Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 152: Underworld 1th Think Tank

"As for my identity, I think you can ask Ares about Pandora, he should remember me." After hearing what I said, Pandora and Radamantis' eyes immediately focused on Ares, And Ares responded immediately: "He is Zi Ri. The guy who helps us manage the ring of commandment." "It turned out to be you." Pandora nodded: "No wonder you dare to catch us. You say, this What do you want us to do when they are brought here? Although I know that we will not be able to return this time, but since you did n’t kill us right away, it means that we still have value. Since you left us, Then tell us what else we can do and what the consequences of what we do.

"It is indeed the headwoman of Hades. The efficiency of the work is really good." I clapped and praised, and then straightened out: "Since the friend you have asked is direct, I will not be in harmony You're in a circle. Let me talk about my purpose first. This time you were arrested because of your recent expansion of the Protoss of Olympus. "

The Underworld King of the Olympus Protoss was originally Hardis, but Hardis himself was basically not involved in the specific things of the Underworld. What really manages things in the underworld is actually Pandora and the three hells headed by Radamantis. It allows Hades to safely hand over the entire management of **** without intervening at all. Although Pandora's personal relationship with Hades is also a reason, if Pandora does not have that ability, I think Hades will not Really let her take over such important things. This shows that Pandora's intelligence level and management ability are quite excellent.

Because of his extraordinary intellect, Pandora immediately realized the problem when I just said that this time they were arrested because of the expansion of the Olympus Protoss. "Did it come from Di Tans and Flindir?" "You are really smart, but the wording is a bit problematic." I turned to Ares and said, "I say Ares, Would you please explain to your companions my relationship with Di Tans? "

Although Ares is impulsive, he also knows that he often causes trouble. In this case, he is quite stable, not because he is smart enough, but because he knows that he is not smart, so he negotiates and the like. All the work was given to Pandora who was absolutely smart in his opinion. Anyway, he just had to wait for the talk to collapse after he broke down. But then again, it seems that in the current environment, he can't take any shots, but they are almost the same. The power is blocked After he lived, he didn't even want to win. Of course, even if his strength was not sealed, he never won.

Knowing that he was not suitable for negotiation, Ares obediently told me about Pandora's relationship with Di Tans after I said it. Although Ares's eloquence was not good, it was clear under Pandora's inquiry. Soon Pandora understood why I said she used the words inappropriately. Not because her meaning was incorrect, but because she had mistaken my status relationship with Di Tans.

Like most of the Protoss who have never seen me, they all think that the Protoss is high and do not put any mortals in their eyes. So, Pandora knew that I came because of this expansion of the Olympus Protoss. "The first reaction was that I was sent by Ditans to perform the task. But now she finally figured out that I was not sent. They are hired. Although both help Di Tans to do things, the gap between the two is not generally large.

"Okay" I didn't figure it out. Let me sort it out again. If I'm not mistaken, according to your intentions, you were hired by hands Ditans and Flyndir and Marilyn to stop our expansion of Olympus, and the method you choose is to grab us Is it threatening the Olympians? "," No, no, no threat to you makes any sense. "I shook my head and said," The most terrifying enemy is an unknown enemy, not an enemy that is already known, so I will not use you to threaten the Olympus Protoss. "Do this except to make the entire Olympus There is no benefit to the protoss starting to be hostile to me. Your identity may be quite noble inside the Olympian protoss, and it can indeed affect the behavior of some of the protoss. For example, Hades must be willing to use truce in exchange for your self Because. But you Olympians are not the only Hades. It is no secret that your three major gods are in conflict with each other? If Hades can lose a man with a right arm and a left arm, I I think both Zeus and Poseidon should be very happy. "" Since you don't want to use us to threaten the Olympus Protoss to give up the expansion plan, what do you do to us? "After I asked Pandora, I didn't answer her immediately, She was also slowly lost in her own thoughts. "As expected, she only suddenly hesitated for a few seconds. Then she suddenly responded." You want to use our missing Attract their attention so that Olympus Protoss think the country is not safe, then forced them to withdraw to the main domestic staring at? "

