Starting from Zero

Vol 19 Chapter 183: Double Spy

Under the punishment of my double skills of Rose and me, the unlucky egg was played alive by us to the 20th level, and then I stabbed him for the last time. This time his soul was completely relieved because the 20th level person died. After being forced to teleport back to Xinshou Village, even if Rose is a resurrected mage, she can no longer forcibly revive the opponent. However, although the guy was killed back to Xinshoucun, the piles of corpses in the room were still full of hair.

The player resurrected with resurrection will have a new body. Just now, the guy was killed by us from more than a thousand levels and returned to Xinshou Village. In other words, he died at least a thousand times during this process, and the ground was A thousand of his bodies appeared. Of course, the conference hall of the Free Front can't hold so many corpses at all. During the process of killing, the judges let people clear the corpses on the ground, but because the gate of the conference hall is so large, the cleaning speed is relatively slow. As for we all killed that guy back to Xinshou Village, there are still a lot of dead bodies on the ground.

"Okay, the show is over. It's time for you to answer the question. If anyone makes me discover that he tried to hide or mislead us ... the consequences are clear to you." After I said it, I signaled Ling to restart the isolation barrier, and then The remaining five began interrogation.

"Do you know what happened to the group of people behind Shadow II?"

"I know." The answer was uniform.

"Good. Do you know how many people are in this group?"

The answers of the five people are a little different this time, but the only difference is the expression and the content is basically the same. According to them, it is not clear how many people there are in this organization. They only know that there are a lot of them, but the five people know the exact number. The one who knew the most said that he had seen more than three hundred people, while the least one had only seen a dozen people.

Although the five responded differently this time, it was because they knew different things, so this time we did not punish them, but continued to ask, "Do you know the organizational form of the other party? They were formed Guilds or hidden wild guilds, or do not form any guilds that only exist as free players? "

The answer this time is the same as before, although the expression is different, the content is the same. This guild will have a formal guild as its core, and there are many scattered players who have not joined the guild outside, but they are actually equivalent to one of the members of the guild.

"Third question. Do you know the name of this core guild?"

"Three talents." This time the answer was unified.

"Do you know the names of those outsiders?"

This time the answer got messed up again, and the people that the five people had seen were all different. In the end, we got a list of about fifty people. Although there are at least four or five hundred people in this organization who these guys have actually seen together, the problem is that most people can't remember their names, so there are actually fifty or more people who can match the number.

Then we interrogated some other information about the guild from these guys, and they were very cooperative. In the end, we probably know that there are many foreigners in this guild, and that the guild's equipment is generally good. People in the guild do not go out to do tasks, but their equipment is very good, and The people here are not so short of money. It seems that this bank has a special source of funds, and most of the equipment is obtained by buying instead of doing tasks.

In addition to knowing the above irrelevant information, there are several important information in the information we get. The first is that we know the name of the guild is Sancai, and the second is that we know that the guild actually has two cities, and we also know the specific location and approximate size of the city. In the end, we got quite amazing news from these people that this guild was actually reorganized from the Light Alliance that was originally destroyed. In other words, this is actually the original Bright Alliance. The only difference is that the personnel made a small change, and changed the guild name and regained two sites.

After confirming this information, I told the judges and they were fully responsible for this matter. After receiving their affirmative answers, we took the captives out of the Freedom Front, and found a hidden place outside the city After the place set up the barrier again, we said to the captives: "You now have two choices." The five guys were nervous after answering the questions because they were not sure if I would keep the agreement, but They had no other choice, so they had to say something. Now when I heard that, their hearts immediately raised again, waiting for me to pronounce their results.

I saw that their attention was all over and I continued: "The first option is to leave here immediately. According to our previous agreement, I will not hold you accountable, and you can no longer be Shadow II. The one with him will serve, otherwise the next time he will definitely bear the same punishment as the previous guy. "

The people were excited when they heard the choice I gave. Obviously I don't plan to lie. However, they did not immediately choose this option, because since I gave them a choice, it means that the two options should have different effects. Since there is already an option to release them, the other option will not necessarily be a punishment. Sexual, so they all want to know what the other option is.

