Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 164: World library

"System, what does it mean to add guild attributes based on the ability of the three books of the world?"

When I heard my question, the system immediately answered the question based on the question-and-answer principle: "Adding guild attributes based on the ability of the three books of the world means adding three attributes, each of which corresponds to the ability of the three books. . "

"What effect does that specific point have?"

"This needs to be upgraded before it can be decided, because the specific effect depends on the guild level and guild size."

"That's it!" Although I still wanted to know in advance, even after removing this last piece of information, I have already made up my mind to build the World Library. The ability of this thing is really too strong, let alone say whether the three books can be studied in the end, even if there are any results, I don't think that it will outweigh the benefits brought by the World Library, let alone the benefits. In fact, this thing is just like money. It must be circulated to produce value. The money piled up in the bank is just a pile of paper, and money is money only in the process of spending. The benefits of the library are readily available. Once put into use, this benefit will continue to benefit us from now on. If you are counting on what technologies can be developed from the three books, the benefits generated during the delay will be more than offset. Benefits from technical results.

"Please determine as soon as possible whether to build the World Library. This option cannot be delayed or repeated. Failure to respond within 30 seconds is considered abandonment of construction."

The system has started to rush, and I nodded gratefully: "Confirm the construction of the World Library."

"The World Library has confirmed the construction. This upgrade system will automatically update the library building for you. Please bring the architectural design drawings to the library within three days and submit drawings, and please evacuate all life in the library at the same time as the drawings are submitted. . End of prompt. "

Submit drawings within three days? Don't say anything else. With regard to the 5% experience bonus for each person in the whole bank, how much experience value should we lose in these three days? In the lines of the movie, we now have hundreds of millions of experience points per second. How can there be three days of delay? Not three hours.

For our precious experience, I broke out at an unprecedented speed, quickly connected to the army god, and then forcibly pulled all the relevant personnel into the communication meeting with the authority of the chairman, and then used a minute to explain the situation and assign work. Next After cutting off the communication, I rushed to the entrance of the library with the fastest speed I could reach to announce that the library was closed and began to clear the field. Three minutes later, five mobile angels smashed into the small square in front of the library as if a meteorite fell to the ground. They brought a book of material and a book of energy, plus a book of time in my hand to complete a complete set Book of the world.

One minute after the Book of the World was in place, two mobile angels landed one after another. They brought a memory crystal, which stored the library design.

Now that I have everything, after confirming that the library has been emptied, I retreat to the outside of the library, and shout to the sky: "Begin the upgrade of the World Library, here are the design drawings." I said the crystal Lifted up.

Almost instantly I felt a force sucking the crystal into the library, and then I saw that the entire library began to collapse inward as if a black hole appeared in it, and the entire library was swallowed up by the black hole in a blink of an eye. It went in, but the surrounding buildings were unscathed, and even the bulletin board standing close to the outer wall of the library was not affected at all.

After destroying the original library, a few blue bright spots suddenly appeared in the place that was supposed to be the library. Then these spots started to move and outlined a bright blue line in the air. More and more, we soon found out that this is actually a three-dimensional dotted diagram of a building. Originally, I thought the system said that to help us renovate the building is to assign a team to repair the library. How could I know that the system actually draws the building frame in just a few strokes like making a 3d model?

After the outlines of those buildings are all drawn, the general structure of the entire building can be basically understood, but the blue dots that build the building lines have not disappeared. After completing the building structure, they start to fight inside the building. Start sketching things like support columns, beams, walls and even pipes. Of course, as before, these blue dots are astonishingly fast to build, just like a computer is simply filling a picture with a simple repetitive fill. It is generally amazingly fast, almost ten seconds in the entire building's walls and various interiors. The structure is all marked out, and then it seems that the invisible paint on the surface is washed away. The blank space between the dotted lines gradually starts to be filled by the substantial building materials. A large amount of stone and metal structure materials Gradually appeared, and finally formed a complete and fully existing super library. When the entire library was completed, those glowing blue bright spots gradually began to dim until they eventually went out, and the library was completely presented to us.

Compared with the original old library, the new library is not very different in appearance. In order to ensure the uniformity of Isinger's architectural style, the appearance of the new library is still based on tall and heavy. The façade made of one hundred tons of megalithic bricks gives an indestructible feeling, and the size of the building seems to be designed for giants so that normal people standing there will feel the whole building as if it were a mountain. Sometimes you even have the feeling that it will incarnate a beast towards you at any time.

Although the new library and the old library have basically not changed much in appearance, except that the height has increased a little and the front has a protruding semicircular hall, the entire library is basically the same. However, inside this new library, many things have changed dramatically.

