Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 159: God of time

"Come on, how can I find my daughter?"

"Don't worry! Let me go before talking."

"It's not your daughter who lost it anyway, aren't you in a hurry, right?" Di Tans asked with an expression of anxiety.

"Actually, your daughter hasn't been lost. Although I don't know if the daughter who used to be with you was among these four people, I can be sure that all four of them are your daughters."

"What? All of them?" Di Tans finally let go and grabbed my hand, but his expression was telling me that if he didn't say it, he would kill me.

"Can you ask me first before I can tell you?"

"Okay, you ask first." Di Tans also knew that he couldn't understand without me, so I had to ask the situation first.

Seeing that Ditans finally let me go, I hurried to the other three Olivia and said, "Do you all remember how long you stayed in the ice cave?"

The three nodded together. "Of course I remember."

"That's good. Tell me how long did you go in separately? Start with you."

The Olivia pointed to by me immediately said: "I stayed in the ice cave for six days."

The next Olivia said immediately after the first one: "I only stayed for a dozen hours."

The last remaining Olivia said, "I stayed for a day."

When I heard the answers from three people, I immediately felt a cold sweat. "So what?"

"You return my daughter!" Distan wasn't stupid, and I asked him for a few moments and immediately understood what I meant. Obviously, the time in this cave is out of sync with the outside, so if you want to find Distan ’s real daughter, you must find Olivia who has the same time as Distan. She was sent by Distan. That Olivia. Of course, other Olivia are still Olivia, but they may be Olivia a few days or hours ago, or Olivia a few days or hours later, as for Is it possible for Olivia to appear months or even years away, depending on how messy the timeline in that cave can be. But one thing is for sure, the Olivia corresponding to this Distant outside is not here.

Just because he understood the reason, Distant rushed over again angrily, and he looked like a madman. Of course, a normal father would probably react similarly when he heard that someone else had lost his daughter.

"Release ... Release ..." I grabbed Distan's hand desperately to pull him away, but the fact is that my power can't move Distan who has gone into a crazy state at all, and now his power is definitely not normal. The power of time can be compared.

"I'm gonna kill you a bastard!" Distan, with his eyes flushed, was pinching my neck while shaking desperately, and I could only hold his arms as much as possible to weaken his strength.

"You ... I'm useless if you choke ... cough ... cough ... hurry ... let go ... I can help you find Olivia ..."

Alas. As long as the information about Olivia's whereabouts has a great calming effect on Di Tans, almost instantly his hand moved from my neck to my shoulder, and then asked as he continued to shake "Do you really have a way?"

"Of course." I said as the activist's stung neck hurt.

"Then you aren't going?"

"Wait for me to do some preparations! The cave is obviously out of time. If I venture into it, what if you run back to a group of me?"

"Then what are you going to do?"

"You wait, I have to find someone to ask about the situation first." I turned and said, the door of the earth suddenly appeared in front of me without a sound, and then I looked in awe of Dietans Walked in.

The majesty of the upper gods is not Di Tans. Their lower gods can compare to you, and it is different from ordinary creatures whose strength is so low that even the opponent is strong there. These protoss all understand the upper gods. The power of God, they know what kind of existence God is, so they will be more awesome than the ordinary creatures, and not like the ordinary creatures who are ignorant. No feeling.

After entering the gate of the earth, I quickly ran through the mother earth's garden and ran straight into her dormitory. When I arrived, Mother Earth was watering a strange flower that looked like a rose, but was much more beautiful. I had just walked into the small garden, and before opening his mouth, he opened his mouth and asked, "Did you finish the task so quickly?"

"Two trees left."

"I knew you weren't so fast. So why did you come this time?" Mother of the earth put down the kettle and turned around at this time.

"That's it. I'm having some trouble outside, so I'm looking for some help from you."

"You are not ignorant of the rules of our God, we will not participate in your war."

"No, no, no. It has nothing to do with those things, and I don't need you to come forward. I just want you to help me contact the God of Time. I have something I would like to ask."

"You looking for Mosana?"

"Yes, I hope to ask him about time."

