Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 174: Fight

The guy who thought he could kill me this time, after hearing what I said, finally thought of this problem that he had always ignored. Yes, I could be killed, but before that I could definitely reduce the number of people by at least 80%. This is a conclusion that everyone, including themselves, is convinced. Everyone is really unsure if I can kill the remaining 20% ​​of the enemies before they kill them. If 20% of the personnel can drain my life, then they have a chance to win, otherwise I will win. But anyway, most of them are sure.

Although everyone is convinced that there is a price to pay for the ultimate victory, but due to the inferiority of human beings, everyone does not want to be the price to be paid. Although the system has guaranteed that the equipment will not die in this game, it is depressing enough to just drop the grade.

After trying to understand this, the guy immediately persuaded, he started running back in a panic, but just turned around, he suddenly settled, then he stared slowly down at his chest with his big eyes, in There were three sharp blade claws standing there, and blood was dripping from the blade tip.

"Remember, even if the tiger can't stand a group of wolves, it's okay to bite a few wolves before death. By the way, I'm not that tiger, and you are not even wolves." I moved my fingers after I said, With the click of a machine spring, the three blade claws instantly retracted into the knife box on my wrist, followed me gently to push the guy forward before slowly covering the blood hole in my chest with both hands. . "Kill one, there are 999."

After I said this sentence, I suddenly tilted my head and reached out and grabbed at the same time, a feather arrow was pinched directly in my hand, and I was still shaking until I pinched his tail.

The archer who shot the arrow across the side froze for a moment. After all, there were usually not many people who could escape, but I directly held his arrow in my hand. Looking at the dazed guy, I raised my arm and aimed at him. Then a crossbow fluttered directly with his fingers. Although the guy diddge, he couldn't completely escape. The crossbow shot directly through his shoulder and took him all up. He played a side-flip in place, even if he couldn't die in a short time. Counting on archery.

"Trouble, I have to make up for it!"

I was talking, and suddenly I heard someone shouting, "You have no chance."

The moment I heard the sound, I dodged sideways flexibly, and then saw a guy who was completely human-like, two meters by eight meters, rushed past me. The muscles of this guy look stronger than that of a bear, and there is no skin on the body full of thick black hair, and the neck is not a human head, but a black bull head.

This is a tauren, the most powerful category in the selectable race. In addition to constructing the super ugly race of hidden races and earth elements, the player has the highest strength growth among the optional races.

Immediately after the tauren rushed over his head, he turned around and chopped again. He changed the direction of movement with his terrible force and countered it to my throat. When I saw the blade slashing, I could only squat and dodge. The cutting sword flew over the top of my head with the whistling wind, stretched my leg directly, and the back blade of the calf popped out with a click. Followed me suddenly kicked on the guy's ankle, while the calf deliberately let the heel and the back blade of the back of the calf rub against the guy's ankle.

"Well ..." With this scream that didn't resemble life, the guy suddenly fell forward. At that moment, I have successfully cut off the opponent's hamstrings. With such a big size, he can't stand without a leg.

The tauren who had lost one leg was forced to kneel on one knee. I jumped up from the side, and immediately followed the claw blade in my hand, and hit a punch on the guy's neck. The tauren's neck Instantly increased by three blood caves.

With a punch, the claw blade was automatically retracted immediately, and I quickly turned over and backed up. The punch that the tauren followed immediately didn't touch my side at all, but the three holes in his neck did swell like a fountain, even though he Desperately trying to cover the wound could not stop the gush of blood.

Standing a few steps away, I re-ejected the claw blade and looked at the lower claw blade. After confirming that there was no blood on the claw blade, I retracted the claw blade again, and at the same time I thought lightly: "Second. There are nine hundred ninety-eight remaining."

When the tauren heard my words, she stretched out a hand and grabbed me in the direction, but in the end she could only helplessly stare at her, grabbed an empty one and fell to the ground, the blood flowing out like a stream.

"You probably don't need this thing." After the tauren fell to the ground, I walked to him and bent over to pick up the big knife that he threw away when he fell. I looked at the blade, and then stunned the weight. Eventually I shook my head and threw the sword suddenly. The archer had just supported it before climbing up. I did not expect that a large sword suddenly flew straight through his chest. He knocked him across, and the huge kinetic energy even flew backward with his body for several meters before landing completely. After seeing that the archer hung up, I lowered my head and said to the gasping tauren, "Your knife is too big, I don't use it properly." After I finished speaking, I kicked the tauren's neck and it turned out instantly. This guy.

