Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 167: South America soaked in mud

Seeing the ball in my hand, the responsible researcher immediately said, "This is the only finished product we have obtained from our study of the Book of Space."

"So this thing should be capable of space? How does it work?"

The researcher in charge took the ball from my hand and demonstrated it to me, saying: "Note that this thing needs to be charged with a unit of magic to stimulate it before use, but I am now demonstrating, in order to prevent it from starting, So I wo n’t input magic, but I must input magic when using it. "

I nodded to understand, and then asked, "What then?"

"Then you need to pay attention. Look here." The researcher in charge showed me a point on the ball that was obviously different from the material elsewhere. "This is a twist, and there is a symmetry on the reverse side. Before you inject After the magic, these two points will light up outside ... forget it, I will show you a magic demonstration, anyway, we still have a lot. "The supervisor and researcher injected a little magic, and then showed me the twist, and sure enough , There is a blue circle around the button, but the button itself does not light up. After watching it, the researcher in charge said, "Seeing this aperture indicates that the spaceball has been activated, so you can't press it randomly at this time. From now on, you have two options. One is that you can make this symmetrical Either press one of the two buttons and hit the enemy.

"Then what? What effect will it have?"

The researcher in charge didn't answer directly, but instead greeted a researcher to come over as an experiment. "President, please pay attention. Now he is facing us, and the enemy is usually facing you during the battle. Then, I will smash the ball towards him, please pay attention." The researcher in charge said He smashed the ball towards the researcher who was the experimenter, and the moment the ball hit the researcher, no sound and light effect appeared. "But the researcher turned suddenly. No He turned himself, but when the ball hit him, he suddenly turned back to us. After he turned around instantly, we heard a bang again, and the ball actually fell off the researcher's chest and then It seems to be bounced out, and it continues to roll forward before it is picked up by another researcher. If something hits someone and bounces back, it is not strange. But the problem is that the researcher is being smashed. At that moment, he lost his direction somehow, that is to say, he is facing away from us now. However, the ball fell from him. If we throw this ball, it must pass through his body before it can reach him, but now the ball obviously does not pass through his body, but it seems to be After being bounced, it generally continues to roll forward, this effect looks quite strange.

"This thing can align the front and back of the target object?" I asked suddenly in surprise.

The researcher in charge said with a smile: "Strictly speaking, only those objects that are not fixedly connected to the ground can be adjusted. For example, the big trees cannot be adjusted because the roots are inserted in the soil, and there are houses or mountains. No. "

"Is there a volume requirement? How big can all be flipped or can it only be flipped within a certain volume?"

"Using the theory of making this thing, you can flip an object of any volume, but the bigger the object, the more energy it needs to flip, and this little thing is just an interesting little toy." So you can only charge one at a time. The magic of the unit, and the volume of the object that it flips cannot exceed 800 cubic meters. As for the mass of this object, this can be ignored, it can only be transferred by volume. "

Although the 800 cubic meters is not very large, it is definitely not small. Like some small ships, it can be swapped back and forth. At least for individual players, this thing is absolutely enough, after all, creatures with a volume of more than 800 cubic meters can be regarded as class monsters. "This kind of thing can't be done by one or two people. For individual players, use It is estimated that it is still used to attack other players when it is the most, so the conversion volume is only needed after three cubic meters. If a normal person's body is completely compressed, it will actually be less than one cubic meter, even if the individual is relatively large And put on the armor "three cubes are absolutely enough.

"What does this thing do besides turning people upside down? Didn't you say there were a few different uses before?"

"Yes, there are two usages. Just pressing one side of the button like this will turn people back and forth. If you press both sides at the same time, it will be like this." The guy said as he handed the researcher back. The ball on both sides was pressed down together, and then I saw him suddenly disappear in front of me for a second, and after a second he suddenly popped out of place.

"Space cut off?"

"Not the same." The researcher in charge explained: "In fact, the principle is very simple" is to teleport you at the moment you press the button, but set the teleport outlet to the same place and make the process as complicated as possible. During the transmission process, you will disappear for about one second due to complex energy conversion, but because the exit and entrance are actually overlapping, "the transmission itself does not consume energy, after all, you are not actually transmitted, and It just disappeared for a second. "

After listening to the explanation, I understand the principle of this thing. It is nothing more than letting you hide in the space mezzanine for a second and then return, but this use can be widely used. For example, if the enemy shoots an arrow at you, you can press the button at the moment you see the opponent release the arrow, and then you disappear for a second. When you reappear, the arrow should have passed the position where you are standing. Of course, this time is not very easy to grasp. If you press it late, you will be shot. If you press it early, it may be waiting for you to return. The arrow just hits, anyway, if you don't master the time, it is useless. However, after all, this is a choice for everyone, and even if you have a bad idea of ​​time, you won't lose anything if you try your luck. Anyway, without it, you will still be recruited. With it, there is still a chance to hide.

