Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 169: con man

Volume 19 Chapter 169 Liar

"Don't be sad. Stereotypes are the disadvantages and advantages of the Germans. You can't expect yourself to be a perfect Superman, right?"

"President Ziri, thank you very much for your help this time, if ..." The opposite Ashurford Guard was about to say, but was suddenly interrupted by a commotion from below.

Because before chasing that guy all the way down, now we are very close to the ground, at this time we can hear the sound of the ground clearly on the tree branches. The ground, which had always been relatively noisy due to the large number of tourists, suddenly quieted down without knowing how to do it. As a result, we looked down and found that the guy from Asheford drove up with a lot of people .

Seeing Ashford walking in front of the team, I jumped straight from the tree. "Hi, Ashford, didn't expect to meet me here?"

"Oh? Ziri? You are here, too. Just help me to explore a ruin."

I pointed to the group of Ashford Guards who just came down and said, "I have heard from them, and I also helped you get it. I didn't say you, you guy is really stingy, just buy one Wouldn't the map people not bother you? Why are you so embarrassed by the money? "

"Is that guy's map real?" Ashford asked in surprise.

"Probably, I haven't been to the ruins, and I don't know if it's true or false, but it looks like the guy's performance is not fake."

Ashford stunned with surprise, then asked a little excitedly: "What about the map?"

Upon hearing Ashurford's question, the guard holding the map immediately passed the map. Ashurford quickly opened the map and looked at it, then suddenly smashed the map onto the ground and grabbed me urgently: "What about the bastard?"

I was surprised to see the map that was thrown to the ground and stepped on by Ashford, and then asked carefully: "What's wrong? Is the map fake?" Honestly, I don't think people are 100% accurate. , But not many people can fool me. If this map is true, it can only show that the guy's acting skills are just superb.

Ashford nodded with certainty: "I was killed once by the authorities on the ground floor of the ruins. The authorities on the map were not the same as what I saw. There was a turn that was wrongly marked. What happened to this thing? Could it be true? "

As soon as I heard this, I knew I was really cheated this time. To be honest, this has happened to a handful of times so far, but I haven't been as embarrassed as before, after all, this time to help Ashford. If it's my own business that's a big deal, then I just need to get back where I am, but this is the first thing that helped Ashoford. The loss of money after being cheated is small, but it's really unbearable.

"Damn bastard!" Waiting for Ashford to keep asking me, it was just a turn around and jumping on a tree branch, of course the guy was no longer there. He knew that he was selling fakes, and how could he stand still and wait to die when we all went down? It's a pity that I took Yeyue back and knew I should have kept him outside. However, it is estimated that it is useless even if it is not retrieved. After all, I thought he was only selling the map, so after he gave the map, I would relax his vigilance. In this case, if he wants to leave Yeyue, there is no reason to stop him.

Anyway, that guy is running now, and if I don't get him back to get the information of the ruins, then I will really be ashamed to go abroad.

"Bai Lang."

A white shadow appeared on top of the branch and smelled it. Immediately afterwards, he snorted towards a trunk on the side. After falling on the trunk, he smelled it again and began to move to the next trunk. When Ashford brought his people to see me release Bailang and searched, he knew that I must have lost people, so he immediately ordered everyone to follow up and spread out into a fan-oriented search. .

Although Bailang's sense of smell helped, I didn't pin all my hopes on Bailang. The flying birds, luck, plague, and a few other pets that could only fly up all flew into the sky and started searching with the vision. Sure enough, direct visual search is much faster than Bai Lang's sense of smell. Asheford and I just said a few words just now. The time is not very long. At this point, the guy can't go far, so fortunately they found the trace of that guy as soon as they went to heaven.

"To the east, two kilometers away." A report from Lucky made our entire team quickly gather over there, and I rushed to the edge of the world tree in three steps and jumped out. Asuka flickered from under me and caught me, he rushed directly to the position where the guy was.

The little liar was walking fast through the jungle. Suddenly, a figure smashed into the mud in front of him and blasted out the mud in front of him, exposing a huge mud pit.

When I got up from the mud pit, the guy immediately recognized me, then turned and ran. Seeing that he dared to run, I was thrown out by a swordman directly across seven or eight meters. The guy was running and suddenly saw a flash of light passing in front of him, and immediately followed him to see a large tree of ten people in front of him on the left and suddenly split from the middle into two halves and fell to both sides.

"Someone you run again."

