Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 40: See you again

Lightning flew across the sky. The place where the Dragon King and I stood now was obviously in a dangerous area. The Dragon King did not turn around stupidly and ran, but I do n’t know why he planted it on the ground and threw me enough! When I got up, I realized that it was not only the dragon king who was holding us, all the dragons crackled and fell to the ground.

A huge silver dragon ran over and shouted loudly, "Your Majesty, the magic field around me is messed up, we can't fly like this!"

I didn't wait for the Dragon King to react. I first summoned Xiaofeng in a non-combat state and threw it into the sky. "Go up and see what's going on!"

The little phoenix the size of a cockatoo was thrown into the sky by me and my wings stretched into a giant black phoenix, and then straight into the sky. Unlike the dragon, the phoenix only relies on its wings to fly like a bird, and she flies as long as there is air, while the dragon basically relies on the combined action of magic and wings, and the dragon flies when the magic net is chaotic. Not up!

Xiao Xiaofeng made a circle in the sky and rushed down to transform into a non-combat form and landed on my outstretched arm. "Juling Tower is gathering magic power, and the distribution of magic power in the air has been completely chaotic. From now on, you'd better not use any magic, otherwise I don't know what will happen!"

The King of Dragons immediately turned back and ordered: "Nobody can use magic now!"

"Yes!" The dragons' discipline is still good.

The green light on the Juling Tower is constantly blinking and flashing faster and faster, and now the whole tower body can basically no longer see the flicker (strobe is too fast to see)! Lightning was still intensifying, and it was getting denser. Suddenly, a lightning bolt thick enough like a wagon wheel hit the Juling Tower directly, and then the green light on the entire city wall suddenly began to shine. Fortunately, the high-intensity light only dims for a few seconds, but the central gathering tower is getting brighter.

Because I can't fly, the Dragon King and I had to run with my legs. I knew that I should have run farther in advance! A giant lightning struck the top of the Juling Pagoda again in the sky. The Juling Pagoda did not absorb the lightning this time, but let the lightning suddenly split into a dozen tracks and fly out in all directions. An electric arc swept over us from the base of the tower, the dragon king's swift tail swept me away, and the lightning wiped away from me. Immediately after the second lightning arrived, I pressed Ling under my body and held it close to the ground, and the lightning slipped again, but the dirt that was blown up and buried me buried! Once the lightning was over, we quickly got up and continued to run. Now the entire Isinger is almost the center of a magnetic storm, and the frequency of lightning strikes is more than 100 times per second!

Finally managed to run out of the lightning strike range, we are all tired and spit blood, although the distance is not very far, but it is no wonder that it is not tired after being sprinted all the way by the lightning! Strange to say, after we left the lightning strike range, the lightning strike over the city gradually slowed down. Is it that we were intentionally prepared to hack me?

It was not long before we reached this position that a giant lightning appeared in the sky for the third time, and across this distance we could all see that huge electric pole hit the Juling Tower from the sky. As soon as the electric column was over, the Juling Tower began to have an abnormal response. It had completely turned into a light bulb. The Juling Tower suddenly began to darken and began to flicker irregularly. To be honest, this picture looks familiar, when the ground-based laser station of Longyuan headquarters launches, it looks like this! But that thing is because of the need to emit lasers and a large amount of electricity to collect electricity and cause local power outages in lighting equipment. But what does this gathering tower do? The lightning just now was obviously gathering energy, and later the magic tower became a big light bulb because of lightning, but now it suddenly dims to show that the collected energy is used for something, but what kind of energy is used again?

I was wondering. Suddenly, the tower of the Juling Tower suddenly shone, and a green light column almost as thick as the Juling Tower shot straight from the top of the tower! At the same time, a green halo on the top of the tower gradually spread out, and the dark clouds where the halo passed were scattered. We can see this time that the beam of light emitted from the Juling tower was directly emitted to the moon. The halo passed over our heads at a very high speed, and several smaller dragons were turned over, and I still felt a strong power behind the dragon king. After passing through us, the halo approached the forest behind us. As soon as the edge of the halo touched the edge of the forest, the thick trees were uprooted like atomic bombs. The ground is now flying sand and rocks, and the scene is like the end of the world!

The huge beam was continuously emitted for 30 seconds and suddenly stopped, almost at the same time as the beam stopped, the poly tower suddenly went out, just like the power interruption in a big city, the green light of the entire city suddenly disappeared into pieces, and the surroundings soon fell into a darkness. .

"It's over?" Dragon King asked.

"It doesn't seem!" I looked at the moon in the sky: "That thing seems to come again!"

