make me less important.

"Since you've all said so plainly, I'm not good at killing things. So, give me an hour, I'll ask someone to discuss it, and how will I reply to you later?"

Di Tans also knew that such a big thing would not be possible in a few minutes, so they immediately agreed to my plan. In order to save time, instead of returning to Isinger, I told the think tank in the guild through the **** of war and several guild leaders for their comments. After a short period of consultation, the think tanks of the Bank's meeting suddenly expanded the meeting again. They also grabbed the heads of various parts of the Bank's meeting and asked them what they were missing recently. According to Su Mei, this is called production due to sales. To put it simply, what we are missing in the guild is what we want from the Dark Temple and the Light Temple. It is better than me to have some high-level items in the warehouse to be ashes. I have done a lot of such things before, patronizing for something of high value, but our guild is not used at all, and it can only be used for ash in addition to showing off. !! Therefore, in order to maximize the use of resources, this expansion meeting called all the heads of the production department of the Bank's Association. After all, they were the most clear about what was missing.

After more than an hour of consultations and coordination meetings, the results finally came to fruition. During the period, I had to go to Di Tans because of overtime. They asked for an extension of the consideration time. Fortunately, now they are asking us to do business. They don't dare to settle with me. As long as I can help them get the power of faith, it is basically what I say.

After waiting for Essinger's staff to give me the result, Rose simply asked me to summon her directly to the Dark Temple with the ring of love, and then the negotiations basically did nothing for me.

"Our requirements have been negotiated. If you look at it, we can start to implement it now. After all, the power of faith is very important to you. The longer you lose time, the greater your loss. So, to ensure Minimize your losses, please tell us as soon as possible whether you can accept this agreement. "Rose took the effort to lift out a copy of the main box of two computers from Fenglong Space after folding. Book, then put it on the table. I only heard the rattle of the coffee table, almost not overturned.

"What is this?" Di Tans frowned as he stared at the giant reading in front of him.

Rose, as if it were all right, answered honestly: "Agreement on the agreement? Didn't you let us quote? This is the quotation."

"Quote? You quote the encyclopedia, right?" Although Di Tans said so, he yanked the book in his hand and started to turn it up, and Philin Deere and Marilyn had to move to Di Tans. He looked up with him.

At first, Di Stein could still turn page by page, but after turning two pages, the speed became noticeably faster, and finally he looked at it in piles and piles, but soon he found the trick and turned the book after a while. After going through the directory for a while, it took him about twenty minutes to turn it around.

"I said ... aren't these things you want too trivial?" Distan and they turned around for a long time before they found that the first 90% or more of this material recorded magical materials, although each required quantity Not many, but there are too many types to scare people, not to mention they are incomplete, even if they are all together, it will be a few years later, anyway, it is basically impossible to get everything. Already.

Rose heard Distan's words and said immediately: "You are also true, you do n’t really look at the agreement. As I said before, these things are not for you to give them all, but for you to decide which things to give, as long as you offer It can suffice to reach one percent of the types of items we have listed, but the types that do not have to be converted into one unit of the items you own. In the end, the total number of items reaches the amount we want, even if you meet our requirements. . "

"But so many things ...?"

"I know you don't have time to compare them one by one, so we applied for an evaluation contract. You can use this evaluation contract to automatically and quickly scan each of your own things. It only takes a few minutes."

"No problem." Distan, Flyndir, and Marilyn each took a contract scroll and applied it to themselves. This thing can quickly search for what their forces have in their three minds. In the end, the information will be summarized and compared with what we have listed, and then they will be given a list of specific quantities. Basically, this kind of thing is also a cutscene. The contract is actually executing a search for cāo, so the speed is amazing. In less than one minute, three contracts are automatically put into the red agreement for the three red lights. Then, many things in the agreement were wiped out all at once, and the demand for the remaining materials changed significantly, and the demand for almost every thing became much larger.

Distan roughly turned over the new agreement, and then said, "There are more than three thousand resources on this. I roughly looked at it. We can accept this request."

Rose smiled immediately after hearing, "then turn the agreement to the second one."

After listening, Distan checked the directory immediately, and then turned to the second one, but he was surprised to find that what was written here was super simple. The second content is to let our guild send three researchers to randomly search the three-day materials in the zàng library of the three temples.

This requirement sounds simple, but in fact this requirement is even more terrible than the first requirement, because we will have constructs like Norling. Her two eyes are basically equal to a two-step high-speed camera, so just give her three days ~ ~ and she can copy the entire library. The library of the Zhongguang Guoguang Temple was previously ransacked by us once. Although the European side is the headquarters, there should not be too much information, so our goal is mainly the library of the Black Temple. .

We should know that the special feature of the Black God Dark Temple is that it has a large number of attacking techniques and various powerful war machines. So as long as we copy the library of the Black God Dark Temple, we can definitely make a bunch of technical achievements. No matter how bad it is, adding thousands of optional skills to our guild players is also good.

Distan, they don't know if they didn't expect that we could copy the entire library in three days, or if they didn't care, anyway, they soon agreed to this request.

Seeing that they agreed with this, Rose let them turn the agreement to the third important position. In fact, the super thick agreement is almost to the end when it is turned over here. The front part is a list of various materials. The most important thing is the latter ones.

Although the previous two agreements were complicated, they actually had little impact on the Three Temples, which was one of the reasons they agreed so quickly. However, when they saw the third request, their faces were immediately wrong.

"Zi said, do you want to ...?"

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