"Hey ... hey ... misunderstanding, innocent misunderstanding." The guy said as he blinked his eyes, apparently thinking of a crooked idea. However, before I had time to warn him, the guy suddenly plunged into the mud next to him and disappeared.

The mud on this ground is nearly one meter deep, and Tibetans are definitely fine. However, the Tibetans meant hiding first and then looking for him. He went into the mud in front of me like this, even if I was stupid, I knew where he was?

"Huh!" I was really angry to see that guy so disrespectful. He pulled out a magic crystal steam bomb directly from Fenglong space, opened the insurance and threw it at the place where the guy got into the mud. As soon as the bomb fell into the mud, it sank immediately. After two seconds, there was a loud noise. The surrounding mud was instantly blown up, and there was another person flying with the mud.

The guy rolling and flying upwards in the air was not honest. He reached out and took out the whip on his waist to entangle the trees nearby, but his whip was just wrapped around a branch of a tree, and he suddenly felt that black. Suddenly he looked back in horror and found that a dragon had flew behind him, and just when he was trying to drag his whip to get himself out of it, the dragon had pinched him in his palm.

Fortunately after catching the guy, he fluttered his wings and raised it, but the guy desperately tightened his whip in an attempt to prevent luck from taking him away, but he has been mixing here in South America. The biggest flying creature he has ever seen is the swamp flying dragon. And he only saw it a few times from a distance, and did not really touch the swamp flying dragon. It is also because he has not really touched dragon creatures, so he clearly underestimated the dragon's inner strength. In fact, Lucky didn't even notice that the guy still had a whip in his hand. Fortunately, he just patted his wings twice, and the twig wrapped by the whip was dragged down.

It was found that his whip did not fix himself at all. The guy immediately turned his hand and pulled the whip towards the lucky neck in an attempt to cover himself with the opportunity of lucky pain to free himself from the dragon claw. There was a snap, but luckily he just turned his head and glanced at him, then scratched twice with the other paw on the neck. After seeing the string of Mars rubbed out of lucky claws and his own scales, the guy finally realized that his attack was only tickling to the dragon in front of him.

Knowing that luck had caught him, we all gathered on a nearby high ground. This is not far from the tree of nature, and it is also the kind of mound above the ground, so it is relatively dry. When I climbed up on this land covered with mud, the guy was already on the ground, but at this time, this guy was not honest at all. He tried to escape as soon as he landed. What's the matter? It doesn't look like the situation around him can run away, he actually tried to escape.

"I'm going to catch you in the mud, you are really incredible!" I said while changing the hellfire that ignited my body, the mud quickly cracked and turned into mud blocks at a speed visible to the naked eye and one after another from me She fell off. The biggest advantage of the equipment in the game is that it is not stained, as soon as the mud dries, it will fall off by itself.

The guy was blocked after returning several times in a row and saw that he still wanted to run. I just let the sickle come out and glued his hands and feet to a big tree with spider silk. Now he is a big character. The back was stuck to the trunk by the big tree.

The rainforests of South America are already exaggerated in reality, especially in the game. Although the big tree behind this guy is not as exaggerated as the World Tree, it takes at least a dozen people to hold it. He can't move even if he leans against the big tree and is fixed on it. No matter how he shakes it, Useless. This is not a landscape tree planted in the city. Even if he used all the energy to feed the milk, it would not be possible to shake the tree.

Seeing that this guy was stuck on the tree, I was still struggling. I simply walked over and held his shoulder with his left hand to press him against the trunk. Then he raised his right hand in front of him and cracked the two blades on the outside. It popped up instantly, but it didn't fully expand. Both blades extended only a quarter, and the middle one was completely motionless. Hold the two blade claws in front of the guy's eyes and slowly approach his eyes. The guy tilted his head to the side in horror, and I immediately grasped his face with his hands and pulled his head back again, so that his eyes were staring directly at the tip of the blade.

"I gave you the opportunity and trust, but you dare to lie to me. From the moment I entered the game, everyone who offends me has got the due retribution. There is no exception, and you will not be the exception. So, if Hope not to be too bad, I suggest you better let me see your sincerity. "


When I was about to let the guy talk and opened the palm of his chin, the guy turned his head and tried to spit at me. Thanks to my quick response, the blade in the middle of the blade instantly popped directly into his mouth. Li smashed his four front teeth and smashed it directly into his tongue, but the guy's expression was not too obvious except for the anti-shake. Obviously, the **** level chosen by this guy is not 100%. Although not all pain will reduce the combat effectiveness, many players still prefer not to feel pain, but most of them choose not to feel pain. For combat players, this kind of There are not many people, even girls usually turn on all the pain, and even some violent women also like to open **** mode. After all, if there is no blood at all during the battle, it is not like fighting.