The King of Dragons also noticed that the color of the moon had become silvery white and red, as if the red moon was about to bleed, and it suddenly flashed in opposite directions to the original beam of light, and the red beam fell directly from the sky into the Juling Tower. The real city suddenly turned on like electricity was restored, and the dark red light quickly dyed the entire city.

Boom! There was a sudden, violent vibration on the ground beneath the feet, while a deafening sound came out of the ground. A dozen meters high earth wall exploded like a directional blast on the ground ten meters behind us, and the dust flying into the sky once again completely buried me in the land!

The vibration under the lame foot is getting more and more severe. The explosion just now suddenly started to spray smoke outside, and the ground started to rise in the shaking. The circle of the explosion just now was the dividing line, and the entire city began to rise slowly. The crimson beam of the red moon in the sky has never ended, and that beam may be the driving force for the city to rise.

The quake-shaking movement of Wudidongshan continued for about twenty minutes. The explosion and fracture just now turned into a cliff, exactly the city wall, but because the inside of the city wall was filled with mud, it looked like a cliff! Ling said something to me but I didn't hear clearly. Just now there has been a huge noise. My ears still have tinnitus! Ling lay on my ear and shouted, "The magic is restored!"

"I see!" I answered loudly.

While our caves are rocking on our side, the seaside opposite Isinger is the same. The sudden rise of Isinger set off a huge wave of nearly 100 meters in the sea. The seawater near the entire sea floor was almost lifted into the sky. When the water fell again, it became a huge rainstorm. Many fish have fallen off!

The red moon in the sky has been gradually fading since Isinger started to rise. Now this red moon has almost completely changed back to its original silver-white color. Just after it completely turned white, the red beam suddenly stopped, and the whole city shook violently at the moment when the beam stopped, and then the city suddenly stopped rising and stabilized at this position. It seems that the moon's energy is exhausted!


"Look at Juling Tower!" Ling cried, pointing at Juling Tower.

I looked up. It turned out that there were dense red runes on the side of the Juling Tower. These huge runes were not only dense but also exuberant red light, making the entire Juling Tower look so mysterious and horrible!

走 "Go, let's go to the top of the Juling Tower!" I ran back to the city center with everyone, and took the dragon king who transformed into a human form into the Juling Tower from the passage. The holy dragon's teeth that had been inserted on the ground actually fell to the ground. The magic array on the ground still emitted red light, but it was not very strong. A stone platform was raised on each of the original two caves, and the light star and the dark star echoed each other on the stone platform.

走 I walked over and put both the star of light and the star of darkness into the crystal bottle of the demon king. Ling also helped me to retrieve the holy dragon's tooth. As soon as the three babies left the position, the entire legal array was instantly radiant, but this thing is the seal that controls the rise and fall of the city, and it is no longer needed!

We reached the top of the Juling Tower and finally saw the full picture of Isinger (I hand-drawn a sketch of Isinger's structural layout. The protagonist in the related works has the link address at the bottom. I don't understand the layout of Isinger Just take a look and understand). Another wall appeared outside the original city wall. Although the city has been filled with soil, the general outline of the city wall can still be seen. The height of this external wall is more exaggerated than I thought at the beginning. Above 500 meters, the thickness of the city wall is as high as more than two kilometers. Even if no one interferes, it will take more than half a month to dig through the city wall!

宽度 The front wall of this city wall is about 87,000 meters in width, and its large outline makes it look like the Great Wall!

来到 We came to the other side of Juling Tower and took a closer look at the direction of the port. The changes on this side of the port are somewhat unexpected. The original port was actually part of an internal port. In the middle of the city, there is a huge rectangular artificial lake with a total length of about 18,000 meters. It is connected to the sea through a river channel that is nearly 3,500 meters wide. In other words, this artificial lake is actually a pier trapped inside the city. This design can provide quite complete protection for ships, and there will not be the tragic situation of the torrent city that has been blood-washed by the Japanese. The cannons in the city will always be larger than the guns. Of ammunition is also sufficient. Last time, the damage of Torrent City was not very serious. What about the warships ca n’t actually expose the port battery, but because the port of Torrent City is completely exposed, it was easily wiped out by our little Japanese ship!

I see that the channel into the sea does not seem to be open. There are three things blocking the channel. "Ling, what are those three obstacles? Why is the navigation channel inaccessible?"

Ling looked at it: "This is the original sailing route of Isinger. The two inside are the gates. The tops are relatively wide and the height is very low. They are basically used as bridges and there are ships passing by. Open them when you do n’t need to cross the ship or close the channel when you need to close the channel. However, they are mainly used as gates. There is a distance teleport array on both sides of the channel. Bridges are not needed. That thing is just a backup channel! The outer wall of the entrance to the sea is actually movable. When it needs to be opened, you can sink the entire wall into the sea to open the passageway. When you need to block it, you can just raise the wall! "

"There are automatic locks!"