"Although I don't know why you thought about asking this, but since you help me complete the task of the World Tree, then I will help you." The mother of the earth said that she came to me and stretched out a hand to me. "Come, grab my hand."

I quickly reached out and held the Mother Earth's hand, and before I had time to ask what to do next, I felt that the surrounding environment suddenly changed. The next second we actually appeared in a maze. The horror of this maze is definitely the most exaggerated of all the mazes I have seen so far, because he is the only maze built in the void, surrounded by stars and crisscross stairs. There is basically no normal road in the entire maze. There are sections of stairs everywhere, some are vertical, some are even upside down, and the stairs are long or short, some are connected together, some are two. There are only two doors at the end, and the exact connection is completely uncertain. What's more terrible is that many of the stairs are floating around, which makes the original road uncertain. In this case, it is estimated that a map can make people faint.

After seeing this horrible maze, I felt dizzy for a while, but quickly adapted to it. The power from my hand told me that the power of the Mother Earth protected me from the powerful energy here. Invasion.

"Don't let go, or fall into the void, or I won't be able to save you," the mother of the earth warned.

I nodded my heart a little, then asked, "Is this the home of Mosana, the **** of the time? Isn't this too scary?"

What I didn't expect was that the mother of the earth shook her head, and then said, "This is not Mosana's palace, but Rammons's."

"Raymonds? Raymonds, the number one **** of space among the top ten gods?"

"Yes. Our top ten residences are all independent spaces. Only Raymonds's residence is completely open and you can come in and out at will, so if you want to find Mosana, you must first borrow a way from Rammons. . "

"But the maze here is so complicated, do you remember the way?"

"Of course I don't remember. In fact, remembering is useless. This is actually a circular space. The beginning and end of the space are connected, so whether you remember the road or not, you will definitely be trapped in this maze. . "

"Then what do we do?"

"Don't worry, the labyrinth was built by Raymonds. He can naturally break the rules. In fact, the rules here are that you must call him directly if there is something. If you want to find him here, it is simply a dream." The mother suddenly lifted as she said, and a light flare flashing yellow flew out of her palm, and then she saw the light flare flying all the way far above our heads before banging. Suddenly burst, my heart was bounced by the intense light and energy shock waves.

Almost immediately after the light flashed out, a middle-aged man wearing a majestic robe like a consul suddenly appeared by our side.

"Earth? Why did you bring a mortal over?" Just after the words were spoken, the other person suddenly glanced at my hands again, and then said, "Oh, it was the God's dependents, and they actually brought four rings of God's relatives, Strange, why isn't there? You can bring him over to show that the relationship should be good. "

The mother of the earth said with a smile: "He's almost four, let alone I gave him the gate of the earth. He wants to find me anytime, anywhere. It doesn't make much sense to have a ring. To tell you something, I want Take him to Mosana. Help me build a bridge. "

"No problem." After Rammons finished speaking, he reached out and made an inviting gesture. I followed his gestures and turned around, only to find that the original void in the back of us didn't know when there were more platforms, and more It is a large zero-handed group portal.

"Thank you." After the gate of the earth said hello, she pulled me onto the platform and walked directly into the portal.

After passing through the oval portal, I found that the environment on the side of the gate was not much better than that of the previous maze. This side of the portal is a large round platform like a football field, but it is not a simple platform. To be precise, it is actually the position of the bearing in the center of the second hand on a huge dial. Of course, this platform is not stationary, it is slowly rotating, and it is precisely rotating at a speed of one revolution per minute.

In addition to this super clock dial under our feet, there are a lot of various dials floating on the front, back, left, right, and overhead. Some are only a single dial, and some are connected with many complex gears. Some are huge like a planet, while others are smaller than a watch.

"This is Mosana's room?"

"To be exact, this is her strength storehouse, not her residence. The power of our higher God is a little different from ordinary creatures. What you usually enter through the gate of the earth is my residence, and I also have a It ’s similar to this power reserve, except that my power reserve and the structure here are not that big. "

"Then how do we find Mosana?"