After successfully killing the tauren, I turned around and looked around. Because of his delay, everyone else around him has been fenced in, and it looks like the number should be more than one hundred people. It can be imagined that there are still many in the distance. People are rushing here, and it is estimated that I will be surrounded by the crowd after a while.

"Zi Ri, we know that you are strong, but without the magic pet your strength must be reduced by at least half. We have so many people blocking you, and today you will take your fate."

"I won't be called Ziri if I will confess my fate, not to mention that you people will not really threaten me." I said, then opened my wings and flew up, and at the same time, a purple halo under my feet also Light up at the same time.

A guy who knew the goods quickly screamed when he saw the halo light up: "Beware, it is the black demon halo, that thing will automatically attack!" Before his voice fell, he saw a lot of black arrows suddenly appear around me and began to look around. Chaotic flying, although the following crowds are all masters, but in the face of such a dense arrow rain, many people still hit the arrows, and some people also hit several bad luck. However, these people soon discovered that although these arrows were numerous and fast, their power was average. Although they could also cause damage, the damage was very small.

"Don't be afraid, it's just an interference skill, everyone rushes together, don't let him run away." I don't know who called so loudly, and then a few flying guys in the crowd flew up and chased me, also There is a guy who seems to be a hunter by profession, although he threw a lasso and caught my ankle.

I flew well and suddenly felt my feet sink, and the whole person was pulled down to the ground. Looking back at the **** lasso, I immediately took out the sword of eternity and cut it. Although the lasso was a soft lasso, it was still useless in the face of eternity, and was cut off instantly, but as soon as this rope was delayed, those flying guys finally rushed to my side.

"Don't think about preserving your strength, just make a big move." The quicker guy below reminded me loudly after seeing that I was entangled by those guys in the air. Those people also reacted. Fighting with me could not retain their strength. Instead of thinking about saving magic, it would be better to release the magic all at once, and then even let it go. At least a big move was released, which is worse than hanging out with magic. .

After the change of thinking, the combat effectiveness of these people has risen significantly, and no longer saving magic means that everyone has taken out the big tricks that they have at the bottom of the box. I just flew up and saw the following dozens of various skills flying towards me, forcing me to fold my wings in the air and fall back to the ground.

Those guys immediately surrounded me as soon as I landed, and the nearest guy raised his hand and stabbed me in the throat with a sword. I stepped back slightly and turned and flashed his sword point, followed by the eternally changing long sword in my hand, with a slight force on my wrist, and only heard a ding, the guy's blade flew straight out. Taking advantage of that guy's surprise, I directed Eternity directly to the side, and a skull flew straight away.

After successfully killing this guy, I immediately turned around and stepped back, and at the same time, the eternity in my hand also changed from a sword shape to a hook sickle. Hold the tail of the gun with one hand and move forward. The hook sickle with a length of more than three meters directly passed a shot of a player three meters away. The other party was more than three meters away from me. I never expected that I could Attack at such a long distance.

After the guy was shot with a shot, I immediately drew the gun back, followed by shaking the gun horizontally to sweep out the guys who were trying to approach. Hold the tail of the gun with your right hand and pull it back, and grab the gun body with your left hand. The whole person pinches the hook sickle gun and stabs forward, and the tip of the gun is once again embedded in the chest of a player. Followed by the draw gun and sent back, the sharp cone at the tail of the hook sickle gun instantly stabbed a blood hole in the neck of the guy near me, and he fell down unwillingly while covering his neck. The hook sickle was pulled out again and smashed towards the side.

Seeing my hook sickle, the player rushing from my side immediately lifted the warhammer in his hand in an attempt to resist my chopping, but what he didn't expect was that I was about to hit the hammer with the gun. A step back was taken instantly, but it turned out that the gun body collided with the hammer and the blade of the gun tip hit the hammer. As if cutting tofu, the tip of the hook sickle pierced through the heavy warhammer not much smaller than the computer case, and then cut the strong barbarian warrior in half from the shoulder to the side waist.

Immediately after cutting this guy, I drew back the gun, swept the gun horizontally, cut off the throats of the two players who were pasted up, took up two blood arrows, followed the gun body and smashed a epee samurai, then threw The gun swept across, and the gun body drew heavily on the side waist of a sword soul warrior and flew it horizontally. Finally, it suddenly pulled back the sickle gun and danced a piece of gunflower above the head to separate the two long arrows. The guy who raised his hand and pointed at the archery made a finger, and a short arrow was added to the guy's left eye. The whole man took seven or eight steps back, and finally sat down on the ground and never got up again.