"Haha, just leave me alone. I didn't get all the pain. It's just like a shot. I'm not afraid."

Seeing that guy's arrogant look, my brows frowned deeply, and then I touched an elixir directly from my body: "Okay, you're ruthless, this time I admit it. The five hundred crystal coins I Do n’t, just be a pickpocket. I do n’t need the ruin map, and I do n’t believe that there is an institution that I ca n’t get through. As for you ... since I do n’t intend to get anything back from you, then Let's have a fish-dead net break? "I said and showed the properties of that elixir in front of that guy.

The arrogant and terrible guy turned green as soon as he saw this property. The one I took was, of course, the compulsory upgrade of the elixir from heaven, but it was an early product. The highest one was only more than 600 grades, and the lowest was even less than 200 grades. And the one I took out was the lowest one hundred and eighty-eight class of elixir. As long as he takes this elixir, his level will not rise, but will immediately become level 185. Although this guy's current level of 813 is relatively low in the game, anyway, this is also more than 800. If you return to 185, this is different from being killed back to Xinshoucun. Not too big.

"Hey, don't bluff me! This elixir must be very expensive, I know you won't be willing to waste it on me." I didn't refute the guy's words, but I took out a handful of elixir to get the attributes Show him everything, and the guy immediately persuaded. "My uncle's life! Just raise your hand and let me go this time!"

"Let you go?" I looked at the other with a sneer and said: "I let you go, how do I count my five hundred crystal coins? How about the time my friend innocent hangs up? And I lost such a big person, mine What about face? "

"Can I still return the crystal coins?" The guy said with a sad face. "Your friend can't afford it when I hang up. How can I do this if I have money? I can't lead you to the ruins. Is it okay to pay your bills? Is there really no map on the ruins, but I know how to close the agency, and I will be your guide to ensure that you are safely sent in? "

"Hum, pay my money back first."

"Money isn't on me, can you go with me?"

"Not on you?"

The guy said bitterly, "There are a lot of five hundred crystal coins. Where can I find so much money in my body?"

"Are you out of space?" Ashford asked, interjecting.

The guy immediately looked at Ashoford and said, "Please, my lord, what would I do if I had the money to buy space equipment? It would be more profitable to run a transport on space equipment than to sell fake maps." ? "

"Where did you hide the money?"

"I leave it to the people in our meeting."

"In the meeting?" I glanced at the opponent's bare chest with a little surprise.

As soon as the guy looked at me, he immediately responded to his chest and explained quickly: "It's not your guild organization, I'm talking about an organization made up of a group of people who specialize in cheating and stealing. In order to ensure being caught We do not declare guilds because they do not affect each other and prevent the chance of being started because they are recognized by others with badges. "

In fact, there are still many wild guilds like this guy said. Some are for special purposes. For example, they are afraid of guild marks to expose their identities and let others beware of them in advance, which affect their actions. The guild is actually too weak. Weakness means no money. The formation of a guild requires funds. It also requires fighting. It takes money to buy a building to build a guild headquarters. It takes strength to pass the guild establishment assessment. . But these people want to be together again, so they come together to work like a regular guild, but those guild rights and guild obligations without system assistance. All guilds that are not recognized by this system are called wild guilds, because they are completely free like wild animals.

"Since this way, you take us to the ruins first ~ ~ to come back and get money." Five hundred crystal coins are optional to me, so I am not in a hurry to ask for money. The reason why I want to get the money back is because I lost my face. If it is not because of my face, I do n’t need five hundred crystal coins. In contrast, the ruins of Ashford were obviously more important, so I decided to let that guy take us to the ruins first.

At first I thought that guy was already soft and sure we were saying what it was. Who knew he said: "It's not a rush, let's get the money back first. Anyway, it's the same way. I'm afraid they will be late. I just split the money up, and it will be troublesome if I want to come back! "

If this guy does n’t explain it this way, it ’s only a suggestion to get money first. I may listen to him, but his explanation is more and more dark. Now I'm forcing him to spit out the money that he has deceived, but he is so kind to help me think about it. Is this a problem? However, although I guessed that he wanted to lead us to their organization, I didn't intend to tear him apart. Anyway, with the strength of these people, I would not be in danger even if I went alone. Ford and the guys he brought with him.

"OK, let's go to your guild first."! ~!

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