With three books of the world, I first walked into the new library. After opening the newly added semicircular hall door, you can see a huge hall after entering the interior, but only this small part of the hallway is flush with the ground, and the back part is all in one Above the platform one level above the ground. On the sides of the hall are two magnificent and grand staircases with semi-curved decoration to go up to the platform, and between the two staircases is a large, huge soundproof door. According to the mark on the door, the books and materials in this door belong to the guild books, and only the members of the guild can enter.

Without rushing to see the special books in the door, I first climbed the stairs on both sides to the second floor platform. As soon as I arrived, I was stunned by the sight in front of me. It turns out that the stairs are not a platform. In fact, the thing seen at the door is more like a dyke. Behind it is a vast space that looks like the stars and the sea. In this huge space, there are countless dense suspensions. These bookshelves are neatly arranged in the void, and no matter where you look up or down or left or right, you can't see where the edges are. Such a shocking scene caused me to wander on this dam-like platform for a long time and did not respond.

After I managed to recover from the visual impact of those bookshelves, I was surprised to find that there was no connection between the platform where I was standing and the bookshelf over there, and the bookshelf and platform closest to this side The distance is at least 20 meters or more. The average person is definitely not able to cross this huge force, and even if it is passed, it is useless, because those bookshelves are suspended in the air, except for bookshelves, you have to find a place to stay No. As a public building, this kind of nature is definitely not left in the library, so I naturally started to look for something that can span this distance.

Sure enough, a place like this in a library requires accessibility, and it is absolutely impossible to leave such a natural thing. Immediately after I reached the edge of the platform, I realized that what I thought was a railing was actually used for another purpose. There are hexagonal metal plates on the edge of the platform here. There are railings around the metal plate except for the side that connects to the platform, and a translucent crystal is fixed on the railing facing the outside of the platform. panel. I am very familiar with this thing. It is the electronic catalog query system used by the library, but I do n’t know why it was installed on the metal platform, and looking all the way, there seem to be thousands of metal plates on the inside of the dam. Got this querier.

I tried to stand on one of the small platforms. How could I know that the platform suddenly flew forward as soon as I got on the platform and left the location of the large platform. Whereas the next platform flew away, a new platform had already flew away. The lower part of the block platform was raised to replace the original position of the platform. Looking back from where I am now floating, I can see that there are small platforms such as the small platform outside the large platform, and I want to replace the platform that has already flown out.

After I realized that the platform could fly, I understood how the library was set up. The bookshelf on the opposite side has a large area because it has too many books. In addition, it has a floating design. If you let the players find the books by themselves, it is absolutely messy. So the library uses this kind of device similar to internal transportation equipment, but instead of selecting the target by location, it selects the target by the book you want to read. When you find the book you need on the querier, The platform immediately flew over by itself.

I casually typed in a book name I had seen before, and then the only place behind the platform that had no railing suddenly raised a chair just for me to sit on. Immediately after I sat down, the platform suddenly accelerated, and then a sharp turn suddenly dived down at an angle of almost 90 degrees. Even with my psychological quality, I was taken aback by this roller coaster-like thing. I don't know how the system will set up such a perverted vehicle. If elderly people or people with a bad heart sit on it, it is estimated that the book will be hung before people can be found.

After experiencing crazy flying more than ten seconds longer than rolling a roller coaster, this platform finally stopped in front of a bookshelf that didn't know where it was, and then the corresponding book on the bookshelf bounced out and fell right on me. The directory in front of the console. It turns out that this catalog console is not only a platform controller and a catalog query system, but also can be used as a desk, and this flight platform is simply a transport and a reading room. You can read books on the platform completely. Then the platform prompts you to return the book to the previous platform by operating the platform a few times. However, the return position of this platform seems to be different from the departure position. It seems that the library uses a one-way street.

After checking the external library, I returned to the first hall and pushed open the tall and heavy soundproof and explosion-proof door. Unlike the exquisite, gorgeous and magical design of the external library, the internal library is much more regular in design. Open the thick door that is comparable to the air defense shelter isolation door. There is a long corridor inside. There is only one door on the left side of the corridor, which reads Skill Learning Hall. The right side of the corridor is a row of large and small doors. The total number is almost there. There are more than a hundred rooms with the words "Idle" written on each door. I casually opened a few of them and found that the rooms on the right are actually reading rooms, but they are similar to the private rooms.

Walking down the corridor is a door frame without a door. A small platform passes through it. Standing on the platform, you can see a large hall below, filled with rows of bookshelves. On both sides of the platform, there is a corridor around the second floor of the room. The first floor next to the wall is full of bookshelves and the other side is a railing.