"I really appreciate you more and more, but what you guess is not completely right, because after all you know a little less. In addition to the idea you just said, I actually have an idea." That is to use your Missing to marry the Protoss of Christ. "When Pandora heard this sentence, she immediately exclaimed in a sudden enlightenment:" The news we just received before the arrest said that the Temple Mount was brought down. Didn't you think you did it? " "

To be honest, I was also taken aback by Pandora's words. "Hey, how many spies did the Olympians have planted in other countries? It took only a few hours before and after I brought down the Temple Mount to the time I took you up." You all know? "Pandora said confidently:" Although the secrets between the protoss are relatively easy to protect, the intelligence work of our Olympians is not ordinary. Besides, you have toppled the Temple Mount, after all, the movement is a little too big. In fact, this matter is not the news sent by our intelligence personnel, but we specifically sent someone to ask in the past. When the Temple Mount collapsed, we also felt some vibrations on the Greek side, so we sent someone to ask for it in the past, and as a result, the people sent back told us that someone had pushed the Temple Mount down. "

"Now that you know this, should you understand my plan?"

Pandora nodded and said, "I think I can guess what you mean. Grabbing us is only the first step. Your real plan is to use our disappearance to marry the Christian Protoss, and then the main force of our Olympian Protoss attack will Turn to the Protoss of Christ, so that you have completed the task that Di Tans gave you. It can be said that your plan is perfect, but I would like to know why you use the method of marrying trouble? " Think again. "Wait, you have knocked down the Temple Hill of Christ the Protoss before, which means that you have been to the Temple Hill before. It is not possible for you to deliberately overthrow the Temple of Christ the Holy Tribe from the beginning, so you must be For some reason, there was a dispute with them. After that, you simply do n’t do it. You just pull us together with the Protoss of Christ and let us fight each other. You just sit on the fishing ground. Why do you fall into trouble with the Protoss of Christ? I think there are many reasons because you have received the benefits of Di Tans, and you want to find the Lord ’s miser, and he also wants a benefit. As a result, he not only gives you, but also troubles you, and then you are completely out of business. I guess it should be Right? ", Slap slap slap ......... I slap slap hard. "Seriously, I really feel more and more that you are a very flattering person." I continued and said, "Well, I've made your purpose clear, now let me tell you something My thoughts on you. ", Pandora reached out again to stop me from talking, and then she said for me," Without me, I think I know what you think. "" Oh? You know? Come and listen Listen. "Pandora said with a smile:" You and our Protoss of Olympus had no grudges. The reason why you attacked us was because of the employment mission of Di Tans. You want to get a good fee, but you don't want to send us The Olympus Protoss have sinned and died. So you have no responsibility to kill us in the first place. If I guess correctly, you should put us back after this incident, of course, provided that Olympus Protoss defeated the Protoss of Christ. "

After Pandora said her speculation, she looked at me proudly and waited for me to be amazed again, but unfortunately, she waited for my denial. "It seems that you cannot yet be a tapeworm in my stomach. Of course, it may also be because you don't know my character and strength. About the reason why you didn't kill you in the first place ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ That's right. I really don't want to offend the Olympus Protoss prematurely, but that's just that I don't want to offend prematurely, not really dare to offend. So, regardless of you Olympus after this war If the Protoss and the Protoss of Christ win, I will not put you back again.

","what? "Hearing my words, Pandora's expression of horror and fright for the first time since she was caught here. She was so calm before not because she was not afraid of death, but because she guessed that she would not die, so she It ’s so calm. However, what I just said really scared her. Because I said I did n’t plan to let them go back, that is to say, their use value may not lie in their identity, but in their bodies. If they come, they will not escape. Of course, there is another way to use them to persuade us to join our Temple of Chaos and Order, but although Pandora is smart enough, her mind is limited. She always thinks we are low. The Protoss existed first-class, so she did n’t think I had the courage to dig them into the temple of these high-level Protoss of Olympus Protoss. Because that would have to bear the wrath of the Olympians Protoss, and Pandora believed We cannot afford that consequence.

However, she was completely wrong this time. She underestimated my guts and underestimated our strength. I'm not afraid of the Olympians at all. !! ~!

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