"Who said it was automatic? That thing was driven by 300 Warcraft! But there is no need to close it anyway during wartime, so there is nothing!"

"I still think of a way to make a magic device!" Such a big door can't be closed at a critical moment and it's troublesome!

"That's fine! Isn't the Lost City an automatic gate!"

"Lost there? That's great!" Think about it, right? Didn't you lower the bridge to the surface during the last lost war! It seems that I haven't noticed that there is really that thing in the lost!

After watching the city scale, I started to feel depressed. The Dragon King patted my shoulder and said, "Your city is very good! I'm almost catching up with my Long Island!"

"Is there any way you can find many helpers?" I asked the Dragon King.


"Yes, a helper who can clean up!"

"Clean up?" The Dragon King didn't notice me.

I pointed to the port and said, "Issinger has been buried underground for hundreds of years, and this side soaked in water is covered with plants and corals. There are thousands of people in my guild. I ’m afraid to clean up these things. Years! So I need help! And the other side of the city has been completely filled with dirt. I need to clean up a lot of earth, but I ’m too few! I ca n’t be too busy! ”

When I said this, the Dragon King also noticed that Essinger soaked in the water for so long on the side of the sea, it is strange that things are not long, and the other side is completely covered with mud, not to mention the city is also a ruin, really Requires a lot of labor! "Our dragons are relatively lonely. We rarely deal with other races except our own, so I can't help you find a helper. But I can help you solve your problem!"

"any solution?"

"Have you heard of dwarves?"

"of course!"

"This race is especially powerful for digging tunnels. You can ask them to help you clean up the dirt on the west side of the city (the east side is the sea). By the way, let them help you build the houses. The dwarven construction technology is the best in the world! "

"But why did they help me clear the ruins and build the city?"

"Because of this!" The Dragon King turned magically and took out a ruby ​​the size of a human head. "I fund you some gems. You take these gems to find the Dwarf King. These guys are no less eager for gems than our dragons!"

"What about the other side?"

"You can go to the natural forest to find a way here."

"You said that the elf has so many natural forests?"

对 "Yes! There are all kinds of elemental creatures living in it. You can lobby for water elements and air elements to help you clean up the city. Do n’t worry if you have more things to help!"

"But ...!"

The Dragon King interrupted me without waiting for me to say: "Elemental people are more kind, say something good, give a little favor and they will help you, but be careful of the elves in the forest. Although they are also very kind, It's not hospitable at all! "


"His Highness really has a weird point of view! The first time I heard that we should be careful of elves, it should be that our dark creatures are more dangerous, right?"

"Is the dark creature dangerous? Don't think so!" The Dragon King's point of view really is different! "Dark creatures only pursue interests. They never do things that are not beneficial to themselves. I can clearly know whether they are the goal when I stand by them, but bright creatures do not have this standard. Although they act in accordance with certain rules, It ’s a rule, but there are still abnormal situations, so I do n’t like bright creatures! Of course, we have been playing with the bright protoss for so long, and I hate them for one reason! ”

"Hahahaha! Your Highness is so refreshing!"

Because the Dragon King has to wait for tomorrow night, it is already early morning. To be precise, it should be a date tonight, so he cannot leave. Although Essinger hasn't really become my city, basically I can still be regarded as a half-owner, not to mention the date I proposed, so I'm not good at leaving the Dragon King alone here, I can only be bored with him nonsense!

Unconsciously, a bright line of red light had appeared on the sea level in the east. I sat with Ling on the edge of the Juling Pagoda watching the rising sun rising. The Dragon King had fallen asleep long ago, but we were still awake. "The sun rises and goes down every day, but not many people go to see it!" I don't know why the recent sighs are so special!

Ling suddenly took over my words: "Only what is lost is beautiful. The rising sun will rise repeatedly every day, so it is not beautiful. When the sun no longer rises, the sun will be the most beautiful ! "

"When did you learn so much?" Recently, I found that Ling's intelligence level seems to be constantly improving, and his personality seems to be more and more prominent! Normally, normal NPCs should not have a clear personality, such as lucky and Xiaofeng. They are, although they can feel their personality, but they are very stiff. It doesn't feel like a real life body, but Ling is getting more and more. More like a real person. In addition to Ling, I also found Ariana and Yeying. Both of them have obvious personality trends. I don't know why there is such a big difference between my magic pets!

"Ah! Don't ask me!" Ling sloppy with me, and made it clear that he was hiding something on purpose! However, I don't plan to ask her well, anyway, so far, there haven't been any bad changes.