Going down a staircase from the front of the platform, you can see that there is actually a door under the platform. After entering, you can see a larger library, but there is an authentication setting at the doorway. I just walked to the doorway. I heard a prompt asking me to set the alert level here, that is, people who meet the requirements can enter, and those who do not meet the conditions will not pass. After thinking about it, I think this thing is best left to Red Moon and Rose to set it up. After all, they are in charge of housekeeping.

The large book area here does not have a detailed classification catalog, only a map-like classification table is posted at the door. This table can be used to query the approximate location of different types of books, but you have to find out where you are.

After turning around in this large library, he was about to exit. Suddenly, there was a door on the side of the previous passage that needed to be identified. After opening the door, I found a downward corridor, and pushed down a door to the bottom of the corridor. The sight in front of me surprised me again.

The environment behind this gate is like the room where the book of space was obtained before. A long bridge extends endlessly into the distance, and there is endless void all around. I used the same method as the room in the Book of Space to turn to the bottom of the bridge, and found that there is also a gravity flip setting, and there are rows of bookshelves at the bottom of the bridge, which is different from the room in which the book of space was found It's just that the bookshelves here are not embedded in the ground, but stand upright. Of course, the books on the shelves are not the books of space, but the advanced technical materials and some top skills of our guild.

After confirming the contents of this room, I left the guild book area and walked out. What surprised me was that I went around here. The system didn't ask me for the three world books. Just as I was puzzled, there was a loud noise outside the library.

"Huh?" I hurried out of the library when I heard the outside voice, but I saw three huge obelisks slowly rising from the ground. It was not until ten seconds that the three obelisks were completely complete. Raised from the ground, its base just closed the hole in the ground, and even a gap was invisible.

The three obelisks standing in front of the main entrance of the library are black, white and yellow. Each obelisk is about 180 meters high. The base of each obelisk has a base with a side length of 20 meters and a height of 5 meters. The obelisk itself is square in cross section and the bottom is about 18 meters wide. Although this width is not small, considering its height, The obelisk looked rather slender.

As I approached, I discovered that the obelisk was different in color because it was made. The black obelisk seems to be made of black crystal, the yellow one is pure gold, and the white one is the most scary. This one is actually diamond. Except for the base, it is a complete piece from top to bottom. White diamonds, except in the game, it is estimated that you will never see such a large diamond elsewhere. In fact, don't say this diamond obelisk, even the least valuable black crystal obelisk can be said to be invaluable. Thanks to these things being given away by the system, it would not suffice for these three pillars to allow us to supplement the materials and sell us all in one package. You need to know that diamonds are sold by carats. How many carats does this obelisk of more than 100 meters get?

The appearance of the library before has caused a lot of onlookers. If our guild had sent troops to maintain discipline, it is estimated that the library would have been crowded. Now three obelisks suddenly popped up, and the crowd that had been quiet for quite a while boiled again.

I didn't care much about the crowd boiling because I found that there were doors on the base of the three obelisks. Reaching out and pushing the door open, I walked in and found that there was only a narrow corridor leading to the center point of the obelisk base. Walking along the passage, you can see that here is a metal platform slightly above the ground, and above the platform is a jump vertical passage leading to the top of the obelisk. Obviously this platform should be something similar to an elevator.

I tried to walk to the platform, and sure enough, the platform rose up immediately after I stood up. Adhering to the usual style of transportation in the World Library, this elevator is also a life-saving type. The acceleration of acceleration is the same as that of a missile launch. The platform stopped rising only a few meters from the top, and at this time I also found that I was already inside the top of the obelisk.

The vertical access to the ground has been closed by the platform, and a circle of platforms surrounds the platform. A metal platform supported by four metal feet is located directly above the lifting platform that just brought me up. Its four feet are actually four steps, which are supported on the surrounding platforms. I walked up one of the steps and found that there was only a small stone platform on this metal platform, and the platform had a rectangular groove.

As soon as I looked at this groove and felt like I've seen it, the system prompt suddenly sounded. "Please put the book of space in the controller."

When I heard the prompt, I knew where I had seen this groove. This is clearly the same groove on the platform where the book of time was originally placed, but this is for the book of space. The system previously said that the World Library will have three guild attributes after placing three books in the world. Does it mean to put the book in this groove? If the internal structure of the three obelisks is the same, then exactly three obelisks correspond to three books. It seems that this is the origin of the three attributes of the system.

Full of anticipation for the guild attributes, I carefully inserted the book of space into that groove.

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