This series of blows is more talkative, but in fact it is only between three and five seconds. People who haven't come near are all frightened. Although they all know that I am strong, the injuries caused by a dozen people who died in the blink of an eye are too inefficient. In fact, they do n’t know that my current state is not my normal state. The reason why I am so fierce now is because I have been brushed with a bunch of auxiliary attributes. If it were not for the effects of these attributes, I would be very bullish though , But definitely not so exaggerated. In fact, I did not leave the square for the first time because of the additional attributes on my body. After all, these attributes have time constraints. My idea is to try to kill more enemies before these attributes have disappeared, so that they can be slightly relaxed after those attributes disappear. Some more.

Although the attack was stopped by my horrible strike ability, as the previous shouting player reminded again, everyone moved again.

Looking at the rushing crowd, I was not ambiguous, and I took the eternal hook sickle in my hand and rushed forward to them.

When the first player approached, the magic light bombs flew in front of me. I used the eternal hook sickle to shoot directly at those light bullets and swept through them. Several magic light bullets were blown out like baseballs.

After sweeping those magic missiles, I immediately leaned forward and rushed up. At the same time, my wrists flipped, and a series of magical bounces fell out of the glass like glass marbles poured out of the cup. Immediately after these bounces hit the ground, they accelerated and rushed along with me.

The fastest guy who ran first encountered a magical jumper before entering the attack range. He directly broke the jumper with the horizontal sword, but did not wait for the second jumper to hit the sword. Sideways, taking advantage of the chance that his head was smashed back, I directly opened his throat, and then when the guy blocked the sword, he rushed up and kicked him with a kick, turning the sickle gun. The tail pierced his heart, and then quickly pulled out and sent forward, a idiot hit the tip of the hook sickle, and the whole person was hung on the gun. However, to my surprise, when I was preparing to draw a gun, I found that the hook sickle was actually motionless.

When I looked up at the guy in surprise, the other person also looked up at me with a mouthful of blood. I saw that although his mouth was constantly bleeding blood, his face was full of smiles, and his hands were pinching the body of the eternal hook sickle. Pull out.

"Fuck, so sacrifice?" I also had to admire him for seeing this guy's behavior, but unfortunately, his sacrifice was useless to me. Just when the guy laughed and wanted to say something, the eternal hook sickle sprang like a cracked glass stick and turned into thousands of pieces, and then these pieces bounced up like a spring ball and instantly ingested after landing. My palms reassembled into the form of a hook sickle. "You're useless to me." I said mockingly at the guy's wrong expression.

"What about this trick?" A woman's voice suddenly appeared behind me. Before I turned around, my waist suddenly hurt. I hurriedly turned back, but the guy who was shot by me suddenly suddenly I hugged me in an attempt to control my actions.

I didn't care too much about the guy holding me behind, because I knew that I could break free of his control at any time, and what I really cared about was the woman who had just attacked me. Turn around now to really see her look.

This is a female swordsman who looks very temperament, and her profession is still a difficult two-handed swordsman. You know that if you use a single weapon in the game, you can rely on skills to play gorgeous moves even if you don't understand fighting. But two-handed swords are different. If you can't coordinate the coordination of your hands, using two swords may not even be powerful. However, this feature also shows from the side that anyone who dares to play two-handed swords will not be an ordinary person.

"Aren't you strong? Let me see." The woman said, and walked towards me again, and then when she approached me more than a meter away, she suddenly crossed her swords in front of me and then shoved. The ground waved down at the same time. When I saw her sword moving, I kicked the ground directly ~ ~ Hook my guy's head back with both hands, and then use him as a support point to flip directly from the top of his head The past fell behind him. And immediately after I landed, I heard a squeak-like sound, followed by the guy who hugged me before I saw it, and it fell into four pieces and fell down. The woman's cross-cutting just chopped on this unlucky child because of my evasion. As a result, I was not injured, but this guy was cut into pieces.

The woman was obviously a little surprised at my reaction speed, but she just staggered a little and immediately hurled me over the guy's body.

Watching the woman rush over, I opened the posture directly, the blade claws of both hands popped up instantly, the eternal hook sickle on the ground automatically flew up and exploded into a large piece of liquid material in the air, and flew the blade claws to me All other blade parts are wrapped.

This woman used a double sword. As a result of giving up the defense, her attack speed was greatly improved. To deal with an enemy like her, using an ultra-long main weapon is obviously unhappy with myself, so I decisively gave up the eternal hook sickle and attacked with blade claws. Anyway, after having eternal coverage, the blade claws can also play forever. Properties.

"Go to death, Ziri!"

"You dream."! ~!

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