Seeing that they did not choose immediately after hearing the first choice, I continued: "The second option is to let me kill you now, and then you will find Shadow Twenty and his third immediately after you are resurrected. Join in. "

"Do you want us to be a spy for you?" A long-faced rogue among the five of them first responded tentatively.

I nodded and said, "Yes, I just want you to be spies. Of course, this is not free."

Rose came out and said in my words: "You only need Shadow II and III to allow you to work for them again, and you can get five hundred crystal coins."


I nodded surely: "Yes, you can get as long as you mix in. As for those who have not mixed in, then I'm sorry, you better disappear as soon as possible. If you let us know that other people who mixed in will be exposed because of your reasons. Then, I will also punish you. "

After I finished speaking, Rose went on to say, "Successfully joined the opposing forces to serve each other. You can each receive 500 crystal coins, and if anyone has the ability to mix three talents, then he can get 500 crystals again. "And ..." Rose dragged a long note, and waited until the elders with their necks stretched out. "It's five hundred crystal coins a month."

"Every month?"

"Yes, that's right, five hundred crystal coins per month, and the settlement at the end of each month."

"Okay, I did it," the long-rogue guy shouted first.

"I did it too."

"And I."

"Count me in."

"I do too."

Five people cried together. Normal people will choose to accept such favorable conditions. After all, five hundred crystal coins are not too small, let alone this is issued monthly. You should know that the currency in "Zero" can be exchanged with RMB. Five hundred crystal coins are five thousand yuan. At the current level of consumption in China, if the quality of life is minimized, five thousand yuan can actually barely support a person. Normal life consumption. Of course, this premise is that you can only eat some very cheap food every day, and you must not have any extra consumption other than the necessities of life. But on the other hand, five of them are not professional players, which is just faster than money for them. This is as if you feel that your monthly salary is very small. If you suddenly get an unexpected amount of money equal to your salary, you will definitely feel that it is more considerable than money. After all, windfall and Formal income feels completely different.

After five people agreed to be spies for us, Rose went on to say: "Since you are all willing to join, I will tell you the details. Whether you are only officially hungry or not Members, you should try to understand the list of people around you and some simple information, such as the person's appearance characteristics, occupation, current level, approximate equipment and all the information you can get, anyway, the more detailed the better .But this specific information does not need to be risky. We mainly need the list of people and the occupation and approximate level of the other party. There is other information, and it does not matter. If you can get this information, we will pay you for each of them. The reward of five crystal coins, if you get the details of the other party, you can get ten crystal coins. We can calculate how much information you can get at this price, although one person's information is not very valuable, However, the quantity is still considerable. "

The five of them thought for a while and understood that we were right. After all, it is not very complicated to get a list of people. Each person can sell five crystal coins, and they can get five more with detailed information. This is definitely more profitable than buying and selling.

After five people digested the previous message, Rose went on to say: "Of course, we are not the wrongdoers, and we will not give money for repeated lists. We only pay for the first person who sent the list. Reward, then the second person who sends the same information will only get one tenth of the agreed remuneration, and the latter will have nothing. Of course, if anyone gets a simple list of people, others will complete the information. , Those five crystal coins of the detailed information will be paid to the person who completes the information. This we will not lie. "

"So what if we get other useful information?" These guys have begun to understand their value through the inspiration of roses, and actually know how to ask for other information how to count money.

Rose said: "As long as you have all the useful information, we occasionally publish some targeted information for you to help us investigate. Of course, before the survey task is released, it will tell you how much this task is worth. As for those of us, Information that has not been explained in advance and you think is valuable, you can send it all back to us, and we will give you an evaluation based on the importance of the information. You can rest assured that in order to ensure your initiative to help us with information, we will not hide the importance of the information Sex deliberately gives you less money, after all, then you send less information, and we lose more, so you do n’t have to worry about us giving you less money. Oh, by the way, here is something to say. And before The rules are the same. For the same information, we only recognize the information of the first person. The second person can get one-tenth of the first person's remuneration, and all subsequent ones are invalid. This rule is to urge You send the message as soon as possible, because most of the information is effective, the sooner we know it, the more the information will be Value. "