"You don't need us to find her, she will come to us." Just after the mother of earth said a clock dial suddenly appeared in front of us, and then the clock dial flashed suddenly, followed by a man who looked like thirty-five A six-year-old and twenty-year-old beautiful woman suddenly appeared in front of us. The reason why her age is not well confirmed is mainly because of her image. This Mosana's body is different from that of Lori of the Earth Gate. Her body is quite hot, her body curve is very exaggerated, and her golden long evening dress is very mature. However, although her figure is very hot like a mature maid, she can't see any traces of her years on her face, and she is completely the face of a young beauty. It is said that time is fair to everyone, but I will now say that time is at least unfair to the **** of time, because she can change her time flow at will. As long as she wants to, it's fine to manipulate time.

"Well, why are you free to run here, Mother Earth?"

The mother of earth directly pushed me forward: "This is my friend and collaborator in the world. He has something to ask you, so I brought him."

When Mosana heard the words of Mother Earth, she looked up and down, and then she also found four rings of my god. However, I was very puzzled. Although I am now a double number, I am now using the purple sun form. How can one or two of them see that my ring is wearing their ring?

"Since it was introduced by the earth, then if you want to know anything, just ask. I have plenty of time."

After listening to my introduction, Mossana nodded with certainty: "I can definitely do it. If I take a shot, it's something between fingers. But you also know that the higher **** can't just intervene in your world. If it is a big thing related to life and death, we occasionally make an exception to help you still talk about the past. For this kind of thing, let us help you at the cost of backing up the rules. So it ’s not worth it. Do it yourself. "

"But I don't know how to manipulate time?"

"If you just want to get back Olivia at the right time, you don't need to manipulate time at all, you just need to know how to travel through time."

"But I can't even travel through time!"

"Aren't you going through time, can't you even find a meeting person?"

"Anyone?" I froze for a moment, and then a golden yellow dragon came out of my head.

"Yes! Golden Dragon will! Just bring……… No. Golden Dragon is the guardian of the country. Can't you come out of your country?”

"Are there any rules?" Mosana was obviously not like the Mother of the Earth and there was more communication between people. He didn't even know this. When she saw the mother of the earth nodded, she said helplessly: "It would be a bit troublesome, but as a **** of time, if you ca n’t even tell the time, then you don't have to confuse me." He looked up and asked, "Do you have anything that can keep time?"

I shook my head as soon as I heard it. The system clock is so convenient, who is fine with a watch?

"Really, why are you so poor that you can't even afford a watch? Well, let me lose it once!" Mossana seemed reluctant to find a golden yellow pocket watch from his body and hand it over. Came to me. "It's cheaper for you this time, but you have to remember that this thing is also limited."

"As long as it works." I took the pocket watch in excitement, but didn't immediately look at the properties. After all, Mosana's identity was there, and it was a bit impolite to check the attributes of the pocket watch in front of others.

After thanking Mossana for his help, I asked about how to operate and rescue Olivia at the corresponding time. Finally, after confirming that there were no problems, I returned to her garden with Mother Earth ~ www ~ Thank you very much for this time. I will finish the task of World Tree as soon as possible. "After returning to Mother Earth's back garden, I quickly began to thank Mother Earth for her help. This time things seemed so simple and smooth, it was entirely because Mother Earth was willing to help. If she didn't want to help, then A simple thing can become an absolutely impossible thing, or something complicated enough to make people scratch their hair.

The Mother of Earth didn't care much about thanking me, but just explained that I could go first to save people and then send me out of her dormitory.

After leaving the Mother Earth, I didn't rush out, but first checked the pocket watch sent by Mosana. When I asked about how to use it, Mossana only told me that this pocket watch changes the time attributes of the wearer and allied units within a certain range according to the intention of the wearer, but the specific abilities did not tell me in detail. After all, according to Mosana's It is said that this thing is controlled by pure ideas, which is a fool-style equipment, which should be the type that individuals will use.

Although I knew that the superior god's shot would not be a general merchandise, after opening the attributes of that pocket watch, I was still surprised by the attributes I saw in front of me. !! ~!

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