After understanding the two uses of this thing, I found that although this small thing is very simple in function, it is surprisingly useful. The function of turning people in place is very abnormal. Imagine that you are playing well with others. Suddenly the other person throws a small ball at you, and then you somehow turn around unpreparedly. You are still wondering why the enemy suddenly disappeared when someone was gone. I'll give you a knife from the back, and everyone will have to change.

"The technical results you got from those two books are only these, so what about the technical materials? Can they be used in the technical system that already exists in our guild?" After I understood the technical results obtained this time, I started to care That technical information has helped other technical systems in our guild.

In fact, this is the technology. Often, there are hundreds or even tens of thousands of technologies required for a finished device. "When the initial technology was low, it didn't feel much. In the later stage, almost every foundation you have. There was a breakthrough in technology. Almost all the equipment in the guild can be replaced with what seems to be. This time, although the technology from the book of space and energy is not a lot, "I believe it will be enough for our guild. Massive replacement.

Sure enough, the responsible researcher who nominated my question immediately nodded: "Yes, the new products we have come up with are actually only supplementary, and the real sniff is to make up for the original technical system. For example This space conversion ball is similar to a toy for players, but it is different in turret technology. "

"You mean instantaneous aiming technology?" My mind was not stupid at all, so when the county chief researcher mentioned the turret and the space conversion ball, I immediately thought of instantaneous aiming technology.

"A cannon", especially a heavy-caliber heavy gun, always takes time to turn. However, if the technology on this space conversion ball can be used to adjust the direction of the cannon? Then the cannon can point the muzzle in any direction instantly. And if the automatic aiming system can be operated automatically in conjunction with this space conversion device, it is tantamount to making an automatic aiming system "and it also has its own locking function.

The responsible researcher said: "In fact, in addition to the automatic aiming of the turret, there are many things that can be applied, such as replacing the power lines inside the warship with magic wires, and techniques such as compression energy shields in the armor can be obtained to a certain degree. Upgrade, but we have to slowly study how to upgrade. Anyway, we can't transform all the equipment in an instant. This can be designed and replaced at the same time. "

I nodded and said, "You can report all these things to the director of Rose Interior or the vice-chairman of Red Moon. Ask them to discuss them. How much do you have in the space conversion ball? Give me a few fun. Right, this I think you used the second function after the first experiment just now. Can it be reused? "

"Of course, as long as the sphere is not damaged, remember to charge it before the next use."

"Understood. Okay, give me a few." Just a while later I have to do some more troublesome tasks, this thing should come in handy. "

After taking a whole box of space conversion **** from the institute, I left here and returned to Isinger first, then took out the last two guiding crystal **** on my body. One of these two crystal **** points to the tree of nature, that is, the world-class tree of South America, and the other one points to the tree of souls who do not know where. Well, I think I'll get the task of Nature Tree first. "After all, this one knows the location and it's better to deal with it.

Because I knew the location of the tree of nature in advance, I did n’t start the guiding crystal in Isinger stupidly ”. Instead, I used the teleportation array to reach South America before starting the crystal. Thanks to our guild, the South American tourism business started in A teleportation array is installed here, or you want to fly from Isinger to South America across half of the earth. "Even flying birds are estimated to have to fly for hours.

It didn't take long to get from Isinger to South America. The problem was that after leaving the teleportation team, it was a bit troublesome.

This place in South America is basically a first-class tropical rain forest, and there are swamps and rivers everywhere. Even if it looks like it is not always, it is constantly going back and forth between being submerged and exposing the water according to the season. Switch. This situation has made South America almost unsuitable for building any human building. Of course, the human building I refer to is the kind of rock or steel concrete building. However, although it is not suitable for human buildings, it does not mean that it is not suitable for other species of buildings, such as swamp creature-specific buildings and elf buildings built by local players in South America.

The buildings of the Elves are relatively easy to understand. They are all on the trees anyway. It doesn't matter if the ground is flooded or not. The water won't drown the trees anyway. To the hand marsh building, this kind of thing can actually be regarded as a floating building. It actually has no foundation at all, but floats on the water by buoyancy. When there is no water, the city will land on the ground. When there is water, the city will be floated by the water. Anyway, the city will definitely not be flooded and leave. However, compared with the elven tree house, the floating city is not good, it is relatively unstable.