"Well, if we successfully mixed in, how can we contact you?" A player asked. "Even if we can put our trumpet in your guild and use it to pass information on both sides, we can't change back and forth at any time, anywhere? For example, sometimes we get some urgent information suddenly. In order to prevent being suspicious, we can't Offline to change numbers to inform you, what should I do in this case? "

Rose directly took a money bag and threw it to the questioning guy: "This is a hundred crystal coins, which is a reward for the initiative you have just thought about the details of the task. You must be so proactive to help us gather information, after all, Most of the important information is sudden. We can't specify in advance what information you want to collect and what information is not collected. Your subjective judgment is the most important thing. Like you just asked this question very well. "Rose said I took out five crystal communicators, and handed them: "This is a miniature crystal communicator. At present, our signals have covered most of the world, and domestic coverage is even more comprehensive. So in general, Can contact us. If you need communication, enter a unit of magic into the crystal, and then you can talk. "

Five people nodded and took the communication crystal, then said, "With this we can rest assured."

Rose continued: "Although these things are available, your trumpet still has to be placed in our guild. We will send a special 24-hour standby. You can change the trumpet to tell us whenever you have information. After all, the number change report does not use the communicator to better express your meaning. And I suggest that you should change the trumpet and try not to use the communicator. After all, you need to make a little sound when using the communicator, it may be found by others , So for your safety, you'd better try to notify us by changing numbers. "

The five of them thought that we were right, and all nodded and said they would try to notify us by changing numbers.

After they finished speaking, Rose said again: "In addition to collecting information, sometimes we may also need you to do something, such as quietly destroy something. These things will be released to you like a designated intelligence collection task, You can do it according to your own situation and the amount of compensation we give. However, such tasks are generally not released. After all, doing tasks is not like collecting intelligence and it is easy to reveal your identity. Therefore, we do not easily release tasks for you to do. what."

The five nodded, and one of them asked, "What if they let us attack your people or harass you?"

"Whatever you do, except for providing us with information and accepting our assigned tasks, you just have to treat yourself as the other person. For your spy status, even if we die a few people, what's the big deal? But if you feel that your mission is important, you'd better report it to us so that we can be prepared. "

Then we taught these people some basic skills of spying, and then killed them all one by one to bring them back to life. The reason to kill them once is to make your level match. There were too many people seen in their arrest, and the guy we killed back to Xinshoucun also knew about the five people's capture and interrogation. Although the guy may not be accepted again and pass on this information to them, we have to make a plan in case.

Now I kill them, they will drop a level, after they go back, they just say that they collectively resisted after the first person was killed, and finally grabbed the weapon and committed suicide. Although this lie is somewhat leaky, it can still be said in the past, at least the other party will not directly believe that they have defected.

After finishing with these five people, Rose and I returned to Isinger. This matter can only develop here for the time being. It will take some time for them to re-mix in three, so there will be no valuable information coming out in the short term. Of course, we can't all count on their five and a half amateur spies to send us information, we have to find a way.

"Like this? Let me think about it ~ ~ After returning to Isinger, Rose and I immediately convened the guild leadership and think tank to talk about the previous things. Su Mei heard what we said After the content, she meditated. After a while, she began to say, "I think we should send some fresh faces to find ways to mix in the three talents. After all, the five guys are too amateur. Their advantage is that they have been absorbed and easily recognized, but the disadvantage is that their intelligence gathering ability is too weak. The espionage profession we cultivate is relatively proficient, but it is a bit difficult to mix in, but we should still grasp it with both hands, no matter whether we succeed or not, we have nothing to lose. In addition, in addition to sending spies, active reconnaissance is also essential. If necessary, we can even launch a military reconnaissance. "

"Force reconnaissance?" I looked at Su Mei in surprise. "Will it be too intense? What if they scare away? We are not afraid that the enemy is in the bright place, but once they go underground, they will not be so easy to get them out."

Just after I asked, Rose didn't expect to say immediately: "No, I think Su Mei's opinion is very good. Before, I patronized the arrangement of spies. I actually forgot about it! We will just do this, and we will carry out armed reconnaissance immediately. . "

"Ah? Isn't it? So urgent?"

"Just be fast, the faster and more useful. Everyone is ready, we will start a battle."

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