It ’s already bright, and I do n’t have much time. Today I want to take the poplars to school to take a turn! I did n’t take back Ling when I was offline, and I summoned luck and plague and asked them to accompany me to the Dragon King. Anyway, they are now in Isinger, and there are hundreds of dragon kings around, as long as they are not the Light Protos NPC army is coming, no one can enter the city!

After cleaning up my personal hygiene, I left the dormitory. Poplars lived upstairs. I went up and called them to have breakfast together. There is a saying from the ancients, how can the enemy be narrow? When I ate, I met the annoying Li Ting, and even the group secretary, which was like 25 thousand or 80 thousand, was there!

吃饭 Loreen, who was eating, looked up at me, then looked at the two people opposite, then continued to bow down to eat, and whispered: "The two are a couple, not spies!"

Couple? Strangely, when Li Ting and I got angry yesterday, this guy ran over as if to fight with me! When I stared at the two of them, Li Ting looked up and saw me, and the group secretary next to him found that Li Ting's movements also looked up and saw me, so I stared at me with intimidating eyes. You stare! Do you think you have the evil eye on the lost city!

I spent all morning in peace. I almost finished the morning lesson just as I was in prison. I still could sleep in a lesson that others did n’t like. It happened that I could n’t sleep, and sitting silly all morning was killing me. !! After all, after school, Lorraine calmly approached me and used a girl to chat with someone. The expressions and actions were totally irrelevant. "Confirm the people in this class are normal, the spies are not in this class!"

早上 The meditation in the morning made me a bit bad-tempered, and I said a little, "I know, take your people away!"

Lorraine glanced at me puzzled, but it was only a moment, and soon after returning to normal, Luo Lin took Luo Bing and Poplar out of the classroom. I have been playing "Zero" for so long. Although my loneliness has been cured, some lifestyle habits have not changed. For example, I don't like crowding with people! The door to the classroom is the most crowded place at the end of the class. Everyone struggles to run outside in fear that they will not be able to eat late. Unless you are particularly rich in the university cafeteria, you can only be crowded in crowds!

I do n’t worry about eating anyway, I ca n’t drive outside to eat. No one is better than me, right? Besides, there is only half-day class today, nothing will happen in the afternoon, don't worry! So I sat at ease in the teacher and waited for someone to leave before leaving, looking at the floor in a daze, and suddenly found a pair of feet appearing in my sight. Looking up along these feet and glanced up, it was the party branch secretary, how could it be like a fly! Annoying!

"At 2 noon, I'll wait for you at the Indoor Gymnasium No. 3!" When this guy was talking, he really looked like the little sloppy boss in that very old movie. But I am not a good citizen who is bullied by the underworld, I will not be angry!

"Did I say go?" I said slowly.

的 The party branch secretary who had already turned around and left was turned back again. "what did you say?"

"I said I don't have to go!"


"Don't you, mine, it's you who ask me to be sincere!"

"Hum! If you dare not come to see it in the afternoon!" This guy stunned more and more.

I thought about it at noon and decided to meet him. I wasn't afraid of him, but if I didn't go, he would keep harassing me, so I decided to check it out!

When I reached the gym entrance, I thought something had happened! The whole stadium is full of people, and most of them are girls! Relying on my strength, I managed to squeeze into the stadium, and now I find that there are more people inside than inside! Thanks to spring, if so many people get together in the summer, it will heat up a few!

When I was frowning and thinking about so many people in the venue, where should I go to find him, I suddenly saw someone—Li Ting! She is standing on the platform in the middle of the training ground now ~ ~ There is a man in a suit and leather clothes beside her, but that is not our party secretary. After searching for a long time, I didn't find him, so I reluctantly walked to Li Ting's side: "Hey? Do you know where our great group secretary has gone?"

When I saw me coming, Li Ting's eyes flashed with light, I knew it was because of excitement. I don't know why she was so excited to see me, but I know one thing is that she definitely did not shine her eyes because she missed me. To be honest, what I saw from her eyes was gloating.

In the noisy gymnasium, the sound of a broadcast suddenly sounded: "Hey! Audition! Good afternoon, fellow students and teachers! This afternoon is our most famous university student free fighting champion Yin Fu, who will be with another of our school. Famous students Shenlin perform fighting performances! Let us all applaud them with warm applause! "

Wait, the first champion of Free Fight is going to go head to head with Shen Lin, isn't that going to go head to head with me? No wonder that the high platform looks so familiar, it turned out to be a fight platform! When did I promise him to fight him! At this time, I saw that the crowd across the road gave way, and our party secretary ran over and jumped onto the ring. This guy, who claimed that he would play against me, would have no personality or dignity as long as I refused, and would only be considered a coward in the future. But if I fight, I will just agree with him. He is the fighting champion of the Chinese University Games. He can beat me effortlessly, at least he thinks so.

But the situation is not what he thought ...

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