Although the swamp area has no wind and waves, the ground is not flat. When the water recedes, the city still needs to land on uneven ground. If the floating city has an overall structure like an aircraft carrier, then once the city has landed, some places will be topped stand up. The torsion caused by such high and low fluctuations is not able to withstand ordinary materials. After all, this is a city, not a boat, so a floating city is not a solid whole, but a network structure interwoven with a pile of messy wood. This mesh structure can allow a large degree of deformation, so no matter how uneven the ground is, it will not break, because it can deform with the ground to disperse the pressure. However, this uneven structure causes the floating buildings in the floating city to be built on soft ground. Affected by the foundation, the building can't be fixed. It can only be low-rise buildings with one or two floors. Some are even tent buildings.

Our guild repair team in South America is located in such a floating city, but for the stability of this transnational transport team, we have also installed a set of gravity resistance devices here. So this teleportation array is not actually located on the foundation of the city, but is suspended in the air.

When I came out of the teleportation array, I just felt like the vegetable market outside, because it was a tourist destination, so there were many people and many people here, and various economic activities increased. As soon as this small business hawker was full, all kinds of yelling and bargaining sounds naturally, and finally turned the city into a huge duck farm, the noise was deafening.

Looking at the lively crowd, I didn't want to participate in it. I sent out a teleportation in a quiet voice and then spread my wings in the air and glide directly to the gate of the city.

Said to be a city gate, in fact, it is just an arch woven from rattan. It is a meaning to put it there. It tells people inside and outside that it is inside or outside the city. As for the defense effect, you can count on rattan. What defense is the gate? Besides, there is no door frame or door panel, even if it is made of fine gold, it can't be blocked.

The season I am coming from is not the right time. The South American side happens to be in the rainy season. It is very shameless to have no rain today, but the ground will not change according to the change of the sky. Walking out of the city gate and walking down the **** is knee-deep muddy crowds who either travel on mud boats or ride on horses, otherwise they can only make themselves like mud monkeys. However, children really like this mud battlefield, anyway, there is no need to worry about bacteria and parasites in the game.

Looking at the horrible mud outside, I did not hesitate to summon the night shadow to ride up. Even if the dragon armor is fully sealed, I definitely don't want to go down to play the mud war. As for Ye Ying, he also likes to be clean, but others can fly, and the mud has no effect on him at all.

After I ran away on the night shadow, everyone around me looked at the direction of our disappearance with envy. Those who trek in the mud will not say. Although those who ride the mounts have less mud on their bodies, do n’t expect the mounts to have any degree in this kind of place. Being able to move means that they have long legs. If the wild boar in the cauldron comes here, it is estimated that it will be buried alive directly. However, it seems that wild boars like mud swimming very much, and it is estimated that the possibility of being buried alive in the pot is relatively high. Of course, the rich can move by mud boat, and the thing is absolutely clean. As long as you don't jump off the boat, you will not get mud, and the speed is much faster than the mount. Well, it is indeed much faster, and it can almost trot as normal people. This is actually high in the mud.

Regardless of the envious eyes along the way, I just kept directing the night shadows to fly across the branches. The tree of nature itself is an important tourist attraction, so there is a lot of traffic along the way ~ ~ The night shadow is too fast and it is impossible to slowly sway with the large troops, so we can only intersperse in the crowd, If it wasn't for the other party to run too fast, it would be expected that at least hundreds of people would protest along the way.

After rushing to the natural tree range with the fastest speed, I took the world tree seedlings in my hand early, and the natural tree seems to have appeared and the seedlings are approaching, as soon as we enter the coverage of his crown There was an immediate response. I saw that all the plants in front of us were allowed to go to both sides, turning the originally curvy road into a straight passage leading to the tree of nature.

“Purple Ziri has grown up.” We rushed directly under the tree along the aisle, and before entering the dry area 6 under the tree, we were blocked by a group of people The end of the channel.

"Well? Isn't this a ghost-handed prince? Why? 〖Japan】 Can't you run South America to become an indigenous people? I don't know which cannibal tribe you are in now?"


"What about you? Matsumoto Masa is the defeat of my men, you are Masa Matsumoto's men. We are at least one level apart. Well, pretend to be in front of me and save it." I said, driving the night. The shadow moved forward, while his mouth was pursing: "Walk away, do you not hear the good dogs blocking the way?"

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